Advice from successful Faders please


Well-known member
So I am nearly a year into my fade, and I still have a nagging sense of guilt that I am forsaking the command to gather together.
I used my 'discernment' 'to flee' after the disturbing #Updates and the letter to full time workers to get vaxxed was leaked.

I still get messages from certain ones in the congregation asking how i am, which congregation i am attending etc, and i feel bad for not responding. I dont know if their interest is sincere or if they are stooges acting on direction from the elders.

I tried making friends with non witnesses who seemed to be awake but had to curtail that when I realised how deep into the new age fraud they were.

I am doing the 'fading' route as I still have relatives in the truth. I know if I am honest and tell them I no longer have any faith in the GB, and that I think they are the Man of Lawlessness, and that judgement is imminent, I will be disfellowshiped or forcibly disassociated and will be in no position to help my JWs friends when the judgement comes.
How do I deal with this honorably?

I feel so alone. The only person I see face to face to converse with is my team leader at work.
I am also being persecuted by my next door neighbour. I do not have the means to move, and am often sleep deprived because of the antisocial behaviour and noise pollution.

Also my father has now been so stumbled that he has written a letter of dissociation, and is associating with a Baptist church, taking communion and is some sort of Zionist and believes in 2 raptures. He admits he hasnt felt a heavenly calling.
Think James Penton/Ray Franz/Eric wilson.
I no longer believe in shunning, but is it appropriate to keep talking about spiritual things with him?

I cant wait for the revealing of Christs true brothers.
Sorry for the long post. Please keep praying for each other.
Hey sis, I'm in a similar situation so I feel your frustration. Only I wish I could fade but it's not an option for me at this time since it would disrupt my entire life including my peaceful marriage and my secular job.
I sympathize with your loneliness. I can only imagine. I don't have answers for you since we all have to make the best of individual circumstances but I'm sorry you're suffering and pray that Jah will give you comfort and supply what you need, including wisdom and discernment.
I have to admit that many of the friends in the congregations that I've been in are genuinely trying to do what they feel is right. And they love Jehovah and want to do his will with what they know. That is true in my current congregation. Although I can't talk to any of them about my personal truth and these things that I have discovered because of the consequences you've laid out, we still have our basic love for Jehovah and Bible truth in common. That is still a bond of love and support that I know I will never find on the outside.
So right now I am playing The Balancing Act much as you are. Trying to go along to get along to the degree that my conscience will allow. At times I feel disingenuous and like I'm just acting a part. I know that there will be a time in the future where I can no longer go along. I'm trying to prepare myself for that moment. Hopefully by that time my wife and other good friends will be able to see the truth as well. That will make it easier to make the inevitable separation.
I know that there are others here who would disagree with what I am suggesting but perhaps you might consider returning to congregation meetings and Association just so that you will not feel lonely and risk the danger of making a bad choice because of your loneliness. Most likely you know at least a few friends in your congregation who you can trust. Maybe you can just stay close to them without revealing the deeper things that you have come to know with the hope that someday it will be exposed and they might see the truth.
Hey sis, I'm in a similar situation so I feel your frustration. Only I wish I could fade but it's not an option for me at this time since it would disrupt my entire life including my peaceful marriage and my secular job.
I sympathize with your loneliness. I can only imagine. I don't have answers for you since we all have to make the best of individual circumstances but I'm sorry you're suffering and pray that Jah will give you comfort and supply what you need, including wisdom and discernment.
I have to admit that many of the friends in the congregations that I've been in are genuinely trying to do what they feel is right. And they love Jehovah and want to do his will with what they know. That is true in my current congregation. Although I can't talk to any of them about my personal truth and these things that I have discovered because of the consequences you've laid out, we still have our basic love for Jehovah and Bible truth in common. That is still a bond of love and support that I know I will never find on the outside.
So right now I am playing The Balancing Act much as you are. Trying to go along to get along to the degree that my conscience will allow. At times I feel disingenuous and like I'm just acting a part. I know that there will be a time in the future where I can no longer go along. I'm trying to prepare myself for that moment. Hopefully by that time my wife and other good friends will be able to see the truth as well. That will make it easier to make the inevitable separation.
I know that there are others here who would disagree with what I am suggesting but perhaps you might consider returning to congregation meetings and Association just so that you will not feel lonely and risk the danger of making a bad choice because of your loneliness. Most likely you know at least a few friends in your congregation who you can trust. Maybe you can just stay close to them without revealing the deeper things that you have come to know with the hope that someday it will be exposed and they might see the truth.

