Canadian pastor says health officials offered church $50,000 to push vaccines

I agree, we can never know dates that the bible doesn't fix, like the 1975 debacle or 1925, etc. however the date is stated to follow events we can perceive, like the removal of the constant feature, or as the footnote says continual is only the days that we know , 1290 days and as I said I am not saying it is for sure, or right, but " only if" so we can at least be on the look out , without being dogmatic, 1975 was pure speculation, Jehovah had Daniel record this even, for us to know when the setting up of the disgusting thing , we still will not know when the end will come , that is not given anywhere in scripture, but like the early christians we should be on the outlook for this event , make sure we are not caught off guard, as Jesus said , flee to the mountains , while there will be no where to flee to , just make sure we are not in " Jerusalem" when this happens , part of the it will mean life or death...and maybe it will just be an indicator of how bad things are about to get , and the need to identify this disgusting thing so as to avoid any involvement with it....
@Back to True Worship

Oh i loved reading your experience! I had to read through a couple times to really grasp the struggle you had with yourself and with your calling.

The details about being elder, having parts in the conventions are a very important part of your journey that you can’t omit- not for a moment did i find anything about it off-putting.

I recall many times while in the truth, being told: If you have to ask whether you are anointed, you’re not. My fleeting thoughts were why not question it? explore it? it’s ok to ask. But i held firm to the idea that if one had to ask, well then they just weren’t. However, today, I no longer hold on to that idea because I do believe it’s a process. Or it can be. Your experience proves it.

Lastly, i want to say how encouraging it is for me to read your experience, knowing our God is true, he’s active, he’s with us and making the necessary preparations and taking the crucial steps for what’s ahead. It gives me the courage and faith for which I’ve been begging.

There is another one on this forum that struggled with her calling to part take and finally she submitted to Jehovah’s will and has accepted her calling. I am very proud to know her and you too, and I look forward to your comments in the coming days, weeks and months as we advance toward FREEDOM!
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I agree, we can never know dates that the bible doesn't fix, like the 1975 debacle or 1925, etc. however the date is stated to follow events we can perceive, like the removal of the constant feature, or as the footnote says continual is only the days that we know , 1290 days and as I said I am not saying it is for sure, or right, but " only if" so we can at least be on the look out , without being dogmatic, 1975 was pure speculation, Jehovah had Daniel record this even, for us to know when the setting up of the disgusting thing , we still will not know when the end will come , that is not given anywhere in scripture, but like the early christians we should be on the outlook for this event , make sure we are not caught off guard, as Jesus said , flee to the mountains , while there will be no where to flee to , just make sure we are not in " Jerusalem" when this happens , part of the it will mean life or death...and maybe it will just be an indicator of how bad things are about to get , and the need to identify this disgusting thing so as to avoid any involvement with it....
It wasn’t an attack. I’m just cautious, that’s all 😊

