Better stock up!

what makes us so special?
The first century Christians will all be kings. We are not higher than they are so yes, we will be tested. Satan has demanded it. When the Revelation book came out, the very first page I read was about the mark. Imagine my dismay to read what was written there. Cakewalk. That's what the lords of Bethel say. I never bought it but I had to keep my mouth shut. Any JW I tried to reason with, gave me the glassy eyed blank stare, including my wife and her family. It's the waiting that is most disturbing. When things get cooking we likely won't have this to exchange ideas and support. For whatever reason, they will put a stop to it. If you've got anything else, get it off your chest now I say.
It will be brutal and I say this so that everyone reading this will strengthen their resolve and build their faith as strong as they can.
I am no Jesus and I am unfit to untie his sandal but I am beginning to understand how he felt right before the end.
Pie in the sky talk
On the land/sea ratio thing got mixed up with the 2 Esdras passage on behemoth and leviathan. I agree it's wise to be pessimistic but I would say it's inadvisable to dismiss this passage as a disciple of the apostle John claimed that he was told by the apostle that Jesus said something that can be identified as a direct quotation of the chapter of 2 Baruch I pasted in the last post.
The first century Christians will all be kings. We are not higher than they are so yes, we will be tested. Satan has demanded it. When the Revelation book came out, the very first page I read was about the mark. Imagine my dismay to read what was written there. Cakewalk. That's what the lords of Bethel say. I never bought it but I had to keep my mouth shut. Any JW I tried to reason with, gave me the glassy eyed blank stare, including my wife and her family. It's the waiting that is most disturbing. When things get cooking we likely won't have this to exchange ideas and support. For whatever reason, they will put a stop to it. If you've got anything else, get it off your chest now I say.
It will be brutal and I say this so that everyone reading this will strengthen their resolve and build their faith as strong as they can.
I am no Jesus and I am unfit to untie his sandal but I am beginning to understand how he felt right before the end.
Very powerful and true words @BagdadBill. Wish we could all be together 🥴🙏🏼
Not at all Bill.
I’m just looking at what the future holds for us and some here think Jehovah is going to hide the faithful in some kind of sanctuary or refuge during the day of distress.
Jesus did say we will all be tested fully so I have a problem with the rainbows and unicorns outlook many have.
I think we will all be tested to the last draw of our breath.
The first century apostles were so what makes us so special?
It sounds like you've swallowed a black pill by accident my Brother. You've got me worried TBH.

Rev7:9 "Look! a great crowd, which no man was able to number, . . . standing before the throne and before the Lamb."

Imagine that; which no man was able to number. That sounds like a lot to me. Probably in the hundreds of millions, at least. Since there are only about 8 million JWs on the earth that indicates to me a vast mixed company that will come out of the world. Not unlike the Israelites leaving Egypt with a vast mixed company.

Of course, if you are of the anointed this would not apply to you. But then again, if you're one of the anointed, you'll be one of the only ones in history that will die and then return to kick the ass of the ones that murdered you.

But, there are never any guarantees of course, even for the great crowd..

Zeph 2:3 "Seek Jehovah, all you meek ones of the earth,Who observe his righteous decrees. Seek righteousness, seek meekness. Probably you will be concealed on the day of Jehovah’s anger."

If I say I'm probably coming over to your house for a beer at can bet I'll be there unless I get in an accident or run into a carload of NWO clowns looking to vaxx me.

Since this promise is coming from Jah, you can bet on it. No carload of clowns will stop him. The problem is that you may do something that will put yourself in harms way. That's what the probably means, IMO, it hangs on you and what you do, not on some whim of Jehovah. At least, if you do make a mistake and forfeit your life, Jah will resurrect you into a beautiful new world.

And lastly but not leastly...

Luke 12:6-7

"Five sparrows sell for two coins of small value, do they not? Yet not one of them is forgotten by God. 7 But even the hairs of your head are all numbered. Have no fear; you are worth more than many sparrows."

Jehovah is watching you constantly...but not in a creepy Bill Gates way...

He knows what you can endure, your weak points and your fears. Have faith and stick to his instructions and you'll be fine.

I'm not a man that Jehovah would necessarily listen to but I pray for this group all the time. There are some genuinely good Brother and Sisters in this forum, including yourself. May Jehovah bless us all to make it through this current madness and see his promised new world.
Of course, if you are of the anointed this would not apply to you. But then again, if you're one of the anointed, you'll be one of the only ones in history that will die and then return to kick the ass of the ones that murdered you.

I like how you roll. Nothing like a little dose of truth to put things into perspective. All I can add to that is, they will likely be filled with righteous anger when they show up ready to rumble. One angel against the vast army of Assyria. Imagine what the anointed brothers of Christ will do. No disrespect to that angel.
It sounds like you've swallowed a black pill by accident my Brother. You've got me worried TBH.

