Geoengineering Expert Dane Wigington Lays Out Shocking New Details of Globalist Weather Control Program

The uk has been hit hard with this, everyday I see post on Twitter about blue skys disappearing and photos of the chemtrails. It’s been thick cloud for most of the winter and so far a very hazy spring. We headed out a few weeks and you could clearly see what they were doing!
Yep, I watch them trying to block the sun when it rises, so all the action is in the east, then later on, when it's setting, they move over that way, to the west..
Ironically their meddling with the skies increases the temperature, because the constant cloud cover means that the earth doesn't cool at night, like it should, it traps the heat in.
That is why the summer nights are so unnaturally hot. I live in the south of England and have only had to scrape ice off my car 3 time this winter, because the constant cloud cover at night means it never gets cold enough to frost over. That is not natural. Who knows what effect this is happening on the ecosystem? I am pretty sure it causes an increase in bugs and pests. I also think it may effect the fertility of the soil, as I think frost is necessary for the germination of some plants. Lack of vitamin d from lack of sunlight, toxic air, fluorinated water, nutrient depleting food, and constant bombardment of our systems from radiation from 5g towers/blue tooth devices etc is responsible for the general malaise of even the unvaxxed.
Ironically their meddling with the skies increases the temperature, because the constant cloud cover means that the earth doesn't cool at night, like it should, it traps the heat in.
That is why the summer nights are so unnaturally hot. I live in the south of England and have only had to scrape ice off my car 3 time this winter, because the constant cloud cover at night means it never gets cold enough to frost over. That is not natural. Who knows what effect this is happening on the ecosystem? I am pretty sure it causes an increase in bugs and pests. I also think it may effect the fertility of the soil, as I think frost is necessary for the germination of some plants. Lack of vitamin d from lack of sunlight, toxic air, fluorinated water, nutrient depleting food, and constant bombardment of our systems from radiation from 5g towers/blue tooth devices etc is responsible for the general malaise of even the unvaxxed.
The stuff they're spraying is being found in the soil in shocking quantities. Aluminum, barium, etc, etc. You don't want that in the soil getting uptaken by plants. It contaminates everything.
Respectfully, If you live on a busy street hundreds of vehicles may pass your house each day. There are air routes that are streets in the sky. Each route is several miles wide. Some are busy some are not. On certain days when the atmospheric conditions are just right every airplane on a busy route will leave that trail and they can leave it if they are on the left side, right side, offset middle etc. I agree that picture looks very purposeful with that grid, but that traffic flies over that same area almost every day just like that and most days no one will notice because there are no trails.

If the cars that pass by your house aren't spraying you, then neither is what you see in that picture. (I do agree that weather experimentation and other things do exist but that was not a picture of it.)
i have studied this since it first started happening here where i live in 2011.. imho if a contrail grid pattern appear across the entire sky (or sometimes like a carpet covering only half the visible sky from your perspective) expanding until it is covering the entire sky above you.. its not water vapour. btw this is kinda mainstream now only they spin the narratives like in these articles

or this quite long existing "website" with even longer history when you look it up..
giving a rare glimpse into the early beginnings of the technology.. a tech that was probably evolved from some of nicola teslas inventions/ideas as early as beginning of the 1900s if im not mistaken.. also theres this weird document
apparently some US army related analysis..

btw they made new maps on all the new clouds that suddenly needed to be catalogued but ofc they are 100% natural phenomena 😂 i reccommend
searching up and look up "new cloud types" i think many will be surprised..
the cloud they call asperitas started appearing around 2011 here whre i live.. and sometimes it looks like eggcarton /roof in alhambra.. i believe its caused by the Haarp/eiscat tech (ionospheric heater patent 1995 dr. bernard eastlund)
anyway im not gonna tell anyone what to think.. 🙂 wish you guys a peaceful nice day
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Yep, I knew about that too. You know former president Johnson said “control the weather and you control the world!”

