“I’ve got the papers!”


Well-known member
We need to talk about the shedding. I know there are a lot of strong feelings around this topic so I will try to keep it to what we have personally experienced. As I’ve mentioned before we have years in the natural / alternative health industry including years before c@d working with v injured children. We have known of the shedding effects for years. It’s been speculated that the MRNA technology has been added to v for years now including the flu v. And as was already discussed these shots were manufactured years ago and were just waiting for their big release. Many ICU and NICU wards have long posted outside their doors for recently v’ed to not enter due to shedding. It’s even documented in P@zr’s own v trial data cautioning pregnant women to avoid being in contact with the recently v@d.
While we still do not know exactly what’s in the v or what or even how something is “transmitting “ we can see that something is happening to us and many others.

We began noticing in early 2021 strange symptoms that we had never experienced before. We would get dizzy, headaches, tinnitus, bloody nose, head pressure, coughing, fatigue, female bleeding not on cycle, old injuries hurting again, testicular pains, diarrhea, and more. These effects were experienced by us and our immediate circle of non v@d friends and family when we were around the v@d. We started documenting all these effects and when we were with people and when we were not. We generally started experiencing these reactions within 24hrs after contact and the effects would clear up if we were not in contact with anyone for a couple days. We live on acreage in the country with no close neighbors so when we’re home there is no one near us. We would stay home not even going to the store (grocery deliveries with porch drop off are a life saver) for several days and would feel back to normal. We’d go back into our business with many v@d coming and going and it would all start up again. I would start feeling like the room was spinning, my husband would go out back with nose bleeds. We have never experienced these issues before.

Then we started having customers come in randomly complaining of the same type of reactions “out of the blue” according to them. When we would ask them if they were in contact with the v@d it was always yes whether it be coworkers in the office, the in-laws visiting, or their spouse or partner that got the v. One man came in looking pale and had to sit down he was so dizzy. He was non v but his live in girlfriend had just got v #3 for her job at the school district. We helped him with a detox protocol and he left feeling better. He came back in several weeks later looking much better. He said he could not tolerate all the effects from being in contact with her and moved out ending an 8 year relationship. He had been living alone and said he now only experienced the effects when he was in crowds like Costco shopping but it wasn’t constant anymore.

We also had another woman that is a hairdresser and constantly in contact with people. She also has a boyfriend that got the v. She began developing blood clots in her legs and neck. We were working with her to dissolve the clots. She also did the thermography scan and my tech was horrified by what she saw! I’ve attached a few of the scans. There is clearly something very abnormal forming in her - we have never seen anything like this! The doctor was unable to identify what they were and labeled them as “unknowable “. 😳 we’re in uncharted territory!

Fast forward to April when meeting attendance returned in person. We already decided we were not going back because of all that had gone down and there was no way we were going along with the mask lie. Then add to that we would not put ourselves in a room with 80+ v@d in a closed area with no fresh air. When we are at our business we try to always have the doors open and fresh air and limit the amount of people in there at a time although we still get affected. So we have stayed on Zoom. My husband wanted the brothers to know why we weren’t coming back. He had a call with our COBE and all he would say was “ No need to explain - you don’t have to tell me anything!” and he quickly ended the conversation obviously uncomfortable with what he was hearing. BTW as far as we know my husband is the only non v@d on our elder body, the rest proudly announce every time they get a booster! 🙄🙄 He also had a discussion with another elder he had been fairly close with, we’ll call him Max, about what we were experiencing. Max listened kindly and then suggested that if we would just get the v ourselves we wouldn’t have these issues anymore. 🙈🙄 They really have no clue.

Our CO visit was a couple of months ago. As expected Max called to invite my husband to a “encouragement “ visit with him and the CO. Through all of this the other elders, some of whom we have known our entire lives, have stopped contacting us. The once friendly discussions on Zoom before meetings was now just awkward silence. At the end of one of the elders meetings the brother giving the closing prayer asked Jehovah to strengthen my husband during his time of “mental and emotional illness”! Ok now we get it - they think we’re nut cases! 😡😡 I’m sure there’s been much discussion on how crazy our ideas are but we know what we see happening and it’s not our imagination! The meeting with the CO was scheduled for Friday morning right after the Zoom service meeting. We log onto the service meeting just as Max‘s wife was telling everyone he won’t be on because he was very sick in bed after taking TWO boosters the day before! What?! The very brother who was so worried about my husband was now deathly ill from the poison! Max has never recovered and is constantly at various doctors trying to figure out his rapid health decline.