Rev7:9 "Look! a great crowd, which no man was able to number, . . . standing before the throne and before the Lamb."

Imagine that; which no man was able to number. That sounds like a lot to me. Probably in the hundreds of millions, at least. Since there are only about 8 million JWs on the earth that indicates to me a vast mixed company that will come out of the world. Not unlike the Israelites leaving Egypt with a vast mixed company.

Of course, if you are of the anointed this would not apply to you. But then again, if you're one of the anointed, you'll be one of the only ones in history that will die and then return to kick the ass of the ones that murdered you.

But, there are never any guarantees of course, even for the great crowd..

Zeph 2:3 "Seek Jehovah, all you meek ones of the earth,Who observe his righteous decrees. Seek righteousness, seek meekness. Probably you will be concealed on the day of Jehovah’s anger."

If I say I'm probably coming over to your house for a beer at can bet I'll be there unless I get in an accident or run into a carload of NWO clowns looking to vaxx me.

Since this promise is coming from Jah, you can bet on it. No carload of clowns will stop him. The problem is that you may do something that will put yourself in harms way. That's what the probably means, IMO, it hangs on you and what you do, not on some whim of Jehovah. At least, if you do make a mistake and forfeit your life, Jah will resurrect you into a beautiful new world.

And lastly but not leastly...

Luke 12:6-7

"Five sparrows sell for two coins of small value, do they not? Yet not one of them is forgotten by God. 7 But even the hairs of your head are all numbered. Have no fear; you are worth more than many sparrows."

Jehovah is watching you constantly...but not in a creepy Bill Gates way...

He knows what you can endure, your weak points and your fears. Have faith and stick to his instructions and you'll be fine.

I'm not a man that Jehovah would necessarily listen to but I pray for this group all the time. There are some genuinely good Brother and Sisters in this forum, including yourself. May Jehovah bless us all to make it through this current madness and see his promised new world.
I been lacking in my spiritual journey, I feel overwhelmed with everything. But this text right here. Made me smile and gave me hope, that maybe Jehovah will deem me worthy in the end. When the tribulation starts I pray that my kind heart doesn’t fail me. Or hope that Jehovah sees my heart condition and redeem me. I know the text was not aimed at me. But Thank you.
When things get cooking we likely won't have this to exchange ideas and support. For whatever reason, they will put a stop to it. If you've got anything else, get it off your chest now I say.
On January 5th I felt a strong urge to buy a cottage on Lake Huron, 4 miles from my boys. Two months later I was moved up to the country, and my home of 20 years was sold in 3 days. I got out just in time, considering home prices are topping out, and it was no accident. I enjoy a great working relationship with my ex-wife, which is helping my sons more than I could ever have imagined. We have a nice garden tilled, there are plenty of deer, turkeys and small game surrounding her secluded home, and I have the lake to fish in and gather fresh water if I have to. I've invested in solar and wind generators, as well as emergency gas generators with plenty of gas. There are a ton of dead trees for the fireplace thanks to the invasive Emerald Ash Borer. The basement cellar is stacked with food, we have lots of barterable goods and there is little threat from roving gangs to worry about. We're definitely "stocked up," but I'll leave it all if Jehovah tells me to go... even though I feel He wants me here. So why am I so lucky while others are less fortunate? Because I truly believe Jehovah's called me to prepare like a mini Joseph, so that I can help those who can't afford to. He'll make sure those in need cross paths with those who have excess.

I keep telling my sons to prepare for the GT, but they don't share my faith in Jehovah and Jesus... YET. When the action starts, a lot of people will wake up and remember the words of those who've been warning about the coming storm. I may die during the GT or HOT, so I keep rehashing with my family what to expect up until Armageddon. Honestly, I'm ready to go right now, but there are 2 reasons I want to stay. The first is so I can help guide my family through the storm, and the other is because I'm excited to see Jehovah and Jesus drop the hammer on evil. It will be so satisfying to see evil vanquished. I feel tremendous empathy for those who choose incorrectly, because I know some of them will be my family & friends. We must all prepare to be hated by people who love us today. Once they choose the MOTB, Jehovah will give them over to Satan and they will instantly change into something we won't recognize. Having our faith tested should be considered an honor. What's depressing is the knowledge that some, or many, of those we love will choose the MOTB.
It sounds like you've swallowed a black pill by accident my Brother. You've got me worried TBH.

Rev7:9 "Look! a great crowd, which no man was able to number, . . . standing before the throne and before the Lamb."

