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Ha! That’s what I am gonna say next time lol. Nice and simple!
Just tell them you're a reformed Jehovah's Witness. lol Then they'll ask what that means... and you can elaborate while giving a witness. I've found people are more receptive once they realize you aren't going to give them the standard cookie cutter response. I try to find common ground with them, and when there's an impasse I say Jesus will clear up the confusion once he returns. I tell them that the most important thing is we remain humble and meek, because no religion has it 100% correct. It seems most of them think we don't believe in Jesus, so once they hear his name they tend to drop their guard and listen.
Most people know how I feel about the jabs, I’m very vocal which has been getting me in trouble on fb with other witnesses
Vaccines have kept this illness alive. The Disney measles outbreak was all vaccinated people, and they tried to blame it on no unvaccinated person, and I always say, well who did he get it from? If not unvaccianetd people who are the vaccines protecting you from. There was an article admitting that everyone who got measles in that outbreak were all vaccinated. Guess what there answer was? Well like all good used car salemen (liars), they said it "means the vaccine wears off so you need more vaccines." What a great business model. Sell a product with all kinds of promises, and when it turns out none of that was true you just make up a new lie, and low and behold, it works!

My favorite is whenever they still get sick from whatever they got vaccinated for and they say "my doctored said it would have been worse if I hadn't been vaccinated." And it never occurs to them, "wait, first you told me I won't get the virus I'm getting vaccinated for, then when I get it you have a new story." My daughter got the flu a few weeks ago from one of her vaccinated friends, and her Mom used that lie. My daughter wasn't any sicker or any longer than her vaccinated kid. I always say. "oh really, how to they know that?"

BTW, not one time EVER has there ever been a study where they exposed vaccinated and unvaccinated people to a virus to see what would happen. That would be "unethical." Their "science" is pure garbage.

This one sister asked us how my son was going to get over being sick without a vaccine. Maybe the same way people have for the thousands of year prior to vaccines!

I always like to say this too, "You're qualified to agree with vaccine science, but once you disagree, you are no longer qualified to understand the science."
Just tell them you're a reformed Jehovah's Witness. lol Then they'll ask what that means... and you can elaborate while giving a witness. I've found people are more receptive once they realize you aren't going to give them the standard cookie cutter response. I try to find common ground with them, and when there's an impasse I say Jesus will clear up the confusion once he returns. I tell them that the most important thing is we remain humble and meek, because no religion has it 100% correct. It seems most of them think we don't believe in Jesus, so once they hear his name they tend to drop their guard and listen.
Yes I like that approach Carl. Very wise advise indeed. Plus, never want to lose an opportunity to give a good witness just need to be better prepared next time. 1Peter 3:15 😊