Thank you for your encouraging comments.
One of the reasons I stopped attending Zoom meetings was because I no longer felt any spiritual upbuiding from them.
Also, I cannot wear a mask because of my strong medical/scientific/moral objection to them, also I have breathing difficulties.
Once you have fled 'Jerusalem' you dont go back do you? Even if you may have fled prematurely.
However, I appreciate your comments and appreciate how difficult the balancing act must be if you are still inside. Thank you.
Whether you are close with your father or not? Maybe you could spill the beans to him about where you're at? Maybe tell him about this place? Not sure if I know what "fading is"? I think you should just continue doing what you're doing. Wanting to be connected to your friends I think I can understand ( sort of ) Maybe you could test their friendship? ask them simple questions about bible verses that question the G/B's teachings? ie; Have you ever wondered what this means? 1 Cor 11:26. or similar?
I share some of your feelings. It is such a blessing to be able to converse with like minded ones here. I'm sorry, I know for you to write this that it's weighing heavily on you what to do, it's a suffocating place to be in. I try to keep reflecting on how this is preparing me for what lies ahead, building up my resilience. I've been wondering how it is I'm not crumbling to pieces, and that's when I realized Jehovah is truly pulling me together. It's been ages now, and I'm still figuring out what to do. I've been adhering to when in doubt, leave it out. It's been a year now since I've got baptized so I've got a sheperding visit coming up, and I'm going to have to talk about these things. Because I'm new in the truth and young I just don't feel I'm going to be taken as seriously. For me personally I'll be mentioning the vaccine issue and sharing my viewpoint so it is brought to their attention. What I've found speaking with one elder about an evil slave and the GB's lack of neutrality, he didn't really take what I said as a serious thing. Also, with another brother, he just said I can see you're on your way out, but doesn't see me as an apostate. I just don't think they can comprehend it.
Not all are out to get us as we may feel. My advice I can offer, is to pray to speak to the right brother or sister who you can help, and possibly them you. I feel sharing it with some one who not necessarily shares your feelings but who knows and feels for you will help a lot, it has me. Not ever speaking about it will constantly leave you feeling so heavy. You don't have to share everything either, just such as that your conscience hasn't been respected, that they have deviated from the scriptures with things they've said.
Maybe you could send your dad one of Roberts videos? I'll be praying for you, hang in there.
Whether you are close with your father or not? Maybe you could spill the beans to him about where you're at? Maybe tell him about this place? Not sure if I know what "fading is"? Do you go to the kingdom hall, or just Zoom? I think you should just continue doing what you're doing. Wanting to be connected to your friends I think I can understand
( sort of ) Maybe you could test their friendship? ask them simple questions about bible verses that question the G/B's teachings? ie; Have you ever wondered what this means? 1 Cor 11:26. or similar?
Hi. DR74minus. It was actually my father who told me about Robert's YouTube channel about 5 years ago. Although I thought Robert was right about a lot of things, I had faith that although the GB was imperfect, Jehovah would put it all right.

It wasn't until summer 2020 when I realised that the GB was perpetuating the covid fraud when it had become obvious it was a joke; and they had shut the Kingdom Halls and stopped the public ministry for far too long that I revisited RKs YouTube channel. I saw a video that showed he was awake to the to the agenda behind the covid fraud, and at least realised that the dangers of covid were exaggerated, so I looked at his e watchman site and 'binged' his videos.
(This forum did not exist yet)
My dad does still look at RK's YouTube channel and his e watchman site. He is unable to view this forum for some reason. I think it is to do with his wifi, but I didn't have the IT expertise to solve it.
He still respects RK but thinks he is too Watchtower centric and that JWs are just another Freemason sect, and that other Christian groups might be acceptable to Jehovah, although they all have things wrong with them.

