Podcast #86

Excellent! I do have a question...On your point about whether to stay or leave in regards to the meetings....I think your answer was spot on except I don't know how that would work in my situation. I have been disfellowshipped for 20 years. In order to go back and go to meetings and be of encouragement to others I would have to be reinstated. I know it would be impossible for me to be reinstated in my now being awakened to Truth about the Truth. I now read the Bible more now and I have more love and thrust for knowledge than I ever have. Because of recent world events those who I witness to can make since of Truth more so now than any time when I was in the ministry. Am I missing something...where does that work for my situation?
Excellent! I do have a question...On your point about whether to stay or leave in regards to the meetings....I think your answer was spot on except I don't know how that would work in my situation. I have been disfellowshipped for 20 years. In order to go back and go to meetings and be of encouragement to others I would have to be reinstated. I know it would be impossible for me to be reinstated in my now being awakened to Truth about the Truth. I now read the Bible more now and I have more love and thrust for knowledge than I ever have. Because of recent world events those who I witness to can make since of Truth more so now than any time when I was in the ministry. Am I missing something...where does that work for my situation?
Tricky one. Isn’t Watchman himself in the same position?
I really enjoyed this. When you talked about the bankers, that was speaking my language. This is by no means a critique, as I am sure there is limited time and no limit to the amount of effort it takes when it comes to doing these podcast and videos, but one thing you didn't mention, is the whole Fiat monetary system which did have it's roots in what you explained, was also the dawn of "fractional reserve banking", and when the gold smiths got caught with their surplus "gold certificate receipts" and they did get caught, they were hanged, because that was fraud. So in short, our entire banking system is based on fraud, and all the bankers should be hung! Or should I say the entire empire of the KON is based on fraud??!!

That right there was how I knew you were right when I found out who you had identified as the King of the North. To mean this is on the level of the most evil things Satan has done on earth. He's created a system where wicked thieves can thrive and steal, and fund wars, kill, engage in the most heinous things possible, and get away with it. With no chance what so ever of accountability in this system. They literally live off of printed paper money. Legal Monopoly money! Legal counterfeiting. And they control "Kings" with their printing presses! And they will bring in the 8th King!
The reality is, it is more difficult to come back than it is to stay.
It’s difficult isn’t it, I agree that if your not attending. meetings you are seen as spiritually weak etc. in reality the GB has made it difficult for those that see what’s happening. Mask mandates at the meetings, zoom attendance you don’t get the same association, field service resuming directing people to a JW.org it all doesn’t sit well.
It’s difficult isn’t it, I agree that if your not attending. meetings you are seen as spiritually weak etc. in reality the GB has made it difficult for those that see what’s happening. Mask mandates at the meetings, zoom attendance you don’t get the same association, field service resuming directing people to a JW.org it all doesn’t sit well.
I agree ( if I am reading your comment correctly ) -In, my very personal opinion- one of the most difficult things would be the requirement to direct people to jwdotorg and the strict obedience to the gb.
[ which in my view is promoting idolatry] Having just recently [ this past year] - realized how misleading and controlling the gb is, - how could I in good conscience try to put innocent people in a situation like that? Not to mention the difficulty of commenting truthfully, and keeping quiet, when the wt article is misleading. Personally, I would just not be able to carry it off.
I agree ( if I am reading your comment correctly ) -In, my very personal opinion- one of the most difficult things would be the requirement to direct people to jwdotorg and the strict obedience to the gb.
[ which in my view is promoting idolatry] Having just recently [ this past year] - realized how misleading and controlling the gb is, - how could I in good conscience try to put innocent people in a situation like that? Not to mention the difficulty of commenting truthfully, and keeping quiet, when the wt article is misleading. Personally, I would just not be able to carry it off.
Welcome to the forum SeaGull. Look forward to your thoughts.
how could I in good conscience try to put innocent people in a situation like that?
to direct people to apostate information such as is found on jw dot org is unconscionable.

