Sunday, Feb 18 - Loyalty to Jehovah or the Watchtower?


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Keep your senses in all things.—2 Tim. 4:5.

When we face adversities, our loyalty to Jehovah and his organization can be tested. How can we overcome such challenges? We need to keep our senses and stay awake, standing firm in the faith. We keep our senses by remaining calm, thinking clearly, and striving to see matters from Jehovah’s perspective. When we do that, our thoughts will not be controlled by emotions. Perhaps we feel mistreated by a fellow Christian, perhaps someone in a position of responsibility. Likely, the brother did not intend to hurt you. (Rom. 3:23; Jas. 3:2) Still, his actions may have upset you. You may have even wondered, ‘If a brother can act this way, is this really God’s organization?’ That is exactly how Satan wants us to react. (2 Cor. 2:11) Such negative thinking could cause us to separate ourselves from Jehovah and his organization. So we must be careful not to become embittered. w22.11 20 ¶1, 3; 21 ¶4
In the minds of Jehovah's Witnesses, there is not even a shade of light between Jehovah and the "organization." They are that close! And this relationship is skillfully, willfully, fostered by the Watchtower. Or more correctly, it is promoted by Satan the Devil.

Ever wonder why Satan had an interest in Moses' corpse? The Bible book of Jude only tells us that Michael the archangel and the Devil had a dispute about the disposition of Moses' dead body. Given the Catholic Church's idolatrous fixation on ancient relics, bone fragments, dead saints, the shroud, and other creepy things, more than likely the Devil wanted to use Moses' body for some sort of idolatrous ritual. After all, Moses was a man of God. He had a close encounter with Jehovah atop Mount Sinai and when he came down his face radiated an incandescent glow. He was Jehovah's faithful servant.

It is only natural that Satan would promote the worship of an organization that for the most part teaches the truth. He disguises himself as an angel of light, does he not? Of course, the only way that millions of Jehovah's Witnesses can be induced to hold the Watchtower in such lofty esteem is by trickery. Gods and idols have to possess qualities that mere humans do not. Idols must be flawless. And that is why the maintainers of the Watchtower idol have never, ever admitted to any wrongdoing or even error. It would take the sheen off their idol. Take the comment in the daily text as a case in point. A Christian might have been mistreated even by "someone in a position of responsibility." Wow, did you get that? An elder may have offended or mistreated someone in their charge and the hypothetically offended one questions whether it is Jehovah's organization.

Notice, that the Watchtower is always placed above the fray. It is unthinkable, indeed impossible, that someone in a position of responsibility in the Governing Body could mistreat anyone or abuse their authority. But think for a moment. A couple of years ago the world was subjected to a wholly contrived pandemic. It was a well-coordinated scheme to create terror and panic and then provide the already manufactured remedy in the form of the vaccine. All of the gate-keepers on the Internet unplugged doctors and scientists who warned against the vaccines. One of my YouTube videos was even taken down and I only have a few thousand viewers. We are talking big-time censorship. But the Governing Body was right there with the COVID-19 tyrants. Anthony Morris scolded JWs for being foolhardy for daring to venture outside of their homes. Gerrit Lösch berated JWs for believing unsanctioned information not approved by the United Nations; apparently, the only news source the Watchtower approves now. And then we had David Splane claiming that Jehovah knows best and Jehovah himself has lovingly provided the vaccine just so his people can remain in the land of the living. No wonder the inspired apostle exhorted us to keep our senses in all things.

I read the April 2024 Watchtower article entitled: Strengthen Your Appreciation for Jehovah’s Organization First, let me say, that I do appreciate the Watchtower. I learned the truth through them. I have come to know God in a way that would not have been possible without having been tutored by the Watchtower. I also appreciate the New World Translation and the Insight volumes are a great research tool. I appreciate having all of this information at my fingertips, literally, through the WT Library on my Mac. I appreciate that brothers and sisters work hard and are wholly devoted to the truth. I appreciate having been trained as a doorstep minister and public speaker. I thoroughly loved conducting Bible studies and teaching people and miss having that face-to-face contact with people. And I have had many wonderful friendships among Jehovah's Witnesses. It is because I do appreciate Jehovah's organization that I am incensed by it. After all, it has betrayed Jehovah and Christ.

In paragraph 15 the article correctly states: "In the first century, Satan’s supporters told one lie after another about the perfect, miracle-working Son of God." They even cite an example. Then, of course, they imply that everything that people say about the Watchtower is all lies too. Except, they do not give any examples of such alleged lies. Who could blame them? They don't want to open up the proverbial can of worms.

