New Study: Fully Vaxxed Lose 25 Years of Life Expectancy

The U.S. Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) database cites 152 reports of tinnitus among 25,072 COVID-19 recipients of vaccines from Pfizer-BioNtech and Moderna. The database also has 11 reports of sudden hearing loss and 39 reports of hypoacusis (loss of hearing acuity).

A U.K. database cataloging adverse events related to AstraZeneca and Pfizer-BioNtech vaccines also lists a number of cases of tinnitus. In a summary of adverse reaction reports for the 54,180 recipients of the AstraZeneca vaccine from Jan. 1 to Feb. 28, there were 320 tinnitus reports. For the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine, there were 196 tinnitus reports among 33,207 recipients in the same time frame.
JJ: 152/25072 = 0.00606253988513082322910019144863 = 0.606254%
AZ: 320/54180 = 0.00590623846437799926172019195275 = 0.590624%
Pfizer: 196/33207 = 0.005902369982232661788177191556 = 0.590237%

What's up with these numbers? Are they all using the exact same tech? The percentages are nearly identical between all three types and in both countries. AstraZeneca and Pfizer numbers are virtually identical. If I take Pfizer percentages and apply it to AstraZeneca recipients, I get 319, which is well below margin of error compared to 320, the actual AZ number.

"There are three types of Covid-19 vaccines and they are indicated by a number at the end.
Type 1: Saline
Type 2: Flu shot + Graphene Oxide
Type 3: mRNA + Graphene Oxide"

My brother just got Tinnitus. So I guess he got the poison shot.

Those who have been fully vaccinated for COVID-19 with mRNA shots will lose 25 years of their life expectancy, a bombshell new study has revealed.

Plenty of bloodguilt to go around, I'd say.
Fully Vaxxed Lose 26 Years of Life Expectancy
It's worse than that. It said in one graph the number of those that are alive in 5-7 years after the shot plummets. I can't remember but it was a graph and something like a 75% decline(ie. quarter of them would be alive).

In reality, most will survive because of the mix of saline and flu shots, likely to prevent suspicion. At some point though, you can't fool people. I guess at the moment majority of the population wakes up to the truth, nuclear war will start.
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I am old. Some would say young looking while others would say I am near deaths door. I know what I see in the mirror and I am not afraid. Im a geezer, finally. An old geezer at that. Do I mind? Its all a joke meant to tempt us into wretchedness in our last days. Heathens all of them and I don’t respect one of them before God. I carry my burden as you all do. Will I give out now?
If we could count the steps to paradise would you stop short? I know my logic is off but would you stop threee steps short of a better life?
I am old. Some would say young looking while others would say I am near deaths door. I know what I see in the mirror and I am not afraid. Im a geezer, finally. An old geezer at that. Do I mind? Its all a joke meant to tempt us into wretchedness in our last days. Heathens all of them and I don’t respect one of them before God. I carry my burden as you all do. Will I give out now?
If we could count the steps to paradise would you stop short? I know my logic is off but would you stop threee steps short of a better life?
You don't look like an old geezer to me. That is not what I see BDB.
And no indeed I would not stop short. I can't roll with it anymore so I am crawling and holding on as best I can as you and the rest of us are. IT AIN'T easy but we keep on keeping on.👍😊
You don't look like an old geezer to me. That is not what I see BDB.
And no indeed I would not stop short. I can't roll with it anymore so I am crawling and holding on as best I can as you and the rest of us are. IT AIN'T easy but we keep on keeping on.👍😊
Well said. What I want is that nobody gives out along the way. We aren't there yet and like hyenas, these less than humans will keep on us. They don't want anything good and they want less for us. I am fighting depression over this weight and if I am feeling it then I know most of you must be as well. I would gladly be the dead weight that you all climb over to walk into the promised land. Don't give out now.
😊Well its over for me at 75, I don't have 25 years left anyway.
That depends greatly on the history of your health and how you are now.

I used to read the obituary section of the newspapers. Also people who live over 100(Centanarians) are usually publicized. The gist of it is this. Those who live over 95 are healthy until 1-2 weeks before death, meaning they suffer little and they actually die of old age. Those that live under 95 years of age usually die because they are sick.

The Centanarians universally say that they never got sick with a cold or a flu their entire life. So there's a good chance if they die at 75, it's not normal. But if those that are frequently sick die at 75-80, then it's not that surprising. An elderly sister at my previous congregation was over 95 years old. Her eyes were good enough that while she wore glasses the dosage wasn't exceptionally strong. She could drive and carry out everyday activities fine, would cook and go for groceries. Her son on the other hand(that live with her) is not even in his 70's and suffering from various ailments. It's quite likely he has less time left in his life than his much older mother.

My grandfather suffered a stroke for close to 15 years before he died and he wasn't even 80.
Yep 25 years is plenty of time. This wicked old system won't last that long prehaps.
In case God's kingdom doesn't arrive by that time, by 2030-2035 timeframe which is just 10 years away America will crumble and China will take over as superpower, albeit never with the glory and freedom America had. And when I say America will crumble, every society that closely followed them will too. Some say Canada will split and become part of the split America. Same with UK, Australia, France, Germany, and other so-called first world nations. EU itself will fail because the idea of independent nations yet-but-one nation is a shadowy and failed copy of United States of America.

Considering the radical feminism/socialism and sexual agenda policies are increasing and all over the world it would be surprising if it lasts much past 2035. Rather than seeing just as God's kingdom is going to come regardless, we need to see it as it HAS to come otherwise it will become incredibly difficult on every living creature on earth, unlike previous empires like Rome/Nazi/Soviet where it wasn't global.