This critical exegesis needs some work because it is counter-intuitive, excludes tens of thousands of DF’d and DA’d persons that would make it unreasonably burdensome for them to claw their way back to WT, esp now, and it doesn’t line up with truth. Jesus said “my yoke is easy and my burden is light”, he also said he is the way the truth and the life- there is NO POSSIBLE WAY he would expect his followers to support a lie or to live a lie. It’s incredibly burdensome for PIMOs who are still in right now! let alone for those who are not. this is simply garbage theology.

The first century Christians organized much of the preaching work and gathered together in private homes called “congregations”.

And at Matt 18:20, when addressing a situation where a sinner must be corrected first by a few and then by the congregation if needed, Jesus said wherever two or three are gathered in his name, he is there. One can’t think this is limited to matters of judicial authority.
The fact is that wading through all this devils advocate stuff isn’t easy.
I feel ya. Apparently Truth is a journey and not a destination-in this life anywayo_O. I know we are all mentally exhausted but alas we must endure until the end of this lying cheating deceptive no good wicked world! Can you imagine the relief we will have one day when we don't have to exert so much energy to find truth? We will be able to fully trust again AND just be present in the moment 🙏
Excuse me Chloe, I'm a little thick from time to time but what do you mean by this?
The idea of returning to meetings and field service in the light of the governing bodies support of covid vaccines is extremely difficult for many. Watchman is advocating both meetings and service which leads one to feel he will follow his own advice. Or maybe not. Playing devils advocate by championing an unpopular course of action can sometimes help ones to solve a moral dilemma but it is hard to swallow.
The idea of returning to meetings and field service in the light of the governing bodies support of covid vaccines is extremely difficult for many. Watchman is advocating both meetings and service which leads one to feel he will follow his own advice. Or maybe not. Playing devils advocate by championing an unpopular course of action can sometimes help ones to solve a moral dilemma but it is hard to swallow.
I understand what Robert is saying, but it's not just their support of these inoculations that are obviously causing so much illness and death, and which aren't effective at all, but their protection of sexual predators which makes it so difficult for many to stomach supporting the GB in any capacity.
And at Matt 18:20, when addressing a situation where a sinner must be corrected first by a few and then by the congregation if needed, Jesus said wherever two or three are gathered in his name, he is there.
Your entire post is right on the money but I particularly resonate with the above thought. Christianity was not designed to be an "organization" akin to the Jewish "God's People" system. The anointed make up the "house of God". Jehovah deals with us as individuals and not an org any more. Many scriptures to prove this point, just ask if desired to see.

The JW structure has been set up wrongly from the beginning but the Org has obviously been used by Jehovah just like he used Cyrus back in the day.

The prophetic playbook as explained by the Watchtower is so off base that it makes ones head spin. I for one am very thankful to Robert and others who have shared insights regarding prophecy to such an amazing degree that now I see with at least a modicum of clarity.

Every once in a while Robert is going to go off track and I think in this case he is doing so. Once we perceive the disgusting thing it is time to bail (let the reader use discernment). This covid scam, which in turn led to the "vax" lies are the embodiment of Disgusting! The brothers are still wearing masks, I see them doing so at all the carts in my daily travels. This too is a disgusting lie! I and my family cannot in good conscience return to the meetings to show our implied support to this disgusting thing (amongst other disgusting attributes)

If I am wrong, Jehovah will make me aware of it in due course.

As for the preaching work, we are still preaching. Nothing there has changed other than turning in a time card. True Christianity is alive and well outside of the Watchtower Organization, the modern day golden calf.

People are just going to have to learn the basics of the Bible the old fashioned way, by studying with those who can teach it to them properly. This is not a matter of letting them have the "same opportunity" as us. Sending unsuspecting and hopeful people to the Watchtower nowadays is like sending them to a satanic ritualistic pagan / cultish ceremony. One on one bible studies which highlights the basic truths and then moves them on to nutritious meat and potatoes (not milk forever designed to stunt growth and cause pre-mature spiritual death) is a tried and true method.

@Watchman I challenge our loving and dear forum host to attend some meetings consistently and see how long that lasts. Regardless of not being able to "insight to love and fine works" because of being disfellowshipped, if he wants others to go to meetings, he should be willing and able to do the same.
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