Our CO and his wife are very different than any other COs we’ve ever had. They are the most unfriendly couple we think we have ever met. Cold with absolutely no sense of humor. They both sit there like robots staring straight ahead until it’s exactly time to start the meeting and then he starts talking from his script. Before the lockdown we tried getting to know them even taking them out to a nice restaurant. That was one of the longest, most uncomfortable meals ever. Had to pry even basic conversation out of them. No warmth - nothing. The days of the friendly and lovable old CO couples are long gone. This was a company man to the core and he had a job to do. After the service meeting my husband, the CO, and our COBE (remember Max is too sick to join) are put in a separate Zoom room and the fun begins! I had to go outside or my mouth would have gotten us DFd on the spot! 😆
My husband begins to explain what we had been experiencing and what we’re seeing with other people in our business. The CO listens for about 90 seconds and cuts my husband off! He says “You’re wrong and I’ve got the papers to prove you’re wrong! I’ve studied the MRNA technology extensively and there is no such thing as shedding! You may be experiencing health problems but you’re wrong about where it’s coming from!“. My husband is so angry he’s shaking at this point and asks the CO what papers he’s referring to. The CO fires back “I’ve got the papers straight from the CDC website and it clearly states that shedding is not possible with these injections.” Ok talk about quoting the devil 👿 himself! Remember we trust the government now and follow their directions! My husband responded with he too had studied it and that P@zrs own data discusses shedding as a side effect. Oh CO did not like hearing that and shut him down fast! Wrong question! He said for us not to be discussing that and to “trust the faithful slave” 🤮 and that my husband was to go find a better doctor that could diagnose his strange illness! Company man did his job and shut us down with “the papers”.
We‘re sure COs have been instructed to squash any questions or opposing opinions fast. That was the end of it and they have moved on and we’ve now expecting our new CO and whatever that will bring. It’s clear to us there is no point in trying to discuss it with the elders, CO, or even writing a letter to the branch. They’re all following the borg. BTW we often wonder if we’re so sick around the v@d how in the heck are they still functioning! We’ve speculated they v may have material in it that is acting like an antenna once in someone. The closest we’ve been able to explain it is like radiation poisoning. You initially can’t feel it happening to you but the effects are real and serious. It’s even documented that cancer patients receiving radiation treatments should avoid close contact with their mates or family in the home as they are emitting low levels of radiation that could make others sick. It’s just a theory. We’re still trying to figure this mess out and we don’t know if the effects are cumulative. We just try now to limit our exposure and space out a couple of days a week with no contact.
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I experienced the vaxed radiating emf before mostly around March it was usually at times I was already being targeted by 5G those days and the proximity of the gmo cyborgs provided a convenient avenue of attack different angles, close proximities etc than the tower a kilometer away. (5g's lower range than other tech a large part of why they want a 5g antenna on every five meters or so of the earth"s surface) I think the new very intense high voltage LED lights there putting everywhere the past year or so work synergistically both in radiating everyone and relaying signals between towers and cyborgs as skynet tracking you with your phone and store cameras for targeting.