These people are seriously crazy!!!
megalomaniacal is the word that comes to my mind.. they wanna play god on so many fields.. but if you control the weather you will also control the food supply to a large degree.. and if you control the food supply.. then yeah
Ironically their meddling with the skies increases the temperature, because the constant cloud cover means that the earth doesn't cool at night, like it should, it traps the heat in.
That is why the summer nights are so unnaturally hot. I live in the south of England and have only had to scrape ice off my car 3 time this winter, because the constant cloud cover at night means it never gets cold enough to frost over. That is not natural. Who knows what effect this is happening on the ecosystem? I am pretty sure it causes an increase in bugs and pests. I also think it may effect the fertility of the soil, as I think frost is necessary for the germination of some plants. Lack of vitamin d from lack of sunlight, toxic air, fluorinated water, nutrient depleting food, and constant bombardment of our systems from radiation from 5g towers/blue tooth devices etc is responsible for the general malaise of even the unvaxxed.
Agree 💯 I moved up to the midlands from down south 20yrs ago and have had to defrost my car less and less too. Yesterday there wasn't even one spraying plane out and could see the blue sky and fluffy white clouds (and the unnatural, dark ones of course) all day, it was such a lovely change to see blue and white and the sun! It's 7am here and they still haven't started up today either, so we could be in for another good one 👍🥰
Agree 💯 I moved up to the midlands from down south 20yrs ago and have had to defrost my car less and less too. Yesterday there wasn't even one spraying plane out and could see the blue sky and fluffy white clouds (and the unnatural, dark ones of course) all day, it was such a lovely change to see blue and white and the sun! It's 7am here and they still haven't started up today either, so we could be in for another good one 👍🥰
Also, it might increase the temperature during the night but it makes it colder than it ought to be during the day. Then, when they stop doing it for a few days, we're suddenly hit with the heat we should have gradually acclimatised to under the "old system" (Jehovah's natural way) and they they cry "extreme climate" 😡 and because very few people are actually watching what's going on up in the sky ( because they're so busy looking down at their phones) they just believe it..
Ironically their meddling with the skies increases the temperature, because the constant cloud cover means that the earth doesn't cool at night, like it should, it traps the heat in.
That is why the summer nights are so unnaturally hot. I live in the south of England and have only had to scrape ice off my car 3 time this winter, because the constant cloud cover at night means it never gets cold enough to frost over. That is not natural. Who knows what effect this is happening on the ecosystem? I am pretty sure it causes an increase in bugs and pests. I also think it may effect the fertility of the soil, as I think frost is necessary for the germination of some plants. Lack of vitamin d from lack of sunlight, toxic air, fluorinated water, nutrient depleting food, and constant bombardment of our systems from radiation from 5g towers/blue tooth devices etc is responsible for the general malaise of even the unvaxxed.
you could be right about bugs and pests, fleas were a terrible problem last year, nothing seemed to working…
I am pretty sure it causes an increase in bugs and pests. I also think it may effect the fertility of the soil, as I think frost is necessary for the germination of some plants. Lack of vitamin d from lack of sunlight, toxic air, fluorinated water, nutrient depleting food, and constant bombardment of our systems from radiation from 5g towers/blue tooth devices etc is responsible for the general malaise of even the unvaxxed.
It is indeed. Germination tips tell you to put it in the freezer for few weeks before planting to simulate artificial winter.

Also there's a saying "snowy region is a fertile region" or something.

Fruit trees such as Apples are one of the hardest to grow. Sure it's easy to keep them alive, but they will not fruit without good conditions. The lazy way of taking care of that is pesticides, herbicides, and insecticides. A real good condition around the tree will negate the need for all the chemicals, but it takes many years. The apple tree at my parent's place did not start fruiting until 7-8 years, during which my mother would gather all the earthworms and migrate them to our soil, add compost and leaves.*

*Fallen leaf and even unwanted plants(better known as weeds) all help heal the soil. There are countless number of bacteria in healthy soil that gets killed by the Sun's UV rays. The leaves and the weeds provide the soil with shade, so the microbes can thrive. Your plants in general will adapt over time with all the weeds around it. The harvest will suffer for first 1-2 generations but they get more and more hardy. When the plants are fully acclimated to the new environment, they become resilient, strong, just like a person that went through hardship. Whereas if you baby them, they will be fragile.

