My story of getting close to Jehovah.


Well-known member
Let me share with you all what really got me close to Jehovah. This all happened before my husband (RTAW) and I married, at the time we were just two best friends. I grew up with a very bad past that I will not go into but it ended me in a very bad relationship with someone, that is around when I met RTAW. He helped me heal by just being the gentleman that he is,and eventually I was able to muster the strength to leave my now ex-bf. I moved back home, only to be in a very bad environment (stepdad drunk all the time equals I never want to be home) so after about a couple of years,RTAW finally asked if I wanted to live with him, which only made sense being the fact I was over everyday to hang out and I felt very safe there. He made the extra bedroom into a mini apartment for me. OK fast forward 3 years living there. My now mother in law went from loving having me over to now moved in hated me(to this day we have no idea why) She would be angry at me for whatever reason, that the very same evening I would close my eyes to go to sleep and I would feel a weight on my blanket and then weight on me, so natural reaction is to open your eyes right? well my eyes weren't able to open and I wasn't able to move or speak, after about five minutes (felt like forever ) I was able to jump up see nothing was in my room so I would sleep with the light on (hehe).This happened three times and the last time I actually heard a voice in my said "Join us". Knowing a little bit of the bible from my little studies with RTAW, I replied in my mind "no I choose Jehovah", the weight on me got heavier and join us was repeated in my head that I could start to see in my mind what was talking to me....I said "no I choose Jehovah!!" and started praying to Jehovah, I asked to please protect me that I loved him and that I choose to follow him and only him. After the third time saying that everything stopped I was able to move and open my eyes and breathe.
I ran into RTAW's room (waking him up) and told him everything that happened. He saw I was scared crapless because of the terror in my face to go back into my room, that he went into my room grabbed my blanket and pillow and let me sleep next to him, we said another prayer and went to sleep. The next morning he ended up telling me that the same thing happens to him but he has never heard any voices. And found it crazy that it has also happened to me. After that day I started to do more bible studies with RTAW and learn so I could get closer to Jehovah.
Let me share with you all what really got me close to Jehovah. This all happened before my husband (RTAW) and I married, at the time we were just two best friends. I grew up with a very bad past that I will not go into but it ended me in a very bad relationship with someone, that is around when I met RTAW. He helped me heal by just being the gentleman that he is,and eventually I was able to muster the strength to leave my now ex-bf. I moved back home, only to be in a very bad environment (stepdad drunk all the time equals I never want to be home) so after about a couple of years,RTAW finally asked if I wanted to live with him, which only made sense being the fact I was over everyday to hang out and I felt very safe there. He made the extra bedroom into a mini apartment for me. OK fast forward 3 years living there. My now mother in law went from loving having me over to now moved in hated me(to this day we have no idea why) She would be angry at me for whatever reason, that the very same evening I would close my eyes to go to sleep and I would feel a weight on my blanket and then weight on me, so natural reaction is to open your eyes right? well my eyes weren't able to open and I wasn't able to move or speak, after about five minutes (felt like forever ) I was able to jump up see nothing was in my room so I would sleep with the light on (hehe).This happened three times and the last time I actually heard a voice in my said "Join us". Knowing a little bit of the bible from my little studies with RTAW, I replied in my mind "no I choose Jehovah", the weight on me got heavier and join us was repeated in my head that I could start to see in my mind what was talking to me....I said "no I choose Jehovah!!" and started praying to Jehovah, I asked to please protect me that I loved him and that I choose to follow him and only him. After the third time saying that everything stopped I was able to move and open my eyes and breathe.
I ran into RTAW's room (waking him up) and told him everything that happened. He saw I was scared crapless because of the terror in my face to go back into my room, that he went into my room grabbed my blanket and pillow and let me sleep next to him, we said another prayer and went to sleep. The next morning he ended up telling me that the same thing happens to him but he has never heard any voices. And found it crazy that it has also happened to me. After that day I started to do more bible studies with RTAW and learn so I could get closer to Jehovah.
I’m happy that you found Jehovah.
You had a visitation and an invitation. So glad you had that opportunity to voice your choice. It might be terrifying but it is an opportunity to access reality. There are demons. Evil spirits are real. So is Jehovah. So is Christ.
You had a visitation and an invitation. So glad you had that opportunity to voice your choice. It might be terrifying but it is an opportunity to access reality. There are demons. Evil spirits are real. So is Jehovah. So is Christ.
I'm very glad I was able to choose and I chose correctly too 😃. I believe Jehovah is still protecting me and my faith to him is alot stronger then it was because I haven't had anything like that ever happen again.
If your husband experienced something similar, there may have been something in the apartment attracting them. Jehovah knew your heart. He is not far off from each one of us.
My mom believes that there was some kind of demonic spirit that was feeding off the hatred his mom had toward me. When this happened to him it would always seem to happen about him and his mom would have a disagreement about something.
If your husband experienced something similar, there may have been something in the apartment attracting them. Jehovah knew your heart. He is not far off from each one of us.
Yeah, a long time ago a surfing buddy of mine had a bunch of Hawaiian tikis and implements of ancient Hawaiian warfare such as shields and knife type things. When he began studying he was getting bothered by external forces that he recognized to be demons possibly attracted to his Hawaiian "artwork". He torched those items and the forces disappeared. Que Church Lady here LOL.
My mom believes that there was some kind of demonic spirit that was feeding off the hatred his mom had toward me. When this happened to him it would always seem to happen about him and his mom would have a disagreement about something.
If you don't mind me asking, was his mom into any magic arts, the occult, perhaps?
Yeah, a long time ago a surfing buddy of mine had a bunch of Hawaiian tikis and implements of ancient Hawaiian warfare such as shields and knife type things. When he began studying he was getting bothered by external forces that he recognized to be demons possibly attracted to his Hawaiian "artwork". He torched those items and the forces disappeared. Que Church Lady here LOL.
That is amazing that simple artwork attracted them soon as he started study. I'm happy that he figured out the cause and got rid of them.
If you don't mind me asking, was his mom into any magic arts, the occult, perhaps?
She was a JW that left along time ago. We can only think that when I would cook and my husband would randomly eat my food instead of hers, that got her angry and when I had to use the kitchen sink or do my laundry she would get mad at that too.
If your husband experienced something similar, there may have been something in the apartment attracting them. Jehovah knew your heart. He is not far off from each one of us.
I agree. I'd start taking a close look at the stuff around you.

