Woody Harrelson

And now even the mainstream media is admitting that the covid lab leak theory is likely true. Weird. Youtube would have banned you for even mentioning covid started in a lab. You're a conspiracy theorist! But now a couple years later they're saying, turns out it did start in a lab. They can go after Woody if they want. We already know who the enemy is.
I'd like to say the exact same thing as Woody said to the extreme COVID cultists, which is still around in the congregation. It's gotten so bad. The Elders had to give a local needs talk about returning to the Kingdom Hall and meeting face to face. As it's obvious that a few are still stricken with fear from the news media propaganda. And they gotten too comfortable with Zoom and probably developed some kind of pandemic trauma where they are actually fearful of being in a crowd of people. I feel happy that I never fell for the propaganda. Sad, that they have, the GB scared them even more, as it legitimized their fear when they said they were not against the vaccine but actually promoted it in bethel. As 99% of the bethel family is vaxxed and now they must feel silly about it and have regrets. Mass numbers of JW are dying as well from all the nonsense, attributing it to COVID when really it was remdesvir which was used aggressively in COVID treatment protocols and gave many patients renal failure or getting innoculated on the machine which was a big misdiagnosis of COVID or the vaccine itself that caused them some side effects. Truly, sad. Using their kindness and turning it into a weakness because they became convinced that they were doing a loving thing. Wake up, this was a test. Satan too used Eve's kindness and turned it into a weakness and likewise Adam.
Masks prevent the spread. Lie
Vaccines prevent transmission. Lie
Vaccines prevent serious illness. Lie
The virus came from the wet market. Lie
The virus jumped species naturally. Lie
Covid is a disease of the unvax’ed. Lie
The vaccines are safe and effective. Lie
You’re a conspiracy nut if you believe anything other than the spoon-fed pablum given to you by your government. Lie

Literally…. Everything they told us about Covid 19 was a lie.
The Elders had to give a local needs talk about returning to the Kingdom Hall and meeting face to face. As it's obvious that a few are still stricken with fear from the news media propaganda. And they gotten too comfortable with Zoom and probably developed some kind of pandemic trauma where they are actually fearful of being in a crowd of people.
I’m not stricken with fear. I don’t have pandemic trauma. I’m in crowds of people all the time. Yet I’m loving Zoom.

Being a ZIMO (Zoom In Mentally Out) I can attend the meetings without inserting my size 12’s in my mouth and causing all sorts of scandal.

We have 25-30 on Zoom pretty regularly. I am the gray man.
I'm confused. You mean a SNL host's opening monologue is not vetted/reviewed by any network suits or producers before going live? I find that hard to swallow.
It's possible to go off script. Have you ever seen Straight Out Of Compton? The band NWA did this song called F The Police back in the late 80s. Well, the police didn't like that song. One time during a concert they told them not to sing that song. Short story, they agreed not to, but then they changed their mind and preformed the song anyway. They were arrested. Racism was pretty bad back then. Still some of those cops wanted autographs.

I’m not stricken with fear. I don’t have pandemic trauma. I’m in crowds of people all the time. Yet I’m loving Zoom.

Being a ZIMO (Zoom In Mentally Out) I can attend the meetings without inserting my size 12’s in my mouth and causing all sorts of scandal.

We have 25-30 on Zoom pretty regularly. I am the gray man.
Me too. However I'm not sure how long before I get another elder call. I'd just rather cross the Rubicon quietly 🤫
As was discussed in another thread recently, all info is suspect, especially when it comes from a mainstream source.

So why are we allowed to discuss this now? Why the lab leak news story recently?

My theory: 'they' want a rebellion against the institutions by the world population, in preparation for the new savior / system they'll present post-death-stroke.