Announcement - Special message from GB - prepare for civil unrest

“People are going to get so desperate they will break into your home in the middle of the night and murder you for a scrap of food, or the hope of it.”
Most people alive today in developed nations have never gone hungry. This means that they don’t understand the truth of this old saying - which has been attributed to Lenin and others:

“Every society is three meals away from chaos.”

When a person has no food, and they feel the pain and dread of an empty stomach…. Or they’re watching their children starve to death…. People will do whatever it takes in order to obtain food. If that means killing someone to get it? So be it.

The world is devoid of morals as it is. So the majority of these godless people will have no issue with dispatching a complete stranger in order to feed themselves or their family. And most times, they won’t be alone. There is strength in numbers. Groups will band together for their own security and for the force a group can project.

Now…. I’m going to ask a controversial question, and I’m interested in your thoughts. When you heard the words “Personal Protection Equipment” from the GB. Did something other than masks or helmets come to mind?
@BillyRay I’m going to ask a controversial question, and I’m interested in your thoughts. When you heard the words “Personal Protection Equipment” from the GB. Did something other than masks or helmets come to mind?

Well, heck yes! I know a brother over here who owns a pistol! Pistols are not designed for hunting and most hunting over here on Oahu is done with a bow and arrow (wild pigs). Rifle hunting does take place on other islands where a species of deer are too numerous for the eco system. But anyway, to be blunt and answer your question BillyRay, I did think of guns and machetes and baseball bats. I refuse to use any of those items and Driven and I have discussed this at length already that we both agree we will not kill or maim anyone even in the face of death. I already know my days are numbered on this side of The Big A, but we have a pretty good hiding place so unless it is a nuke, we just might avoid the marauding bands of food thieves, God willing. Your turn.....
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No not really I think they just meant mask etc Bows are nice that reminds me the archery range would make for a good upper body workout if I could go frequently given my recurves 45lb draw weight. Honestly if the tribualtion-armageddon were how I and probably most of us envisioned even less than ten years ago I'd be near pacifist only real concern circa 2018 was protecting any children I might have in the future from pedophiles but now all this converging sci-fi crap is clear before us that's made me stray from pacifism the past few years. I don't mind surrendering to martyrdom at all what's losing one's life when there's the resurrection they want to simply put you in a camp and decapitate you if you don't accept the mark that's fine but people are wanting to vandalize your dna, at least Attempt to biologically cut you off from god, and eliminate your free will. Looters and the blue helmets are one thing but we might see robots and/or artificial nephilim and/or zombies of some sort and/or people reduced to a hive mind of digital avatar piloted bio robots. Any individual type of adversity raises personal questions for one to sort out and I can't pretend I have many answers or positions. Jehovah undoubtedly knows far better how I'd react to any situation than I do. All I care about for the most part is my will is aligned/serves/allegiance is to him for every moment I'm gifted whether finite or infinite.

It'll be a lot clearer after Christ manifest to the sealed anointed and we follow there instructions.
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The global bankers and that means they could collectively cancel all debt if they wanted to, to keep things from going under. They don't want to.
this isnt really true. In accounting there is always a credit and a debit to every transaction. they can’t cancel debt because there is always, ALWAYS a creditor on the other side aka a bag holder. that’s why they call it debt and that’s why most western nations are desperate for a way out so they keep printing money, loaning it out at zero bound, and getting deeper into debt.

What they really want is negative real interest rates on the benchmark 10 year U.S. treasury- but they can’t implement neg rates while cash is still a thing cause everyone will pull their cash out causing a run on banks.