I had heard about something similar to the experience Medi-tator gave, but the item in question, I believe it was a blanket, couldn't be burned. Gasoline and fire did nothing to it. They eventually buried it deep.

This story is 3rd hand so take it for what you will.

Robert has some interesting stories about being pestered by the demons. He's hinted at it in some of his talks. Perhaps one day he'll tell us what happened in greater detail.

ETA: Great life story and I'm glad it worked out well for you.
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I agree. I'd start taking a close look at the stuff around you.

I had heard about something similar to the experience Medi-tator gave, but the item in question, I believe it was a blanket, couldn't be burned. Gasoline and fire did nothing to it. They eventually buried it deep.

This story is 3rd hand so take it for what you will.

Robert has some interesting stories about being pestered by the demons. He's hinted at it in some of his talks. Perhaps one day he'll tell us what happened in greater detail.

ETA: Great life story and I'm glad it worked out well for you.
Well since we decided to let her stay at the house (RTAW owns the property she is at) we decided to move and haven't had issues since. When she turns into a negative Nancy I get a bad feeling so we limit how much we visit,so far she has been in good moods lol
I agree. I'd start taking a close look at the stuff around you.

I had heard about something similar to the experience Medi-tator gave, but the item in question, I believe it was a blanket, couldn't be burned. Gasoline and fire did nothing to it. They eventually buried it deep.

This story is 3rd hand so take it for what you will.

Robert has some interesting stories about being pestered by the demons. He's hinted at it in some of his talks. Perhaps one day he'll tell us what happened in greater detail.

