Can anybody verify if this is true?


Well-known member
This video is floating around social media concerning dating, marrying non believers, birthdays, and even tattoos being a conscience matter. The even suggest that smoking cigarettes will not be a disfellowship offense anymore. It may just be rumors; I don't know. I don't have time right now to look at any of the recent updates.

Hello, all of this started from this person's comment on a forum.

He claims to have contacts in Bethel

If the organization really reformulates the term fornication and accepts unnatural sex within marriage, there will be many who left the organization completely disgusted by the apostasy.
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Hello, all of this started from this person's comment on a forum.

He claims to have contacts in Bethel

If the organization really reformulates the term fornication and accepts unnatural sex within marriage, there will be many who left the organization completely disgusted by the apostasy.
Would it surprise you though? Honestly I don't think I would be too flabbergasted by it. Not at this point.
Would it surprise you though? Honestly I don't think I would be too flabbergasted by it. Not at this point.
I see it possible

By twisting the Bible and promoting the vaccine they gave in to the world

Changes in appearance, dress and treatment of sins including expulsion respond to pressure from the world

Making a projection it seems reasonable to think that they will continue this line so that more people enter the congregation.
A few years ago I argued that Jehovah's organization looked for quality and not quantity among its members and that is why the standards were high.

It seems that that time has passed

It seems that we are observing a change that desperately seeks to lower norms and customs to continue existing.

I don't know if they will change something as clear as the meaning of fornication but I don't know how far they will go with this.

It'll have to wait and see

The strange, impractical and illogical teaching will surely surprise us all.
Hello, all of this started from this person's comment on a forum.

He claims to have contacts in Bethel

If the organization really reformulates the term fornication and accepts unnatural sex within marriage, there will be many who left the organization completely disgusted by the apostasy.
Wow I can’t see some of those changes, especially the marriage ones . That’s shocking if true!?
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It really does not matter what the watchtower plan, think, or suggest. It’s become a distraction. They will be exposed in due course by their own guilt. Nothing will be left secret. What is necessary for all of us now is to concentrate of what is demanded of us. Faith, wisdom and understanding and the products of those three. Study of those items leads to an unraveling of the chain of love running through the attributes of the spirit, “without which we have nothing”. I think the scripture really does mean what it says. When held up as a mirror against the ministry of Jesus, it leaves little doubt. Each miracle he performed shows real depth of compassion, and through that compassion, significant lessons in how Jehovah views the conduct of His creation. From Lazarus through to Jesus’ final pleading to Jehovah to forgive his persecutors “for they know not what they do.”
I posted about this on the 10 year plan thread. Issue I have is, they keep talking about "vaginal sex", I guess oral and anal sex is okay
That's what I was thinking. Like I say, it would be shocking but not particularly surprising. We know the apostasy comes first, and some of this stuff may even qualify as the disgusting thing standing in a holy place. If not, something to do with new light coming into the organization might eventually be that sign to flee. That's why I keep my ear to the ground on these matters. Watchtower is losing a lot of people. They keep losing lawsuits. It wouldn't be surprising for the leadership to gradually change things around to make everything more palatable to outsiders, as well as keeping themselves safe from legal action. It may not be any of this stuff per se, but something in the future having to do with new light could eventually cross a line.
Watchtower is losing a lot of people. They keep losing lawsuits. It wouldn't be surprising for the leadership to gradually change things around to make everything more palatable to outsiders, as well as keeping themselves safe from legal action. It may not be any of this stuff per se, but something in the future having to do with new light could eventually cross a line.
One wonders, if they water down enough of their belief systems, what would differentiate them from any other group? Even if they held onto the very basics, e.g. no trinity, hellfire, immortal soul and restitution. There are plenty of groups who teach these basics, e.g. Church of God (Armstrong), Bible Students, Christadelphians, etc.
I see it possible

By twisting the Bible and promoting the vaccine they gave in to the world

Changes in appearance, dress and treatment of sins including expulsion respond to pressure from the world

Making a projection it seems reasonable to think that they will continue this line so that more people enter the congregation.
A few years ago I argued that Jehovah's organization looked for quality and not quantity among its members and that is why the standards were high.

It seems that that time has passed

It seems that we are observing a change that desperately seeks to lower norms and customs to continue existing.

I don't know if they will change something as clear as the meaning of fornication but I don't know how far they will go with this.

It'll have to wait and see

The strange, impractical and illogical teaching will surely surprise us all.
I don't believe that the men who run WT are interested in surviving. They were hired to do the exact opposite: dismantle it from within, water it down so much that when the one world religion comes out, then melding them all together is easy because they all are pretty much the same anyways. So they are taking away anything that makes JW's stand out as distinctive: preaching door to door, wearing skirts, men clean shaven, blood issue, holidays, etc. It's just a matter of time.

What's the wild card is how the current J-dubs will react. Judging by their reaction to the vaxx, most will go along with just about anything, but yes, there is a group that gave a lot of grace about the vaxx thinking that the GB handled it correctly because they believed that the vaxx was beneficial because they had all gotten vaxxed before with no ill effects.

