Wallkill, warwick ,Patterson still closed to public due to covid precautions.

I just wanted to say thank you to everyone for sharing your personal experiences with the sickness, and also what you are seeing happening with the jabs, shedding, etc. I am really looking forward to Citrine's first hand documentation. All these accounts help us all make sense of what's going on. We need this support group because we are a minority! I personally know very few people who don't bow to the jabs / CDC etc.

I think most of us landed on this forum because of the GB's response to covid. Our intuition told us something is very wrong. Our conscience prodded us to research and to find others to confirm our feelings. We have benefited greatly by sharing openly here, and by allowing others to express their feelings / findings.

Sadly though, no matter how much we research, no matter what this doctor says, or these scientists claim, who can we really trust 100%? Anyone can be bought to say anything. The entire system is rigged and this has been planned by the secret rulers for a long time. The internet is intentionally a web of confusion and lies, mixed in with bits of truth.

I spent 2020 and 2021 watching videos and reading articles about the plandemic, virus vs terrain (and although terrain makes more sense to me personally, there are still things I don't understand about covid, like contagion. Please don't hate me for saying that 🤪). There is something more sinister about this. This is not like the flu or virus of the past. This is an advanced bio-weapon. I have to remind myself that I have been indoctrinated from birth to believe what mainstream medical, science, education and media have pounded into my head. I have been unlearning these lies for about 20 years now. I have a pretty extensive list of traumatic experiences with doctors that sent me down that rabbit hole a long time ago. I haven't been to a doctor since, other than giving birth and that was the worst trauma, 40 hours of labor with no pain meds. I even have a broken finger from 18 years ago, that's still broken. (My name "Mule" Jule... stubborn to a fault).

Also I have learned that the mind and body are NOT SEPARATE. Mainstream medicine treats them like they are. Our thoughts, our emotions our stress ALL affect our health more than most of us realize. German New Medicine is a great research project. Also Holistic psychology has improved my life and relationships 100% in the past year. But yeah, I still got covid, twice. And I'm healthy, and eat clean, and go outside a lot.... so....

What I have learned the most in these last few years is this... I DON'T KNOW ANYTHING. I thought I knew it all. I had the truth, all the answers. I conducted Bible studies and acted like I knew everything. I was so blessed and so smart. Wow. That one crashed and burned. So did about a dozen other things that I thought I understood well. But I have opened my mind to receive alternative information that changes my previously held beliefs. I have learned and accepted as possible some things that many folks on here would probably burn me at the stake for. (LOL, just kidding, I know y'all are more open-minded than most.) But really, if we are going to keep learning and keep growing, we have to let go of the things we were programmed to believe and open our minds to other possibilities, even if they seem ridiculous at the moment. The things I have learned humbled me and proved to me that for most of my life I was in darkness and knew nothing. That's why I will not argue or be dogmatic about anything anymore (except perhaps proving the GB are not Jehovah's channel).

In the words of Socrates -
Remain humble and appreciate the fact that you don’t know everything. What you do have, and must strive to retain, is the desire and ability to continually learn, ask questions, and grow, both inwardly and outwardly. Thankfully, one’s search for knowledge has no end as there is always something new to learn, giving one’s life meaning and purpose. The choice, however, is yours to make.
Very well stated but I will add that for me, I think it’s important to examine if anything or any belief that I am promoting to another person has a benefit. Like the scriptures urge us to build each other up. Have compassion for the feelings other people are sharing and honestly appraise your own motive. What are you trying to achieve by promoting that viewpoint? If others adopt that way of thinking will it improve their life or their attitude or their relationship with Jehovah or his son.
Very well stated but I will add that for me, I think it’s important to examine if anything or any belief that I am promoting to another person has a benefit. Like the scriptures urge us to build each other up. Have compassion for the feelings other people are sharing and honestly appraise your own motive. What are you trying to achieve by promoting that viewpoint? If others adopt that way of thinking will it improve their life or their attitude or their relationship with Jehovah or his son.
Very good points. I agree, we should be building up and encouraging, as well as have compassion. I will admit, it's been challenging for me to be upbuilding this last year, because of the disappointment and disillusionment that came with realizing TTATT. It's really an emotional roller coaster.

I may be naive, but I always hope people (especially on this forum) have the right motive for sharing whatever they share. Surely most of us are just doing our best to unravel the mysteries and lies we've been told, sharing our findings with the assumption that everyone can take or leave the information.