In answer to your question, Fading is when you stop attending meetings and reporting and hope they just forget about you, so as to avoid disfellowshiping.
So I am nearly a year into my fade, and I still have a nagging sense of guilt that I am forsaking the command to gather together.
I used my 'discernment' 'to flee' after the disturbing #Updates and the letter to full time workers to get vaxxed was leaked.

I still get messages from certain ones in the congregation asking how i am, which congregation i am attending etc, and i feel bad for not responding. I dont know if their interest is sincere or if they are stooges acting on direction from the elders.

I tried making friends with non witnesses who seemed to be awake but had to curtail that when I realised how deep into the new age fraud they were.

I am doing the 'fading' route as I still have relatives in the truth. I know if I am honest and tell them I no longer have any faith in the GB, and that I think they are the Man of Lawlessness, and that judgement is imminent, I will be disfellowshiped or forcibly disassociated and will be in no position to help my JWs friends when the judgement comes.
How do I deal with this honorably?

I feel so alone. The only person I see face to face to converse with is my team leader at work.
I am also being persecuted by my next door neighbour. I do not have the means to move, and am often sleep deprived because of the antisocial behaviour and noise pollution.

Also my father has now been so stumbled that he has written a letter of dissociation, and is associating with a Baptist church, taking communion and is some sort of Zionist and believes in 2 raptures. He admits he hasnt felt a heavenly calling.
Think James Penton/Ray Franz/Eric wilson.
I no longer believe in shunning, but is it appropriate to keep talking about spiritual things with him?

I cant wait for the revealing of Christs true brothers.
Sorry for the long post. Please keep praying for each other.
I will pray for you as requested Sister StillA_WorshiperOfJah.

Your keen spiritual discernment is what got you to where you currently are so Jehovah and Jesus will see to it that you are able to endure albeit the ride is and will likely continue to be a rough one. You are doing awesome so please take heart and do not get uncomfortably discouraged if you can help it. I am not feeling "it" today so I apologize for my contribution here being weak and beggarly.

Your post requests advice from successful faders. I and Driven are faders to be certain but successful? Not too sure about that yet. As you stated here and in another post, we just need to keep praying for one another. That dear Sister is all I can really offer you today.

Take care,

I share some of your feelings. It is such a blessing to be able to converse with like minded ones here. I'm sorry, I know for you to write this that it's weighing heavily on you what to do, it's a suffocating place to be in. I try to keep reflecting on how this is preparing me for what lies ahead, building up my resilience. I've been wondering how it is I'm not crumbling to pieces, and that's when I realized Jehovah is truly pulling me together. It's been ages now, and I'm still figuring out what to do. I've been adhering to when in doubt, leave it out. It's been a year now since I've got baptized so I've got a sheperding visit coming up, and I'm going to have to talk about these things. Because I'm new in the truth and young I just don't feel I'm going to be taken as seriously. For me personally I'll be mentioning the vaccine issue and sharing my viewpoint so it is brought to their attention. What I've found speaking with one elder about an evil slave and the GB's lack of neutrality, he didn't really take what I said as a serious thing. Also, with another brother, he just said I can see you're on your way out, but doesn't see me as an apostate. I just don't think they can comprehend it.
Not all are out to get us as we may feel. My advice I can offer, is to pray to speak to the right brother or sister who you can help, and possibly them you. I feel sharing it with some one who not necessarily shares your feelings but who knows and feels for you will help a lot, it has me. Not ever speaking about it will constantly leave you feeling so heavy. You don't have to share everything either, just such as that your conscience hasn't been respected, that they have deviated from the scriptures with things they've said.
Maybe you could send your dad one of Roberts videos? I'll be praying for you, hang in there.

