How can anyone believe the Quran?

In the Arabic group field work, I met a hardliner who told me and my partner, (with considerable force), that the only prayer acceptable to Allah is when your forehead touches the ground. Nothing else counts.

Another very serious dude, from Libya, invited us in. Probably the scariest call I made. During the course of the call he explained all about how the West and NATO had destroyed Libya. That stuff I actually was quite informed on and agreed with him. (Even though we are "neutral" LOL)

What left me cold, and never to return, was his explanation of "hospitality" as he practiced it. One must extend hospitality three times. After the third time, if the visitor still has not come over to the "correct" point of view, if you see him on the street, it is........gesture for severing the head. :oops:
Make it clear if that's what he thinks then the inquisition will come on over and burn him at the stake. Wait that's Christendom. Lol
Make it clear if that's what he thinks then the inquisition will come on over and burn him at the stake. Wait that's Christendom. Lol
The reason he outlined is the reason many people want to limit the influx of Muslim immigrants to the western world. Of course, in clown world, THAT'S RACIST! Let alone the fact that Islam isn't a "race".

Here in Canada I saw a "people on the street" interview where a Muslim guy said straight-up to the camera that they wanted Sharia law in Canada and sooner or later there would be Sharia law in Canada. Pretty chilling stuff. True Muslims know it's the only way and it's their mission to bring it, no matter what they say to you with smiling faces.

And don't kid yourself, If that ever happened, your days as a Witness would be over. They'd ask nicely at first but once you demonstrated that you will stay a Witness of with your head.

In the mess that's approaching, violence like that may be one of the factors that causes the beast to destroy religion as per Jah's will. Then a "One World Religion" will be offered...forced, and that's when the Great Crowd will be in danger of being wiped out. I don't include the Anointed as they know where they're heading in any case. They'll probably all be dead when BtheG is wiped out. (Help me out here if you have a clearer understanding.) Then Armageddon will proceed and there will be lots of "weeping and gnashing of teeth".
Make it clear if that's what he thinks then the inquisition will come on over and burn him at the stake. Wait that's Christendom. Lol
Probably not a good idea. The guy was scary calm, highly intelligent, and would severe one's head without batting an eye. I doubt he came to America because he loves it. Biding his wonders how many like him are here.....
Make it clear if that's what he thinks then the inquisition will come on over and burn him at the stake. Wait that's Christendom. Lol
Let’s see, one side will chop off your head and the other side will burn you at the stake. I’ll try not to get in between the two of them!
Let’s see, one side will chop off your head and the other side will burn you at the stake. I’ll try not to get in between the two of them!
Well one thing I know is a militant Communist would ambush them both afterwards and throw the survivors on gulags while burning their places of worship down.
Say what anyone will of the ghastly track record of false religion communism has claimed the lives of as many people as all the abrahamic faiths in a mere blip of history.
Just in the 20th century alone. Religion would need a few millennia to catch up!

You two know what you're talking about. Yet talk to any wokester and it's: "horrible Christianity with it's inquisitions and conquering that has caused MOAR deaths, man!"

Not to mention nominal Christianity has little to do with what Christ actually taught. If those nonces could get together and live like Christ said, right now God would have to contemplate whether he would need to bring Armageddon or not. But it has been prophesied and it will be done.
You two know what you're talking about. Yet talk to any wokester and it's: "horrible Christianity with it's inquisitions and conquering that has caused MOAR deaths, man!"

Not to mention nominal Christianity has little to do with what Christ actually taught. If those nonces could get together and live like Christ said, right now God would have to contemplate whether he would need to bring Armageddon or not. But it has been prophesied and it will be done.
This quote pretty much sums up about the "woke" (i.e. the undead):
I feel silly for asking but have you ever seen this interview?

Yes. This is a great one. Really exposed what a "useful idiot" is, and their fate. The universities have been full of these useful dupes for decades. Things are maxed out now, with the Supreme Court nominee refusing to define a "woman" for fear of being "cancelled." And refusing to say when she thinks life begins.