Since we all carry our own load, it's our responsibility if we want to consider, accept or reject any information. We are all in unique positions and have different perspectives, we've researched different things and come to different conclusions, especially on health matters. Things I thought were facts a year ago, I no longer believe. I wasn't seduced to stop believing. I considered sources that I deemed valid, compared the info to what I already believed, took the responsibility for my own thoughts and reached my own conclusions (which are always subject to change). I would hope that nobody thinks I am trying to seduce them into a certain belief. I don't ever see posts on here in that light. If there is something that doesn't resonate with me, I just skip over it. Anyone is welcome to do the same with anything I say 😘
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I don't know lady blue, I'm just so confused about everything. I don't even know what I'm doing anymore. The updates woke me up and now I'm just kind of feeling lost, confused and wondering if satan is just trying to pull me away, or is there really some bad things going on with the org. Just wish I knew for sure , or had concrete proof.
I’m so sorry you that you’re going through this @goldie. I believe we’re all at different stages since being betrayed and let down by the org. It’s been a year for me, and I lost my husband at the same time after starting to learn about all the corruption within and out of the org.

From all the research I’ve done, for years now on what’s really going on in the world, it’s not good at all. The governments of this world have an evil agenda and sadly the WT is going right along with it. And one of the ways they want to achieve what they’re doing is using our health…that’s just the beginning.

Don’t allow Satan to pull you away. Jehovah sees how confused and hurt you are through all of this.
Something that helped me in this regard after I came on Robert’s website was reading the commentaries
that helps to explain so many of the prophecies in Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel etc. When I read those prophecies it hit me like a ton of bricks! Especially when you read about the scattered sheep and how so many of us here are those very lost sheep! You’ll be able to relate to the things you’re reading.

I hope you will read these two articles I’ve posted here. I believe when you do then you’ll realize that Jehovah really does love and care for his sheep, including those of us who are scattered and lost. Don’t allow Satan or this world to take your joy away.

Much love to you sister,
💜 💜

I’m so sorry you that you’re going through this @goldie. I believe we’re all at different stages since being betrayed and let down by the org. It’s been a year for me, and I lost my husband at the same time after starting to learn about all the corruption within and out of the org.

From all the research I’ve done, for years now on what’s really going on in the world, it’s not good at all. The governments of this world have an evil agenda and sadly the WT is going right along with it. And one of the ways they want to achieve what they’re doing is using our health…that’s just the beginning.

Don’t allow Satan to pull you away. Jehovah sees how confused and hurt you are through all of this.
Something that helped me in this regard after I came on Robert’s website was reading the commentaries
that helps to explain so many of the prophecies in Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel etc. When I read those prophecies it hit me like a ton of bricks! Especially when you read about the scattered sheep and how so many of us here are those very lost sheep! You’ll be able to relate to the things you’re reading.

I hope you will read these two articles I’ve posted here. I believe when you do then you’ll realize that Jehovah really does love and care for his sheep, including those of us who are scattered and lost. Don’t allow Satan or this world to take your joy away.

Much love to you sister,
💜 💜

Awe lady blue I'm soooo sorry for the loss of your husband. How devastating (((()))) . I hope you're doing OK. Thanks so much for replying. I will read roberts articles. Xx
Jah-son, I really don’t want to rehash the virus versus virus hoax versus terrrain theory versus germ theory debacle. But when you mention Jehovah and his son I have to point out a few things. So, are you saying that if viruses exists then we are blaming Jehovah? What about other microbes, likes germs, bacteria, fungi? I’ll let the scriptures do the talking.

Who struck Miriam with leprosy?

Numbers 12:10: “The cloud moved away from over the tent, and look! Mirʹi·am was struck with leprosy as white as snow. Then Aaron turned toward Mirʹi·am, and he saw that she was struck with leprosy.“

When Jehovah said to quarantine the sick, was he blaming people for their illness?

Leviticus 13:4: “But if the blotch on his skin is white and its appearance is not deeper than the skin and the hair has not turned white, the priest will then quarantine the infected person for seven days.“

Does it matter if it is called a virus or a germ or a bacteria or a fungus if it can be spread via human contact? Is this a word game? It’s common knowledge that there is a type of herpes that is contracted through sexual contact with an infected person. If you want to deny that, then knock yourself out. I just think logical people should examine your statements logically and personally I find them extremely flawed. But again I’m not going to debate an issue that makes no difference in how Jehovah views us but when you purport to make statements about Jehovah and Jesus that are just wrong, I have to say something.
I "liked" your comment because I appreciate your input and challenge and I respect your personal views. As I stated earlier, that's how we grow. My wife challenges my statements all the time and I appreciate it. Healthy debate is crucial in moving an issue forward. And I have no desire to argue the subject either. I prefer calm, rational discussion.