Hi Truth Lover, I think you are very brave to talk about you reservations about the vax to your elders and I respect that very much. Dont worry about being young in the truth. The apostle Paul gave a lot of wise council to Timothy a young man which would apply to faithful ' younger ones' in the truth.
I did compose a letter which was posted to all 8 members of the GB just focusing on the dangers of the mRNA experimental vax. (I don't address anything else as I the other issues aren't actually killing anyone and I felt they were things Jehovah could put right.)
We got a response about 3 months later which was a whole load of nothings and platitudes and a warning not to listen to the conspiracy theories about 3 months later, from Bro Lett; but the address was Chelmsford England (?)
(I live in England)
I sent a copy to my group overseer who is also the coordinator and told him about my reservations. There was enough evidence there for him to disfellowship me, but for some reason he has not shared it with the other elders. I know because when the other elders send me messages, they seem to think I am not attending the Kingdom Hall is because I am scared of catching covid 🤣
And they keep telling me how safe it is. 🤣
(I dont even believe in covid 🤣)
I can only think that the reason he hasnt got me disfellowshiped is because it isnt Jehovah's will for me at present. He seems to be in denial. I am still on his mailing list for congregational matters, and every now and then he offers me a shepherding call, which I ignore.
I have spoken to my PIMI mother about it, and she keeps sending me WhatsApps saying I am possessed, or been listening to conspiracy theorists or I have left Jehovah and I should get the jab.
When I first started the fade I felt really spiritual and enjoyed my personal bible study and felt Jehovah was with me, and I had made the right decision, but recently I feel like his is allowing me to be tested 😔
I will pray for you as requested Sister StillA_WorshiperOfJah.

Your keen spiritual discernment is what got you to where you currently are so Jehovah and Jesus will see to it that you are able to endure albeit the ride is and will likely continue to be a rough one. You are doing awesome so please take heart and do not get uncomfortably discouraged if you can help it. I am not feeling "it" today so I apologize for my contribution here being weak and beggarly.

Your post requests advice from successful faders. I and Driven are faders to be certain but successful? Not too sure about that yet. As you stated here and in another post, we just need to keep praying for one another. That dear Sister is all I can really offer you today.

Take care,


Thank you. Your post is not at all weak and beggarly.
Christian love to you and Driven
@Life Learning
I was going to respond to your kind comments, then your post disappeared.
Maybe I should pray harder about moving, but i am INTP and we hate change 🤣
Hi. DR74minus. It was actually my father who told me about Robert's YouTube channel about 5 years ago. Although I thought Robert was right about a lot of things, I had faith that although the GB was imperfect, Jehovah would put it all right.

It wasn't until summer 2020 when I realised that the GB was perpetuating the covid fraud when it had become obvious it was a joke; and they had shut the Kingdom Halls and stopped the public ministry for far too long that I revisited RKs YouTube channel. I saw a video that showed he was awake to the to the agenda behind the covid fraud, and at least realised that the dangers of covid were exaggerated, so I looked at his e watchman site and 'binged' his videos.
(This forum did not exist yet)
My dad does still look at RK's YouTube channel and his e watchman site. He is unable to view this forum for some reason. I think it is to do with his wifi, but I didn't have the IT expertise to solve it.
He still respects RK but thinks he is too Watchtower centric and that JWs are just another Freemason sect, and that other Christian groups might be acceptable to Jehovah, although they all have things wrong with them.

In answer to your question, Fading is when you stop attending meetings and reporting and hope they just forget about you, so as to avoid disfellowshiping.

Sorry I couldn't help. I sure can pray for you but.
@Life Learning
I was going to respond to your kind comments, then your post disappeared.
Maybe I should pray harder about moving, but i am INTP and we hate change 🤣
Not sure what happened or even if I posted anything.

It's hard to say much in response to your situation because we are all in a similar place I think. There are times I feel all alone while surrounded by people.

I will mention you in prayer for strength and guidance. We desire to do the will of Jah and we should have no guilt for steering away from lawlessness. For that matter we should have no guilt for associating when we know of the error either. Each of us must do the best we can with the knowledge we have, in truth and with a clean conscience... If you go back and try to get along, or if you fade and provide every withheld response directly to Jehovah.
I am hardly a successful fader as I’ve only been out for two months. One thing that helped me was deleting Whatsapp. Not getting those messages from the congregation saves a lot of stress. People don’t seem to text anymore, so they don’t contact me anymore.
I must say I don’t feel guilty about not meeting with others, I think the time will come when we will with true worshippers of Jehovah, not the GB. We had a brother and sister over last week and we literally have nothing in common anymore. They are not jabbed either but they went back to the meetings and sit there with their masks on and suddenly they seem to have forgotten everything that has happened in the past two years. Cause a letter was read that we shouldn’t judge each other so it’s all back to normal 😳