As someone with no insight, I have no clue of things to come other than what is written in the Bible. I do however agree that halting the door to door preaching might well be the removal of the constant.
Just to tell you about myself a little, so you know who I am and my experiences with the Organization and how I came to be here.
As I said , I was baptized on June 5, 1982 . shortly after my baptism I went to the elders to explain that something weird happened to me , that while I was praying to Jehovah, I felt his Holy Spirit come upon me and it was if it was examining me , searching me thru. I asked if this was normal and or if I had been chosen by Jehovah as an anointed one. Their reply was , that they had not had anyone say this to them but also as I was just baptized and really a very new christian , and that the anointed where chosen and number fulfilled back in 1935 , and it was unlikely that an anointed one fell away, needing to be replaced it was not likely I was anointed. They also confirmed to me that if Jehovah needed to replace one , that of all the ones that have served him faithfully for so many years , surely Jehovah would choose one of those , not a newly converted man. I also said that when I read the bible it is as if Jehovah was speaking directly to me, and they told me that it was just that I was new in the truth and was very zealous . Having never liked or been very interested in religion , I felt that they must be right , that this feeling inside me was just a example or evidence of my zeal and love for God . I readily admit this was very difficult for me to adhere to , every memorial I fought against this inward desire to partake of the emblems, never mentioning this to anyone...I fought against this for many years , even telling in prayer to Jehovah , I will be very happy wherever I serve him , and if I am wrong , please forgive me for not partaking ....through out the many years of my dedication I have really experienced some rather incredible moments of Jehovah's spirit over me, I hesitate to even share it with anyone for fear of being mocked. For instance , back in the early nineties I experienced what can only be described as a nudge , or a feeling that something went wrong in the Organization and that Jehovah withdrew his spirit...then as if again Jehovah spirit was warning me, as the GB was being more and more glorified as the Faithful and discreet slave and that Jehovah and Jesus were being relegated to a lower position or no position ...I took note of it, probably like many of you. As time continued, the desire to partake became more and more evident and forceful....but the lingering remarks and my own self worth or lack of , plagued me. After my kids were born and I thought the end was eminent, I again prayed to Jehovah and told him , I DID NOT WANT to go to heaven...that I wanted to live forever here on the earth with my family. The years have passed , I have served as and Elder , pioneer , had talks on the Circuit Assemblies and interview in the District Convention ...but I am not bragging , just saying...these where privileges but not indications of anything else , I have only wanted ever to serve the interests of our God and his Son Christ Jesus and my brothers and sisters. Two years ago , the memorial time was coming again and I felt very very strongly the desire and need to partake , once again I prayed to Jehovah , that I did not want to go to heaven and be with Christ and his anointed ones, that the paradise earth was the place for me, that I would be happy here, though in fact , while my wife could always imagine our life here and our home and garden and draw a picture of so many details of life in paradise , all I could do was use the pictures of it for me to imagine it. Not that I couldn't understand or appreciate what Jehovah has in store for man...but it is somehow not in back to my point ...sorry.... while in prayer the scripture of potter and the clay came to my mind, is it the clay that tells the potter what to make , what the use of the vessel is going to be?...and that just as it is as the apostle Paul said , it is not a case of the one choosing to be , but the one who does the calling and choosing of you. This is when I realized I cannot escape my hope, my calling, it is not and was not my to be decided. It was at this time that I realized how long Jehovah has indeed known me , he has known me all my life , it is as if he was just waiting for me to get was the paradise hope , the realization that one day our inclination will not to do wrong but to do what is right that will rule in our mortal bodies , not sin ...not the inclination to do was this that drew me and the realization as no doubt it was for you , that , while we were yet sinners Christ died for us...this is the love of God....that was what brought me to tears and the realization of our Creator , our loving God, Jehovah. I have always believed, yes I remember at 5 years old , without religion of any kind , I was looking up to heaven or the sky.,lol and talking to God. He has always known me, he has always seen me, even in times of lack of faith, feelings of worthiness , at least in respect to my hope...even now , I always tell Jehovah that I must be the least of these , Christs brothers.
Please do not think I am saying this in arrogance or anything like this , but in humility before my God , I have never , ever revealed this to anyone except my wife , who basically told me the same thing as the elders so many years I have kept silent. But no more...I have been told by my father and God and I am not ashamed of it is not a time of cowardice , it is a time to stand up for Christ and Jehovah. My hope and your hope is never something to be ashamed of , nor does it make us less or more lovers of Jehovah, it just makes our hope different , or reward is slightly different it is true , but serving our God and his Son and proving the devil a liar with the hope of Everlasting life is all that important , whatever our hope , we are united with Jehovah's heavenly organization of Angelic spirit creatures in honouring our father. For my part , I just had to come forward and finally admit it. I am not crazy ....I am not mentally deranged , I am not weird...I am just chosen better no worse than any other worshipper of Jehovah.

As time has passed I have seen things , as Robert and others have shown over time , all the evidence of apostasy of the organization, so much so that I actually questioned that Jehovah even used the organization...I stumbled at all of this at first, and it took a lot of soul searching to understand what I should do, how to do it ...I believe Jehovah used the Organization for the gathering of both the wheat and the weeds , and that soon the angels will begin the separating of and gathering of them..thereby getting the preaching and teaching work done and his Name to the nations so that when the time comes to magnify his name as he says in Ezekiel " that the nations will HAVE TO KNOW that I am will be the scripture in Zech. 4:6 says " not by a military force , nor by power, but by my spirit :, says Jehovah of armies...

All we can do at this critical juncture is share what we know to be true , and Jehovah will do the rest, as Jesus said " my sheep know my voice" ,
so share , share and share ....those righteously disposed to everlasting life will listen...soon Jehovah will give all of us and opportunity to listen and obey...LOL sorry for the song reference...
Every case is somewhat unique given I am engaged in spiritual warfare a lot this year I have to acclimate myself over time to greater portions of holy spirit without freaking out at perceiving a false positive you could say on anointing given I'm very very set on the earthly hope. I prayed a while ago that Jehovah would reassure me of respecting my preference and I got it albeit modestly. On the other hand you have cases of people that either accept unhesitatingly others people are forced in my mom's case she turned Jehovah down the first time than accepted a second invitation around a decade later. It doesn't seem to be uniform how he responds to people. I always try to support Christ brothers encouraging partakers in my county to gather and socialize regularly.
@Back to True Worship Thank you for your story. It's unfathomable for me as someone with an earthly hope to know what it means to be anointed. I believe you are sincere and it's no one's place to judge you, cause no mortal man can.