That being said, I'm going to repost my original statement for context purposes:

"I think that the virus contagion narrative ultimately seeks to place the blame for our personal health consequences onto others and ends up blaming Jehovah for creating the deadly viruses in the first place."

To be clear, I mentioned "viruses" specifically, not all microbes in existence but the answer can be applied to many so called pathogens.
The implication being made by those who view "viruses" as deadly pathogens seeking to indescriminatly infect and kill their hosts is that death and destruction is the end goal of these so called pathogens. If that is true and we agree that Jehovah is the creator of all things, including said pathogens, it doesn't make him out to be a very loving creator now, does it? I'm speaking solely of naturally derived pathogens that we call viruses in theory, not bioweapons. This was the intent of my original statement, clarified.

Who struck Miriam with leprosy?

To address your question regarding Miriam's punishment for gross wrongdoing, in this instance Jehovah chose to use a bacterial infection commonly known as Leprosy to directly punish her for a specified time. That is plain. No arguments from me. But Jehovah didn't create Mycobacterium leprae with the goal of indiscriminately seeking out human hosts to annihilate, did he? I would hope you don't believe that Satanic lie. So, why did he create it? The answer is simple and is the same for all of Earth's little clean up creatures. They are amazing creations and Jehovah should be highly praised for his insight and wisdom in creating all of them.

I acknowledge the existence of bacteria and that some forms of bacteria can be deadly if a person is exposed to enough of it and they are in poor health, it can be a problem. Many people in Bible times were likely malnourished and in overall poor health, leaving them susceptible to bacterial and other infections. Hence, their terrain was in a state of decay and the pathogens showed up to do their job (what Jehovah created them to do) clean up decay. Same with flies and maggots on a dead fish...the amazing clean up crew.

When Jehovah said to quarantine the sick, was he blaming people for their illness?

As I mentioned earlier, malnutrition is one major cause of disease due to bodily breakdown and decay leaving the clean up crew to step in and do their job. Jehovah knows this. Would other malnourished people be susceptible to getting infected with a similar bacterial infection? Highly likely. Is that the fault of the infected person? Not if they had no choice as to their health outcome being poor. Not enough healthy food, etc. So, no Jehovah was likely being cautious with his people in this particular situation.

But if you don't want to acknowledge that there is a difference between so called viruses and bacteria then I guess our discussion is invalid at it's root since my premise is based on viruses being infectious and contagious.

Let me ask this in relation. Why wasn't Jesus afraid to break Jehovah's quarantine law to reach out and touch a leper in one of the most heartwarming displays recorded in scripture? Wasn't he afraid of the deadly bacterium? Of course not, he had a perfect terrain, no decay, no food for the microbes to feed on, along with holy spirit of course.

What will happen to all of these little "assassins" under God's kingdom rule? Will he annihilate them? If he needs to do that so mankind can be "safe", why did he create them to begin with?

Since you requested that we don't debate contagion, I will respect your wishes and refrain from answering your closing comment.

I'm simply exploring what makes sense to me at this moment but I'm flexible in my thinking of a logical adjustment is presented. Prior to 2020 I believed viruses were out to get us as well. That concept doesn't jive with who I know Jehovah to be so I'm seeking an alternative answer. I will continue to meditate on the issue, as I think it is a major mechanism of control that could be dismantled by forcing its supporters to provide solid proof of the existence of and contagious nature of so called viruses. I don't believe they can.
Great comment Nomex!

