Our WT exodus confirms "Truth isn't important anymore" (to WT)

We have sent out an email to our JW family and friends as well the elders and members of our congregation explaining why we no longer attend meetings. The letter exposed the failings of the organization including the covid debacle, their UN affiliation, CSA, kingdom hall confiscations and problems resulting from clarifications, i.e. Jerusalem no longer representing Christendom (a comparison of WT quotes regarding F&D compared to Jesus’ statements in the scripture). This gives you an idea of what was presented.

We sent the emails out on Monday. By midday, we received word from a congregation member that the elders instructed the friends “do not even open the email and delete it immediately”. Soon afterwards, we received a text from one the elders inquiring as to whether we actually sent the email or had we been hacked? We responded, “it was us”. At that point, all “hell” broke loose.

However, there was an interesting development. The congregation has a “Telegram” account which I set up a few years ago and I am the exclusive owner of the account. Since instructions were given to the friends to delete our email, we decided to select key points from the letter and posted them on Telegram. Since I remain the sole owner, they could not do single thing about it. The only elder with permissions to delete posts and add or remove members had moved and removed himself from the account. All they could do is, likely, panic from the sideline as we posted information (along with supporting affidavits from UN, itself) about their ten year UN affiliation as a NGO.

We have had our initial mandatory “two brother fact-gathering meeting”. Needless to say, it did not go well. Their one and only concern was that we made disparaging remarks regarding the Faithful slave which was, by no means, an accurate depiction of what was contained in our letter.

Even though the first point on their instruction protocol from the “Shepherd the Flock book” was to gather the facts, the facts were really of no interest. One elder made the statement that we are not going to talk about medical direction and we’re not going to talk about politics. By the way, these were the first 2 points that we addressed in our letter. We feel we very much held our own and they were on the defense. At one point in the letter, we indicated that we will probably be disfellowshipped. Then, in what was obviously an unexpected soft-pitch”, they made the statement that if we would agree to stop and not send out any more information, everything could end here. In other words, we would not be disciplined or disfellowshipped.

We have our thoughts as to why they offered us a “soft-pitch” way out? We would like to hear what you think.
We have sent out an email to our JW family and friends as well the elders and members of our congregation explaining why we no longer attend meetings. The letter exposed the failings of the organization including the covid debacle, their UN affiliation, CSA, kingdom hall confiscations and problems resulting from clarifications, i.e. Jerusalem no longer representing Christendom (a comparison of WT quotes regarding F&D compared to Jesus’ statements in the scripture). This gives you an idea of what was presented.

We sent the emails out on Monday. By midday, we received word from a congregation member that the elders instructed the friends “do not even open the email and delete it immediately”. Soon afterwards, we received a text from one the elders inquiring as to whether we actually sent the email or had we been hacked? We responded, “it was us”. At that point, all “hell” broke loose.

However, there was an interesting development. The congregation has a “Telegram” account which I set up a few years ago and I am the exclusive owner of the account. Since instructions were given to the friends to delete our email, we decided to select key points from the letter and posted them on Telegram. Since I remain the sole owner, they could not do single thing about it. The only elder with permissions to delete posts and add or remove members had moved and removed himself from the account. All they could do is, likely, panic from the sideline as we posted information (along with supporting affidavits from UN, itself) about their ten year UN affiliation as a NGO.

We have had our initial mandatory “two brother fact-gathering meeting”. Needless to say, it did not go well. Their one and only concern was that we made disparaging remarks regarding the Faithful slave which was, by no means, an accurate depiction of what was contained in our letter.

Even though the first point on their instruction protocol from the “Shepherd the Flock book” was to gather the facts, the facts were really of no interest. One elder made the statement that we are not going to talk about medical direction and we’re not going to talk about politics. By the way, these were the first 2 points that we addressed in our letter. We feel we very much held our own and they were on the defense. At one point in the letter, we indicated that we will probably be disfellowshipped. Then, in what was obviously an unexpected soft-pitch”, they made the statement that if we would agree to stop and not send out any more information, everything could end here. In other words, we would not be disciplined or disfellowshipped.