Once they collapse the dollar and replace it with a digital currency, hello negative rates. that will buy these ghouls more time. I think that is what behind the pandemic. that and others things ofc.
Food shortages will come first before mass rioting. As people get desperate for food they obviously do crazy things. That includes intent to murder and steal. Therefore, it's wise to move out of the big cities and into the suburbs or rural areas.
Gasoline would be likely impossible to get. So it's best to have some portable solar panels and a plan to use your BBQ grill or portable stove for cooking.
For protection I suggest a hunting gun. Mainly for hunting deer or wild boar etc. And for possibly a self defense purpose if by some chance your family life is threatened. If not that. Then pepper spray or tasers etc.
For protection I suggest a hunting gun. Mainly for hunting deer or wild boar etc. And for possibly a self defense purpose if by some chance your family life is threatened. If not that. Then pepper spray or tasers etc.
I have been informed by some neighbors down the road that wasp spray is better than pepper spray. Still, I believe prayer is the best defense. I guess I am old-fashioned.
I live in the good ole USA. Our entire nation was on fire. Cops didn't do a thing because of George Floyd and all that. In some cities, homeless people have built cities and they defecate where they can. Pointless to move them on. They tried to take over Huntington Beach in California but the law finally drove them out because too much money was being lost on the boardwalk. People regularly steal from Walgreens, jewelry stores and pretty much anything they want in northern Cali and the cops are told to do nothing. Store managers are told they might be arrested if they try to stop the thieves.
Some young fella just murdered about 10 people at one go. People are about to begin murdering each other over abortion. The Colorado River is not producing enough water to keep supplying the four or five states that depend on it, for much longer. Food is about to run out. Our farmers were forced to destroy crops and livestock. Twenty of our food processing plants in the USA all mysteriously burned to the ground within three weeks of each other. Something that is statistically and impossibility without the help of arson.
Shall I keep the list going? My list goes back about 60 years and not just the last two which I already typed out. People are going to get so desperate they will break into your home in the middle of the night and murder you for a scrap of food, or the hope of it.
I know you mean well but even among those whom I still know among JW who will still talk to me, none of them seem to hear or see. It is as if the god of this system of things has blinded them to the danger just ahead. I feel like I am wasting my time most days trying to warn anyone.
Please promise me that if you hear something that sounds like gunfire, don't rush outside to verify it.
Bill, I am aware of the reports. I am in the States as well. Sure the govs are allowing lawlessness in the hopes that will ruin the "people". But the only way the system falls is if the gov in all it's evil ways makes it fall. Along with cooperating corporations. Too many people in real life want stability. It won't fall unless those in power make it fall. Crime has been going on since the beginning of time. This is a big country. What goes on in one location does not go on neccessarily in another location. But like I said it will take deliberate action globally to make this thing collapse. Our entire nation was not on fire despite George Floyd.. Not everyone believes the news.
Well, sorry to burst your bubble but if you look around you and follow the alternative news, that collapse is imminent.
This financial system wasn’t build to last and it’s on its last legs. Plus, they need to push the New World Order.
Moms can’t feed their babies in the US due to formula shortages created by the government. No potatoes in the US either, they shipped them to Mexico. Stores are running empty and inflation keeps on rising. What do you think will happen when the cubs are hungry and momma bear can’t feed them?
Remember the BLM riots? Wait till the Roe v. Wade riots begin. It’s just a perfect storm, so many things are happening all at the same time. The above mentioned don’t even scratch the surface.
The dems gotta keep their future voting base happy
I'm 'taste testing' some of the wild edibles around my apt. complex. Tastes like micro-greens, more or less ☺️- so far.
Nice, its good to be knowledgable of the forageable plants around us. That's what I like living here in the Caribbean. They are heavy on agricultural. Most people have gardens and fruit trees.
We have wild Dasheen (Caliloo, Taro) bush growing all around us in the open bush. The leaves can be cooked and eaten (considered a superfood). The roots are also regularly eaten like a potato in soups, etc. Its sold at all the local markets.
Almost every yard has a Papaya tree or 2. I'm growing one. Mango trees are everywhere. There are 2 large ones at the end of our street currently producing like mad, they litter the street. Also planted an Avocado tree and Lime tree (just blossomed last week and should have limes in a few weeks and a West Indian cherry tree (Acerola also considered a super food).
I have a row of radishes, beets and started a patch of asparagus which has gone through several cycles of growth (waiting for it to mature enough to harvest). A sister in our new cong shared some purple sweet potato vine clippings. I buried them as instructed. Hopefully they catch on.
Ill be expanding the garden as time goes on. The soil they used to backfill our house is garbage (mostly clay) so I have to add topsoil.
Where I grew up in Western Colorado we used to harvest wild Asparagus along the ditches and canals. And my grandmother would make jam and syrup from wild choke cherries (sooo delicious). There are canals in South West Denver where I used to harvest wild choke cherries, apples and apricots growing along the banks. And in the mountains I could find wild raspberries and strawberries in late summer. I love the tartness of wild fruit.
"include personal protective equipment"