Blood test indicated my natural antibodies to the spike protein is 115 times the level adequate to defeat the associated illness so that angle of shedding my only concern is the prion like nature not exactly enthusiastic at risks of early dementia. Mrna, nanotech and radiation are more concerning. I'd advise everyone to get a bit of shielding wearing a silver fabric shirt a few days a week makes a discernible difference.
Your husband's experience with the CO sounds like a trip to the Twilight Zone. The GB and their Society men know everything about everything. The fact that JW's place unquestioning trust in the GB even when it comes to something as personal and controversial as vaccination really proves the point I have been stating for some time, that the WT has become an idol. At some point, the GB will have to answer for their bloodguilt.
A couple of things I forgot to mention -
The CO did the research because he had heard the same things from others in the circuit and had to be able to tell us all why we’re all wrong! Apparently we all have the same “mental disease “ now. 🙄🙄
We work closely with many other natural practitioners - acupuncture, chiropractic, etc. and many are now refusing to work with v@d clients due to the negative effects on their own health and concerns if it’s cumulative.
The last elder to hold out against the v gave in to be able to work with LDC. Since then his healthy non v wife has become serious sick with fatigue, migraines, and constant diarrhea so bad she needed an IV. She thinks she has food poisoning… for two months…😳
We need to talk about the shedding. I know there are a lot of strong feelings around this topic so I will try to keep it to what we have personally experienced. As I’ve mentioned before we have years in the natural / alternative health industry including years before c@d working with v injured children. We have known of the shedding effects for years. It’s been speculated that the MRNA technology has been added to v for years now including the flu v. And as was already discussed these shots were manufactured years ago and were just waiting for their big release. Many ICU and NICU wards have long posted outside their doors for recently v’ed to not enter due to shedding. It’s even documented in P@zr’s own v trial data cautioning pregnant women to avoid being in contact with the recently v@d.
While we still do not know exactly what’s in the v or what or even how something is “transmitting “ we can see that something is happening to us and many others.

We began noticing in early 2021 strange symptoms that we had never experienced before. We would get dizzy, headaches, tinnitus, bloody nose, head pressure, coughing, fatigue, female bleeding not on cycle, old injuries hurting again, testicular pains, diarrhea, and more. These effects were experienced by us and our immediate circle of non v@d friends and family when we were around the v@d. We started documenting all these effects and when we were with people and when we were not. We generally started experiencing these reactions within 24hrs after contact and the effects would clear up if we were not in contact with anyone for a couple days. We live on acreage in the country with no close neighbors so when we’re home there is no one near us. We would stay home not even going to the store (grocery deliveries with porch drop off are a life saver) for several days and would feel back to normal. We’d go back into our business with many v@d coming and going and it would all start up again. I would start feeling like the room was spinning, my husband would go out back with nose bleeds. We have never experienced these issues before.

Then we started having customers come in randomly complaining of the same type of reactions “out of the blue” according to them. When we would ask them if they were in contact with the v@d it was always yes whether it be coworkers in the office, the in-laws visiting, or their spouse or partner that got the v. One man came in looking pale and had to sit down he was so dizzy. He was non v but his live in girlfriend had just got v #3 for her job at the school district. We helped him with a detox protocol and he left feeling better. He came back in several weeks later looking much better. He said he could not tolerate all the effects from being in contact with her and moved out ending an 8 year relationship. He had been living alone and said he now only experienced the effects when he was in crowds like Costco shopping but it wasn’t constant anymore.

We also had another woman that is a hairdresser and constantly in contact with people. She also has a boyfriend that got the v. She began developing blood clots in her legs and neck. We were working with her to dissolve the clots. She also did the thermography scan and my tech was horrified by what she saw! I’ve attached a few of the scans. There is clearly something very abnormal forming in her - we have never seen anything like this! The doctor was unable to identify what they were and labeled them as “unknowable “. 😳 we’re in uncharted territory!

Fast forward to April when meeting attendance returned in person. We already decided we were not going back because of all that had gone down and there was no way we were going along with the mask lie. Then add to that we would not put ourselves in a room with 80+ v@d in a closed area with no fresh air. When we are at our business we try to always have the doors open and fresh air and limit the amount of people in there at a time although we still get affected. So we have stayed on Zoom. My husband wanted the brothers to know why we weren’t coming back. He had a call with our COBE and all he would say was “ No need to explain - you don’t have to tell me anything!” and he quickly ended the conversation obviously uncomfortable with what he was hearing. BTW as far as we know my husband is the only non v@d on our elder body, the rest proudly announce every time they get a booster! 🙄🙄 He also had a discussion with another elder he had been fairly close with, we’ll call him Max, about what we were experiencing. Max listened kindly and then suggested that if we would just get the v ourselves we wouldn’t have these issues anymore. 🙈🙄 They really have no clue.