337.jpgI had a bit of a laugh at the illustration of an open mailbox. It was almost exactly 20 years ago that I did my first mailing campaign. And it was a big one too. I hired a professional mailing company and bought a mailing list of every Kingdom Hall in the United States. I also followed up and sent letters to every Kingdom Hall in the UK, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand to inform them of the Watchtower's secret partnership with the United Nations.

I think I must have shaken them up because after that initial mailout subsequent mailouts had more and more returned mail. And the returned mail would often be stamped saying NO RECEPTICAL. It turns out that to solve the problem of getting unwanted messages from some guy who calls himself Jehovah's Watchman, the elders started removing the mailboxes from Kingdom Halls. Whereas the original mailout had nearly 100% delivered, over the years since then the percentage of returned mail has risen dramatically. For my last mailout of Kingdom Bulletin #24 last year I painstakingly used Google Maps and Street View and panned around every Kingdom Hall to see if they had a mailbox. I mean, I probably spent a thousand dollars on ink, paper, and postage, I had to make each letter count. I am guessing only about 25% still have mail receptacles on the premises---maybe even less. But at least now I have a reliable mailing list of a few hundred Kingdom Halls---assuming the holdouts don't ditch their post boxes too.

Anyway, I appreciate the Watchtower's effort to prevent my message from being heard, but it is all in vain. Eventually, they will have to know I do what I do at Jehovah's urging.

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In the minds of Jehovah's Witnesses, there is not even a shade of light between Jehovah and the "organization." They are that close! And this relationship is skillfully, willfully, fostered by the Watchtower. Or more correctly, it is promoted by Satan the Devil.

Ever wonder why Satan had an interest in Moses' corpse? The Bible book of Jude only tells us that Michael the archangel and the Devil had a dispute about the disposition of Moses' dead body. Given the Catholic Church's idolatrous fixation on ancient relics, bone fragments, dead saints, the shroud, and other creepy things, more than likely the Devil wanted to use Moses' body for some sort of idolatrous ritual. After all, Moses was a man of God. He had a close encounter of Jehovah atop Mount Sinai and when he came down his face radiated an incandescent glow. He was Jehovah faithful servant.

It is only natural that Satan would promote the worship of an organization that for the most part teaches the truth. He disguises himself as an angel of light, does he not? Of course, the only way that millions of Jehovah's Witnesses can be induced to hold the Watchtower in such lofty esteem is by trickery. Gods and idols have to possess qualities that mere humans do not. Idols must be flawless. And that is why the maintainers of the Watchtower idol have never, ever admitted to any wrongdoing or even error. It would take the sheen off their idol. Take the comment in the daily text as a case in point. A Christian might have been mistreated even by "someone in a position of responsibility." Wow, did you get that? An elder may have offended or mistreated someone in their charge and the hypothetically offended one questions whether it is Jehovah's organization.

Notice, that the Watchtower is always placed above the fray. It is unthinkable, indeed impossible, that someone in a position of responsibility in the Governing Body could mistreat anyone or abuse their authority. But think for a moment. A couple of years ago the world was subjected to a wholly contrived pandemic. It was a well-coordinated scheme to create terror and panic and then provide the already manufactured remedy in the form of the vaccine. All of the gate-keepers on the Internet unplugged doctors and scientists who warned against the vaccines. One of my YouTube videos was even taken down and I only have a few thousand viewers. We are talking big-time censorship. But the Governing Body was right there with the COVID-19 tyrants. Anthony Morris scolded JWs for being foolhardy for daring to venture outside of their homes. Garrit Losch berated JWs for believing unsanctioned information not approved by the United Nations; apparently, the only news source the Watchtower approves now. And then we had David Spalne claiming that Jehovah knows best and Jehovah himself has lovingly provided the vaccine just so his people can remain in the land of the living. No wonder the inspired apostle exhorted us to keep our senses in all things.

I read the April 2024 Watchtower article entitled: Strengthen Your Appreciation for Jehovah’s Organization First, let me say, that I do appreciate the Watchtower. I learned the truth through them. I have come to know God in a way that would not have been possible without having been tutored by the Watchtower. I also appreciate the New World Translation and the Insight volumes are a great research tool. I appreciate having all of this information at my fingertips, literally, through the WT Library on my Mac. I appreciate that brothers and sisters work hard and are wholly devoted to the truth. I appreciate having been trained as a doorstep minister and public speaker. I thoroughly loved conducting Bible studies and teaching people and miss having that face-to-face contact with people. And I have had many wonderful friendships among Jehovah's Witnesses. It is because I do appreciate Jehovah's organization that I am incensed by it. After all, it has betrayed Jehovah and Christ.