The bigger issue in my eyes is the fake vaccine(s) and how it/they were foisted upon us and the whole world by our GB along with most governments! I personally don't give a "burger virus" (@Jah-son LOL) about terrain vs germs. Just like you said, moot point already IMHO.
I disagree that it is a moot point. They will continue to use this nonsense theory to poison us until they are throuroughly debunked. Truth is always important to me. I dont want to live, believe, or be manipulated by their lies. I want to be in the truth with my father. It should be important to all honest persons to constantly seek truth. It may not be revealed until after all is allowed to be fulfilled but exposing lies is important.
I disagree that it is a moot point. They will continue to use this nonsense theory to poison us until they are throuroughly debunked. Truth is always important to me. I dont want to live, believe, or be manipulated by their lies. I want to be in the truth with my father. It should be important to all honest persons to constantly seek truth. It may not be revealed until after all is allowed to be fulfilled but exposing lies is important.
I don’t think Jehovah cares about “opinions” on virus, terrain theory or any other bologna. What are you trying to achieve? What is the goal for you? How does promoting this help anyone? When you say you want to be in the truth with your father are you saying that Jehovah will condemn us for believing that viruses exist? What exactly are you saying that makes this issue of any importance to others. No one is trying to change your mind. Why are you not content with having a personal belief for yourself versus promoting it online to others?
I don’t think Jehovah cares about “opinions” on virus, terrain theory or any other bologna. What are you trying to achieve? What is the goal for you? How does promoting this help anyone? When you say you want to be in the truth with your father are you saying that Jehovah will condemn us for believing that viruses exist? What exactly are you saying that makes this issue of any importance to others. No one is trying to change your mind. Why are you not content with having a personal belief for yourself versus promoting it online to others?
Driven I really respect you and your comments were a huge reason why we are today. I’m not sure why this topic is so triggering for you. I am eager to share my findings but have held back as I have watched it get heated on here many times when discussing cvd. I have no agenda other than to offer solutions. I’m still new to this group and do not want to get in a tangle over any topic. My mouth already gets me in enough trouble without poking the bear 😆.
I disagree that it is a moot point. They will continue to use this nonsense theory to poison us until they are throuroughly debunked. Truth is always important to me. I dont want to live, believe, or be manipulated by their lies. I want to be in the truth with my father. It should be important to all honest persons to constantly seek truth. It may not be revealed until after all is allowed to be fulfilled but exposing lies is important.
Truth is vital in worshipping our God acceptably and yet it in the wrong context it can also be a distraction and stumbling block.

1 Timothy 6:20-21: “Timothy, guard what has been entrusted to you, turning away from the empty speeches that violate what is holy and from the contradictions of the falsely called “knowledge.” By making a show of such knowledge, some have deviated from the faith. May the undeserved kindness be with you”.

While your searching outside the scriptures for truth, here are few items you might want to explore:

1. Was 9/11 an inside job?
2. Who killed JFK
3. Was Marilyn Monroe murdered?
4. Was the moonlanding faked?
5. Does Bigfoot exist.
6. How about the Lochness Monster?

Is there any end????!!!!
Truth is vital in worshipping our God acceptably and yet it in the wrong context it can also be a distraction and stumbling block.

1 Timothy 6:20-21: “Timothy, guard what has been entrusted to you, turning away from the empty speeches that violate what is holy and from the contradictions of the falsely called “knowledge.” By making a show of such knowledge, some have deviated from the faith. May the undeserved kindness be with you”.

While your searching outside the scriptures for truth, here are few items you might want to explore:

1. Was 9/11 an inside job?
2. Who killed JFK
3. Was Marilyn Monroe murdered?
4. Was the moonlanding faked?
5. Does Bigfoot exist.
6. How about the Lochness Monster?

Is there any end????!!!!
1. Was 9/11 an inside job? Yes
2. Who killed JFK The driver
3. Was Marilyn Monroe murdered? No
4. Was the moonlanding faked? Yes
5. Does Bigfoot exist. Maybe
6. How about the Lochness Monster? Not sure

I love you Driven! Just having a little fun 😆😆
Driven I really respect you and your comments were a huge reason why we are today. I’m not sure why this topic is so triggering for you. I am eager to share my findings but have held back as I have watched it get heated on here many times when discussing cvd. I have no agenda other than to offer solutions. I’m still new to this group and do not want to get in a tangle over any topic. My mouth already gets me in enough trouble without poking the bear 😆.
Citrine, It is not that I am triggered by it. I want me as well as others to have the freedom to relate my experiences in having this VIRUS and not having others feel compelled to correct me and others that we are imagining it or they know what we are suffering from when they have never met us! How is this any different that when the GB gave a blanket OK to the vaccines without acknowledging individual situations. When I (and others) mention the virus, we are not promoting a belief in the virus. It is a part of general knowledge and vocabularly to speak in common terms. But others on this site want to push their virus denying agenda and I am irritated that they are so arrogant as to tell me what I am sick with or not sick with. It really shows a lack of respect for the poster.
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I don’t think Jehovah cares about “opinions” on virus, terrain theory or any other bologna. What are you trying to achieve? What is the goal for you? How does promoting this help anyone? When you say you want to be in the truth with your father are you saying that Jehovah will condemn us for believing that viruses exist? What exactly are you saying that makes this issue of any importance to others. No one is trying to change your mind. Why are you not content with having a personal belief for yourself versus promoting it online to others?
I've always appreciated your input on this forum even when I don't agree with it because it causes me to think. I keep repeating that, because it's true. I missed you during your recent hiatus.

