What blasphemy!

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They are hypocrites according to their own words.

*** w07 4/1 pp. 26-27 par. 3 Humbly Submitting to Loving Shepherds *** (Before change)
In this time of the end, Jesus Christ, the Greater David, is the one shepherd” whom Jehovah has appointed over all His servants on earth, both the spirit-anointed Christians and the “other sheep.”—John 10:16.The change

*** w14 8/15 pp. 22-23 par. 2, 6 Hear Jehovah’s Voice Wherever You Are *** (After change)
The world is so saturated with conflicting religious teachings and doctrines that many people feel that searching for the true religion is futile. However, Jehovah has made his guidance abundantly clear for those who are willing to take advantage of it. We have to decide whom we will listen to. Since it is practically impossible to listen to two voices simultaneously, we need to ‘know the voice’ of Jesus and listen to him. He is the one whom Jehovah appointed over His sheep.

*** w91 8/1 p. 11 par. 12 “The Light Has Come Into the World” ***

Eventually, all mankind will have to acknowledge Jesus’ authority. (Matthew 24:30; Revelation 1:7) Lovers of the light, however, have gladly recognized it right from the beginning. Anointed members of the Christian congregation accept Jesus as “the head of the body, the congregation.” (Colossians 1:18; Ephesians 5:23) When they become part of that body, they are ‘delivered from the authority of the darkness and are transferred into the kingdom of the Son of God’s love.’ (Colossians 1:13) Henceforth, they earnestly follow Jesus’ leadership in every aspect of their lives, and in our time they have taught the “other sheep” to do the same. (John 10:16) Acknowledging Jesus’ headship is a key requirement for receiving a favorable judgment.

*** w87 8/1 p. 10 par. 1 Christ Actively Leads His Congregation ***
JEHOVAH’S WITNESSES recognize no man as their leader. Their organizational structure has no equivalent of the pope of the Roman Catholic Church, the patriarchs of the Eastern Orthodox Churches, or the leaders of other churches and sects of Christendom. Their allegiance is to Jesus Christ, the Head of the Christian congregation, who stated: “Your Leader is one, the Christ.”—Matthew 23:10.

*** w77 9/15 p. 566 Benefiting from Christ’s Headship ***
NO MAN or group of men but Jesus Christ alone is Head of the Christian congregation. He did not take this honor to himself nor did he gain it by popular consent. None other than his Father granted it to him. Writing to fellow believers in Ephesus, the apostle Paul stated that God ‘made Jesus head over all things to the congregation.’—Eph. 1:22.

It is only right that Jesus Christ occupy the position of head toward the congregation. His teachings and life course, particularly his sacrificial death, constitute the very basis for the congregation’s existence. No one can be a member of the congregation apart from Jesus Christ. “I,” said Jesus, “am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”—John 14:6.

*** g77 7/22 p. 27 Is It Right to Call Men by Titles? ***
Since the Christian congregation is an “association of brothers,” any title that elevates one Christian above another would be totally out of place. (1 Pet. 2:17) Besides, the congregation has only one God-appointed head, Jesus Christ. The Son of God said to his disciples: “You, do not you be called Rabbi, for one is your teacher, whereas all you are brothers. Moreover, do not call anyone your father on earth, for one is your Father, the heavenly One. Neither be called ‘leaders,’ for your Leader is one, the Christ.”—Matt. 23:8-10.

These words of Jesus have generally been ignored by clergymen of Christendom. However, not all have been so bold as to take titles to themselves. Well-known Bible commentator Albert Barnes, for example, personally rejected the title “Doctor of Divinity” as being contrary to Christ’s teaching. He wrote: “Jesus forbade his disciples to seek such titles of distinction. The reason he gave was that he was himself their Master and Teacher. They were on a level;
they were to be equal in authority; they were brethren; and they should neither covet nor receive a title which implied either an elevation of one above another, or which appeared to infringe on the absolute right of the Saviour to be their only Teacher and Master. . . . [The] title [Rabbi] corresponds with the title ‘Doctor of Divinity,’ as applied to ministers of the gospel; and so far as I can see, the spirit of the Saviour’s command is violated by the reception of such a title . . . It tends to engender pride, and a sense of superiority in those who obtain it; and envy and a sense of inferiority in those who do not; and the whole spirit and tendency of it is contrary to the ‘simplicity that is in Christ.’”
Tyvm for putting this together and sharing it! 🙏
I understand exactly what you are saying. It is beyond embarrassing for me. I can't think of a better word right now. I had to explain some stuff to non witness family members who are staunch church goers. Several offered to send me recorded copies ot their sermons from Sundays 🤯 🤯. They have for years thought I was lost spiritually☺ .