Our CO visit was a couple of months ago. As expected Max called to invite my husband to a “encouragement “ visit with him and the CO. Through all of this the other elders, some of whom we have known our entire lives, have stopped contacting us. The once friendly discussions on Zoom before meetings was now just awkward silence. At the end of one of the elders meetings the brother giving the closing prayer asked Jehovah to strengthen my husband during his time of “mental and emotional illness”! Ok now we get it - they think we’re nut cases! 😡😡 I’m sure there’s been much discussion on how crazy our ideas are but we know what we see happening and it’s not our imagination! The meeting with the CO was scheduled for Friday morning right after the Zoom service meeting. We log onto the service meeting just as Max‘s wife was telling everyone he won’t be on because he was very sick in bed after taking TWO boosters the day before! What?! The very brother who was so worried about my husband was now deathly ill from the poison! Max has never recovered and is constantly at various doctors trying to figure out his rapid health decline.

Our CO and his wife are very different than any other COs we’ve ever had. They are the most unfriendly couple we think we have ever met. Cold with absolutely no sense of humor. They both sit there like robots staring straight ahead until it’s exactly time to start the meeting and then he starts talking from his script. Before the lockdown we tried getting to know them even taking them out to a nice restaurant. That was one of the longest, most uncomfortable meals ever. Had to pry even basic conversation out of them. No warmth - nothing. The days of the friendly and lovable old CO couples are long gone. This was a company man to the core and he had a job to do. After the service meeting my husband, the CO, and our COBE (remember Max is too sick to join) are put in a separate Zoom room and the fun begins! I had to go outside or my mouth would have gotten us DFd on the spot! 😆
My husband begins to explain what we had been experiencing and what we’re seeing with other people in our business. The CO listens for about 90 seconds and cuts my husband off! He says “You’re wrong and I’ve got the papers to prove you’re wrong! I’ve studied the MRNA technology extensively and there is no such thing as shedding! You may be experiencing health problems but you’re wrong about where it’s coming from!“. My husband is so angry he’s shaking at this point and asks the CO what papers he’s referring to. The CO fires back “I’ve got the papers straight from the CDC website and it clearly states that shedding is not possible with these injections.” Ok talk about quoting the devil 👿 himself! Remember we trust the government now and follow their directions! My husband responded with he too had studied it and that P@zrs own data discusses shedding as a side effect. Oh CO did not like hearing that and shut him down fast! Wrong question! He said for us not to be discussing that and to “trust the faithful slave” 🤮 and that my husband was to go find a better doctor that could diagnose his strange illness! Company man did his job and shut us down with “the papers”.
We‘re sure COs have been instructed to squash any questions or opposing opinions fast. That was the end of it and they have moved on and we’ve now expecting our new CO and whatever that will bring. It’s clear to us there is no point in trying to discuss it with the elders, CO, or even writing a letter to the branch. They’re all following the borg. BTW we often wonder if we’re so sick around the v@d how in the heck are they still functioning! We’ve speculated they v may have material in it that is acting like an antenna once in someone. The closest we’ve been able to explain it is like radiation poisoning. You initially can’t feel it happening to you but the effects are real and serious. It’s even documented that cancer patients receiving radiation treatments should avoid close contact with their mates or family in the home as they are emitting low levels of radiation that could make others sick. It’s just a theory. We’re still trying to figure this mess out and we don’t know if the effects are cumulative. We just try now to limit our exposure and space out a couple of days a week with no contact.
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This is a quote from the Spanish researchers/doctors @ La Quinta Columna, who have been reporting on and trying to get their research out about it since Spring 2021. ( I c/p this from my FB and IG posts)

Repost from @graphene_vaccine ( IG account)
September 13, 2022

La Quinta Columna:


12 minute video/interview here 👇



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I've been following this topic (obsessively according to my wife) since the beginning of all this. The shedding situation has been documented by many. Dr Jane Ruby even advertises an air purifier product that is supposed to protect from shedding. Dr Palevski and Dr Lee Merit have mentioned being affected by it.

