Podcast #85 - Watchman Radio roll'n again

A really good point you make is your it going to change what is going to unfold or how Satan operates (not those exact words) I totally agree with that and there can be a problem to get drawn into things even if your reasons for following groups or people is to keep watch, it’s easy to join the “we can change this” “people power” marching for freedom etc. we can’t change any of this we have to wait on Jehovah
A very catchy little tune indeed so catchy that my husband was dancing like a doof 😂 😂. Always enjoy hearing your voice as well Robert hope you stay warm we here in NJ are getting ready for a snowstorm,I have alot of shoveling ahead of me at work.
The collapse isn't the tribulation, it's still Matthew 24's pangs of distress.... I think.

And the Watchtower's take on the vaccine it absolutely pathetic. You can't go to a Kingdom Hall if you not vaccinated. The Watchtower is neutral? Yeah right! If they was neutral, they wouldn't be bending the knee to the governments and siding with them like this.
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And the Watchtower's take on the vaccine it absolutely pathetic. You can't go to a Kingdom Hall if you not vaccinated. The Watchtower is neutral? Yeah right! If they was neutral, they wouldn't be bending the knee to the governments and siding with them like this.
The WT and the GB are promoting death! Spiritual as well as physical -
They are acting just like satan when he said to Eve that what Jehovah God made for them "just wasn't good enough" - so to speak.
[ We can protect our health by using natural remedies and nutritious food supplied by our creator - and it works, because Jehovah made it! ]
The truth is too simple for them - it's far above their [GB] heads!
(“Woe to the stupid prophets, who follow their own spirit, when they have seen nothing"

Ezekiel 13:3)

que feliz estaba de haber logrado poner los subtitulos en ingles a tus videos de you tube... curiosamente solo puedo traducirlos de este foro. raro raro raro...