Christ also promoted having "personal protective equipment". And what was that equipment he ordered his followers to have? A sword. The best form of personal protection available at the time.

(Luke 22:36) let the one who has no sword sell his outer garment and buy one.

Why did Jesus give that command?

(John 17:12) When I was with them, I used to watch over them on account of your own name, which you have given me; and I have protected them, and not one of them is destroyed except the son of destruction, so that the scripture might be fulfilled.

But now" he was no longer going to be there to protect them, so they needed to be able to protect themselves. (Lu 22:36)

(Mark 14:48) But in response Jesus said to them: “Did you come out to arrest me with swords and clubs as against a robber?

Jesus did not condemn the mob for having swords and clubs, but for intending to use them inappropriately against an innocent person. And how are swords and clubs appropriately used? Jesus tells us: "against a robber."

Was Jesus serious about us having the means to protect ourselves? Yes. Look at what he said:

(Luke 22:36)
let the one who has no sword sell his outer garment and buy one.

With Jesus' departure it was so crucial for everyone to have a sword that those who did not have one were even to sell their outer garment if they had to and buy one. The outer garment of a man on the road was so important that it could mean his death without it on a cold night. It was also used as his bedding, and provided padding and insulation against the cold ground when he slept outside. The Mosaic law even acknowledged its importance:

(Exodus 22:26, 27)
“If you seize the garment of your fellow man as security for a loan, you are to return it to him by sunset. 27 For it is his only covering, his clothing to cover his body; in what will he lie down to sleep? When he cries out to me, I will certainly hear, for I am compassionate. (De 24:17)

Does that mean that our king has commanded us to buy protection for ourselves, even if we have to sell our proverbial "outer garment" to do so? The answer seems clear to me: Yes.

Do you ask: But doesn't using a gun to protect ourselves go against Bible principles?

Nowhere does the Bible condemn protecting oneself and ones loved ones. In fact, it requires it.

(Deuteronomy 22:8) “If you build a new house you must also make a parapet for your roof so that you may not bring bloodguilt on your house because of someone falling from it."

That verse refers to bloodguilt resulting from a failure to provide protection.

(1 Timothy 5:8) Certainly if anyone does not provide for those who are his own, and especially for those who are members of his household, he has disowned the faith and is worse than a person without faith.

Safety, security, and protection are part of what the head of the house provides "for those who are his own." Otherwise he would be "worse than a person without faith."

If you choose NOT to provide protection for your household, and something happens to any of them, that is when you become bloodguilty, because you intentionally chose not to provide protection even though you are required to do so. (De 22:8; Lu 22:36) If we shirk this God-given duty we have "disowned the faith and [are] worse than a person without faith." (1 Tim 5:8) We will have earned that bloodguilt and may lose our place in paradise.

The GB often quote this scripture to back up their opinion on this topic:

(Ecclesiastes 9:18)
Wisdom is better than weapons of war

But that is only a partial quote. The whole verse says this:

(Ecclesiastes 9:18)
Wisdom is better than weapons of war, but just one sinner can destroy much good.

Note the use of the word "better". The original Hebrew word "towbah" is translated in most other locations as "good". Here the scripture could literally be translated: "Wisdom is (more good) than weapons of war", showing that both options are considered to be good since both can be used for the cause of good. One is just better, or more good.

The first half of that scripture is similar to this modern saying: "The pen is mightier than the sword." In both instances smarter is better, but regardless of how smart or wise you are, if you are being attacked by someone with a weapon, written words will not save you, and trying to talk your way out of the situation is useless if the attacker is intent on harming you. As the counter argument in the second half of that verse points out: "just one sinner can destroy much good." If we added a counter argument to the modern saying like that verse has it could go something like this:

The pen is mightier than the sword, but a well written letter won't protect you if you are being attacked.