I hope I haven't gotten aggressive with any of my comments, as that is not my intent. And we all have a right to express our thoughts and opinions. It doesn't necessarily have to involve trying to convince someone. It could simply be an expression. Human dignity affords us that right.

Your husband made a comment about one of my posts and even tagged me. I'm not upset with him for doing so. I appreciate it. I hope my reply did not come across as aggressive toward him. If it did, I'm sorry. You seem very defensive and you don't need to be. I'm not a threat. Your comment comes across as aggressive toward me actually. It feels like you're screaming at me actually.

As I mentioned before I'm just trying to have a rational discussion with other people on this forum as I always have. I'm not necessarily trying to change anyone's mind. You have a right to believe what you want to believe and so do I. I'm simply expressing my viewpoint and that may be counter to another person's viewpoint. That's okay. We don't like it when the GB shuts down discussion so we shouldn't be quick to do so either.

I can see that this topic is a Hotpoint for you and I can respect that. I will refrain from any further comments on THIS thread as to maintain peace but I would appreciate it if you would allow us to comment freely when Citrine posts her findings as I think many of us would like to hear about what she has discovered and be allowed to openly discuss it without being policed. If that means exercising self control and not opening up that thread if it triggers you, that might be the course of wisdom. It's your choice. Watchman is the moderator, if I've done something wrong, I would hope that he would clarify the "rules" for my comments so I can make the proper adjustment.

See you in the next thread folks. And welcome Goldie. I meant no harm, just freely expressing my point of view. Enjoy 😎
I've always appreciated your input on this forum even when I don't agree with it because it causes me to think. I keep repeating that, because it's true. I missed you during your recent hiatus.

I hope I haven't gotten aggressive with any of my comments, as that is not my intent. And we all have a right to express our thoughts and opinions. It doesn't necessarily have to involve trying to convince someone. It could simply be an expression. Human dignity affords us that right.

Your husband made a comment about one of my posts and even tagged me. I'm not upset with him for doing so. I appreciate it. I hope my reply did not come across as aggressive toward him. If it did, I'm sorry. You seem very defensive and you don't need to be. I'm not a threat. Your comment comes across as aggressive toward me actually. It feels like you're screaming at me actually.

As I mentioned before I'm just trying to have a rational discussion with other people on this forum as I always have. I'm not necessarily trying to change anyone's mind. You have a right to believe what you want to believe and so do I. I'm simply expressing my viewpoint and that may be counter to another person's viewpoint. That's okay. We don't like it when the GB shuts down discussion so we shouldn't be quick to do so either.

I can see that this topic is a Hotpoint for you and I can respect that. I will refrain from any further comments on THIS thread as to maintain peace but I would appreciate it if you would allow us to comment freely when Citrine posts her findings as I think many of us would like to hear about what she has discovered and be allowed to openly discuss it without being policed. If that means exercising self control and not opening up that thread if it triggers you, that might be the course of wisdom. It's your choice. Watchman is the moderator, if I've done something wrong, I would hope that he would clarify the "rules" for my comments so I can make the proper adjustment.

See you in the next thread folks. And welcome Goldie. I meant no harm, just freely expressing my point of view. Enjoy 😎
We all have opinions. I have not screamed at you, that is your imagination. Regarding my husband “tagging” you, I think he sent to you a private message because he had something to say to you. You can take that up with him but I think he didn’t want a public conversation on what he wanted to convey to you. He is not responsible for me and I am not responsible for him. I have no idea what happened in the private conversation between you and him because it isn’t something I‘ve asked about, so please direct your comments on that to him.
We don't like it when the GB shuts down discussion so we shouldn't be quick to do so either.
I would appreciate it if you would allow us to comment freely when Citrine posts her findings as I think many of us would like to hear about what she has discovered and be allowed to openly discuss it without being policed. If that means exercising self control and not opening up that thread if it triggers you, that might be the course of wisdom.

Ho Cuz! That second example of your missive is a bit Governing Body-ish unto itself is it not? In other words "Shut Up And Listen!" LOL One way or another, Driven and I will set aside our police badges and let you guys dominate that conversation to your heart's content. At least I will, I actually cannot speak for Driven. If she does engage, I am confident she will be reasonable and logical as she always is.