They were not mad they just had that oh my Auntie needs help look. Can you imagine.
Oh gosh imagine that. For the whole time we thought they were the hopeless crazy ones(and for some things they still are). It must have not made sense for many years.
Yes gb are truly "feeling the burn "🔥 .

Can you feel the yoke getting tighter and heavier. At some point in wt language they will out right say get totally on board and obey or get out.

Elders, CO'S will be given directions to keep alert. Can you say Shepherding calls, visits ......
"Oh we just want to check on you to make sure you are ok we love and miss you". (Eyes rolling, head spinning).

Should be very interesting in coming days. Just my opinion.
Indeed. I always felt that Jehovah's organization seemed to use suffering as a basis and foundation for their faith. "Oh yea you are suffering, don't worry about it".

There is basis to that but what really is pushing the edge is post 2020 agenda they are forcing on everyone. No sorry, if that's what Jehovah is I will NOT serve such a god!
Oh gosh imagine that. For the whole time we thought they were the hopeless crazy ones(and for some things they still are). It must have not made sense for many years.

Indeed. I always felt that Jehovah's organization seemed to use suffering as a basis and foundation for their faith. "Oh yea you are suffering, don't worry about it".

There is basis to that but what really is pushing the edge is post 2020 agenda they are forcing on everyone. No sorry, if that's what Jehovah is I will NOT serve such a god!
But then, He isn't. That's Satan's 'role to play'.
The God I know, is kind, helpful, caring, looking out for us, warn us for trouble ahead; that's the God I'm serving and He is looking for you too..... His name is realy Jehovah, not some surrogate :)
Jesus once told his disciples to obey the Pharisees, just not imitate their hypocrisy. But there was a caveat. The disciples only did what the Pharisees told them prior to Jesus' death. After his resurrection and after their anointing the apostles refused to obey the priests and pharisees when they ordered them to stop preaching.

It is not blasphemy for the Watchtower to claim that obeying the GB is the same as listening to Jesus, as long as what they say is scriptural. Paul urged Christians to become imitators of him even as he was an imitator of Jesus. Jesus does appoint shepherds. But when Christ returns then the shepherds will be judged and there will be a new channel.
I've seen this before. Groups in big companies do this. They often have multiple ones to reduce the TTM(Time to market), the second one takes the rein from the first one and continue developing it. The different teams disagree though. So they flip flop things. Internal conflict.

I wonder if that's what's going on? There are those that really try, so you get the articles that make sense sometimes, and in other times it directly contradicts it. They should rebrand themselves as Jehovah's Witnesses LTD. Stock symbol = JWT(S&P 500). IPO happens in Jan 1, 2030.

It makes a lot of sense.

Man, this is worse than what it looks like. They are tarnishing the name of Jehovah God. How many are going to look at the Jehovah's Witnesses organization in disgust!?

I have to tell people that I used to be a JW but not anymore. Now I will have to do it outright. For some we look like the most insignificant crazies and JWs think that too.
But no doubt you still serve Jehovah, so you are just free-range.
They are hypocrites according to their own words.