I read one of Robert's articles a few weeks ago which I think you will find very informative:

One little thing, since the 1975 thing didn't really work out well, I'm not into picking dates for things that are not for us to know. You may be right, but just be careful 🙂
I want to say a very deep thank you for your reference to Roberts article on the first and last, this is exactly how I have felt and have often asked Jehovah where I fit in , what he wants me to to do, as if Jehovah is arranging events for the newly anointed ones...I believe he will indeed use the anointed in some kind of final witness to the nations, much like what revelations speaks of ...but again I do thank you , it was very heartwarming to think I am not the only one to have felt this way.
also- I believe Jehovah used this org to advance his purpose but at the same time he allowed Satan to slither his way in and corrupt it- this is not at all unusual or to be perceived as unexpected, as the scriptures point out, there will be a separating of the wheat and the weeds. The scriptures make perfect sense now- as if a blurry mirror coming into fine focus- it’s a miracle really.
It wasn’t an attack. I’m just cautious, that’s all 😊

As someone with no insight, I have no clue of things to come other than what is written in the Bible. I do however agree that halting the door to door preaching might well be the removal of the constant.
oh no , please do not feel that I in anyway took it as an attack, never do I think this way, we are here for discussing and helping each other. We cannot gather as it were, because we do not know where each of us is and names and such....but I feel that as Jesus said ...where two or more are gathered in his name , there I am in their please I am open to listening and learning , even if I share another view..
I want to say a very deep thank you for your reference to Roberts article on the first and last, this is exactly how I have felt and have often asked Jehovah where I fit in , what he wants me to to do, as if Jehovah is arranging events for the newly anointed ones...I believe he will indeed use the anointed in some kind of final witness to the nations, much like what revelations speaks of ...but again I do thank you , it was very heartwarming to think I am not the only one to have felt this way.
You’re welcome ☺️ I’m pretty new to the forum and have been reading a lot of articles. Your story reminded me of this one and I thought it could prove helpful to you.
As I said, I can’t fathom what it’s like to be anointed. WT always encouraged us never to ask questions, but curiosity is a human trait, so I can’t deny that it really intrigues me. I’m glad both you and Robert shared your story with us.

May Jehovah bless you both 🙏
also- I believe Jehovah used this org to advance his purpose but at the same time he allowed Satan to slither his way in and corrupt it- this is not at all unusual or to be perceived as unexpected, as the scriptures point out, there will be a separating of the wheat and the weeds. The scriptures make perfect sense now- as if a blurry mirror coming into fine focus- it’s a miracle really.
I feel really privileged to understand what I read now. I thank Jehovah for it every day.
I agree, we can never know dates that the bible doesn't fix, like the 1975 debacle or 1925, etc. however the date is stated to follow events we can perceive, like the removal of the constant feature, or as the footnote says continual is only the days that we know , 1290 days and as I said I am not saying it is for sure, or right, but " only if" so we can at least be on the look out , without being dogmatic, 1975 was pure speculation, Jehovah had Daniel record this even, for us to know when the setting up of the disgusting thing , we still will not know when the end will come , that is not given anywhere in scripture, but like the early christians we should be on the outlook for this event , make sure we are not caught off guard, as Jesus said , flee to the mountains , while there will be no where to flee to , just make sure we are not in " Jerusalem" when this happens , part of the it will mean life or death...and maybe it will just be an indicator of how bad things are about to get , and the need to identify this disgusting thing so as to avoid any involvement with it....
i agrée. Remember too, Christ spoke of the evil slave- that the master of that slave would be coming on a day that he does not expect and in an hour that he does not know. Because the evil slave is NOT in expectation of Christ’s parousia (second coming), he would be caught in a naked and vulnerable state of his own making causing him to be cast outbinto the darkness with the hypocrites.

Jehovah provided clues for his faithful sheep to look for- what Watchtower did in 1975 was not to look to these prophesies to fine tune its understanding but instead used man’s wisdom to devise a prediction that could not have possibly come true.

