Recent content by bagwort

  1. bagwort

    More hard evidence of Lett’s Freemason ring.

    This is the result I got from blowing up a screenshot of Lett's hand from the video downloaded from It looks like a heart shape with crossed extensions. A heart knot? Japanese ぬ?
  2. bagwort

    Hillsdale Course Genesis

    That's the voice of Abraham Shmuelof reading Genesis in Hebrew at the outset.
  3. bagwort

    Going beyond what is written...beards!

    1974 Yearbook, pp. 97-98. Brother Balzereit had a beard and Rutherford thought it was in imitation of Russell and told him to shave it off. The tradition stuck and other reasons were rationalized to explain it.
  4. bagwort

    Jehovah's name in the Christian Greek Scriptures

    Thanks. It's homework I did a long time ago. I'm an unashamed geek. I can't help it I'm afraid. What are the books?
  5. bagwort

    Jehovah's name in the Christian Greek Scriptures

    These are trinitarian claims. The translations of John 8:58 into Hebrew that I have checked use the perfect tense of the verb "hayah," which is hayiti, or something else like "Ani hu," not the imperfect "ehyeh." For example: I did check as many...
  6. bagwort

    Jehovah's name in the Christian Greek Scriptures

    Since when did names have first person and third person forms? That's verbs and "I am" is a verb.
  7. bagwort

    Jehovah's name in the Christian Greek Scriptures

    In Matthew 28:9, Jesus could well have greeted the two women called Mary with the greeting "May Jehovah save you." That's how they knew it was him, because the name Jesus means "Jehovah is salvation." It's a very clever way of telling them "Hey it's me, Jesus!" while ostensibly being a greeting...
  8. bagwort

    The Copper Serpent

    I expect nacash is supposed to be nachash, the word for snake as it's pronounced in modern Israeli Hebrew, or naḥash in traditional Hebrew. The word first appears in Genesis 3:1.
  9. bagwort

    Tuesday, February 21 2023 As Sure as the Sunrise/Is the NWT wrong in using the expression "the faith"?

    The definite article is present in the Greek. It depends whether you interpret the article as referring to the abstract concept of "faith," in which case English would not use the article, or where it refers back to something already mentioned, which seems to be how the NWT has interpreted it.
  10. bagwort

    Deleting Account.

    Sorry you were so upset by the reaction. I think it was a bit much to call you a demon. All of Adam's offspring are fallen, except for Jesus when he was on earth, but we're not demons. That's the way it is online. People get carried away and say things they would never say in person. If you've...
  11. bagwort

    Night terrors, hallucinations, and psychosis on VAERS reporting system:

    My mother is in her 80s and she told me about her hallucinations following vaccination. She said she had a splitting headache for a few days, and her bags turned into creepy crawlies and her coat into a giant tarantula.
  12. bagwort

    Do you have Jehovah's protection?

    Another possibility is that it is an apocryphal interpolation.
  13. bagwort

    Introducing Anthony Morris AKA Jehovah 🤦‍♀️

    The Turks are very fond of the evil eye amulets, and they are blue. I was always very wary of them when I was in Turkey.
  14. bagwort


    One thing that scares me about all this is that not very many years ago I would have taken the jibby jab without thinking. It's just that at the age of 51, I am now much more careful about what and who I believe. When I was first baptized I would have tried my best to be obedient but after many...