We have our thoughts as to why they offered us a “soft-pitch” way out? We would like to hear what you think.
Uno se da cuenta el lugar en el que está el pueblo de Jehová cuando vive en primera persona la censura por medio de la tiranía que reina en la WT. Habéis visto con vuestro ojos y sentidos profundos el rechazo. Recuerdo esa sensación cuando hablamos con los ancianos y con el siervo de distrito sobre nuestros pensamientos y 1914 y la obediencia al cuerpo gobernante. Fue como cuando me llamaron señora por primera vez, que me di la vuelta como diciendo, es a mí? 😂 no podía creer que ya tuviese el rango de señora y hubiese dejado el de joven mujer. Bueno, pues fue así, como un...llegó el día si, ya no hay marcha atrás. Ahora creen que soy apóstata o que estoy loca. Todo cambiará a partir de ahora. Fue una crónica de una muerte anunciada. Y me alegré. Me alegré mucho de mantener mi posición. Claro, fue después del shock, porque en nuestro caso el anciano se puso violento hasta el punto de disculparse. Ya sabíamos lo que pasaría y como reaccionarían y aún así lo hicimos. Si, porque somos libres no? Vimos que cuando al hombre se le priva de su libertad durante mucho tiempo como sucede en las congregaciones, ya no sabe ser libre y entra en pánico! Eso dice mucho.
Pero yo os digo que mires arriba! Allí donde está la fiesta, la buena fiesta! Mateo 5:11 Bienaventurados sois cuando por mi causa os vituperen y os persigan, y digan toda clase de mal contra vosotros, mintiendo. 12 Gozaos y alegraos, porque vuestro galardón es grande en los cielos; porque así persiguieron a los profetas que fueron antes de vosotros.
Pronto vendrán las explosiones y tenemos que protegernos. Mira como corrió la pólvora de rápido con vuestra carta, imagina cuando se traicionen toda la banda de apóstatas reales ahí dentro. Los quiero lejos!!
Aun así mucho ánimo, no es plato de buen gusto ver los tentáculos del mal actuar. Os mandamos un gran abrazo! Que Jehová os cuide y que nadie os robe el gozo de saber la verdad y querer proclamarla a los cuatro vientos❤️
Uno se da cuenta el lugar en el que está el pueblo de Jehová cuando vive en primera persona la censura por medio de la tiranía que reina en la WT. Habéis visto con vuestro ojos y sentidos profundos el rechazo. Recuerdo esa sensación cuando hablamos con los ancianos y con el siervo de distrito sobre nuestros pensamientos y 1914 y la obediencia al cuerpo gobernante. Fue como cuando me llamaron señora por primera vez, que me di la vuelta como diciendo, es a mí? 😂 no podía creer que ya tuviese el rango de señora y hubiese dejado el de joven mujer. Bueno, pues fue así, como un...llegó el día si, ya no hay marcha atrás. Ahora creen que soy apóstata o que estoy loca. Todo cambiará a partir de ahora. Fue una crónica de una muerte anunciada. Y me alegré. Me alegré mucho de mantener mi posición. Claro, fue después del shock, porque en nuestro caso el anciano se puso violento hasta el punto de disculparse. Ya sabíamos lo que pasaría y como reaccionarían y aún así lo hicimos. Si, porque somos libres no? Vimos que cuando al hombre se le priva de su libertad durante mucho tiempo como sucede en las congregaciones, ya no sabe ser libre y entra en pánico! Eso dice mucho.
Pero yo os digo que mires arriba! Allí donde está la fiesta, la buena fiesta! Mateo 5:11 Bienaventurados sois cuando por mi causa os vituperen y os persigan, y digan toda clase de mal contra vosotros, mintiendo. 12 Gozaos y alegraos, porque vuestro galardón es grande en los cielos; porque así persiguieron a los profetas que fueron antes de vosotros.
Pronto vendrán las explosiones y tenemos que protegernos. Mira como corrió la pólvora de rápido con vuestra carta, imagina cuando se traicionen toda la banda de apóstatas reales ahí dentro. Los quiero lejos!!
Aun así mucho ánimo, no es plato de buen gusto ver los tentáculos del mal actuar. Os mandamos un gran abrazo! Que Jehová os cuide y que nadie os robe el gozo de saber la verdad y querer proclamarla a los cuatro vientos❤️
Gracias por tu encantadora respuesta. Quizás uno tenga que experimentarlo de primera mano para obtener el impacto emocional completo. Nosotros, de la misma manera, nos sentimos cómodos con nuestra decisión, pero lamentamos que haya traído tristeza a las personas que nos importan. Pero, al mismo tiempo, era necesario hacerlo y estamos felices de habernos defendido de Jehová y de la verdad.
I neglected to follow through with a thought, the comment about Jesus placing himself in our day. Immediately after explaining the punishment of the two slaves, in the very next verse, Jesus said: “I came to start a fire on the earth, and what more is there for me to wish if it has already been lit?" So, the fire Jesus ignites will be when he comes to judge the household. He then speaks in the past tense, as having already come, saying, "I came to start a fire."
Gracias por tu encantadora respuesta. Quizás uno tenga que experimentarlo de primera mano para obtener el impacto emocional completo. Nosotros, de la misma manera, nos sentimos cómodos con nuestra decisión, pero lamentamos que haya traído tristeza a las personas que nos importan. Pero, al mismo tiempo, era necesario hacerlo y estamos felices de habernos defendido de Jehová y de la verdad.
Cómo dice Robert haciendo referencia a las palabras de Jesús, que más puedo desear si el fuego está encendido? Quizás seamos la chispa de esa dinamita a punto de explotar cuando su muro encalado se venga abajo. Predicar es eso, mira Juan el bautista, seguro que tuvo que tragarse algún informe de vestimenta!! Ja! Querido Cuerpo Gobernante, tanto que le gusta hablar de manera de la manera de vestir cristiana, les recomiendo que recuerden Mateo 3:1-11-En aquellos días, Juan el Bautista comenzó a predicar en el desierto de Judea. 2 Decía: “Arrepiéntanse, porque el Reino de los cielos se ha acercado”. 3 De hecho, él es aquel de quien se dijo por medio del profeta Isaías:“La voz de alguien grita en el desierto: ‘¡Preparen el camino de Jehová! Hagan que los caminos de él queden rectos’”.4 Juan iba vestido con ropa de pelo de camello y llevaba un cinturón de cuero a la cintura. Se alimentaba de langostas y miel silvestre.+ 5 Y la gente de Jerusalén, de toda Judea y de toda la región del Jordán iba a verlo.6 Él los bautizaba en el río Jordán y ellos confesaban sus pecados públicamente.
7 Al ver venir a muchos fariseos y saduceos al lugar del bautismo, Juan les dijo: “Crías de víboras,¿quién les advirtió que huyeran de la ira que va a venir? 8 Primero produzcan frutos que demuestren su arrepentimiento. 9 No se les ocurra decirse a sí mismos ‘Nuestro padre es Abrahán’. Porque les digo que Dios puede hacer que hasta de estas piedras surjan hijos para Abrahán. 10 El hacha ya está junto a la raíz de los árboles. Así que todo árbol que no dé buen fruto será cortado y echado al fuego. 11 Yo, por mi parte, los bautizo a ustedes con agua por su arrepentimiento. Pero el que viene después de mí es más poderoso que yo, y yo ni siquiera merezco quitarle las sandalias. Él los bautizará con espíritu santo y con fuego.
According to Google:

Meaning of dob someone in in “American”
To secretly tell someone in authority that someone else has done something wrong: Who was it who dobbed me in (to the teacher)?

I guess it’s like the American term “snitched”
And snitches...get stitches. :LOL:

Now onto the more serious business of google translating:
Uno se da cuenta el lugar en el que está el pueblo de Jehová cuando vive en primera persona la censura por medio de la tiranía que reina en la WT. Habéis visto con vuestro ojos y sentidos profundos el rechazo. Recuerdo esa sensación cuando hablamos con los ancianos y con el siervo de distrito sobre nuestros pensamientos y 1914 y la obediencia al cuerpo gobernante. Fue como cuando me llamaron señora por primera vez, que me di la vuelta como diciendo, es a mí? 😂 no podía creer que ya tuviese el rango de señora y hubiese dejado el de joven mujer. Bueno, pues fue así, como un...llegó el día si, ya no hay marcha atrás. Ahora creen que soy apóstata o que estoy loca. Todo cambiará a partir de ahora. Fue una crónica de una muerte anunciada. Y me alegré. Me alegré mucho de mantener mi posición. Claro, fue después del shock, porque en nuestro caso el anciano se puso violento hasta el punto de disculparse. Ya sabíamos lo que pasaría y como reaccionarían y aún así lo hicimos. Si, porque somos libres no? Vimos que cuando al hombre se le priva de su libertad durante mucho tiempo como sucede en las congregaciones, ya no sabe ser libre y entra en pánico! Eso dice mucho.
Pero yo os digo que mires arriba! Allí donde está la fiesta, la buena fiesta! Mateo 5:11 Bienaventurados sois cuando por mi causa os vituperen y os persigan, y digan toda clase de mal contra vosotros, mintiendo. 12 Gozaos y alegraos, porque vuestro galardón es grande en los cielos; porque así persiguieron a los profetas que fueron antes de vosotros.
Pronto vendrán las explosiones y tenemos que protegernos. Mira como corrió la pólvora de rápido con vuestra carta, imagina cuando se traicionen toda la banda de apóstatas reales ahí dentro. Los quiero lejos!!
Aun así mucho ánimo, no es plato de buen gusto ver los tentáculos del mal actuar. Os mandamos un gran abrazo! Que Jehová os cuide y que nadie os robe el gozo de saber la verdad y querer proclamarla a los cuatro vientos❤️
One realizes where Jehovah's people are when they experience first-hand the censorship through the tyranny that reigns in the WT. You have seen the rejection with your eyes and deep senses. I remember that feeling when we talked with the elders and the district servant about our thoughts and 1914 and obedience to the governing body. It was like when they called me ma'am for the first time, that I turned around as if to say, is it me? 😂 I couldn't believe that she already had the rank of lady and had left that of young woman. Well, it was like that, like...the day came, yes, there is no turning back. Now they think I'm an apostate or crazy. Everything will change from now on. It was a chronicle of a death foretold. And I was glad. I was very happy to maintain my position. Of course, it was after the shock, because in our case the old man became violent to the point of apologizing. We already knew what would happen and how they would react and we still did it. Yes, because we are free, right? We saw that when a man is deprived of his freedom for a long time as happens in congregations, he no longer knows how to be free and panics! That says a lot.
But I tell you to look up! Where the party is, the good party! Matthew 5:11 Blessed are you when people revile you and persecute you for my sake and say all kinds of evil against you, lying. 12 Rejoice and be glad, for your reward is great in heaven; for thus they persecuted the prophets who were before you.
Soon the explosions will come and we have to protect ourselves. Look how quickly the gunpowder spread with your letter, imagine when the entire band of royal apostates will betray themselves in there. I want them away!!
Even so, be encouraged, it is not a dish of good taste to see the tentacles of evil acting. We send you a big hug! May Jehovah take care of you and may no one steal the joy of knowing the truth and wanting to proclaim it to the four winds❤️