Up till now nobody in the org has taken responsibility for this- and i say this because 1975 was deliberately withheld from me for 27 years, I only learned of it after i parted ways with the organization.
I too feel very privileged to be here , I have read Roberts book and have done much research to feel confident in his insight into the scriptures.
I do this for two reasons , I have hope toward Jehovah that the true anointed are here somewhere too and have a strong desire to communicate with them , but having been , pardon me saying this , for lack of a better word , betrayed by the organization, I have a routine of reading the bible , praying to Jehovah to teach me, as he promised and then be willing and humble enough to learn from others by verifying what they teach, I can better understand the scriptures and honestly his insights and explanations are very encouraging to me. His insights are confirmations of other anointed ones as well , even if sometimes views are slightly different it seems there is harmony in them ...this is exactly what we should expect from the Sovereign lord of the Universe, that he will enable complete harmony without having a small group tell them this.
I too feel very privileged to be here , I have read Roberts book and have done much research to feel confident in his insight into the scriptures.
I do this for two reasons , I have hope toward Jehovah that the true anointed are here somewhere too and have a strong desire to communicate with them , but having been , pardon me saying this , for lack of a better word , betrayed by the organization, I have a routine of reading the bible , praying to Jehovah to teach me, as he promised and then be willing and humble enough to learn from others by verifying what they teach, I can better understand the scriptures and honestly his insights and explanations are very encouraging to me. His insights are confirmations of other anointed ones as well , even if sometimes views are slightly different it seems there is harmony in them ...this is exactly what we should expect from the Sovereign lord of the Universe, that he will enable complete harmony without having a small group tell them this.
be forewarned. your betrayal by this organization has only just begun. Perhaps due to its close proximity to the chosen ones, it will be in a position to betray you to its lauded authorities, the authorities it has created contractual ties to by its U.N. NGO affiliations and 501.C3 tax exempt eligibility, you know these authorities- they’re the ones that provided the Gov Boy’s “spirit directed guidance” on these poisonous shots, masks, and other deadly, spiritistic, pestilence protocol (see Rev 18:23) .
be forewarned. your betrayal by this organization has only just begun. Perhaps due to its close proximity to the chosen ones, it will be in a position to betray you to its lauded authorities, the authorities it has created contractual ties to by its U.N. NGO affiliations and 501.C3 tax exempt eligibility, you know these authorities- they’re the ones that provided the Gov Boy’s “spirit directed guidance” on these poisonous shots, masks, and other deadly, spiritistic, pestilence protocol (see Rev 18:23) .
that is so funny that you said this to me , I made a comment on my Facebook that was directly inline with your last statement. Of course , I got a messenger text from an elder who knows me and gave me what for I said that how can they claim it as Gods direction when those organizations have made them mandated.....did God direct Satans Organization too?
Actually, maybe I am becoming more of a target than I think, or are aware of got me thinking, they said they were going to have a judicial meeting against me , and I told them I wasn't going to attend as I did not see the point. Then another elder , apparently not of the committee called and tried to get me to recant and be quiet. Saying that it would not go well for me....and it has been 2 weeks and not even a mention from them , or a letter or call that I was going to be df'd and I have a chance to appeal in 7 days...etc...not a word...I asked my wife if they said anything and she said no......maybe they have an alternative reason for that.?
..did God direct Satans Organization too?
They can’t and won’t answer that. They are deluded into thinking the lie- the Gov Body’s pure fantasy-fiction, but it’s no light matter, because the Gov Body has already irrevocably attached Jehovah’s great name to its spiritistic, homicidal agenda.

That is why the scriptures say that God himself will vindicate his own name- because they have brought reproach upon it:

Eze 36 So I will show concern for my holy name, which the house of Israel profaned among the nations where they have gone.
Actually, maybe I am becoming more of a target than I think, or are aware of got me thinking, they said they were going to have a judicial meeting against me , and I told them I wasn't going to attend as I did not see the point. Then another elder , apparently not of the committee called and tried to get me to recant and be quiet. Saying that it would not go well for me....and it has been 2 weeks and not even a mention from them , or a letter or call that I was going to be df'd and I have a chance to appeal in 7 days...etc...not a word...I asked my wife if they said anything and she said no......maybe they have an alternative reason for that.?
yes be very careful going forward, not in a paranoid way. but be vigilant.

A wild animal is most dangerous when it’s cornered.
yes be very careful going forward, not in a paranoid way. but be vigilant.

A wild animal is most dangerous when it’s cornered.
Definitely not paranoid , but if they have gone on the offensive ..what will that mean with regard to direction to the congregations., not that I care anymore anyway...I am all out except for their announcement , my daughter no longer speaks to me , and my son lost all faith in Jehovah, well at least he says that but I don't believe him totally because of some of his statements...I Don't think he realizes how he expresses himself.
@Back to True Worship

Oh i loved reading your experience! I had to read through a couple times to really grasp the struggle you had with yourself and with your calling.