I don’t think there is something like fading and them forgetting about you. Like we had to put in effort to get into the org, there are consequences when you want to leave. Like you, I have to face the music too, cause they won’t give up. If you haven’t spoken to others in the congregation about your stance on the GB, they can’t df you. But it is hard to have a confrontation, especially when you’re alone. I’m sorry I can’t give you an easy option out. I will keep you in my prayers, sis. Please keep us posted of your journey.
So I am nearly a year into my fade, and I still have a nagging sense of guilt that I am forsaking the command to gather together.
I used my 'discernment' 'to flee' after the disturbing #Updates and the letter to full time workers to get vaxxed was leaked.

I still get messages from certain ones in the congregation asking how i am, which congregation i am attending etc, and i feel bad for not responding. I dont know if their interest is sincere or if they are stooges acting on direction from the elders.

I tried making friends with non witnesses who seemed to be awake but had to curtail that when I realised how deep into the new age fraud they were.

I am doing the 'fading' route as I still have relatives in the truth. I know if I am honest and tell them I no longer have any faith in the GB, and that I think they are the Man of Lawlessness, and that judgement is imminent, I will be disfellowshiped or forcibly disassociated and will be in no position to help my JWs friends when the judgement comes.
How do I deal with this honorably?

I feel so alone. The only person I see face to face to converse with is my team leader at work.
I am also being persecuted by my next door neighbour. I do not have the means to move, and am often sleep deprived because of the antisocial behaviour and noise pollution.

Also my father has now been so stumbled that he has written a letter of dissociation, and is associating with a Baptist church, taking communion and is some sort of Zionist and believes in 2 raptures. He admits he hasnt felt a heavenly calling.
Think James Penton/Ray Franz/Eric wilson.
I no longer believe in shunning, but is it appropriate to keep talking about spiritual things with him?

I cant wait for the revealing of Christs true brothers.
Sorry for the long post. Please keep praying for each other.
I understand much of what you described above. I don't know if I can say that I have faded successfully, but most days i'd say I'm good with it.
Have you read Ray Franz' books? I found the last chapter of In Search of Christian Freedom helped me with that uncomfortable feeling of "foresaking gathering together".

I too had some neighbors that were less than ideal. They were dealing and using drugs and their activities kept me up at night and had me a nervous wreck. I just prayed for them. Prayed that Jehovah would help them get off the drugs, that some how they would come to know him and Jesus. And I prayed for peaceful nights so that I could sleep and for protection from them. It took a couple months but they were arrested a few times and then they sold the house and now we have nice law abiding neighbors. Praise Jah. I'm so grateful for that.

As far as with your dad, if he's open to talking about spiritual things, by all means talk.
The "alone" thing, I get lonely at times even though I have family living with me. I would like to have someone to talk with about spiritual things without being judged. That's part of the reason I come here. We all have some things in common, being recovering JW's. It's good to remember that I'm not really alone.

I don't know what to say about dealing with those in your congregation except to say if they don't ask, don't tell. I mean obviously if they do ask, say as little as possible without lying. You have to weigh each situation individually. What do you think a person's reaction will be? Maybe you could just say that you are having some issues that you don't want to discuss.
All this gets easier with time. You are not alone. We are here for you. And I'll keep you in my prayers too. 🙏
That’s a hard one. fading isn’t what it used to be- it used to be you miss a few meetings here and there, then a few more. Then they pretty much forget about you. After awhile the elders make their obligatory shepherding call, you tell them what they want to hear, go through the motions, they leave and then after some more missed meetings, you’re inactive and have successfully faded.

It’s not like that anymore- the elders have taken on a purist position- they won’t let you go. The org wants to desperately ferret out PIMOs and leakers at all levels, so you begin to fade and the elders are all over it. At least that was my experience. I couldn’t fade.

Sometimes a clean break is what’s needed, it gets you away from the guilt, you are able to build a natural relationship with Jehovah- and gather with others that worship him correctly according to proper exegesis. But initiating a clean break forces you to deal with shunning, so if i may overstep here, perhaps your real issue, sweet sister, could be guilt from the shunning. i have some ideas on that.

