Better stock up!

Somewhere between me and you, there is edible plantlife. Our God made it. I can't take credit for anything beyond this comment. If you run out of food, come to Arizona. I don't know what I'll be doing by that time but I guarantee you, I will help feed people. Might not be perfectly nutricious but we won't starve. Cactus can sustain a human for a long time and I imagine maybe some Manna before it's over. Just call it a hunch. Jesus said keep knocking. If you are without then bang on that door. BANG ON IT. Jesus said there would be an answer eventually. Bang on the door. That's how bad it will get and that's how dependent I will become on my Lord. BTW, take cactus and fry it. You can make a type of flour out of almost anything. If you wake up and were poisoned by my advice, I apologize now for later. If I am alive, we will laugh about all of this. This is what I hope. We will hold roll call once it's done.
Cactus flour won't help in Kanada. :)

But I learned yesterday that you can use potatoes to stretch your flour supply and you won't be able to tell the difference.

BTW, I'm going to be trying this today or tomorrow.

This fellow does videos on old time food prep. He has some interesting videos hearkening back to a time that we seem to be heading back to.
Cactus flour won't help in Kanada. :)

But I learned yesterday that you can use potatoes to stretch your flour supply and you won't be able to tell the difference.

BTW, I'm going to be trying this today or tomorrow.

This fellow does videos on old time food prep. He has some interesting videos hearkening back to a time that we seem to be heading back to.
All these ideas are good to know because we don't know where we might end up or need. I live in the desert but eventually they will begin rounding people up and shipping many somewhere I imagine.

Hola dulce Ana, Como esta todo en España?

Por favor, díganos como estan tu y tu familia y tus amigos.

Rezo por nosotros todos los dias.

Te amo mi dulce amigo.

Hola dulce Ana, ¿Cómo está todo en España?

Por favor, díganos como están tu y tu familia y tus amigos.

Rezo por nosotros todos los dias.

Te amo mi dulce amigo.
Mi querida Kim, gracias por tenerme en tus oraciones. Es tan bonito leer que me tienes en mente. Por aquí días intensos, extraños y complicados pero a la vez en paz. Jehová nos cubre y nos cuida. Llegaron mis padres , 80 papá y 74 mamá. Por desgracia mi padre se calló en la bañera y se ha roto 4 costillas. El tiene alzheimer, así que hubo fuga de hospital incluida. Está poco a poco mejorando, tal vez tengan que operarle. Así que estamos de enfermeros 24h. Agradezco mucho tus oraciones. Aún con todo, estamos tranquilos, con mucha paz, ya pasó el susto y Jehova siempre nos sostiene. Que Dios tan grande tenemos!!! Espero que vosotros estéis bien también, en vuestro viaje, y consultas médicas. Mantenme informada también. Te quiero mucho!!! Ana♥️

Lo siento de tu padre. pero estoy feliz de el este es mejor.

Me alegra saber que las cosas estan mas tranquilas- silencio es bueno. me gusta silencio tambien!

yo pienso que a ti todos los dias y se que Jehovah esta con nosotros.

si de acuerdo mucho- que gran Jehovah que tenemos.

quizas para intentar aceite de coconut (coco? este: 🥥 jaja) puro para tu padre. quizas ayuda con su Alzheimer’s. se lo come.

Cosas conmigo estan bien. debo rezar muchas veces para mantengo me normal en la cabeza. jaja. sigh.

so alegro de oier de ti!

Love much- muchas! Kim
Bayonet/dagger/wire cutter with sharpening stone in holster just came in the mail. Are there any supplements anyone's experienced good results with in negating the cognitive effects from people shedding?
yes - shikimate or shikimic acid. it’s very easy to extract from common herbs.

shikimate blocks the artificial sub1 spike protein from entering cells as the ACE2 receptor point.

search “shikimate” or “shikimic acid” for ways to obtain it from local herbs in your local area.

the way i consume it is in tea form.
Purchased fifteen lbs of rice and a half dozen assorted bean cans today added a few lbs of oats from the pantry haven't added heat resistant protein bars or canned fruit yet but I intend to fill several of these cardboard boxes and maybe set up an improvised food bank for any of us in the region.


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Bayonet/dagger/wire cutter with sharpening stone in holster just came in the mail. Are there any supplements anyone's experienced good results with in negating the cognitive effects from people shedding?
CBD works as well. Or THC...if you're so inclined.
A “Rambo Knife”? Well…. You’re all set! 😁
"They drew first blood, not GP!"

If they send 200 men after God Pill they better remember one thing; a good supply of body bags. :)
Purchased fifteen lbs of rice and a half dozen assorted bean cans today added a few lbs of oats from the pantry haven't added heat resistant protein bars or canned fruit yet but I intend to fill several of these cardboard boxes and maybe set up an improvised food bank for any of us in the region.
Sounds like a veritable charity you are building up there. I think that the ‘heat resistant’ protein bars were not really nuclear tested to limits hotter than the sun, so you might want to save a bit of money on those and buy more oats because they are great toasted.
I think you are going to loose your fight against staying somewhat sane in an insane world PJ! Me too. Sending a chap to jail for feeding cattle on grass? I wonder what they will think of next. How sad is this.
This is going to sound defeatist, cowardly and over the top but I'm sadly a critical thinker. I'm not going to lie, my morale is dropping. I've had enough of this stale, cold, dead world. I've given up to the point of not even caring now, even if I am to perish in the process, I've just had enough. It makes me just want to go into a field in the middle of nowhere and scream until my voice goes hoarse.

Although I've got my equipment ready, it won't last long. We're talking about (to my guess) a global collapse, followed by global war that devolves the world into a desolate wasteland, the major nations and cities being the epicentre of it all. The first to go is Christendom, then the rest of religion, followed by religious wars, race wars and the war of the mind. Then dog eat dog amongst all communities and towns. But within all that will be the tests of faith, starvation, sacrifices, temptations and whatever system Satan has as a last ditch effort to temperately take over to exterminate all who refuse to submit to it. Absolute chaos.