Gracias por tu encantadora respuesta. Quizás uno tenga que experimentarlo de primera mano para obtener el impacto emocional completo. Nosotros, de la misma manera, nos sentimos cómodos con nuestra decisión, pero lamentamos que haya traído tristeza a las personas que nos importan. Pero, al mismo tiempo, era necesario hacerlo y estamos felices de habernos defendido de Jehová y de la verdad.
Thank you for your lovely response. Perhaps one has to experience it firsthand to get the full emotional impact. We, likewise, feel comfortable with our decision, but regret that it brought sadness to the people we care about. But at the same time, it was necessary to do it and we are happy that we stood up for Jehovah and the truth.
Cómo dice Robert haciendo referencia a las palabras de Jesús, que más puedo desear si el fuego está encendido? Quizás seamos la chispa de esa dinamita a punto de explotar cuando su muro encalado se venga abajo. Predicar es eso, mira Juan el bautista, seguro que tuvo que tragarse algún informe de vestimenta!! Ja! Querido Cuerpo Gobernante, tanto que le gusta hablar de manera de la manera de vestir cristiana, les recomiendo que recuerden Mateo 3:1-11-En aquellos días, Juan el Bautista comenzó a predicar en el desierto de Judea. 2 Decía: “Arrepiéntanse, porque el Reino de los cielos se ha acercado”. 3 De hecho, él es aquel de quien se dijo por medio del profeta Isaías:“La voz de alguien grita en el desierto: ‘¡Preparen el camino de Jehová! Hagan que los caminos de él queden rectos’”.4 Juan iba vestido con ropa de pelo de camello y llevaba un cinturón de cuero a la cintura. Se alimentaba de langostas y miel silvestre.+ 5 Y la gente de Jerusalén, de toda Judea y de toda la región del Jordán iba a verlo.6 Él los bautizaba en el río Jordán y ellos confesaban sus pecados públicamente.
7 Al ver venir a muchos fariseos y saduceos al lugar del bautismo, Juan les dijo: “Crías de víboras,¿quién les advirtió que huyeran de la ira que va a venir? 8 Primero produzcan frutos que demuestren su arrepentimiento. 9 No se les ocurra decirse a sí mismos ‘Nuestro padre es Abrahán’. Porque les digo que Dios puede hacer que hasta de estas piedras surjan hijos para Abrahán. 10 El hacha ya está junto a la raíz de los árboles. Así que todo árbol que no dé buen fruto será cortado y echado al fuego. 11 Yo, por mi parte, los bautizo a ustedes con agua por su arrepentimiento. Pero el que viene después de mí es más poderoso que yo, y yo ni siquiera merezco quitarle las sandalias. Él los bautizará con espíritu santo y con fuego.
How does Robert say, referring to the words of Jesus, what more can I want if the fire is lit? Perhaps we are the spark of that dynamite about to explode when its whitewashed wall collapses. That's what preaching is, look at John the Baptist, I'm sure he had to swallow some dress report!! Ha! Dear Governing Body, so much so that you like to speak in the manner of Christian dress, I recommend that you remember Matthew 3:1-11-In those days, John the Baptist began to preach in the Judean Desert. 2 He said: “Repent, for the Kingdom of heaven is at hand.” 3 In fact, he is the one of whom it was said through the prophet Isaiah: “Someone's voice cries in the wilderness: ‘Prepare the way of the Lord! Make his paths straight.’”4 John was dressed in camel hair clothing and had a leather belt around his waist. He fed on locusts and wild honey. + 5 And the people of Jerusalem, from all Judea and from all the region of the Jordan came to see him.6 He baptized them in the Jordan River and they confessed their sins publicly.
7 Seeing many Pharisees and Sadducees coming to the place of baptism, John said to them, “You young vipers, who warned you to flee from the wrath that is coming? 8 First produce fruit that shows his repentance. 9 Do not say to yourselves, 'Our father is Abraham.' Because I tell you that God can make even these stones raise children for Abraham. 10 The ax is already next to the roots of the trees. So every tree that does not bear good fruit will be cut down and thrown into the fire. 11 I, for my part, baptize you with water for your repentance. But he who comes after me is more powerful than me, and I do not even deserve to take off his sandals. He will baptize them with holy spirit and with fire.
And snitches...get stitches. :LOL:

Now onto the more serious business of google translating:

One realizes where Jehovah's people are when they experience first-hand the censorship through the tyranny that reigns in the WT. You have seen the rejection with your eyes and deep senses. I remember that feeling when we talked with the elders and the district servant about our thoughts and 1914 and obedience to the governing body. It was like when they called me ma'am for the first time, that I turned around as if to say, is it me? 😂 I couldn't believe that she already had the rank of lady and had left that of young woman. Well, it was like that, like...the day came, yes, there is no turning back. Now they think I'm an apostate or crazy. Everything will change from now on. It was a chronicle of a death foretold. And I was glad. I was very happy to maintain my position. Of course, it was after the shock, because in our case the old man became violent to the point of apologizing. We already knew what would happen and how they would react and we still did it. Yes, because we are free, right? We saw that when a man is deprived of his freedom for a long time as happens in congregations, he no longer knows how to be free and panics! That says a lot.
But I tell you to look up! Where the party is, the good party! Matthew 5:11 Blessed are you when people revile you and persecute you for my sake and say all kinds of evil against you, lying. 12 Rejoice and be glad, for your reward is great in heaven; for thus they persecuted the prophets who were before you.
Soon the explosions will come and we have to protect ourselves. Look how quickly the gunpowder spread with your letter, imagine when the entire band of royal apostates will betray themselves in there. I want them away!!
Even so, be encouraged, it is not a dish of good taste to see the tentacles of evil acting. We send you a big hug! May Jehovah take care of you and may no one steal the joy of knowing the truth and wanting to proclaim it to the four winds❤️

Thank you for your lovely response. Perhaps one has to experience it firsthand to get the full emotional impact. We, likewise, feel comfortable with our decision, but regret that it brought sadness to the people we care about. But at the same time, it was necessary to do it and we are happy that we stood up for Jehovah and the truth.