This is what WT does to us, you cannot peacefully walk away from this org. Leaving is worse than getting disfellowshipped because leaving implies you know it’s not the truth anymore- the guilt they have impressed on you all these years is hard to overcome. Leaving is more of a sin in WT’s eyes than committing fornication or child molestation. coming back from that takes years. But gathering together can be done without WT, it doesn’t have to be on WT terms.

I care for you, and i know what you’re going through. I tried to fade, gave up and decided to be a PIMO, and that lasted four months. Sigh, this org!!!
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I share some of your feelings. It is such a blessing to be able to converse with like minded ones here. I'm sorry, I know for you to write this that it's weighing heavily on you what to do, it's a suffocating place to be in. I try to keep reflecting on how this is preparing me for what lies ahead, building up my resilience. I've been wondering how it is I'm not crumbling to pieces, and that's when I realized Jehovah is truly pulling me together. It's been ages now, and I'm still figuring out what to do. I've been adhering to when in doubt, leave it out. It's been a year now since I've got baptized so I've got a sheperding visit coming up, and I'm going to have to talk about these things. Because I'm new in the truth and young I just don't feel I'm going to be taken as seriously. For me personally I'll be mentioning the vaccine issue and sharing my viewpoint so it is brought to their attention. What I've found speaking with one elder about an evil slave and the GB's lack of neutrality, he didn't really take what I said as a serious thing. Also, with another brother, he just said I can see you're on your way out, but doesn't see me as an apostate. I just don't think they can comprehend it.
Not all are out to get us as we may feel. My advice I can offer, is to pray to speak to the right brother or sister who you can help, and possibly them you. I feel sharing it with some one who not necessarily shares your feelings but who knows and feels for you will help a lot, it has me. Not ever speaking about it will constantly leave you feeling so heavy. You don't have to share everything either, just such as that your conscience hasn't been respected, that they have deviated from the scriptures with things they've said.
Maybe you could send your dad one of Roberts videos? I'll be praying for you, hang in there.
hi @TruthLover

I didn’t realize you were ~ new in the truth.

perhaps reschedule if they attempt to make a shepherding call on you. keep doing that until you can’t.

I am glad you’re here- we will give you as much support as you need to get thought this. it’s so gut wrenching, isn’t it.
Hi Truth Lover, I think you are very brave to talk about you reservations about the vax to your elders and I respect that very much. Dont worry about being young in the truth. The apostle Paul gave a lot of wise council to Timothy a young man which would apply to faithful ' younger ones' in the truth.
I did compose a letter which was posted to all 8 members of the GB just focusing on the dangers of the mRNA experimental vax. (I don't address anything else as I the other issues aren't actually killing anyone and I felt they were things Jehovah could put right.)
We got a response about 3 months later which was a whole load of nothings and platitudes and a warning not to listen to the conspiracy theories about 3 months later, from Bro Lett; but the address was Chelmsford England (?)
(I live in England)
I sent a copy to my group overseer who is also the coordinator and told him about my reservations. There was enough evidence there for him to disfellowship me, but for some reason he has not shared it with the other elders. I know because when the other elders send me messages, they seem to think I am not attending the Kingdom Hall is because I am scared of catching covid 🤣
And they keep telling me how safe it is. 🤣
(I dont even believe in covid 🤣)
I can only think that the reason he hasnt got me disfellowshiped is because it isnt Jehovah's will for me at present. He seems to be in denial. I am still on his mailing list for congregational matters, and every now and then he offers me a shepherding call, which I ignore.
I have spoken to my PIMI mother about it, and she keeps sending me WhatsApps saying I am possessed, or been listening to conspiracy theorists or I have left Jehovah and I should get the jab.
When I first started the fade I felt really spiritual and enjoyed my personal bible study and felt Jehovah was with me, and I had made the right decision, but recently I feel like his is allowing me to be tested 😔
Hi is your dad @RiderOfTheStorm ? I believe he was in the same area as my mum years ago?

