May 28 2022 Should Jehovah’s Witnesses prepare for financial collapse?


Well-known member
*** Text for Saturday, May 28, 2022 ***
Christ... {left} a model for you to follow his steps closely.—1 Pet. 2:21.
A family head needs to maintain the right balance. He should not become so involved in secular work to support his family that he fails to care properly for his family’s spiritual and emotional needs and provide them with training. Jehovah trains and disciplines us with our best interests in mind. (Heb. 12:7-9) Like his Father, Jesus trains those under his authority in a loving manner. (John 15:14, 15) He is firm but kind. (Matt. 20:24-28) He understands that we are imperfect and prone to make mistakes. (Matt. 26:41) A family head who imitates Jehovah and Jesus makes allowances for the imperfections of family members. He does not become “bitterly angry” with his wife or children. (Col. 3:19) Instead, he applies the principle recorded at Galatians 6:1 and tries to readjust them “in a spirit of mildness,” remembering that he too is imperfect. Like Jesus, he realizes that the best way to teach is by example. w21.02 6-7 ¶16-18​

Should Jehovah’s Witnesses prepare for financial collapse?​

June 12th, 2013​

QUESTION: With the upcoming financial collapse, what are we really supposed to do? I have a wife and a 8 week old son at home, so I’m obviously concerned with their well being. Of course, ultimately it is Jehovah who will save and protect those that call upon his name and do his will, but is there anything we can do in order to sustain our family? Should I withdraw all my savings and keep cash on hand? I assume money will soon be worthless, so is there a point to that? Will Jehovah let me and my family starve and die? I’m not sure if you have children, but I’m sure you understand my concerns.

Paul wrote in his letter to Timothy the following: “Certainly if anyone does not provide for those who are his own, and especially for those who are members of his household, he has disowned the faith and is worse than a person without faith.”

Obviously, you take your responsibility in that regard seriously. But most responsible family heads also recognize that providing for our own involves more than merely providing for immediate needs. As an example, family breadwinners may purchase a life insurance policy, so that in the event of their untimely death their families will be provided for and not have any unnecessary hardship placed upon them. It is merely the responsible thing to do. Hopefully, the policy will never be needed. But it is there just in case.

In times past, when there wasn’t a convenience store around the corner and people were more self-sufficient, it was not uncommon for a household to have a pantry stocked with food that could last for months. It was absolutely essential for families on the farm to preserve food harvested in the summer and autumn in order to survive the winter. Now, though, that is not necessary. And as a result we have been conditioned to expect food and other essentials will always be readily available in a nearby market. And people just assume that the complex system in place that facilitates the whole process will always function – like the banking system, for example. But the truth is, it is not always going to function.


There is, in fact, a growing number of people who are becoming aware of this fact. It is called the “prepper” movement, because they are preparing for the collapse of the system. But Jehovah’s Witnesses have been assured by the leadership of the organization that no such practical preparations are necessary.
But the proverb says that the shrewd one sees the calamity coming and he conceals himself. So, practical preparations, within reason, are wise.

As regards taking money out of the bank, that might be one practical step to take. Even though money will ultimately become worthless, it will probably not happen overnight. Look at the situation in Greece. The entire banking system was shut down for about two weeks, while they tried to sort out the mess. In the meanwhile depositors were only allowed to withdraw limited amounts of the money they had placed with their banking institution for safekeeping. It created all kinds of hardships for individuals and businesses. It was not that money was worthless. On the contrary. It was that people could not access their accounts. But if a person had money they were protected.

Although no one can say for certain how the system is going to go down, whether through hyperinflation or a sudden crash, having something on the side, whether cash or metals or something for barter, would be prudent. Especially if you have children, having basic foodstuffs to last more than a few days is important.

Even the US government advises having a “go- bag” for each member of the family, which is just basic stuff that one can grab and go in the event of a natural disaster or some terrorist event like the detonation of a “dirty bomb” that might pose the risk of radiation exposure. And in that regard even the Watchtower has stated that making minimal preparations for disasters is wise.

In the 16th chapter of I Corinthians Paul advised the brothers to set something aside on the 1st of each week, as they were prospering, in order that a relief gift might be collected and sent to the families in Jerusalem who were suffering in famine conditions. That method might be something to consider – setting something aside on a regular basis for a future day, not just for yourself, but for others.
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Yes and the Bible example of Joseph is great one to meditate on regarding this issue. If we have the means and feel the intuition to act on this, we absolutely should follow that intuition. As we know, often intuition is Holy Spirit in action and we would not want to stifle that. Others will be thankful later for the efforts we took when we could.
Not so very long ago, we weren't called preppers. There were no supermarkets or Krogers. There were stores of varying kinds depending on the population of where you lived. Meat and milk typically bought at a different place than where you bought wheat flour and beans. Produce more like a farmer's market. In outlying areas, canning was a way of life. Before that you dried what you could and stored it because we didn't have those marijuana grow lights and extra rooms. The Amish store up for the winter and then some. LDS keep a rotating supply for about two years, if they're good Mormons.
Only in recent times has the term prepper taken on a less than upright connotation.
"The ants are not strong creatures,*Yet they prepare their food in the summer." Proverbs 30:25
Not so very long ago, we weren't called preppers. There were no supermarkets or Krogers. There were stores of varying kinds depending on the population of where you lived. Meat and milk typically bought at a different place than where you bought wheat flour and beans. Produce more like a farmer's market. In outlying areas, canning was a way of life. Before that you dried what you could and stored it because we didn't have those marijuana grow lights and extra rooms. The Amish store up for the winter and then some. LDS keep a rotating supply for about two years, if they're good Mormons.
Only in recent times has the term prepper taken on a less than upright connotation.
"The ants are not strong creatures,*Yet they prepare their food in the summer." Proverbs 30:25
If people didn't prep they went by the survivalist (hunter-gatherer) approach like the indigenous tribes of the land. That takes a special determination.