My neighborhood is full of these "useful idiots." They were not ashamed to put signs on their lawn showing they voted for a senile old man in decline of dementia. They have signs saying: "We believe: Love is love.(rainbow) We believe in science. We believe in choice. etc."

Yet they hate the "haters", can't define a woman in science terms (5th grade biology I still remember), and don't believe in a person's right to choose not to be genetically injected.

These people believe they are righteous. When their usefulness is over, once the full boot-on-the-neck is in power, they will be shocked when they are 'lined up against the wall and shot.' :oops: They think their virtue signalling makes them safe. But they will be considered "useless eaters" and a danger to the new order. Surprise. Full blown socialist-communism is a mass-murder machine of the highest order.
Yes. This is a great one. Really exposed what a "useful idiot" is, and their fate. The universities have been full of these useful dupes for decades. Things are maxed out now, with the Supreme Court nominee refusing to define a "woman" for fear of being "cancelled." And refusing to say when she thinks life begins.

My neighborhood is full of these "useful idiots." They were not ashamed to put signs on their lawn showing they voted for a senile old man in decline of dementia. They have signs saying: "We believe: Love is love.(rainbow) We believe in science. We believe in choice. etc."

Yet they hate the "haters", can't define a woman in science terms (5th grade biology I still remember), and don't believe in a person's right to choose not to be genetically injected.

These people believe they are righteous. When their usefulness is over, once the full boot-on-the-neck is in power, they will be shocked when they are 'lined up against the wall and shot.' :oops: They think their virtue signalling makes them safe. But they will be considered "useless eaters" and a danger to the new order. Surprise. Full blown socialist-communism is a mass-murder machine of the highest order.
You know this subject well, Joe. I wish I could find it but I've seen a meme drawing that has a bunch of purple haired, woke people lined up against a wall and soldiers with guns at the ready. The one in the foreground of the drawing is turning around to the uniformed thug to say something like "It's time for our reward, isn't it?", or something like that. It would be funnier if it wasn't so horrifyingly prophetic.

BTW, sorry about your neighborhood. It's got to be trying.
You know this subject well, Joe. I wish I could find it but I've seen a meme drawing that has a bunch of purple haired, woke people lined up against a wall and soldiers with guns at the ready. The one in the foreground of the drawing is turning around to the uniformed thug to say something like "It's time for our reward, isn't it?", or something like that. It would be funnier if it wasn't so horrifyingly prophetic.

BTW, sorry about your neighborhood. It's got to be trying.
Sounds like a StoneToss cartoon. Lol
Yes. This is a great one. Really exposed what a "useful idiot" is, and their fate. The universities have been full of these useful dupes for decades. Things are maxed out now, with the Supreme Court nominee refusing to define a "woman" for fear of being "cancelled." And refusing to say when she thinks life begins.

My neighborhood is full of these "useful idiots." They were not ashamed to put signs on their lawn showing they voted for a senile old man in decline of dementia. They have signs saying: "We believe: Love is love.(rainbow) We believe in science. We believe in choice. etc."

Yet they hate the "haters", can't define a woman in science terms (5th grade biology I still remember), and don't believe in a person's right to choose not to be genetically injected.

These people believe they are righteous. When their usefulness is over, once the full boot-on-the-neck is in power, they will be shocked when they are 'lined up against the wall and shot.' :oops: They think their virtue signalling makes them safe. But they will be considered "useless eaters" and a danger to the new order. Surprise. Full blown socialist-communism is a mass-murder machine of the highest order.
Stretched thin between 📚 at the moment but the time has come to add a pdf of the Gulag Archipelago won't be long before the useful idiots are forced to face harsh reality. I'd imagine it would be hard for anyone to count so much as one hand worth of human ideas as historically destructive and in less than two centuries as communism. Until I read the descriptions of countless gnostic sects in Against Heresies communism was only surpassed by outright luciferianism in my mind as the epitome of mental illness and vice. communism is pure nihlistic entropy and cancer.
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