*** w07 4/1 pp. 26-27 par. 3 Humbly Submitting to Loving Shepherds *** (Before change)
In this time of the end, Jesus Christ, the Greater David, is the one shepherd” whom Jehovah has appointed over all His servants on earth, both the spirit-anointed Christians and the “other sheep.”—John 10:16.The change

*** w14 8/15 pp. 22-23 par. 2, 6 Hear Jehovah’s Voice Wherever You Are *** (After change)
The world is so saturated with conflicting religious teachings and doctrines that many people feel that searching for the true religion is futile. However, Jehovah has made his guidance abundantly clear for those who are willing to take advantage of it. We have to decide whom we will listen to. Since it is practically impossible to listen to two voices simultaneously, we need to ‘know the voice’ of Jesus and listen to him. He is the one whom Jehovah appointed over His sheep.

*** w91 8/1 p. 11 par. 12 “The Light Has Come Into the World” ***

Eventually, all mankind will have to acknowledge Jesus’ authority. (Matthew 24:30; Revelation 1:7) Lovers of the light, however, have gladly recognized it right from the beginning. Anointed members of the Christian congregation accept Jesus as “the head of the body, the congregation.” (Colossians 1:18; Ephesians 5:23) When they become part of that body, they are ‘delivered from the authority of the darkness and are transferred into the kingdom of the Son of God’s love.’ (Colossians 1:13) Henceforth, they earnestly follow Jesus’ leadership in every aspect of their lives, and in our time they have taught the “other sheep” to do the same. (John 10:16) Acknowledging Jesus’ headship is a key requirement for receiving a favorable judgment.

*** w87 8/1 p. 10 par. 1 Christ Actively Leads His Congregation ***
JEHOVAH’S WITNESSES recognize no man as their leader. Their organizational structure has no equivalent of the pope of the Roman Catholic Church, the patriarchs of the Eastern Orthodox Churches, or the leaders of other churches and sects of Christendom. Their allegiance is to Jesus Christ, the Head of the Christian congregation, who stated: “Your Leader is one, the Christ.”—Matthew 23:10.

*** w77 9/15 p. 566 Benefiting from Christ’s Headship ***
NO MAN or group of men but Jesus Christ alone is Head of the Christian congregation. He did not take this honor to himself nor did he gain it by popular consent. None other than his Father granted it to him. Writing to fellow believers in Ephesus, the apostle Paul stated that God ‘made Jesus head over all things to the congregation.’—Eph. 1:22.

It is only right that Jesus Christ occupy the position of head toward the congregation. His teachings and life course, particularly his sacrificial death, constitute the very basis for the congregation’s existence. No one can be a member of the congregation apart from Jesus Christ. “I,” said Jesus, “am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”—John 14:6.

*** g77 7/22 p. 27 Is It Right to Call Men by Titles? ***
Since the Christian congregation is an “association of brothers,” any title that elevates one Christian above another would be totally out of place. (1 Pet. 2:17) Besides, the congregation has only one God-appointed head, Jesus Christ. The Son of God said to his disciples: “You, do not you be called Rabbi, for one is your teacher, whereas all you are brothers. Moreover, do not call anyone your father on earth, for one is your Father, the heavenly One. Neither be called ‘leaders,’ for your Leader is one, the Christ.”—Matt. 23:8-10.