ETA: Great life story and I'm glad it worked out well for you.
I have heard such stories, I always ask, why not bring it to a lab, full of atheist scientists. Id love to get their explanation of a completely indestructible item.
Let me share with you all what really got me close to Jehovah. This all happened before my husband (RTAW) and I married, at the time we were just two best friends. I grew up with a very bad past that I will not go into but it ended me in a very bad relationship with someone, that is around when I met RTAW. He helped me heal by just being the gentleman that he is,and eventually I was able to muster the strength to leave my now ex-bf. I moved back home, only to be in a very bad environment (stepdad drunk all the time equals I never want to be home) so after about a couple of years,RTAW finally asked if I wanted to live with him, which only made sense being the fact I was over everyday to hang out and I felt very safe there. He made the extra bedroom into a mini apartment for me. OK fast forward 3 years living there. My now mother in law went from loving having me over to now moved in hated me(to this day we have no idea why) She would be angry at me for whatever reason, that the very same evening I would close my eyes to go to sleep and I would feel a weight on my blanket and then weight on me, so natural reaction is to open your eyes right? well my eyes weren't able to open and I wasn't able to move or speak, after about five minutes (felt like forever ) I was able to jump up see nothing was in my room so I would sleep with the light on (hehe).This happened three times and the last time I actually heard a voice in my said "Join us". Knowing a little bit of the bible from my little studies with RTAW, I replied in my mind "no I choose Jehovah", the weight on me got heavier and join us was repeated in my head that I could start to see in my mind what was talking to me....I said "no I choose Jehovah!!" and started praying to Jehovah, I asked to please protect me that I loved him and that I choose to follow him and only him. After the third time saying that everything stopped I was able to move and open my eyes and breathe.
Corrí a la habitación de RTAW (despertándolo) y le conté todo lo que pasó. El vio que yo estaba muerta de miedo por el terror en mi cara de volver a mi cuarto, que entró a mi cuarto agarró mi cobija y mi almohada y me dejó dormir a su lado, dijimos otra oración y nos fuimos a dormir. A la mañana siguiente terminó diciéndome que a él le pasa lo mismo pero nunca ha escuchado ninguna voz. Y me pareció una locura que también me haya pasado a mí. Después de ese día comencé a hacer más estudios bíblicos con RTAW y a aprender para poder acercarme más a Jehová.
Hola Alannah!! Nosotros hemos tenido también experiencias con los demonios. Mi esposo comenzó a estudiar la Biblia gracias a aquella experiencia. ¡¡La ayuda que recibimos de Jehová fue tan buena!! El demonio que nos atacó, quería matarnos literalmente. Hay muchos detalles en 2 meses que se producen en ataque. Ese demonio poseía a un testigo de Jehová vecino nuestro que ya en el pasado tuvo problemas con los demonios por prácticas espiritistas. El conocido a los testigos de Jehová y fue lo único que les ayudó a él y su familia en su experiencia personal. Te hablo de posesión fuerte, con transformación física y cosas muy escalofriantes. Ese demonio le daba una fuerza sobrenatural. De aquella experiencia que él surgió hasta que nosotros vimos que ese demonio le siguió dominando, pasaron unos 20 años. Entendimos con eso que mientras te acercas a Jehová el Diablo huye, pero que si no alimentas tu fe puede volver, porque te digo que nosotros vimos a aquel hombre en la plataforma de un salón del Reino haciendo asignaciones y predicando. Vimos como aquel demonio le enfermaba físicamente y hasta nos habló. Está claro que el diablo tiene mucho poder y no necesita objetos para querer atacarnos. Sólo Jehová nos puede ayudar. Aquella experiencia produjo diferentes reacciones en los que la vivimos. Éramos varias personas las que vimos aquella posesión. Algunos como yo creíamos en Jehová y le estudiábamos desde la infancia, entendí todo en comportamiento horroroso en cuanto vi a ese demonio hablarme directamente con sus ojos espeluznantes, otros que no creían en el demonio surgieron a estudiar aterrorizados por la experiencia. Sabían que existía un Dios, pero nunca pensaron en el diablo de una forma personal. Esa es la herramienta más poderosa del Diablo, la gente piensa que no existe, ni se lo plantean. Otros de los que había esperados en que se habían vuelto locos, eran vecinos no creyentes y sin ninguna relación con las Escrituras. Pero llegó con nosotros a orar porque lo que vio les quedó grande. Yo