So Ecclesiastes 9:18 is in reality a recommendation not to solely rely on wisdom, but to also keep yourself armed just in case. You should always be prepared for a non-peaceable encounter. (Ro 12:18)

Do you say: But what about Mt 26:52?

(Matthew 26:52) all those who take up the sword will perish by the sword.

Jesus does not lie to his followers. However, viewed in the manner of self-protection, as the GB applies this scripture, "All those who take up the sword will perish by the sword" is a false statement. All people who have a firearm (sword) for self-protection are not killed with firearms. (Even soldiers who use weapons in an offensive manner in war are not "all" killed.) On the contrary, statistics show that a huge number of crimes such as rapes and murders are prevented with firearms. The vast majority of those who have protected themselves and their families with firearms have lived long lives not ended with being shot, that is to say, they did not perish by the sword. And many who did not have a firearm for protection wound up dead as a result. So since Jesus was not lying he must not have meant that having a sword (firearm) for protection would get you killed because "all those who take up the sword [for self protection do NOT] perish by the sword."

Here is another scripture often quoted by the GB to promote their view.

(Micah 4:3) They will beat their swords into plowshares And their spears into pruning shears. Nation will not lift up sword against nation, Nor will they learn war anymore.

That is talking about after Armageddon, when the nations will finally be at peace. And what will those who live through Armageddon do? They will take "their swords" that they have and make plowshares out of them. It doesn't say that they will pick up the swords of those who died at Armageddon. No, but they will make their own swords into plowshares and their own spears into pruning shears.

Here is a quote from Jesus on the topic:

(Luke 11:21)
When a strong, well-armed man guards his palace, his belongings remain secure.

No negativity is referred to in being "well-armed". On the contrary, he will be rewarded with his belongings remaining secure. A positive outcome.

(Luke 11:22) But when someone stronger than he is comes against him and conquers him, that man takes away all his weapons in which he was trusting, and he divides up the things he took from him.

That describes a thief who attacks, so the victim would be justified in using violence to protect himself. Weapons in those days required strength to wield them. In this case the thief was stronger than his victim so he prevailed. Fortunately the weapons of today put everyone on equal footing, enabling even those who are not strong to defend themselves, which is why a firearm is referred to as "the great equalizer."

(Exodus 22:2, 3a) “If a thief is found in the act of breaking in and he gets struck and dies, there is no bloodguilt for him. 3 But if it happens after sunrise, there is bloodguilt for him.

This says a "thief", not a murderer or an attacker. Why? Because you are never bloodguilty if while protecting yourself or your loved ones you strike and kill an attacker. But that does not apply to just a thief. At night they could not tell the purpose of the intruder. During the day, however, they could see that a thief, who is just there to take something and run, is not a danger to them or their household. Killing him would have been murder. This, however, does not rule out killing an attacker during the day who's intent is to harm or kill you or your loved ones.

(Exodus 23:7) “Have nothing to do with a false accusation, and do not kill the innocent and the righteous, for I will not declare the wicked one righteous.

This shows that there is a difference between killing the innocent, and killing the wicked ones who are out to do you harm.

This is just a small sample of the scriptural proof that arming oneself for protection does not go against Bible principles. Much more can be found here: Firearms

"include personal protective equipment"

Christ also promoted having "personal protective equipment". And what was that equipment he ordered his followers to have? A sword. The best form of personal protection available at the time.

(Luke 22:36) let the one who has no sword sell his outer garment and buy one.

Why did Jesus give that command?

(John 17:12) When I was with them, I used to watch over them on account of your own name, which you have given me; and I have protected them, and not one of them is destroyed except the son of destruction, so that the scripture might be fulfilled.

But now" he was no longer going to be there to protect them, so they needed to be able to protect themselves. (Lu 22:36)

(Mark 14:48) But in response Jesus said to them: “Did you come out to arrest me with swords and clubs as against a robber?