The policies they are pushing WILL cause society to crumble because of the simple fact that it's an incredible distraction against what motivates group of humans to work together and advance for common goals. All previous empires collapsed for very similar reasons. It's simply not sustainable. Kids in functioning families(mom + dad married and relatively happy) worry about what clothes to wear to school and what their hobbies and interests to pursue are. What does kids with mom and dad going through a divorce worry about?
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That depends greatly on the history of your health and how you are now.

I used to read the obituary section of the newspapers. Also people who live over 100(Centanarians) are usually publicized. The gist of it is this. Those who live over 95 are healthy until 1-2 weeks before death, meaning they suffer little and they actually die of old age. Those that live under 95 years of age usually die because they are sick.

The Centanarians universally say that they never got sick with a cold or a flu their entire life. So there's a good chance if they die at 75, it's not normal. But if those that are frequently sick die at 75-80, then it's not that surprising. An elderly sister at my previous congregation was over 95 years old. Her eyes were good enough that while she wore glasses the dosage wasn't exceptionally strong. She could drive and carry out everyday activities fine, would cook and go for groceries. Her son on the other hand(that live with her) is not even in his 70's and suffering from various ailments. It's quite likely he has less time left in his life than his much older mother.

My grandfather suffered a stroke for close to 15 years before he died and he wasn't even 80.
To be honest I was just fine until I took those three shots. I did not even have those aches and pains older ones say they have. I have heart issues but they were in check with 2 meds and I was very active. Mowed my own lawn, weed whacked, walked, rode my bike around my development. Neighbors would stop and talk and say your yard looks so nice.

After shots can't even Walk to mailbox. Mailboxes are at the front of development. I am near back of development. No Mailboxes in front of houses, etc. I still weed whack in between lawn care folks coming now. It is really a small front yard, but big back yard. They use riding mower for back. Regular mower for front. I did it all with self propelled mower. That was my exercise. When husband was alive he would just laugh, he said you are a fanatic with the yards but he loved how nice it looked.

He was a veteran
( Marine) could not mow, etc. Messed up from NAM. 😔

But I don't complain just do what I can and keep moving even at a crawl. 😂 😂. Just glad to wake up each morning and be able to move at all. 😂

Best to you and yours Dave. 👍
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At about 11 1/2 min into this video, Kim mentions side effects and deaths from it and speculates on the possibility of lawsuits against Watchtower. Let's hope it happens, because the GB had no right to push their personal medical views on everybody!

I so very much hope it happens. They deserve to be sued but people have to make the connection with the jab first and that just doesn’t seem to be happening. As obvious as it is.
I don’t know Deborah, Caleb was eighty five when he requested a land inheritance in the mountainous regions where there were still lots of Rephaim and fortified cities to conquer.
“I’m just as strong today as I was the day Moses sent me out. My strength then was as my strength is now, whether for war or for everyday activities. Now look. The Lord has kept me alive, exactly as he promised. It is forty-five years since the Lord spoke about this to Moses. It was while Israel was journeying in the desert. Now look. Today I’m 85 years old. So now, give me this highland that the Lord promised me that day. True, the Anakim are there with large fortified cities, as you yourself heard that day. But if the Lord is with me, I should be able to remove them, exactly as the Lord promised.”
I think your still a spring chicken in the eyes of our God.
Reminders always encouraging. Thanks so very much. NOW ABOUT THAT CHICKEN 😂 😂.
I know and I am sorry. What was your situation on why you took it if you don't mind me asking?

I hope you detoxed already. If detox is even possible it would be a time-critical thing where you do it fast as possible. There aren't solutions to every problem though.
No don't mind you asking. I did not research or ask questions. I just felt something was not right with a vaccine that was made available so quickly.

I should have not allowed myself to be influenced by a relative I love dearly who is in the medical field.

I normally don't allow myself to be influenced like that. But the only excuse I can come up with in hind sight is when you suffer a major personal loss NEVER EVER MAKE ANY TYPE OF SERIOUS DECISION. Especially with your health. Your emotions, critical thinking, etc. are out of whack. I learned the hard way.

I should have not allowed myself to be influenced by a relative I love dearly who is in the medical field.
Sorry to those that are, but never fully trust those in the medical field. Remember you need to strip a bit of your humanity away to become a nurse/doctor. For example those that have strong revulsion to sight of blood or internal organs can never become one. You have to be desensitized to it. Plus they are doing this 8 hours or even 14-16 hours a day. It's a job first before anything else.

Yes there will be those that really care about them, but even then. You are constantly experimenting and observing how the human body works. "Human subject", "Patients". We went from decapitating humans in front of thousands of people with an axe then to guillotine then to clean, organized, neat hospital rooms with surgical knives. The first part of society to fall during Nazi Germany, Imperial Japan, Soviet Union, were doctors. They were the WORST.

-How much do you care about the car you are working on as a mechanic?
-How much do you care for the meat you are slicing and dicing to prepare dinner?
-How much do you care for the toys you play with?
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Sorry to those that are, but never fully trust those in the medical field. Remember you need to strip a bit of your humanity away to become a nurse/doctor. For example those that have strong revulsion to sight of blood or internal organs can never become one. You have to be desensitized to it. Plus they are doing this 8 hours or even 14-16 hours a day. It's a job first before anything else.

Yes there will be those that really care about them, but even then. You are constantly experimenting and observing how the human body works. "Human subject", "Patients". We went from decapitating humans in front of thousands of people with an axe then to guillotine then to clean, organized, neat hospital rooms with surgical knives.

-How much do you care about the car you are working on as a mechanic?
-How much do you care for the meat you are slicing and dicing to prepare dinner?
-How much do you care for the toys you play
I understand what you are saying. As long as I am in my right mind, it won't happen again with family member or any other health professional. 😡