How does Robert say, referring to the words of Jesus, what more can I want if the fire is lit? Perhaps we are the spark of that dynamite about to explode when its whitewashed wall collapses. That's what preaching is, look at John the Baptist, I'm sure he had to swallow some dress report!! Ha! Dear Governing Body, so much so that you like to speak in the manner of Christian dress, I recommend that you remember Matthew 3:1-11-In those days, John the Baptist began to preach in the Judean Desert. 2 He said: “Repent, for the Kingdom of heaven is at hand.” 3 In fact, he is the one of whom it was said through the prophet Isaiah: “Someone's voice cries in the wilderness: ‘Prepare the way of the Lord! Make his paths straight.’”4 John was dressed in camel hair clothing and had a leather belt around his waist. He fed on locusts and wild honey. + 5 And the people of Jerusalem, from all Judea and from all the region of the Jordan came to see him.6 He baptized them in the Jordan River and they confessed their sins publicly.
7 Seeing many Pharisees and Sadducees coming to the place of baptism, John said to them, “You young vipers, who warned you to flee from the wrath that is coming? 8 First produce fruit that shows his repentance. 9 Do not say to yourselves, 'Our father is Abraham.' Because I tell you that God can make even these stones raise children for Abraham. 10 The ax is already next to the roots of the trees. So every tree that does not bear good fruit will be cut down and thrown into the fire. 11 I, for my part, baptize you with water for your repentance. But he who comes after me is more powerful than me, and I do not even deserve to take off his sandals. He will baptize them with holy spirit and with fire.
Reading Ana's comments is like reading poetry. Beautifully expressed.
I don’t understand what you mean by the above sentence. Can you explain to the American ear?
Haha! Sorry
According to Google:

Meaning of dob someone in in “American”
To secretly tell someone in authority that someone else has done something wrong: Who was it who dobbed me in (to the teacher)?

I guess it’s like the American term “snitched”
Yes, I "snitched" on myself 🤭
Each occasion that a brother or sister takes a stand for what is true and it contradicts the GB, it creates a new crack in the “dam”. Every unexplained and sudden death and illness creates a new crack in the dam. Many other issues are creating cracks in the dam. But ultimately, it will be Jehovah who will burst the dam. One way we can show honor to those taking the lead is to trust that they will come to their senses when Jehovah corrects them. We who see the truth of the events we have witnessed and who have had our eyes opened along with a new understanding of scriptures, must be courageous and faithful and continue to tell the truth. It is actually the easiest path.

Yes but if we keep telling the truth, then we'll get chucked out into the street and then we won't be able to tell anymore. I feel like I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place, damned if I do and damned if I don't ☹️
Reading Ana's comments is like reading poetry. Beautifully expressed.
Tus ojos bonitos que me leen con cariño. Linda Susan! que bueno es que me veas como tú lo haces, yo también te quiero hermana❤️ . Ya puedo oler la barbacoa de Meditador entre los campos de piña hawaianos. Dile que llegaré desde Mundaka a Maui sobre la ola de izquierda más grande hasta la ola de derecha más divertida en a bahía de Honolua. 🏄🏻Llevo el vino, los canapés llegarían mojados. Solo manda las coordenadas.😘
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The Rock is Jehovah and the hard place is the Kingdom Hall. Get closer to the Rock. Our prayers are with you.
I am sticking very close to Jehovah. I'm just glad I didn't start going back to the Kingdom hall for meetings and ministry, I feel like I'm off the radar so to speak. But I'm finding it very hard to explain stuff to my son who couldn't wait to go back to the hall. There are many brothers in the congregations who give lovely, encouraging talks, even on the website videos, and I'm happy to keep in touch in order to hear them and take advice from. It's the "superfine apostles" I struggle to listen to and obey. It will be so much easier once Jehovah has revealed everything and removed the bad guys 😕
Tus ojos bonitos que me leen con cariño. Linda Susan! que bueno es que me veas como tú lo haces, yo también te quiero hermana❤️ . Ya puedo oler la barbacoa de Meditador entre los campos de piña hawaianos. Dile que llegaré desde Mundaka a Maui sobre la ola de izquierda más grande hasta la ola de derecha más divertida en a bahía de Honolua. 🏄🏻Llevo el vino, los canapés llegarían mojados. Solo manda las coordenadas.😘
Honolua Bay is a perfect venue for our event! Las Coordenadas for Honolua are: 21 degrees 01' 06.50" North ... BY ... 156 degrees 38' 21.58" West