Imagine that; which no man was able to number. That sounds like a lot to me. Probably in the hundreds of millions, at least. Since there are only about 8 million JWs on the earth that indicates to me a vast mixed company that will come out of the world. Not unlike the Israelites leaving Egypt with a vast mixed company.

Of course, if you are of the anointed this would not apply to you. But then again, if you're one of the anointed, you'll be one of the only ones in history that will die and then return to kick the ass of the ones that murdered you.

But, there are never any guarantees of course, even for the great crowd..

Zeph 2:3 "Seek Jehovah, all you meek ones of the earth,Who observe his righteous decrees. Seek righteousness, seek meekness. Probably you will be concealed on the day of Jehovah’s anger."

If I say I'm probably coming over to your house for a beer at can bet I'll be there unless I get in an accident or run into a carload of NWO clowns looking to vaxx me.

Since this promise is coming from Jah, you can bet on it. No carload of clowns will stop him. The problem is that you may do something that will put yourself in harms way. That's what the probably means, IMO, it hangs on you and what you do, not on some whim of Jehovah. At least, if you do make a mistake and forfeit your life, Jah will resurrect you into a beautiful new world.

And lastly but not leastly...

Luke 12:6-7

"Five sparrows sell for two coins of small value, do they not? Yet not one of them is forgotten by God. 7 But even the hairs of your head are all numbered. Have no fear; you are worth more than many sparrows."

Jehovah is watching you constantly...but not in a creepy Bill Gates way...

He knows what you can endure, your weak points and your fears. Have faith and stick to his instructions and you'll be fine.

I'm not a man that Jehovah would necessarily listen to but I pray for this group all the time. There are some genuinely good Brother and Sisters in this forum, including yourself. May Jehovah bless us all to make it through this current madness and see his promised new world.
Kirmmy, love this whole comment so much. Very encouraging. And I for real lol’d at “Jehovah is watching you but not in a creepy Bill Gates way”. 🤣
Maybe Jehovahs way out for us to the new earth will be to just starve us to death during the tribulation, bloated from hunger with our tongues stuck to the roof of our mouths drinking our own urine and eating our own waste.
After all He owes us nothing.
Probably best to just consider ourselves already dead and quit making heroic preparations for survival.
Considering The thousands of years of suffering He has permitted on even good people,
I can’t see any grand Red Sea deliverance events ahead.
Perhaps He will condescend and just give us the grace to die a miserable death faithfully.
I understand where you're coming from. But if starvation is the only way out in those times, then so be it.
That's a term you don't hear often. Usually, for when conscious people feel they are stalked (gang-stalking) by the NPC's of the world.
NPC stands for?

I came across the T.I. thing because of getting lined up myself. I never subscribed to any groups about it since there is a considerable amount of disinfo and Mentally Ill people in the movement but it is definitely a real thing and a complete buggar for those who are victims of it.
TGP do you consider yourself a Targeted Individual?
Yes. Probably was flagged by an AI algorithm or something I'm sure many go through much worse but it does grow more severe overtime. Not much gangstalking wise only a day or two of that by masons besides that there are definitely days you notice way more occulty people and organic portals. mostly I deal with emf attacks AI attempts at mind probing and demonic harassment.
Yes. Probably was flagged by an AI algorithm or something I'm sure many go through much worse but it does grow more severe overtime. Not much gangstalking wise only a day or two of that by masons besides that there are definitely days you notice way more occulty people and organic portals. mostly I deal with emf attacks AI attempts at mind probing and demonic harassment.
Interesting. I know Cristo claims to be a TI . I've been through some of the stuff you mentioned both physical and direct Demonic attack. By "attack" I mean I was allowed to see into their realm and even move about in it. More like a Trance or what they call Astral Travel. I was actually given a riddle by them to solve which is how I came to have the 888 as my tag....the number of my name in Sumerian Gematria.

Have any of the TIs ever discussed this on the forum? My Targeting started ostensibly around 2010 although I'm pretty sure it was going on well before that. In 2010 they made it overtly clear I was being Targeted by having the same bloke turn up wherever I went around town. He would always wave at me as a means to let me know I was being followed.

This guy even managed to find me when I was outside the town limits. That kind of surveillance would need an enormous amount of finance so it must of been Government related. The only way I perceive they could of done it is by phone tracking which is not something the average joe P.I. has access to.

The Riddle btw is....

NPC stands for?

I came across the T.I. thing because of getting lined up myself. I never subscribed to any groups about it since there is a considerable amount of disinfo and Mentally Ill people in the movement but it is definitely a real thing and a complete buggar for those who are victims of it.
Non player character, sometimes called backdrop people. The Bible calls them the "physical man" or those who cannot posses faith. They are the ones who go along with the spirit of the world being lead by it like a hivemind.
Interesting. I know Cristo claims to be a TI . I've been through some of the stuff you mentioned both physical and direct Demonic attack. By "attack" I mean I was allowed to see into their realm and even move about in it. More like a Trance or what they call Astral Travel. I was actually given a riddle by them to solve which is how I came to have the 888 as my tag....the number of my name in Sumerian Gematria.

