Start a Garden, share your tips and tricks ⬇️

My wife and I have had a couple of gardens for the past 10 years. We have a division of labor. I do the heavy stuff, tilling, composting, cultivating, etc; and she does the planting, weeding, etc. We have had a few raised beds, but last year my wife spent so much time on her knees, weeding, etc, that she developed arthritis. So, this year we are going all raised beds, except for corn and vining stuff like melons and zuchinni.

Last year, I hired some Amish carpenters to turn an old shed, smokehouse, into a greenhouse, so today, my wife just transferred the basement-grown seedlings out to the greenhouse. Michigan is really tricky. We just had a frost a few days ago and it is not uncommon to get a frost in May. So, we usually hold off on putting things in the ground until late May.

Food out of the garden is so much better and healthier than anything you buy in a store. If you can only grow some spinach or lettuce in a trough or bucket, it is worth it.

Here's a gardening tip. For years, we planted marigolds throughout the garden as pest control. I wasn't sure if it worked. It is just a tip I picked up from gardeners. Well, last year, I neglected to plant marigolds, and these white butterflies laid eggs everywhere. When the caterpillars emerged, they devoured all the broccoli and cauliflower and were working on the kale. So, this year, it is back to the marigolds.
Oops! School boy error as my hubby would say 😚 They're called Cabbage Whites Robert, you can also check the underside of the leaves and remove the eggs individually, bit laborious but every little helps 😊
Caléndulas, aceite de Neem, jabón potásico y tierra de diatomeas son los mejores para las plagas. En mi huerto nunca faltan!!
Me sorprende que nuestros hermanos estadounidenses no salgan al jardín con una escopeta y simplemente disparen a las plagas hasta el olvido. Aquí en Inglaterra, nuestro jardinero jefe tiene un equipo dedicado de control de plagas que seleccionan individualmente cualquier insecto no deseado y lo fríen con arroz para el té. Parece que les vaya bastante bien. 🧐
I try growing things but they tend to die on me despite following instructions carefully. Recently, I tried growing cucumbers ( now dying) and tomato plants ( now dying) I planted some green peppers and they are doing OK for now. If anyone has a tip on how to grow a green thumb, (or green fingers as us Brits say) please let me know the secret to your success ✋
Last year, I hired some Amish carpenters to turn an old shed, smokehouse, into a greenhouse, so today, my wife just transferred the basement-grown seedlings out to the greenhouse. Michigan is really tricky. We just had a frost a few days ago and it is not uncommon to get a frost in May. So, we usually hold off on putting things in the ground until late May.
Here’s a tip in case of this…a sister shared with me a few years ago about something I’d never heard of before called grow bags.
You may have heard of them but I think they would be good for reasons and times as what you mentioned here.
