Are they wrong? Is this pointing directly at JW.ORG and the 8th king?

Interesting. And the guy, Dennis, said "'God' is not God's name." Hooray! They figured out that much. But they neglect to even approximate what God's name is. Yet, by their own conclusion carrying God's name in vain would involve wrongly evoking the personal name of God. I'm glad I am not an intellectual or scholar. :rolleyes:
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They are right about the power issue, but just as with watchtower, they strain at the gnat and swallow the camel. I don’t think they can be called intellectual, they simply reason within their own secularism. Trying to fathom who Jehovah is, what His purpose is, to think about Jesus and his role in faith and deliverance - it’s beyond them.
Considering the latest article, this comes to mind.
The inspired apostle and spokesman for Christ confirms that the manifestation of the holy ones in glory will be while they are in the flesh. But in answer to the question, to whom will the glory of the sons of God be revealed? Paul referred to “creation.” What is creation in that context? Surely it is not the animal creation. Nor could it possibly include unbelievers. They are not in “expectation.” Paul said that the “creation is waiting with eager expectation for the revealing of the sons of God.” That means that persons of faith who are not brothers of Christ are expecting God to reveal something to them when the Kingdom comes. That being evident, since Jehovah’s Witnesses expect to be set free from enslavement to corruption and have the glorious freedom of the children of God as was once briefly experienced in Eden by our original parents, why does not the earthly creation expect to see the manifestation of the sons of God in glory? -When he is made manifest we will see him as he is
When the end comes, they won't know where or what to look for.
Considering the latest article, this comes to mind.

When the end comes, they won't know where or what to look for.
In a recent conversation with a sister, she made the comment that she was looking forward to the revealing of the sons of God. I was so stunned by this. I was speechless. And this sister is totally pimi as far as I've been able to discern. But they are expecting something. What🤷‍♀️