These words of Jesus have generally been ignored by clergymen of Christendom. However, not all have been so bold as to take titles to themselves. Well-known Bible commentator Albert Barnes, for example, personally rejected the title “Doctor of Divinity” as being contrary to Christ’s teaching. He wrote: “Jesus forbade his disciples to seek such titles of distinction. The reason he gave was that he was himself their Master and Teacher. They were on a level;
they were to be equal in authority; they were brethren; and they should neither covet nor receive a title which implied either an elevation of one above another, or which appeared to infringe on the absolute right of the Saviour to be their only Teacher and Master. . . . [The] title [Rabbi] corresponds with the title ‘Doctor of Divinity,’ as applied to ministers of the gospel; and so far as I can see, the spirit of the Saviour’s command is violated by the reception of such a title . . . It tends to engender pride, and a sense of superiority in those who obtain it; and envy and a sense of inferiority in those who do not; and the whole spirit and tendency of it is contrary to the ‘simplicity that is in Christ.’”
Really we are seeing exactly how apostasy takes hold and we can now understand how the trinity came to be a main false doctrine. No doubt they had stronger arguments to stay within the congregation to “wait on Jehovah” to correct matters since they could truthfully say that the congregations of the 2nd, 3rd, etc centuries did in fact have their roots in the first century congregations where the apostles once took the lead. But it all comes back to God’s word, our power of reason and being honest about applying the principles first to ourselves and then teaching others.
It is not blasphemy for the Watchtower to claim that obeying the GB is the same as listening to Jesus, as long as what they say is scriptural. Paul urged Christians to become imitators of him even as he was an imitator of Jesus. Jesus does appoint shepherds. But when Christ returns then the shepherds will be judged and there will be a new channel.
Very succinctly put Brother RK! @Watchman My self serving anxiety ridden attitude about the GB wanted to hang on to the idea that they are committing blasphemy in their claims to be Jesus's voice, but this explanation from you painfully takes that anxiety away. I guess I love to dislike the GB a little bit too much. Well, I will indeed leave it all up to Jehovah and Jesus to render proper judgment shortly.
Very succinctly put Brother RK! @Watchman My self serving anxiety ridden attitude about the GB wanted to hang on to the idea that they are committing blasphemy in their claims to be Jesus's voice, but this explanation from you painfully takes that anxiety away. I guess I love to dislike the GB a little bit too much. Well, I will indeed leave it all up to Jehovah and Jesus to render proper judgment shortly.
Yeah but the caveat is that it will only be the same as listening to Jesus as long as what they say is scriptural. Unfortunately they try to impose the unscriptural by saying they are the same as the voice of Jesus.
Well, even being "like" seems uncomfortably immodest and manipulative, especially when those accolades are meant to raise their own status and control of the audience by mixing scripture with organizational worship.
"Herod, wearing his royal robes, sat on his throne and delivered a public address to the people. They shouted, "This is the voice of a god, not of a man."
Herod himself never said he was speaking for God...but

I'm waiting for a speech announcing Bethel is the New Jerusalem
Jesus once told his disciples to obey the Pharisees, just not imitate their hypocrisy. But there was a caveat. The disciples only did what the Pharisees told them prior to Jesus' death. After his resurrection and after their anointing the apostles refused to obey the priests and pharisees when they ordered them to stop preaching.

It is not blasphemy for the Watchtower to claim that obeying the GB is the same as listening to Jesus, as long as what they say is scriptural. Paul urged Christians to become imitators of him even as he was an imitator of Jesus. Jesus does appoint shepherds. But when Christ returns then the shepherds will be judged and there will be a new channel.
It's not the Governing Body's saying they're are speaking in Jesus's name that is objectionable.It's the underlying intended message.. And that is to create an element of trust in men.. For example, right up to the Australian commission Jeffery Jackson and Governing body where all claiming to be the guardians of truth in protecting the name of Jehovah as well as speaking in his name..until asked under oath by the prosecution, if, they see themselves as the mouth peice of Jehovah God on earth? Jackson replied, that it would be presumptuous to say they were the only ones to make such a claim, basically, he lied before Jehovah in front of the world! And we where liars end up.. it's easy for those of us awake to see through the WT objective when they try to pull the wool over the eyes and mislead Jehovahs sheep, and you know as well as I.. they're going to try to mislead even the the holy ones if possible.. And what better way to entice people with a trusting and convincing demeanor using smooth words, before one realizes, you've stepped into the trap? ..Unfortunately, these men have gone from giving simple commands that christ no doubt approved of over the preaching work, to promoting vaccines and saying they were a gift from Jehovah..How that isnt in the seat of blasphemy against Jehovah and Christ is anyone's guess? It's my opinion, the WTs opostasy is fully operational, the snares are nearly in place.. it's just a matter of pulling the levers when the time is right... Currently they do not speak for Christ, because Jehovah says the words they speak are not his, that he didn't say them, in effect he's calling them out right liars..So..it's blasphemy when they speak because they are of late working directly against the holy spirit.. The only time those who are anointed will speak for Jehovah or Christ is, when he uses the holy spirit to speak through them during the Judgement of doom on the world., because he'll put the words right in their mouth, just as he did with Jonah..
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