I would say I’ve successfully faded although I have some contact in the cong. My husband is still very much in and will tune into zoom, mainly Sundays, but he’s still very much GB lead. He knows how I feel and although I’ve spoken about things he doesn’t see it yet.

The wt is part of my ptsd and meetings do trigger me. I won’t attend in person anyway with the mask mandates and I’ve never really listened on zoom.

As for shunning it really depends. A good friend of mine was disfellowshipped and I’ve have stayed away. Recently I have found some things out about her personal life and they are not good, so I have reached out. She has also reached out and she needs help. As a friend I can’t turn my back on her,
Hi Truth Lover, I think you are very brave to talk about you reservations about the vax to your elders and I respect that very much. Dont worry about being young in the truth. The apostle Paul gave a lot of wise council to Timothy a young man which would apply to faithful ' younger ones' in the truth.
I did compose a letter which was posted to all 8 members of the GB just focusing on the dangers of the mRNA experimental vax. (I don't address anything else as I the other issues aren't actually killing anyone and I felt they were things Jehovah could put right.)
We got a response about 3 months later which was a whole load of nothings and platitudes and a warning not to listen to the conspiracy theories about 3 months later, from Bro Lett; but the address was Chelmsford England (?)
(I live in England)
I sent a copy to my group overseer who is also the coordinator and told him about my reservations. There was enough evidence there for him to disfellowship me, but for some reason he has not shared it with the other elders. I know because when the other elders send me messages, they seem to think I am not attending the Kingdom Hall is because I am scared of catching covid 🤣
And they keep telling me how safe it is. 🤣
(I dont even believe in covid 🤣)
I can only think that the reason he hasnt got me disfellowshiped is because it isnt Jehovah's will for me at present. He seems to be in denial. I am still on his mailing list for congregational matters, and every now and then he offers me a shepherding call, which I ignore.
I have spoken to my PIMI mother about it, and she keeps sending me WhatsApps saying I am possessed, or been listening to conspiracy theorists or I have left Jehovah and I should get the jab.
When I first started the fade I felt really spiritual and enjoyed my personal bible study and felt Jehovah was with me, and I had made the right decision, but recently I feel like his is allowing me to be tested 😔

Thank you but I'm not brave, I've been cowardly. I've spoken to some about my feelings but a lot of the time I avoid bringing it up. Well done for sending the letter to the GB!

That is an interesting point and you're probably right, I've also only had one elder speak with me and I don't think he's shared it with others either. It's really odd, I thought the same about them being in denial. If they did acknowledge it, they'd have to come to terms with one thing is right or the other is wrong, so it's as if they are just blanking it out.
I'm sorry about your mother. Mine isn't vaccinated, she thinks I'm weak in the faith though and misled. I no longer speak about the scriptures with her as it always starts an argument.

Trying not to think too far ahead. It's been a humbling experience to have been able to feel so lost that I need Jehovah's guiding lamp for every step I take.
I think it's hard because there isn't necessarily a clear cut right decision with this matter. It's going to be hard whether you stay or leave. But we are in a much better position than those PIMI, albeit a more painful one.
Hi is your dad @RiderOfTheStorm ? I believe he was in the same area as my mum years ago?

I would say I’ve successfully faded although I have some contact in the cong. My husband is still very much in and will tune into zoom, mainly Sundays, but he’s still very much GB lead. He knows how I feel and although I’ve spoken about things he doesn’t see it yet.

The wt is part of my ptsd and meetings do trigger me. I won’t attend in person anyway with the mask mandates and I’ve never really listened on zoom.

As for shunning it really depends. A good friend of mine was disfellowshipped and I’ve have stayed away. Recently I have found some things out about her personal life and they are not good, so I have reached out. She has also reached out and she needs help. As a friend I can’t turn my back on her,

I dont think it is wrong to help a friend in trouble especially if might help them return to Jehovah
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perhaps your real issue, sweet sister, could be guilt from the shunning. i have some ideas on that.
I'm not sure what you mean? ??

I feel bad for shunning ones in the past when I still believed in the extreme WT view of shunning, if that's what you mean?
But, I hope I have learned and grown and know better now.

I appreciate you have been through an awful time too, and it's good to see you sticking to Jehovah despite it all.