Have any of the TIs ever discussed this on the forum? My Targeting started ostensibly around 2010 although I'm pretty sure it was going on well before that. In 2010 they made it overtly clear I was being Targeted by having the same bloke turn up wherever I went around town. He would always wave at me as a means to let me know I was being followed.

This guy even managed to find me when I was outside the town limits. That kind of surveillance would need an enormous amount of finance so it must of been Government related. The only way I perceive they could of done it is by phone tracking which is not something the average joe P.I. has access to.

The Riddle btw is....

My turn. What's a TI?

ETA: And hey, It's great to see you back triple 8! How are things in the Aus? I saw a brief clip of that idiot Dan Andrews lately and he was spewing more totalitarian stuff. Too bad he wasn't sent out on a "walk about", eh?
On January 5th I felt a strong urge to buy a cottage on Lake Huron, 4 miles from my boys. Two months later I was moved up to the country, and my home of 20 years was sold in 3 days. I got out just in time, considering home prices are topping out, and it was no accident. I enjoy a great working relationship with my ex-wife, which is helping my sons more than I could ever have imagined. We have a nice garden tilled, there are plenty of deer, turkeys and small game surrounding her secluded home, and I have the lake to fish in and gather fresh water if I have to. I've invested in solar and wind generators, as well as emergency gas generators with plenty of gas. There are a ton of dead trees for the fireplace thanks to the invasive Emerald Ash Borer. The basement cellar is stacked with food, we have lots of barterable goods and there is little threat from roving gangs to worry about. We're definitely "stocked up," but I'll leave it all if Jehovah tells me to go... even though I feel He wants me here. So why am I so lucky while others are less fortunate? Because I truly believe Jehovah's called me to prepare like a mini Joseph, so that I can help those who can't afford to. He'll make sure those in need cross paths with those who have excess.

I keep telling my sons to prepare for the GT, but they don't share my faith in Jehovah and Jesus... YET. When the action starts, a lot of people will wake up and remember the words of those who've been warning about the coming storm. I may die during the GT or HOT, so I keep rehashing with my family what to expect up until Armageddon. Honestly, I'm ready to go right now, but there are 2 reasons I want to stay. The first is so I can help guide my family through the storm, and the other is because I'm excited to see Jehovah and Jesus drop the hammer on evil. It will be so satisfying to see evil vanquished. I feel tremendous empathy for those who choose incorrectly, because I know some of them will be my family & friends. We must all prepare to be hated by people who love us today. Once they choose the MOTB, Jehovah will give them over to Satan and they will instantly change into something we won't recognize. Having our faith tested should be considered an honor. What's depressing is the knowledge that some, or many, of those we love will choose the MOTB.
Very happy for you Carl and great comment as always. It sounds like you've got the perfect setup. I was thinking of buying a small plot of land with a very simple cabin on it. Cash out and hunker down. I guess if Jah wants it he'll lead me to it like he did with you. That's the thing about life, if Jah opens an opportunity for us, it's unmistakable and irresistible.
My turn. What's a TI?

ETA: And hey, It's great to see you back triple 8! How are things in the Aus? I saw a brief clip of that idiot Dan Andrews lately and he was spewing more totalitarian stuff. Too bad he wasn't sent out on a "walk about", eh?
Targeted Individual. There is a World Wide phenomenon of this occurring although not all of it is valid and people are targeted for different reasons. As mentioned, it also attracts people with schizophrenia which gives genuine targets a bad rap.

Whoops i just posted by mistake without finishing my reply. I'm going well thanks. Chairman Dan is actually my Premier. I was talking to a bloke down at the Park the other day and he says he has the most shootable face in world history. That's rare though. The public believe his Covidian policies and his popularity is high. I know we're not suppose to take sides but I can't stand the guy......just a self involved, lying little snot faced psychopath. your standard politician I guess.

How are things in Commie Canada ? Pretty similar I guess with Castro's love child in charge? :rolleyes:
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the most shootable face in world history.
I can't stand the guy......just a self involved, lying little snot faced psychopath
Sounds like you got a good idea of what "it" is. And I do mean "it".

As you mentioned we've got our own "it". Funny isn't it. We have politicians now that people can't stand to hear or see. Every time I see Turdo on the TV and hear his smarmy voice my blood pressure goes up 10 points. I've never felt like that about politicians. I just thought of them as irritating little jackasses that I could just ignore. The Devil's running the show now...

And thanks for the 411 on TI.