Jesus did not condemn the mob for having swords and clubs, but for intending to use them inappropriately against an innocent person. And how are swords and clubs appropriately used? Jesus tells us: "against a robber."

Was Jesus serious about us having the means to protect ourselves? Yes. Look at what he said:

(Luke 22:36)
let the one who has no sword sell his outer garment and buy one.

With Jesus' departure it was so crucial for everyone to have a sword that those who did not have one were even to sell their outer garment if they had to and buy one. The outer garment of a man on the road was so important that it could mean his death without it on a cold night. It was also used as his bedding, and provided padding and insulation against the cold ground when he slept outside. The Mosaic law even acknowledged its importance:

(Exodus 22:26, 27)
“If you seize the garment of your fellow man as security for a loan, you are to return it to him by sunset. 27 For it is his only covering, his clothing to cover his body; in what will he lie down to sleep? When he cries out to me, I will certainly hear, for I am compassionate. (De 24:17)

Does that mean that our king has commanded us to buy protection for ourselves, even if we have to sell our proverbial "outer garment" to do so? The answer seems clear to me: Yes.

Do you ask: But doesn't using a gun to protect ourselves go against Bible principles?

Nowhere does the Bible condemn protecting oneself and ones loved ones. In fact, it requires it.

(Deuteronomy 22:8) “If you build a new house you must also make a parapet for your roof so that you may not bring bloodguilt on your house because of someone falling from it."

That verse refers to bloodguilt resulting from a failure to provide protection.

(1 Timothy 5:8) Certainly if anyone does not provide for those who are his own, and especially for those who are members of his household, he has disowned the faith and is worse than a person without faith.

Safety, security, and protection are part of what the head of the house provides "for those who are his own." Otherwise he would be "worse than a person without faith."

If you choose NOT to provide protection for your household, and something happens to any of them, that is when you become bloodguilty, because you intentionally chose not to provide protection even though you are required to do so. (De 22:8; Lu 22:36) If we shirk this God-given duty we have "disowned the faith and [are] worse than a person without faith." (1 Tim 5:8) We will have earned that bloodguilt and may lose our place in paradise.

The GB often quote this scripture to back up their opinion on this topic:

(Ecclesiastes 9:18)
Wisdom is better than weapons of war

But that is only a partial quote. The whole verse says this:

(Ecclesiastes 9:18)
Wisdom is better than weapons of war, but just one sinner can destroy much good.

Note the use of the word "better". The original Hebrew word "towbah" is translated in most other locations as "good". Here the scripture could literally be translated: "Wisdom is (more good) than weapons of war", showing that both options are considered to be good since both can be used for the cause of good. One is just better, or more good.

The first half of that scripture is similar to this modern saying: "The pen is mightier than the sword." In both instances smarter is better, but regardless of how smart or wise you are, if you are being attacked by someone with a weapon, written words will not save you, and trying to talk your way out of the situation is useless if the attacker is intent on harming you. As the counter argument in the second half of that verse points out: "just one sinner can destroy much good." If we added a counter argument to the modern saying like that verse has it could go something like this:

The pen is mightier than the sword, but a well written letter won't protect you if you are being attacked.

So Ecclesiastes 9:18 is in reality a recommendation not to solely rely on wisdom, but to also keep yourself armed just in case. You should always be prepared for a non-peaceable encounter. (Ro 12:18)

Do you say: But what about Mt 26:52?

(Matthew 26:52) all those who take up the sword will perish by the sword.

Jesus does not lie to his followers. However, viewed in the manner of self-protection, as the GB applies this scripture, "All those who take up the sword will perish by the sword" is a false statement. All people who have a firearm (sword) for self-protection are not killed with firearms. (Even soldiers who use weapons in an offensive manner in war are not "all" killed.) On the contrary, statistics show that a huge number of crimes such as rapes and murders are prevented with firearms. The vast majority of those who have protected themselves and their families with firearms have lived long lives not ended with being shot, that is to say, they did not perish by the sword. And many who did not have a firearm for protection wound up dead as a result. So since Jesus was not lying he must not have meant that having a sword (firearm) for protection would get you killed because "all those who take up the sword [for self protection do NOT] perish by the sword."