We will have a dry towel waiting for you dear sister! And food!
“do not even open the email and delete it immediately”
The more I think about this, the more clarity I have...."Truth isn't important anymore" (to WT)...actually the truth is, that WT is scared to death of the truth. The scripture I paraphrased in my earlier comment is from Jesus's "Sermon on the Mount", Matt 7:24, “Therefore, everyone who hears these sayings of mine and does them will be like a discreet man who built his house on the rock." So, the obvious question here is, "What sayings"? Well, these are the last verses from Jesus sermon on the mount, sort of a summary of the rest of the sermon and I know we all know it but what does 26 & 27 say...those who don't listen to Jesus' words and do, them, is "like a foolish man who built his house on the sand." "And the rain poured down and the floods came and the winds blew and struck against that house,and it caved in, and its collapse was great.”

Notice Jesus words say NOTHING, about "do not even open the email"...why? Because the wind, rain, and floods will come no matter what. What matter's is the foundation for which our faith is built on. This is why so many who when they read the truth about the org, become bitter and angry Ex-JW's...but it also explains why those of us here, have not become angry bitter ExJW's.

But there is something else very telling in all this, and that is it reveals how desperate WT and the GB really are. It also reveals they KNOW, they have NOT been giving Jesus sheep, "food at the proper time" because Jesus explained what the fruitage of such food would be, verse 25, "And the rain poured down and the floods came and the winds blew and lashed against that house, but it did not cave in, for it had been founded on the rock."

Another thing that I find quite remarkable about these last few verses from Matt. chapter 7, in the verses immediately prior to Jesus talking about what our faith should be built on, is in verses 21-23...that's the famous "get away from me I never knew you you workers of lawlessness"...these actual apostates who claim to represent "Jehovah's Organization" they claim that Jesus requires us to listen to them, but Jesus said follow HIS words, not the word of the "appointed slave". So, what we need to worry about is Jesus words, and follow him, and the "apostate driven lies" will have no effect on us. Our faith will NOT "cave in." Peter said "WHO, are we going to go away to", NOT where, they were already a part of "Jehovah's Organization".

So I submit, it's not that "truth isn't important anymore" but rather the most important thing for WT, is to cover up and hide the truth, because their lies cannot stand up to the light the truth reveals about them, so like the true cock roaches that they are, when the light switch is turned on they scurry about and run for the darkness because the darkness provides cover, and comfort for all cock roaches!!!!!

BTW, keep in mind the expression, "keep them in the dark", refers to keeping the truth from someone, or simply keep information from someone that they don't want to know it.

Tus ojos bonitos que me leen con cariño. Linda Susan! que bueno es que me veas como tú lo haces, yo también te quiero hermana❤️ . Ya puedo oler la barbacoa de Meditador entre los campos de piña hawaianos. Dile que llegaré desde Mundaka a Maui sobre la ola de izquierda más grande hasta la ola de derecha más divertida en a bahía de Honolua. 🏄🏻Llevo el vino, los canapés llegarían mojados. Solo manda las coordenadas.😘
Your beautiful eyes that read me with affection. Beautiful Susan! How good it is that you see me the way you do, I love you too sister❤️. I can already smell Meditador's barbecue among the Hawaiian pineapple fields. Tell him I'll get from Mundaka to Maui on the biggest left wave to the funniest right wave in Honolua Bay. 🏄🏻I bring the wine, the canapés would arrive wet. Just send the coordinates.😘
Yo con unos abrazos estoy más que satisfecha😍
With some hugs I am more than satisfied