Long term exposure of soil to direct Sunlight results in eventual desertification of the land.
you could be right about bugs and pests, fleas were a terrible problem last year, nothing seemed to working…Su
The so-called pests are said to be by those involved in all-natural farming as a 1st line system to clean out a dirty ecosystem so it can be opened for more creatures to come in later. More bugs/pests indicate there is a problem with the ecosystem. After the "pests" such as aphids, snails, mosquitoes, and flies come ladybugs, dragonflies and spiders.

So you can imagine what would happen if you use pesticides to kill all the "pests". The natural way of dealing with the problem doesn't happen, hence you are stuck with spraying perpetually.

Some of the ones we call beneficial insects such as the dragonflies dislike pollution. The interconnectivity of the globe is amazing. The earth is not just a bunch of lifeless rock as gates/kuzweill/schwab wants you to believe, but a living, breathing planet.
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It is indeed. Germination tips tell you to put it in the freezer for few weeks before planting to simulate artificial winter.

Also there's a saying "snowy region is a fertile region" or something.

Fruit trees such as Apples are one of the hardest to grow. Sure it's easy to keep them alive, but they will not fruit without good conditions. The lazy way of taking care of that is pesticides, herbicides, and insecticides. A real good condition around the tree will negate the need for all the chemicals, but it takes many years. The apple tree at my parent's place did not start fruiting until 7-8 years, during which my mother would gather all the earthworms and migrate them to our soil, add compost and leaves.*

*Fallen leaf and even unwanted plants(better known as weeds) all help heal the soil. There are countless number of bacteria in healthy soil that gets killed by the Sun's UV rays. The leaves and the weeds provide the soil with shade, so the microbes can thrive. Your plants in general will adapt over time with all the weeds around it. The harvest will suffer for first 1-2 generations but they get more and more hardy. When the plants are fully acclimated to the new environment, they become resilient, strong, just like a person that went through hardship. Whereas if you baby them, they will be fragile.

Long term exposure of soil to direct Sunlight results in eventual desertification of the land.

The so-called pests are said to be by those involved in all-natural farming as a 1st line system to clean out a dirty ecosystem so it can be opened for more creatures to come in later. More bugs/pests indicate there is a problem with the ecosystem. After the "pests" such as aphids, snails, mosquitoes, and flies come ladybugs, dragonflies and spiders.

So you can imagine what would happen if you use pesticides to kill all the "pests". The natural way of dealing with the problem doesn't happen, hence you are stuck with spraying perpetually.

Some of the ones we call beneficial insects such as the dragonflies dislike pollution. The interconnectivity of the globe is amazing. The earth is not just a bunch of lifeless rock as gates/kuzweill/schwab wants you to believe, but a living, breathing planet.
Very interesting and useful information, thankyou 😀
Fruit trees such as Apples are one of the hardest to grow. Sure it's easy to keep them alive, but they will not fruit without good conditions. The lazy way of taking care of that is pesticides, herbicides, and insecticides.
I discovered not too long ago that many fruit trees are "biennial bearing" They will produce really well one year and meh, the next year. So if your crop isn't good this year you may be on a down year. Wait for the next year to see how it goes. My Brother has noticed this on his apple trees.

The amazing cycles of God, eh?

I discovered not too long ago that many fruit trees are "biennial bearing" They will produce really well one year and meh, the next year. So if your crop isn't good this year you may be on a down year. Wait for the next year to see how it goes. My Brother has noticed this on his apple trees.

The amazing cycles of God, eh?

Interesting. Cycles do exist. It's not prophecy, it's just fact of nature since everything has a "beat", including our Sun.

Search about the Japanese apple farmer that grows all natural. They had scientists go there to analyze the soil. It's soft, and rich. The Apples are sold as a soup that costs $30 dollars! Also unlike the other store-bought apples, after two years it gets discolored but it doesn't grow mold.

He said it took 7 years for the first of the 800+ apple trees he owns to flower and really struggled financially until then. Then after that they all did, resulting in fruits. A strong storm passed over and he said "80% of neighbouring Apple trees had fallen Apples" for his, "80% was left". The softer and nutritious soil results in the root of the tree going deeper into the ground and the tree becomes stronger. Since the flowers, the leaves, and the fruits are an extension of the tree, it's stronger too.

Perhaps his way of farming isn't most conducive to maximum yield, but I truly believe that in the big picture, it's the only way to go.