On a separate note, I find his wording VERY INTERESTING, especially since it was said 11 days ago:

Mark my words, the bridge is coming down, and it's crumbling more quickly than it ever has done.

I would say that this guy knows the agenda in advance, not just about WT, but other events, doesn't he?
I posted about this on the 10 year plan thread. Issue I have is, they keep talking about "vaginal sex", I guess oral and anal sex is okay
If the conversation is going to sink this low, do you think you could continue via email, or some other device. I’m aware these things exist, but if we are to entertain such filth and debauchery here on site, it simply draws the world in. There is so much filth in this world, I agree, it is hard not to imagine how deep the world has sunk and is sinking - I can tell you now, the depths can never be plumbed as to how debauched this world is. But to discuss in such a way here is unnecessary. We know already, or should do. What does it achieve - ask yourself that question. what does it achieve?Why on earth would we want to know above what is necessary, what watchtower is up to. Watchtower stands for its example of opposition. Revelling in its exposure is more akin to sharing, than it is denunciation.
The organization has been known for discouraging marriage and promoting singleness. Even in my experience. I get told that being single is a blessing. I disagree. Having children is the real blessing. How else are you going to pass on your ideals and faith if you die childless? At some point you need to pass it on. Some JW's aren't going to really convince people other than their children to get baptized.

That's the only thing I can see them changing on when it comes to dating or trying to start a family. Instead of promoting singleness, promote marriage and family because that is what will keep the JW numbers up as your offspring has a much higher chance of getting baptized than a random person you find in field service.
The organization has been known for discouraging marriage and promoting singleness. Even in my experience. I get told that being single is a blessing. I disagree. Having children is the real blessing. How else are you going to pass on your ideals and faith if you die childless? At some point you need to pass it on. Some JW's aren't going to really convince people other than their children to get baptized.

That's the only thing I can see them changing on when it comes to dating or trying to start a family. Instead of promoting singleness, promote marriage and family because that is what will keep the JW numbers up as your offspring has a much higher chance of getting baptized than a random person you find in field service.
I would love to start a family, but unfortunately, that's not in the cards for me. Getting involved with the wrong woman can be a risky affair, and given my current situation, it's even more precarious. Marrying a Jehovah's Witness is out of the question since they wouldn't accept me as one of them unless I conceal my true beliefs, which could potentially harm the marriage if revealed later. On the other hand, marrying a non-religious or 'worldly' woman presents its own challenges. So, I find myself in a dilemma where I can't marry within my faith nor outside of it. Perhaps there's a woman out there who shares my beliefs, but with only a few million Jehovah's Witnesses worldwide, finding someone so specific seems unlikely, and even if such a person exists, they might already be married.

I would love to start a family, but unfortunately, that's not in the cards for me. Getting involved with the wrong woman can be a risky affair, and given my current situation, it's even more precarious. Marrying a Jehovah's Witness is out of the question since they wouldn't accept me as one of them unless I conceal my true beliefs, which could potentially harm the marriage if revealed later. On the other hand, marrying a non-religious or 'worldly' woman presents its own challenges. So, I find myself in a dilemma where I can't marry within my faith nor outside of it. Perhaps there's a woman out there who shares my beliefs, but with only a few million Jehovah's Witnesses worldwide, finding someone so specific seems unlikely, and even if such a person exists, they might already be married.

No doubt it's complicated finding a life partner especially in this day and age. Even if the message doesn't apply to some. For the couples that are already married and don't have any children. I believe they will encourage those married couples to have children to get their numbers up. Right now, there are MANY couples in the congregation with no children. That's not a good look for the future of the organization if trying to grow it's numbers. So that message might apply to them more than single people without a husband or wife.
First, at this point in time the changes are too radical for even the blind servants of Jehovah. Eventually I can see this happening but this might be well into when the "thing that causes desolation" is in the middle of the organization. I did quite a bit of the reading of Robert's book and this desolation will likely be very visible, just like the presence of the Roman army was in Jerusalem. It is unlikely that the brotherhood can deny something is going seriously wrong with it and they'll be forced to choose a spiritual fork in the road. If they continue they will "share in her sins".

Second, @Soul Sage and @Jahrule in my human mind I want this too. But the book resonates with me. People of the churches of Christendom have a single candle to illuminate their path. JWs, may be using 3 or even 4 candles. But with Robert's book it feels like there's ten candles now. I have been amazed, and humbled at what I'm learning now. JWs had almost no clue about prophetic books. I looked at many verses to see an explanation, and I could say perhaps 1/3 was entirely missing, and even if it wasn't, it was very sparse in information. Robert's book completes it so now I can say maybe we know 90%. And the harmony between books are such and the messages repeated so often that it felt almost "boring" at times.

I have a vice(porn and masturbation) that I'm fighting and I've never been able to successfully do it. Fear of what's coming, resonance of what I'm learning with what I deeply felt about the world is giving me a new spirit of fight. The vast political knowledge of Robert combined with his truly inspired biblical interpretations are making me realize and sick of what the world has been doing to me, and all of us.