In paragraph 15 the article correctly states: "In the first century, Satan’s supporters told one lie after another about the perfect, miracle-working Son of God." They even cite an example. Then, of course, they imply that everything that people say about the Watchtower is all lies too. Except, they do not give any examples of such alleged lies. Who could blame them? They don't want to open up the proverbial can of worms.

View attachment 5670I had a bit of a laugh at the illustration of an open mailbox. It was almost exactly 20 years ago that I did my first mailing campaign. And it was a big one too. I hired a professional mailing company and bought a mailing list of every Kingdom Hall in the United States. I also followed up and sent letters to every Kingdom Hall in the UK, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand to inform them of the Watchtower's secret partnership with the United Nations.

I think I must have shaken them up because after that initial mailout subsequent mailouts had more and more returned mail. And the returned mail would often be stamped saying NO RECEPTICAL. It turns out that to solve the problem of getting unwanted messages from some guy who calls himself Jehovah's Watchman, the elders started removing the mailboxes from Kingdom Halls. Whereas the original mailout had nearly 100% delivered, over the years the percentage of returned mail rose dramatically. For my last mailout last year I painstakingly used Google Maps and Street View and panned around every Kingdom Hall to see if they had a mailbox. I mean, I probably spent a thousand dollars on ink, paper, and postage, I had to make each letter count. I am guessing only about 25% still have mail receptacles on the premises ---maybe less. But at least now I have a reliable mailing list. Assuming the holdouts don't ditch their post boxes too.

Anyway, I appreciate the Watchtower's effort to prevent my message from being heard, but it is all in vain. Eventually, they will have to know I do what I do at Jehovah's urging.

How encouraging to see so many looking in on a growing membership here; Jehovah's truth has shone on those who were formerly 'Trapped in holes, who became plunder without a deliverer'... Isa42:22 vs 23 says 'Who among you people will give ear to this? Will pay attention in later times? We have given ear! Us formerly captive, straight jacketed, held hostage to false prophecy as in 1914 and all the other layers of whitewash to keep it from being exposed. The truth certainly does set one free!
How encouraging to see so many looking in on a growing membership here; Jehovah's truth has shone on those who were formerly 'Trapped in holes, who became plunder without a deliverer'... Isa42:22 vs 23 says 'Who among you people will give ear to this? Will pay attention in later times? We have given ear! Us formerly captive, straight jacketed, held hostage to false prophecy as in 1914 and all the other layers of whitewash to keep it from being exposed. The truth certainly does set one free!
If you are referring to the number of visitors, I am beginning to suspect that the visitor counter is compromised. Everything is these days :cautious:
How encouraging to see so many looking in on a growing membership here; Jehovah's truth has shone on those who were formerly 'Trapped in holes, who became plunder without a deliverer'... Isa42:22 vs 23 says 'Who among you people will give ear to this? Will pay attention in later times? We have given ear! Us formerly captive, straight jacketed, held hostage to false prophecy as in 1914 and all the other layers of whitewash to keep it from being exposed. The truth certainly does set one free!
Ellos no saben que la luz no tiene sombra y que no habrá manera de ocultarla por mucho más tiempo. Salmo 139:7,11-12. ¿Adónde me iré de tu espíritu? ¿Y adónde huiré de tu presencia?, 11 Si digo: Ciertamente las tinieblas me encubrirán,aun la noche resplandecerá alrededor de mí. 12 Aun las tinieblas no encubren de ti,y la noche resplandece como el día;lo mismo te son las tinieblas que la luz.
"When we face adversities, our loyalty to Jehovah and his organization can be tested.. We keep our senses by remaining calm, thinking clearly, and striving to see matters from Jehovah’s perspective".

This rubbish didn't just form in some nitwits brain, it also came out of someone's mouth, an idiots mouth at that! When we face adversities.. meaning on the inside of jehovahs organization??? I thought the org was a haven of trust, a refuge a spiritual paradise? Where love abounds with fuzzy feelings for everyone! Who's writing this crap? If the writing staff saw things from jehovahs perspective so would the Shepards and so would the people who make up Jehovahs corporation...This is just another two faced forked tongued side show to blame the victim or victims for being offended by some dirt bag in charge who has his back covered by the sanctimonious leaders. The a audacity of these men is sicking.. See things from jehovahs perspective..what a joke!
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"When we face adversities, our loyalty to Jehovah and his organization can be tested.. We keep our senses by remaining calm, thinking clearly, and striving to see matters from Jehovah’s perspective".