Here is another scripture often quoted by the GB to promote their view.

(Micah 4:3) They will beat their swords into plowshares And their spears into pruning shears. Nation will not lift up sword against nation, Nor will they learn war anymore.

That is talking about after Armageddon, when the nations will finally be at peace. And what will those who live through Armageddon do? They will take "their swords" that they have and make plowshares out of them. It doesn't say that they will pick up the swords of those who died at Armageddon. No, but they will make their own swords into plowshares and their own spears into pruning shears.

Here is a quote from Jesus on the topic:

(Luke 11:21)
When a strong, well-armed man guards his palace, his belongings remain secure.

No negativity is referred to in being "well-armed". On the contrary, he will be rewarded with his belongings remaining secure. A positive outcome.

(Luke 11:22) But when someone stronger than he is comes against him and conquers him, that man takes away all his weapons in which he was trusting, and he divides up the things he took from him.

That describes a thief who attacks, so the victim would be justified in using violence to protect himself. Weapons in those days required strength to wield them. In this case the thief was stronger than his victim so he prevailed. Fortunately the weapons of today put everyone on equal footing, enabling even those who are not strong to defend themselves, which is why a firearm is referred to as "the great equalizer."

(Exodus 22:2, 3a) “If a thief is found in the act of breaking in and he gets struck and dies, there is no bloodguilt for him. 3 But if it happens after sunrise, there is bloodguilt for him.

This says a "thief", not a murderer or an attacker. Why? Because you are never bloodguilty if while protecting yourself or your loved ones you strike and kill an attacker. But that does not apply to just a thief. At night they could not tell the purpose of the intruder. During the day, however, they could see that a thief, who is just there to take something and run, is not a danger to them or their household. Killing him would have been murder. This, however, does not rule out killing an attacker during the day who's intent is to harm or kill you or your loved ones.

(Exodus 23:7) “Have nothing to do with a false accusation, and do not kill the innocent and the righteous, for I will not declare the wicked one righteous.

This shows that there is a difference between killing the innocent, and killing the wicked ones who are out to do you harm.

This is just a small sample of the scriptural proof that arming oneself for protection does not go against Bible principles. Much more can be found here: Firearms

Wow. That is the best explanation I ever read on this subject. I definitely learned something new by reading this. Still, for me, prayer first and then wasp spray!
This is just a small sample of the scriptural proof that arming oneself for protection does not go against Bible principles. Much more can be found here: Firearms
Aloha Dane500! The link named "Firearms" appears to be inactive.