The things that are shown in Jehovah Has Become King! are clear, and concise and shows what I always and somewhat unconsciously suspected - when Jehovah does things, he will make it absolutely, and resoundingly clear. And I needed that, something that WTBS couldn't offer. And the Watchtower was subtly trying to lure me away from what I knew about the world, things such as the "deep state". During the 24th Memorial I couldn't even bring myself to sing the first song, because I can't see the JW anointed being the chosen ones anymore.

In my recent fight I came across the article where Robert talks about how in non-Christian(such as Muslim) nations, women are required to cover up all skin. I know for a fact that in many other cultures they even shied away from looking a man in the face! Then I realized perhaps even if I eventually get married in this system, I will have to take drastic measures to stop my vice. That is, if women of the nations won't cover up, I will have to not look at them and turn my head away. Jesus' council applies here, "if you look at a woman...". It starts from mere looking.

I know people with former cigarette or alcohol addiction they stop completely, and they won't even smoke once, use vape and in the case of alcoholics even drink a drop. Extreme? Perhaps. But Jesus' council that "you are better off entering the kingdom of heaven without a limb" symbolically applies here. Some might not need to do this, but some might, like me.

Brothers and Sisters, fight the system. Fight the deep state that's been corrupting us for the past 100+ years. Moreover, fight the real cause for our troubles, the damned former angel, Satan the Devil. In the big picture, paradise earth is "heaven on earth". The churches of Christendom hasn't been entirely without guidance as Jehovah's Witnesses were led to believe. In general they do behave better, and in general are better human beings, and in general they can be trusted more than those without religion.

You have lived your entire lives without really knowing about heaven nor paradise earth, therefore there is no frame of reference to be disappointed even if you don't make it. Maybe you won't make it to paradise, but still fight, because it is the right thing to do. I hope I can do all I am encouraging everyone to do.
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First, at this point in time the changes are too radical for even the blind servants of Jehovah. Eventually I can see this happening but this might be well into when the "thing that causes desolation" is in the middle of the organization. I did quite a bit of the reading of Robert's book and this desolation will likely be very visible, just like the presence of the Roman army was in Jerusalem. It is unlikely that the brotherhood can deny something is going seriously wrong with it and they'll be forced to choose a spiritual fork in the road. If they continue they will "share in her sins".

Second, @Soul Sage and @Jahrule in my human mind I want this too. But the book resonates with me. People of the churches of Christendom have a single candle to illuminate their path. JWs, may be using 3 or even 4 candles. But with Robert's book it feels like there's ten candles now. I have been amazed, and humbled at what I'm learning now. JWs had almost no clue about prophetic books. I looked at many verses to see an explanation, and I could say perhaps 1/3 was entirely missing, and even if it wasn't, it was very sparse in information. Robert's book completes it so now I can say maybe we know 90%. And the harmony between books are such and the messages repeated so often that it felt almost "boring" at times.

I have a vice(porn and masturbation) that I'm fighting and I've never been able to successfully do it. Fear of what's coming, resonance of what I'm learning with what I deeply felt about the world is giving me a new spirit of fight. The vast political knowledge of Robert combined with his truly inspired biblical interpretations are making me realize and sick of what the world has been doing to me, and all of us.

The things that are shown in Jehovah Has Become King! is clear, and concise and shows that I always and somewhat unconsciously suspected - when Jehovah does things, he will make it absolutely, and resoundingly clear. And I needed that, something that WTBS couldn't offer. And the Watchtower was subtly trying to lure me away from what I knew about the world, things such as the "deep state". During the 24th Memorial I couldn't even bring myself to sing the first song, because I can't see the JW anointed being the chosen ones anymore.

In my recent fight I came across the article where Robert talks about how in non-Christian(such as Muslim) nations, women are required to cover up all skin. I know for a fact that in many other cultures they even shied away from looking a man in the face! Then I realized perhaps even if I eventually get married in this system, I will have to take drastic measures to stop my vice. That is, if women of the nations won't cover up, I will have to not look at them and turn my head away. Jesus' council applies here, "if you look at a woman...". It starts from mere looking.

I know people with former cigarette or alcohol addiction they stop completely, and they won't even smoke once, use vape and in the case of alcoholics even drink a drop. Extreme? Perhaps. But Jesus' council that "you are better off entering the kingdom of heaven without a limb" symbolically applies here. Some might not need to do this, but some might, like me.

Brothers and Sisters, fight the system. Fight the deep state that's been corrupting us for the past 100+ years. Moreover, fight the real cause for our troubles, the damned former angel, Satan the Devil. In the big picture, paradise earth is "heaven on earth". The churches of Christendom hasn't been entirely without guidance as Jehovah's Witnesses were led to believe. In general they do behave better, and in general are better human beings, and in general they can be trusted more.

You have lived your entire lives without really knowing about heaven nor paradise earth, therefore there is no frame of reference to be disappointed even if you don't make it. Maybe you won't make it to paradise, but still fight, because it is the right thing to do. I hope I can do all I am encouraging everyone to do.
Never give up, brother. If I can give up pornography I know you can too. It's difficult because it's so easily accessible. No generation has had this exact kind of struggle. Especially for men. It's a constant fight to keep our mind clean. I'll talk more later. I'm in class today for railroad track safety. I need to focus so I can hurry up and fail this stupid test.