The details about being elder, having parts in the conventions are a very important part of your journey that you can’t omit- not for a moment did i find anything about it off-putting.

I recall many times while in the truth, being told: If you have to ask whether you are anointed, you’re not. My fleeting thoughts were why not question it? explore it? it’s ok to ask. But i held firm to the idea that if one had to ask, well then they just weren’t. However, today, I no longer hold on to that idea because I do believe it’s a process. Or it can be. Your experience proves it.

Lastly, i want to say how encouraging it is for me to read your experience, knowing our God is true, he’s active, he’s with us and making the necessary preparations and taking the crucial steps for what’s ahead. It gives me the courage and faith for which I’ve been begging.

There is another one on this forum that struggled with her calling to part take and finally she submitted to Jehovah’s will and has accepted her calling. I am very proud to know her and you too, and I look forward to your comments in the coming days, weeks and months as we advance toward FREEDOM!
I was of the same mindset , that if I questioned myself , and kept doubting Jehovah would even choose someone like only aggravated my situation....I knew and was positive about what happened , there is no mistaking that , but it is not easy to accept , in the first century it seems it was very obvious that they were anointed with Holy Spirit, speaking in tongues , laying of hands , prophesying, healing, so on...there is no question we do not have such gifts nor do we need them , but perhaps to others who are not so inclined it is hard to imagine it to be so , especially among ones family and friends, or a bible student who is Jehovah is loving and patient , he knows how we feel about ourselves and react to things....some are so glorified for their calling and thus it makes it seem as if one is "reaching out " or looking for recognition where as that is completely false for those chosen. ..under current conditions it makes it highly uncomfortable to make such a proclamation, especially if we are as Paul said of the least of these...
They can’t and won’t answer that. They are deluded into thinking the lie- the Gov Body’s pure fantasy-fiction, but it’s no light matter, because the Gov Body has already irrevocably attached Jehovah’s great name to its spiritistic, homicidal agenda.

That is why the scriptures say that God himself will vindicate his own name- because they have brought reproach upon it:

Eze 36 So I will show concern for my holy name, which the house of Israel profaned among the nations where they have gone.
I just wanted to add something here , a comment was made regarding the evil slave, not sure if it was you or another person but we can all read each others comments so I wanted to just add a thought, the illustration of the faithful and evil slave ...I don't believe it is a appointed group, rather it is each of the anointed and their reactions to events...for instance...all christians anointed or not have to remain awake , alert and ready, and be like that faithful and discreet slave and do the preaching work and help others become slaves in the masters household ....then he is appointed to many more responsibilities...we do need some as the scriptures say who are gifts in men , they are blessed with certain talents and as such can use them to support Jehovah's work , so have gifts other do not and visa versa, I know we are all aware of this , this is just background info. what makes one part of the evil slave? Its not a predetermined thing , God does not do that as we all know. it is the acts of each christian that determines our position in this illustration. The evil slave looses sight of the kingdom promises and believes that the master is delaying or not coming at all and this affects his feelings, motives and actions toward his fellow christian slaves. Now we all agree that at different times in our lives our faith may have at sometime hit unexpected lows, unrealized hopes , dates , etc. never were realized and so we became we respond is the vital part, we might stumble and fall but we get back up, what we don't do is "beat " our brothers. Here is the crux of the matter: WE DO NOT BEAT OUR BROTHERS...AND THEN EAT AND DRINK WITH THE CONFIRMED DRUNKARDS."
Identifying the evil slave has to do with actions toward other christians and then after that who we side with , Christ or Satan. There is only two sides. When we look at how Jesus brothers have been dealt with when asking good scriptural questions and presenting strong scriptural and physical evidence that indicates a current wrong teaching or action, being Labeled apostates and or disfellowshipped , branded haters of God and Christ , thrown out to the Christian congregation for simple seeking Truth in all its forms ....that is like beating your brothers, and then to associate and make friends with Satans system by as it were eating and drinking with them , in close association makes it clear how Jesus and Jehovah see things. I would love to hear some thoughts on this ....
@Back to True Worship

Perhaps these two types of slave- one evil and one faithful, run concurrent.

As we know, the evil slave speaks in his heart, that his master is delaying. So if he has never said this thing aloud, the only way to distinguish the evil slave from the faith and discreet slave is by his actions: If he ever says in his heart, ‘My master is delaying’ and he starts to beat his fellow slaves, and drink with confirmed drunkards:

1799, 1874, 1878, 1914, 1918, 1922, 1925, 1939, 1975, 2000