I gave your comments a "WOW" because this is some really well thought out material! I am going to send this to the brother I know who owns a pistol so he can make up his own mind regarding any inward struggle he might be going through regarding this subject. Thanks be to @BillyRay for getting this dialogue going and thank you immensely @Dane500 for weighing in so tremendously. I am going to pray about this matter specifically and see how it turns out in my spiritual awareness arena. Really glad you wrote all this for our collective benefit and welcome to this forum!!
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Nice, its good to be knowledgable of the forageable plants around us. That's what I like living here in the Caribbean. They are heavy on agricultural. Most people have gardens and fruit trees.
We have wild Dasheen (Caliloo, Taro) bush growing all around us in the open bush. The leaves can be cooked and eaten (considered a superfood). The roots are also regularly eaten like a potato in soups, etc. Its sold at all the local markets.
Almost every yard has a Papaya tree or 2. I'm growing one. Mango trees are everywhere. There are 2 large ones at the end of our street currently producing like mad, they litter the street. Also planted an Avocado tree and Lime tree (just blossomed last week and should have limes in a few weeks and a West Indian cherry tree (Acerola also considered a super food).
I have a row of radishes, beets and started a patch of asparagus which has gone through several cycles of growth (waiting for it to mature enough to harvest). A sister in our new cong shared some purple sweet potato vine clippings. I buried them as instructed. Hopefully they catch on.
Ill be expanding the garden as time goes on. The soil they used to backfill our house is garbage (mostly clay) so I have to add topsoil.
Where I grew up in Western Colorado we used to harvest wild Asparagus along the ditches and canals. And my grandmother would make jam and syrup from wild choke cherries (sooo delicious). There are canals in South West Denver where I used to harvest wild choke cherries, apples and apricots growing along the banks. And in the mountains I could find wild raspberries and strawberries in late summer. I love the tartness of wild fruit.
Sounds totally wonderful! Especially the mango and cherry trees! When I stayed in Mexico for a while, one of my favorite things was fresh coconut and mango. I would love to find wild asparagus, but I don't think I've heard of it growing around here.
I live in the good ole USA. Our entire nation was on fire. Cops didn't do a thing because of George Floyd and all that. In some cities, homeless people have built cities and they defecate where they can. Pointless to move them on. They tried to take over Huntington Beach in California but the law finally drove them out because too much money was being lost on the boardwalk. People regularly steal from Walgreens, jewelry stores and pretty much anything they want in northern Cali and the cops are told to do nothing. Store managers are told they might be arrested if they try to stop the thieves.
Some young fella just murdered about 10 people at one go. People are about to begin murdering each other over abortion. The Colorado River is not producing enough water to keep supplying the four or five states that depend on it, for much longer. Food is about to run out. Our farmers were forced to destroy crops and livestock. Twenty of our food processing plants in the USA all mysteriously burned to the ground within three weeks of each other. Something that is statistically and impossibility without the help of arson.
Shall I keep the list going? My list goes back about 60 years and not just the last two which I already typed out. People are going to get so desperate they will break into your home in the middle of the night and murder you for a scrap of food, or the hope of it.
I know you mean well but even among those whom I still know among JW who will still talk to me, none of them seem to hear or see. It is as if the god of this system of things has blinded them to the danger just ahead. I feel like I am wasting my time most days trying to warn anyone.
Please promise me that if you hear something that sounds like gunfire, don't rush outside to verify it.
I HEAR you. For years now I have been warning from personal experience how fast this mess can go. Last year I invited some of the friends via zoom to see how they could grow potatoes and yams in bags and put them out on the decks...Crickets. I absolutely will not share that I have in the interim become a darn good shot even at 30 yards ( 9mm and 5.56), but that would only be for coyotes...I am a widow and never stop looking for new ways to help others, but nobody is ready to listen outside of my own children. The talk from the circuit overseer last Tuesday reminded everyone to not be afraid and to ignore any bad news they hear, Jehovah will provide. (mind you he was on zoom again because he got exposed to Covid - totally vaccinated but that is for another day). Maybe Jehovah is providing them with people who are awake...hang in there!
Sounds totally wonderful! Especially the mango and cherry trees! When I stayed in Mexico for a while, one of my favorite things was fresh coconut and mango. I would love to find wild asparagus, but I don't think I've heard of it growing around here.
wild asparagus comes up every year around the apple and pear orchards and the dry areas around rivers east of the Cascades of Washington state.

@Dorothea would know about this. It’s an abundance of free food every year! I don’t think I have ever paid for asparagus - its truly a treat from
above. ¡ha
I HEAR you. For years now I have been warning from personal experience how fast this mess can go. Last year I invited some of the friends via zoom to see how they could grow potatoes and yams in bags and put them out on the decks...Crickets. I absolutely will not share that I have in the interim become a darn good shot even at 30 yards ( 9mm and 5.56), but that would only be for coyotes...I am a widow and never stop looking for new ways to help others, but nobody is ready to listen outside of my own children. The talk from the circuit overseer last Tuesday reminded everyone to not be afraid and to ignore any bad news they hear, Jehovah will provide. (mind you he was on zoom again because he got exposed to Covid - totally vaccinated but that is for another day). Maybe Jehovah is providing them with people who are awake...hang in there!
potatoes are so easy to grow and they require small amounts of water- they grow in almost any type of soil even poor soil. i used to plant potatoes around my yard in just leave debris and straw, et cet. Never had a failed crop growing up.