There is an IG personality (dontmetalwithme) who has been exposing all of this for some time now. She has documented the shedding phenomenon and identified it as radiation poisoning, as you also speculated. This is what I believe it likely to be. Look up the term "internet of bodies" and you'll get info on the concept. Mark Steele from the UK (a weapons expert) also speaks about this phenomenon and confirms that the nanotech is in fact acting as an antenna for 5G radiation, reflecting the EMF radiation like a human repeater tower.

Back to Dr Jane Ruby, she has been documenting the clotting phenomenon that you are seeing in the scans which you posted. Look up her interviews with embalmer Richard Hershman and the white fibrous clots he is finding in the veins and arteries of jab victims. She even had them analyzed by Mike Adams private lab. These things are growing inside of people. It's diabolical what is happening. Thanks for sharing your updates. It's critical information.

We have a local naturopath here where I live and he has also been documenting the discovery of parasites in the blood many of the injected along with the changes in the blood structure using live blood analysis. He has also recently been discovering graphene oxide in the live blood analysis. Within the last several months he has developed a detox formula for the jabbed. I think he calls it "Jab flush".
At the end of one of the elders meetings the brother giving the closing prayer asked Jehovah to strengthen my husband during his time of “mental and emotional illness”! Ok now we get it - they think we’re nut cases!
The cojones on those clowns!!!!! How dare they.
The very brother who was so worried about my husband was now deathly ill from the poison! Max has never recovered and is constantly at various doctors trying to figure out his rapid health decline.
Sounds like the Karma fairy paid a visit. :)
Our CO and his wife are very different than any other COs we’ve ever had. They are the most unfriendly couple we think we have ever met. Cold with absolutely no sense of humor.
I knew a CO couple like that...actually they were very vindictive and went for the throat on command. Terrible people and I'm wondering if they are the same one's we had. What's the guy's initials? TA? Anyway, he sounds like a real peach. /S

I'd drop it around them now...or you're going to get DFed. But maybe that's what you want at this point...

Those pictures you posted looks like clotting in the veins. Yikes!

Love your recounting of the experiences you've had. Thanks so much.
We need to talk about the shedding.
I have a neighbor that i have know for many years now. Sometimes I work at my house and he stopped one day, and I have done a few jobs for him. In any case, we have become pretty good friends. There was no way he was getting this vaccine. His wife however works as a paralegal and her boss was so afraid of Covid, and wanted her to get the Vax so bad, she gave her if I remember right $6,000 to get the vax, so she did. Several months before all this and during Covid, he had double pneumonia, he's in his early 50's and had a heart attack. Immediately after his wife got vax'ed he got pericarditis and I asked him if he got vax'd, his answr and I quote, "hell no." Any way, I mentioned to him the shedding and he said something like, "really", and did not dismiss it, but I really believe that is what happened to him. Neither one of them would have gotten this poison, but it just really shows what evil pressure this system has put on people, and I expect it's only going to get worse.
The CO listens for about 90 seconds and cuts my husband off! He says “You’re wrong and I’ve got the papers to prove you’re wrong!
I keep thinking about everything especially Splane saying, "I hear someone ask, 'What do they know', wrong question, what does Jehovah know?" and, "Would Jehovah allow us to take a vaccine that wasn't safe?" So my question is, in what way did Jehovah tell the GB these vaccines were safe, and that masks work? Did he send an angel to one of their GB meetings? Did he appear to them in a dream? In what way did Jehovah tell them this Covid vaccine was safe? Because I happen to know for a fact vaccines are no where in the Bible. No mention any where ever!

My next question is this... "if it wasn't because of Satan's system and Adam and Eve sinning human beings wouldn't need vaccines. Vaccines are the answer Satan has provided to the problem he caused, so vaccines are literally "from the devil", so how is it exactly that Jehovah has approved vaccines?

