Robert's Missing Content


Well-known member
I spent all week out of town on the tie gang. When I got home I had several notifications on my laptop of articles Robert posted, but I can't find them. It even looks like he made a video. The notification said something like it's been a couple of months since my last video. I was like oh sweet, new stuff. But then when I clicked on it it didn't go anywhere. So I went to the website to check there. I found nothing. I went to YouTube to see if there was a video there. Absolutely nothing. Was I so sleep deprived that I imagined this? I can't even find the notifications now.
La ultima fue esta, mientras solucionas tus nadas. Es para leerlo varias veces, así que te dejo con buenas letras.😘
La ultima fue esta, mientras solucionas tus nadas. Es para leerlo varias veces, así que te dejo con buenas letras.😘
Con su ayuda, estoy seguro de que podremos completar las letras faltantes en mi vida con una experiencia de BBQ auténtica y deliciosa con su familia.
Con su ayuda, estoy seguro de que podremos completar las letras faltantes en mi vida con una experiencia de BBQ auténtica y deliciosa con su familia.
Cuando quieras aquí estamos. Mi marido y yo estuvimos 2 años viviendo separados a miles de Km antes de casarnos. Somos expertos en ofrecer cercanía online. Comíamos frente a la cámara, leíamos frente a la cámara, trabajábamos frente a la cámara. Que buenos tiempos!! Usábamos el Messenger, con cambio de hora de 5 horas, yo comía y el desayunaba. Fue toda una experiencia maravillosa!! Eso sí, no te prometo que podrás oler el asado pero siempre podemos coincidir en unos buenos huevos con patatas, una de nuestras comidas preferidas!! ☺️
I spent all week out of town on the tie gang. When I got home I had several notifications on my laptop of articles Robert posted, but I can't find them. It even looks like I made a video. The notification said something like it's been a couple of months since my last video. I was like oh sweet, new stuff. But then when I clicked on it it didn't go anywhere. So I went to the website to check there. I found nothing. I went to YouTube to see if there was a video there. Absolutely nothing. Was I so sleep deprived that I imagined this? I can't even find the notifications now.
the same thing happened to me too 🤯
I spent all week out of town on the tie gang. When I got home I had several notifications on my laptop of articles Robert posted, but I can't find them. It even looks like he made a video. The notification said something like it's been a couple of months since my last video. I was like oh sweet, new stuff. But then when I clicked on it it didn't go anywhere. So I went to the website to check there. I found nothing. I went to YouTube to see if there was a video there. Absolutely nothing. Was I so sleep deprived that I imagined this? I can't even find the notifications now.
Yeah, I have been having something similar happening.
Yeah, I have been having something similar happening.
I don't know if these are what you missed but I got these three links...are these the missing ones? If they are then the video to click is bottom of writing
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I don't know if these are what you missed but I got these three links...are these the missing ones?
Ah, okay, I guess turning off the app didn't work as planned. :(o_O
Well, at least I know I'm not losing my mind yet. Today seems like it'll be a pretty chill day. We're having some kind of company BBQ for a guy that's retiring. It's probably not gonna be great, but it's free food. Gotta be better than that continental breakfast they had up north.
I don't know if these are what you missed but I got these three links...are these the missing ones? If they are then the video to click is bottom of writing
Thanks. I will take a look later :)
I spent all week out of town on the tie gang. When I got home I had several notifications on my laptop of articles Robert posted, but I can't find them. It even looks like he made a video. The notification said something like it's been a couple of months since my last video. I was like oh sweet, new stuff. But then when I clicked on it it didn't go anywhere. So I went to the website to check there. I found nothing. I went to YouTube to see if there was a video there. Absolutely nothing. Was I so sleep deprived that I imagined this? I can't even find the notifications now.
Hahaha-😄 it just happened again on my phone -a few minutes ago, saying- King of the North part one , a new content notification . - I think Roberts been hacked by the King of the North ! 🤣 😃
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I spent all week out of town on the tie gang. When I got home I had several notifications on my laptop of articles Robert posted, but I can't find them. It even looks like he made a video. The notification said something like it's been a couple of months since my last video. I was like oh sweet, new stuff. But then when I clicked on it it didn't go anywhere. So I went to the website to check there. I found nothing. I went to YouTube to see if there was a video there. Absolutely nothing. Was I so sleep deprived that I imagined this? I can't even find the notifications now.
Hahaha- 😂 yeah Jahrule : I spent about 20 minutes looking for the new content- I looked on the video page - I looked on the front page of , I turned my phone off then back on- thinking it was my phone. Then I did my dumb - sleepyJoe Biden impression - COME ON MAN ! 😴
Ah, okay, I guess turning off the app didn't work as planned. :(o_O
It probably worked. Just not in the way you imagined. Web apps be like that. Well, all apps be like that. I assume you eventually turned it back on. If you made any changes, then turned it back on, the code likely noticed there were changes when reactivated. Thus the updated notifications. Of course, that's just a theory. All the programs I wrote back in the day also had random unintended results. Some people call them bugs. I call them apps with learning disabilities.
I spent all week out of town on the tie gang. When I got home I had several notifications on my laptop of articles Robert posted, but I can't find them. It even looks like he made a video. The notification said something like it's been a couple of months since my last video. I was like oh sweet, new stuff. But then when I clicked on it it didn't go anywhere. So I went to the website to check there. I found nothing. I went to YouTube to see if there was a video there. Absolutely nothing. Was I so sleep deprived that I imagined this? I can't even find the notifications now.
They came up as notifications on MY phone too! But when I had a chance to look at them properly, they had all disappeared 😅