Is It a Sin to Change Religions?


Well-known member
It amazes me how the Society can write an article like this and not see themselves ...

Is It a Sin to Change Religions?

No matter how sincerely you may feel that you too have the truth, have you compared the teachings of your church with the “holy writings,” the Bible, to see if they agree with it? Is your religion the same as Timothy’s, as Paul’s, as that of Jesus? What if, after making an honest investigation, you found that your religion were no longer holding fast to the original Christianity taught by Jesus Christ? Would you not reasonably make a change? In fact, if, after learning for a certainty that your present religion did not please God, you did not make a change, would not this be a sin in itself? The holy writings tell us: “If one knows how to do what is right and yet does not do it, it is a sin for him.”—Jas. 4:17.

Many sincere persons have made such an honest investigation and have taken the big step of changing their religion. As you compare their experiences with what you yourself have observed in your religion, it may help you make an honest appraisal of your way of worship. We sincerely hope it will


Well-known member
It amazes me how the Society can write an article like this and not see themselves ...

Is It a Sin to Change Religions?
What is it they say , When you point the finger at another , you also have three fingers also pointing back at you . I rejected Catholicism , but I also have certain behaviours and fears that have stayed , because of being a child when introduced to it . In very much the same way , I have looked at Jehovah`s witnesses . Like Robert stated , when he saw things wrong , that it was Robert who wanted to be wrong . It has been that feeling I had . Wanting the hypocrisy and double standards to be my fault , and it was me who had a problem . But when Watchtower actions have been seen to get worse over time , instead of better , I stopped wanting to try harder , and searched for myself . I also believe that many more are doing the same .


Well-known member
The larger number of us in the USA and UK likely made the switch from another denomination or were just agnostic. In my first year of study I received numerous statements of praise on my willingness to search the scriptures for the truth. Over time I realized that once you're baptized, that searching ends with whatever the latest message is from the governing body. No more searching without their prescribed interpretation.
They don't claim to be prophets yet they claim holy spirit directs them.
We aren't the only people who know God's name but if you examine the others who use it, you will also find teachings that don't fit what the bible says. The problem with our religion is just as it has been described on here. 1914, child abuse being ignored and what seems to be a connection to what we always considered the wild beast.
I really can't see going anywhere else for the time being. I know what they have to say and I know what they believe, so I am waiting it out to see what happens.