It's the ultimate, "problem, reaction, solution", Satan's Modus operandi.
We need to talk about the shedding. I know there are a lot of strong feelings around this topic so I will try to keep it to what we have personally experienced. As I’ve mentioned before we have years in the natural / alternative health industry including years before c@d working with v injured children. We have known of the shedding effects for years. It’s been speculated that the MRNA technology has been added to v for years now including the flu v. And as was already discussed these shots were manufactured years ago and were just waiting for their big release. Many ICU and NICU wards have long posted outside their doors for recently v’ed to not enter due to shedding. It’s even documented in P@zr’s own v trial data cautioning pregnant women to avoid being in contact with the recently v@d.
While we still do not know exactly what’s in the v or what or even how something is “transmitting “ we can see that something is happening to us and many others.

We began noticing in early 2021 strange symptoms that we had never experienced before. We would get dizzy, headaches, tinnitus, bloody nose, head pressure, coughing, fatigue, female bleeding not on cycle, old injuries hurting again, testicular pains, diarrhea, and more. These effects were experienced by us and our immediate circle of non v@d friends and family when we were around the v@d. We started documenting all these effects and when we were with people and when we were not. We generally started experiencing these reactions within 24hrs after contact and the effects would clear up if we were not in contact with anyone for a couple days. We live on acreage in the country with no close neighbors so when we’re home there is no one near us. We would stay home not even going to the store (grocery deliveries with porch drop off are a life saver) for several days and would feel back to normal. We’d go back into our business with many v@d coming and going and it would all start up again. I would start feeling like the room was spinning, my husband would go out back with nose bleeds. We have never experienced these issues before.

Then we started having customers come in randomly complaining of the same type of reactions “out of the blue” according to them. When we would ask them if they were in contact with the v@d it was always yes whether it be coworkers in the office, the in-laws visiting, or their spouse or partner that got the v. One man came in looking pale and had to sit down he was so dizzy. He was non v but his live in girlfriend had just got v #3 for her job at the school district. We helped him with a detox protocol and he left feeling better. He came back in several weeks later looking much better. He said he could not tolerate all the effects from being in contact with her and moved out ending an 8 year relationship. He had been living alone and said he now only experienced the effects when he was in crowds like Costco shopping but it wasn’t constant anymore.

We also had another woman that is a hairdresser and constantly in contact with people. She also has a boyfriend that got the v. She began developing blood clots in her legs and neck. We were working with her to dissolve the clots. She also did the thermography scan and my tech was horrified by what she saw! I’ve attached a few of the scans. There is clearly something very abnormal forming in her - we have never seen anything like this! The doctor was unable to identify what they were and labeled them as “unknowable “. 😳 we’re in uncharted territory!

Fast forward to April when meeting attendance returned in person. We already decided we were not going back because of all that had gone down and there was no way we were going along with the mask lie. Then add to that we would not put ourselves in a room with 80+ v@d in a closed area with no fresh air. When we are at our business we try to always have the doors open and fresh air and limit the amount of people in there at a time although we still get affected. So we have stayed on Zoom. My husband wanted the brothers to know why we weren’t coming back. He had a call with our COBE and all he would say was “ No need to explain - you don’t have to tell me anything!” and he quickly ended the conversation obviously uncomfortable with what he was hearing. BTW as far as we know my husband is the only non v@d on our elder body, the rest proudly announce every time they get a booster! 🙄🙄 He also had a discussion with another elder he had been fairly close with, we’ll call him Max, about what we were experiencing. Max listened kindly and then suggested that if we would just get the v ourselves we wouldn’t have these issues anymore. 🙈🙄 They really have no clue.

Our CO visit was a couple of months ago. As expected Max called to invite my husband to a “encouragement “ visit with him and the CO. Through all of this the other elders, some of whom we have known our entire lives, have stopped contacting us. The once friendly discussions on Zoom before meetings was now just awkward silence. At the end of one of the elders meetings the brother giving the closing prayer asked Jehovah to strengthen my husband during his time of “mental and emotional illness”! Ok now we get it - they think we’re nut cases! 😡😡 I’m sure there’s been much discussion on how crazy our ideas are but we know what we see happening and it’s not our imagination! The meeting with the CO was scheduled for Friday morning right after the Zoom service meeting. We log onto the service meeting just as Max‘s wife was telling everyone he won’t be on because he was very sick in bed after taking TWO boosters the day before! What?! The very brother who was so worried about my husband was now deathly ill from the poison! Max has never recovered and is constantly at various doctors trying to figure out his rapid health decline.