This tripe didn't just form in some nitwits brain, it also came out of someone's mouth, an idiots mouth at that! When we face adversities.. meaning on the inside of jehovahs organization??? I thought the org was a haven of trust, a refuge a spiritual paradise? Where love abounds with fuzzy feelings for everyone! Who's writing this crap? If the writing staff saw things from jehovahs perspective so would the Shepards and so would the people who make up Jehovahs corporation...This is just another two face forked tongued side show to blame the victim or victims for being offended by some dirt bag in charge who has his ass covered by the sanctimonious leaders. The a audacity of these men is sicking.. See things from jehovahs perspective..what a joke!
Good point. Originally I had it in mind to point out the contradiction of having adversities in spiritual paradise, but then I went off in another direction. Glad you mentioned it.
My husband was having a conversation about a friend, who was treated very badly within the congregation. The elder/pioneer brother said that the brother who was wronged lacked humility, because he was still carrying his grudge…
Hace 30 años te decían lo mismo, está en su programación WT. Da igual el país y el año, que loco ey!! A eso le llamo unidad teocrática.😂
Ellos no saben que la luz no tiene sombra y que no habrá manera de ocultarla por mucho más tiempo. Salmo 139:7,11-12. ¿Adónde me iré de tu espíritu? ¿Y adónde huiré de tu presencia?, 11 Si digo: Ciertamente las tinieblas me encubrirán,aun la noche resplandecerá alrededor de mí. 12 Aun las tinieblas no encubren de ti,y la noche resplandece como el día;lo mismo te son las tinieblas que la luz.
translate Spanish to English.

They do not know that the light has no shadow and that there will be no way to hide it for much longer. Psalm 139:7,11-12. Where will I go from your spirit? And where shall I flee from your presence? 11 If I say, Surely darkness will cover me, even the night will shine around me. 12 Even the darkness does not cover you, and the night shines like the day; the darkness and the light are the same for you.
"When we face adversities, our loyalty to Jehovah and his organization can be tested.. We keep our senses by remaining calm, thinking clearly, and striving to see matters from Jehovah’s perspective".

This rubbish didn't just form in some nitwits brain, it also came out of someone's mouth, an idiots mouth at that! When we face adversities.. meaning on the inside of jehovahs organization??? I thought the org was a haven of trust, a refuge a spiritual paradise? Where love abounds with fuzzy feelings for everyone! Who's writing this crap? If the writing staff saw things from jehovahs perspective so would the Shepards and so would the people who make up Jehovahs corporation...This is just another two faced forked tongued side show to blame the victim or victims for being offended by some dirt bag in charge who has his ass covered by the sanctimonious leaders. The a audacity of these men is sicking.. See things from jehovahs perspective..what a joke!
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"When we face adversities, our loyalty to Jehovah and his organization can be tested.. We keep our senses by remaining calm, thinking clearly, and striving to see matters from Jehovah’s perspective".

This rubbish didn't just form in some nitwits brain, it also came out of someone's mouth, an idiots mouth at that! When we face adversities.. meaning on the inside of jehovahs organization??? I thought the org was a haven of trust, a refuge a spiritual paradise? Where love abounds with fuzzy feelings for everyone! Who's writing this crap? If the writing staff saw things from jehovahs perspective so would the Shepards and so would the people who make up Jehovahs corporation...This is just another two faced forked tongued side show to blame the victim or victims for being offended by some dirt bag in charge who has his ass covered by the sanctimonious leaders. The a audacity of these men is sicking.. See things from jehovahs perspective..what a joke!
It's actually hilarious; IF it wasn't so dangerous for the spiritual health and everlasting life of Jehovah's sheep!

Loyalty to Jehovah or the Watchtower?​

In the minds of Jehovah's Witnesses, there is not even a shade of light between Jehovah and the "organization." They are that close!
Watchtower versus Jehovah tetragrammaton on a scale.jpg

After all, Moses was a man of God. He had a close encounter of Jehovah atop Mount Sinai and when he came down his face radiated an incandescent glow. He was Jehovah faithful servant.
Moses mozes holding the commandments 10 geboden tabletten.jpg

I am guessing only about 25% still have mail receptacles on the premises---maybe even less. But at least now I have a reliable mailing list of a few hundred Kingdom Halls---assuming the holdouts don't ditch their post boxes too.
postman bostbode mail boxes brievenbussen afval garbage.jpg
