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Goldie, from your comments that I have read so far you seem to be a sweet, loving person. I'm sure that many of us felt the same way as you do now. I don't want to invalidate your feelings (and please correct me if I prove to be too "Spicy" as I have a knack for being blunt and for jamming my foot firmly into my own mouth) but this is like a grieving process. You end up going through all the stages...denial, anger, sadness.. acceptance. My husband and I went through the same things. I wondered if I was just being rebellious or if I had a demon whispering in my ear. I wondered if I should have really researched the UN debacle...if I should pretend I never even knew about it. I wondered if I should just shut up and take the shots like everyone else did. I cried a lot. Always the one thing that was reassuring was the beautiful book that Jehovah provided to us. Sometimes I would cry, pray, then grab my bible and just open it. I would just open it and read the first thing my eyes landed on. This was amazingly therapeutic for me, because it felt like Jehovah himself was speaking to me. Like he was trying to reassure me himself. I don't claim to be some bibliomancer or some kind of psychic, but it did give me a measure of comfort. My prayers of desperation and sadness were answered this way many times. When I stumbled onto Roberts site then I finally found spiritual food that gave me real nourishment, something that I could really chew on!
That being said we all have differences, we all have opinions, but in the end Jehovah matters more. Even if evidence is convincing enough, we can still take it or leave it. Its a matter of conscience perhaps? Maybe the proof we all crave will come one day...maybe it will be covered up... but if we have Jesus Christ at the forefront of our minds, and we leave our hearts for Jehovah to examine, I think we'll be okay. Please don't feel pressured by what people post on this forum, as it acts like a open discussion. We are all trying to make sense of things. I hope I was not presumptuous in this message to you.
Spicy spice, thank you very much your comment it brought tears to my eyes. I've done the same exact thing, cry, pray and open my bible and start reading the first passage I came to. I too wondered is this satan?! then i found Robert's site and listened to his commentaries on the updates which to me were spot on. I feel very sad and let down I've never questioned the org, never thought to, now these last 2 years everything is being exposed and I'm questioning everything! I knew nothing of the u.n involvement, the child molestation cases, the shady investments , all of this has just thrown my world upside down, how can I even witness and direct people to the org? where do I go from here? I feel like I'm in limbo, such an odd feeling . This site helps a lot, such great people here. Thanks for responding and telling me your story. You absolutely did not overstep your boundary, I very much appreciate your feedback.
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