Our CO and his wife are very different than any other COs we’ve ever had. They are the most unfriendly couple we think we have ever met. Cold with absolutely no sense of humor. They both sit there like robots staring straight ahead until it’s exactly time to start the meeting and then he starts talking from his script. Before the lockdown we tried getting to know them even taking them out to a nice restaurant. That was one of the longest, most uncomfortable meals ever. Had to pry even basic conversation out of them. No warmth - nothing. The days of the friendly and lovable old CO couples are long gone. This was a company man to the core and he had a job to do. After the service meeting my husband, the CO, and our COBE (remember Max is too sick to join) are put in a separate Zoom room and the fun begins! I had to go outside or my mouth would have gotten us DFd on the spot! 😆
My husband begins to explain what we had been experiencing and what we’re seeing with other people in our business. The CO listens for about 90 seconds and cuts my husband off! He says “You’re wrong and I’ve got the papers to prove you’re wrong! I’ve studied the MRNA technology extensively and there is no such thing as shedding! You may be experiencing health problems but you’re wrong about where it’s coming from!“. My husband is so angry he’s shaking at this point and asks the CO what papers he’s referring to. The CO fires back “I’ve got the papers straight from the CDC website and it clearly states that shedding is not possible with these injections.” Ok talk about quoting the devil 👿 himself! Remember we trust the government now and follow their directions! My husband responded with he too had studied it and that P@zrs own data discusses shedding as a side effect. Oh CO did not like hearing that and shut him down fast! Wrong question! He said for us not to be discussing that and to “trust the faithful slave” 🤮 and that my husband was to go find a better doctor that could diagnose his strange illness! Company man did his job and shut us down with “the papers”.
We‘re sure COs have been instructed to squash any questions or opposing opinions fast. That was the end of it and they have moved on and we’ve now expecting our new CO and whatever that will bring. It’s clear to us there is no point in trying to discuss it with the elders, CO, or even writing a letter to the branch. They’re all following the borg. BTW we often wonder if we’re so sick around the v@d how in the heck are they still functioning! We’ve speculated they v may have material in it that is acting like an antenna once in someone. The closest we’ve been able to explain it is like radiation poisoning. You initially can’t feel it happening to you but the effects are real and serious. It’s even documented that cancer patients receiving radiation treatments should avoid close contact with their mates or family in the home as they are emitting low levels of radiation that could make others sick. It’s just a theory. We’re still trying to figure this mess out and we don’t know if the effects are cumulative. We just try now to limit our exposure and space out a couple of days a week with no contact.
Thank you so much, Citrine, for your continuing updates!! …in both the health and Org arenas👍🏼 You have a unique situation that we benefit so much from. What you have relayed confirms so much of what I have already suspected. It’s really hard to be absolutely sure of anything nowadays and so we often have to rely on our gut instincts (which I think do serve us well) So I’m really thankful that you’ve put your experiences and expertise out there for us all to digest. It’s invaluable!

May Jehovah continue to bless your efforts and the stand that you and your husband have taken!🙏🏼 Christian love from a fellow ‘mentally diseased’ Sister🤗😅
We need to talk about the shedding. I know there are a lot of strong feelings around this topic so I will try to keep it to what we have personally experienced. As I’ve mentioned before we have years in the natural / alternative health industry including years before c@d working with v injured children. We have known of the shedding effects for years. It’s been speculated that the MRNA technology has been added to v for years now including the flu v. And as was already discussed these shots were manufactured years ago and were just waiting for their big release. Many ICU and NICU wards have long posted outside their doors for recently v’ed to not enter due to shedding. It’s even documented in P@zr’s own v trial data cautioning pregnant women to avoid being in contact with the recently v@d.
While we still do not know exactly what’s in the v or what or even how something is “transmitting “ we can see that something is happening to us and many others.