comprendí todo en ese momento. Gracias a Dios aquel demonio no me pudo soportar y así lo expresó, algo que me ayudó a entender Jehová nos ayuda en las situaciones en las que requerimos de su ayuda. La oración también, al igual que a ti, nos ayudó a salir de aquel lugar. Pienso en cuando estén aquí abajo todos y en la maravillosa arma que nos da Jehová con la oración. Hay que usarla constantemente hermanos!!! Oremos pues Esa es la herramienta más poderosa del Diablo, la gente piensa que no existe, ni se lo plantean. Otros de los que había esperados en que se habían vuelto locos, eran vecinos no creyentes y sin ninguna relación con las Escrituras. Pero llegó con nosotros a orar porque lo que vio les quedó grande. Yo comprendí todo en ese momento. Gracias a Dios aquel demonio no me pudo soportar y así lo expresó, algo que me ayudó a entender Jehová nos ayuda en las situaciones en las que requerimos de su ayuda. La oración también, al igual que a ti, nos ayudó a salir de aquel lugar. Pienso en cuando estén aquí abajo todos y en la maravillosa arma que nos da Jehová con la oración. Hay que usarla constantemente hermanos!!! Oremos pues Esa es la herramienta más poderosa del Diablo, la gente piensa que no existe, ni se lo plantean. Otros de los que había esperados en que se habían vuelto locos, eran vecinos no creyentes y sin ninguna relación con las Escrituras. Pero llegó con nosotros a orar porque lo que vio les quedó grande. Yo comprendí todo en ese momento. Gracias a Dios aquel demonio no me pudo soportar y así lo expresó, algo que me ayudó a entender Jehová nos ayuda en las situaciones en las que requerimos de su ayuda. La oración también, al igual que a ti, nos ayudó a salir de aquel lugar. Pienso en cuando estén aquí abajo todos y en la maravillosa arma que nos da Jehová con la oración. Hay que usarla constantemente hermanos!!! Oremos pues Otros de los que había esperados en que se habían vuelto locos, eran vecinos no creyentes y sin ninguna relación con las Escrituras. Pero llegó con nosotros a orar porque lo que vio les quedó grande. Yo comprendí todo en ese momento. Gracias a Dios aquel demonio no me pudo soportar y así lo expresó, algo que me ayudó a entender Jehová nos ayuda en las situaciones en las que requerimos de su ayuda. La oración también, al igual que a ti, nos ayudó a salir de aquel lugar. Pienso en cuando estén aquí abajo todos y en la maravillosa arma que nos da Jehová con la oración. Hay que usarla constantemente hermanos!!! Oremos pues Otros de los que había esperados en que se habían vuelto locos, eran vecinos no creyentes y sin ninguna relación con las Escrituras. Pero llegó con nosotros a orar porque lo que vio les quedó grande. Yo comprendí todo en ese momento. Gracias a Dios aquel demonio no me pudo soportar y así lo expresó, algo que me ayudó a entender Jehová nos ayuda en las situaciones en las que requerimos de su ayuda. La oración también, al igual que a ti, nos ayudó a salir de aquel lugar. Pienso en cuando estén aquí abajo todos y en la maravillosa arma que nos da Jehová con la oración. Hay que usarla constantemente hermanos!!! Oremos pues Gracias a Dios aquel demonio no me pudo soportar y así lo expresó, algo que me ayudó a entender Jehová nos ayuda en las situaciones en las que requerimos de su ayuda. La oración también, al igual que a ti, nos ayudó a salir de aquel lugar. Pienso en cuando estén aquí abajo todos y en la maravillosa arma que nos da Jehová con la oración. Hay que usarla constantemente hermanos!!! Oremos pues Gracias a Dios aquel demonio no me pudo soportar y así lo expresó, algo que me ayudó a entender Jehová nos ayuda en las situaciones en las que requerimos de su ayuda. La oración también, al igual que a ti, nos ayudó a salir de aquel lugar. Pienso en cuando estén aquí abajo todos y en la maravillosa arma que nos da Jehová con la oración. Hay que usarla constantemente hermanos!!! Oremos pues❤️
Hello Ana, Wow that is a very crazy tale of events that has happened there.I am very happy that you all are alright in the end. Reading that made me think about my nephew...He was such a happy baby always smiling and normal then when he was thiree my sister put him to bed and the next morning he was a completely different. no more smiles,no more bing happy always angry. He is ten years old now and the doctors think he just has a form of autism, and suffers from something else that basically is he doesnt know emotions like when he is happy and excited he shows anger instead but doesnt know it. my sister and I both think he is possesed by a demon because it just doesn't make any sense how he went from happy normal baby to anger and just evil in his eyes. Sadly the poor kid is on alot of medications, because his father won't agree to a excorcism.