I too want to hear Citrine's findings! She is a breath of fresh air on this forum and even if she slaps the virus out of me, I respect her and everyone on this forum enough to take a listen. After all, when y'all come over to our house located on a bay with perfect waves peeling off each point of the bay and dolphins playing in the water for a veggie BBQ / music fest in the new system, we will happily and gleefully laugh about all of this. God willing of course!
Ho Cuz! That second example of your missive is a bit Governing Body-ish unto itself is it not? In other words "Shut Up And Listen!" LOL One way or another, Driven and I will set aside our police badges and let you guys dominate that conversation to your heart's content. At least I will, I actually cannot speak for Driven. If she does engage, I am confident she will be reasonable and logical as she always is.

I too want to hear Citrine's findings! She is a breath of fresh air on this forum and even if she slaps the virus out of me, I respect her and everyone on this forum enough to take a listen. After all, when y'all come over to our house located on a bay with perfect waves peeling off each point of the bay and dolphins playing in the water for a veggie BBQ / music fest in the new system, we will happily and gleefully laugh about all of this. God willing of course!
I’m in! 😎🏄🏻‍♀️ Love me a good veggie BBQ 😆 Anything but giant turkey legs 🍗
I don't know lady blue, I'm just so confused about everything. I don't even know what I'm doing anymore. The updates woke me up and now I'm just kind of feeling lost, confused and wondering if satan is just trying to pull me away, or is there really some bad things going on with the org. Just wish I knew for sure , or had concrete proof.
I can relate to feeling like that *hugs* 💛
I don't know lady blue, I'm just so confused about everything. I don't even know what I'm doing anymore. The updates woke me up and now I'm just kind of feeling lost, confused and wondering if satan is just trying to pull me away, or is there really some bad things going on with the org. Just wish I knew for sure , or had concrete proof.
Goldie, from your comments that I have read so far you seem to be a sweet, loving person. I'm sure that many of us felt the same way as you do now. I don't want to invalidate your feelings (and please correct me if I prove to be too "Spicy" as I have a knack for being blunt and for jamming my foot firmly into my own mouth) but this is like a grieving process. You end up going through all the stages...denial, anger, sadness.. acceptance. My husband and I went through the same things. I wondered if I was just being rebellious or if I had a demon whispering in my ear. I wondered if I should have really researched the UN debacle...if I should pretend I never even knew about it. I wondered if I should just shut up and take the shots like everyone else did. I cried a lot. Always the one thing that was reassuring was the beautiful book that Jehovah provided to us. Sometimes I would cry, pray, then grab my bible and just open it. I would just open it and read the first thing my eyes landed on. This was amazingly therapeutic for me, because it felt like Jehovah himself was speaking to me. Like he was trying to reassure me himself. I don't claim to be some bibliomancer or some kind of psychic, but it did give me a measure of comfort. My prayers of desperation and sadness were answered this way many times. When I stumbled onto Roberts site then I finally found spiritual food that gave me real nourishment, something that I could really chew on!
That being said we all have differences, we all have opinions, but in the end Jehovah matters more. Even if evidence is convincing enough, we can still take it or leave it. Its a matter of conscience perhaps? Maybe the proof we all crave will come one day...maybe it will be covered up... but if we have Jesus Christ at the forefront of our minds, and we leave our hearts for Jehovah to examine, I think we'll be okay. Please don't feel pressured by what people post on this forum, as it acts like a open discussion. We are all trying to make sense of things. I hope I was not presumptuous in this message to you.
Citrine, It is not that I am triggered by it. I want me as well as others to have the freedom to relate my experiences in having this VIRUS and not having others feel compelled to correct me and others that we are imagining it or they know what we are suffering from when they have never met us! How is this any different that when the GB gave a blanket OK to the vaccines without acknowledging individual situations. When I (and others) mention the virus, we are not promoting a belief in the virus. It is a part of general knowledge and vocabularly to speak in common terms. But others on this site want to push their virus denying agenda and I am irritated that they are so arrogant as to tell me what I am sick with or not sick with. It really shows a lack of respect for the poster.

Very well put!

We can all have a variety of viewpoints of the same situation.

What appears to be certain to one person, may be the exact opposite to another.

Sometimes it may be better to "love them from a distance" so to speak

There is a lot of pain in this system, each one trying to recover from being abused by a tyrannical organization.

May Jehovah help us all, and give us lots of mercy!🙏