Hola Ana, Wow, esa es una historia muy loca de los eventos que han sucedido allí. Estoy muy feliz de que todos estén bien al final. Leer eso me hizo pensar en mi sobrino... Era un bebé tan feliz, siempre sonriente y normal que cuando tenía 3 años mi hermana lo acostó y a la mañana siguiente era completamente diferente. no más sonrisas, no más bing feliz siempre enojado. Ahora tiene diez años y los médicos creen que solo tiene una forma de autismo y sufre de otra cosa que básicamente es que no conoce las emociones, como cuando está feliz y emocionado, muestra enojo pero no lo sabe. mi hermana y yo pensamos que está poseído por un demonio porque simplemente no tiene ningún sentido cómo pasó de ser un bebé normal y feliz a enfadarse y tener ojos malvados. Lamentablemente, el pobre niño está tomando muchos medicamentos, porque su padre no está de acuerdo con un excorcismo.
Thanks for sharing you story allanah. I’m sorry you had to go threw such an experience but such experiences definitely leave an impression. I definitely feel those experiences help us to really solidify not only our belief in Jehovah and Christ but strengthen our faith.

About a decade ago when I was an unbaptized publisher I had a similar experience. I use to work in mental health and always did feel as the demons unfortunately where always around, taking advantage of some these poor people. On the week prior to my baptism (still not baptized mind you) I was getting ready to fall asleep at work as it worked in residential care, I had the same experience of not being able to move or speak. I was able to open my eyes and see 4 shadowy figures. But they where dark, not being to able to move or make anything out other than them being shadows. I knew they where saying something but I couldn't make out what but they did bully me in a sense, pushing me on the couch I was laying. The whole time I just prayed and prayed to Jehovah. They more I prayed the the more physical they got. After continuing to pray and tell myself that Jehovah will protect me they left and I was able to move. It definitely shook me to my core. This wasn’t the first that it had happened but the first time I was able to open my eyes and see the shape of 4 beings watching over me. At that time I knew they didn’t want to be baptized but never imagined they would go to such extreme lengths to see that it didn’t happen. Unfortunately I did fall away for a few years, never being baptized, but in my heart I always knew and believed in Jehovah. Been making my way back to him since the loss of one of my daughters. I have two other little ones and I deeply want them to know Jehovah and Christ and to love them as I do. Especially at the start of the pandemic I know that the gt was nearing closer. I know that Jehovah was calling me back as the pandemic unfolded and began my studies again. I’m Pretty close to baptism but have my reservations with being baptized by the org at this point and not sure what to do in this regard. I’m praying to Jehovah for direction on this matter.

Thanks for sharing your story again. It gave my the courage to tell my story and current situation in life. I pray Jehovah continues to bless and protect you and your family. As well as everyone as in this forum. It has been a source of encouragement for me.
Thanks for sharing you story allanah. I’m sorry you had to go threw such an experience but such experiences definitely leave an impression. I definitely feel those experiences help us to really solidify not only our belief in Jehovah and Christ but strengthen our faith.

About a decade ago when I was an unbaptized publisher I had a similar experience. I use to work in mental health and always did feel as the demons unfortunately where always around, taking advantage of some these poor people. On the week prior to my baptism (still not baptized mind you) I was getting ready to fall asleep at work as it worked in residential care, I had the same experience of not being able to move or speak. I was able to open my eyes and see 4 shadowy figures. But they where dark, not being to able to move or make anything out other than them being shadows. I knew they where saying something but I couldn't make out what but they did bully me in a sense, pushing me on the couch I was laying. The whole time I just prayed and prayed to Jehovah. They more I prayed the the more physical they got. After continuing to pray and tell myself that Jehovah will protect me they left and I was able to move. It definitely shook me to my core. This wasn’t the first that it had happened but the first time I was able to open my eyes and see the shape of 4 beings watching over me. At that time I knew they didn’t want to be baptized but never imagined they would go to such extreme lengths to see that it didn’t happen. Unfortunately I did fall away for a few years, never being baptized, but in my heart I always knew and believed in Jehovah. Been making my way back to him since the loss of one of my daughters. I have two other little ones and I deeply want them to know Jehovah and Christ and to love them as I do. Especially at the start of the pandemic I know that the gt was nearing closer. I know that Jehovah was calling me back as the pandemic unfolded and began my studies again. I’m Pretty close to baptism but have my reservations with being baptized by the org at this point and not sure what to do in this regard. I’m praying to Jehovah for direction on this matter.

Thanks for sharing your story again. It gave my the courage to tell my story and current situation in life. I pray Jehovah continues to bless and protect you and your family. As well as everyone as in this forum. It has been a source of encouragement for me.
Thank you for sharing your story as well. And I will be honest from time to time I do see dark figures move pass me randomly out of the corner of my eye,but I feel like Jehovah's love is protecting me and not allowing them to get close to me again.