We began noticing in early 2021 strange symptoms that we had never experienced before. We would get dizzy, headaches, tinnitus, bloody nose, head pressure, coughing, fatigue, female bleeding not on cycle, old injuries hurting again, testicular pains, diarrhea, and more. These effects were experienced by us and our immediate circle of non v@d friends and family when we were around the v@d. We started documenting all these effects and when we were with people and when we were not. We generally started experiencing these reactions within 24hrs after contact and the effects would clear up if we were not in contact with anyone for a couple days. We live on acreage in the country with no close neighbors so when we’re home there is no one near us. We would stay home not even going to the store (grocery deliveries with porch drop off are a life saver) for several days and would feel back to normal. We’d go back into our business with many v@d coming and going and it would all start up again. I would start feeling like the room was spinning, my husband would go out back with nose bleeds. We have never experienced these issues before.

Then we started having customers come in randomly complaining of the same type of reactions “out of the blue” according to them. When we would ask them if they were in contact with the v@d it was always yes whether it be coworkers in the office, the in-laws visiting, or their spouse or partner that got the v. One man came in looking pale and had to sit down he was so dizzy. He was non v but his live in girlfriend had just got v #3 for her job at the school district. We helped him with a detox protocol and he left feeling better. He came back in several weeks later looking much better. He said he could not tolerate all the effects from being in contact with her and moved out ending an 8 year relationship. He had been living alone and said he now only experienced the effects when he was in crowds like Costco shopping but it wasn’t constant anymore.

We also had another woman that is a hairdresser and constantly in contact with people. She also has a boyfriend that got the v. She began developing blood clots in her legs and neck. We were working with her to dissolve the clots. She also did the thermography scan and my tech was horrified by what she saw! I’ve attached a few of the scans. There is clearly something very abnormal forming in her - we have never seen anything like this! The doctor was unable to identify what they were and labeled them as “unknowable “. 😳 we’re in uncharted territory!

Fast forward to April when meeting attendance returned in person. We already decided we were not going back because of all that had gone down and there was no way we were going along with the mask lie. Then add to that we would not put ourselves in a room with 80+ v@d in a closed area with no fresh air. When we are at our business we try to always have the doors open and fresh air and limit the amount of people in there at a time although we still get affected. So we have stayed on Zoom. My husband wanted the brothers to know why we weren’t coming back. He had a call with our COBE and all he would say was “ No need to explain - you don’t have to tell me anything!” and he quickly ended the conversation obviously uncomfortable with what he was hearing. BTW as far as we know my husband is the only non v@d on our elder body, the rest proudly announce every time they get a booster! 🙄🙄 He also had a discussion with another elder he had been fairly close with, we’ll call him Max, about what we were experiencing. Max listened kindly and then suggested that if we would just get the v ourselves we wouldn’t have these issues anymore. 🙈🙄 They really have no clue.

Our CO visit was a couple of months ago. As expected Max called to invite my husband to a “encouragement “ visit with him and the CO. Through all of this the other elders, some of whom we have known our entire lives, have stopped contacting us. The once friendly discussions on Zoom before meetings was now just awkward silence. At the end of one of the elders meetings the brother giving the closing prayer asked Jehovah to strengthen my husband during his time of “mental and emotional illness”! Ok now we get it - they think we’re nut cases! 😡😡 I’m sure there’s been much discussion on how crazy our ideas are but we know what we see happening and it’s not our imagination! The meeting with the CO was scheduled for Friday morning right after the Zoom service meeting. We log onto the service meeting just as Max‘s wife was telling everyone he won’t be on because he was very sick in bed after taking TWO boosters the day before! What?! The very brother who was so worried about my husband was now deathly ill from the poison! Max has never recovered and is constantly at various doctors trying to figure out his rapid health decline.

Our CO and his wife are very different than any other COs we’ve ever had. They are the most unfriendly couple we think we have ever met. Cold with absolutely no sense of humor. They both sit there like robots staring straight ahead until it’s exactly time to start the meeting and then he starts talking from his script. Before the lockdown we tried getting to know them even taking them out to a nice restaurant. That was one of the longest, most uncomfortable meals ever. Had to pry even basic conversation out of them. No warmth - nothing. The days of the friendly and lovable old CO couples are long gone. This was a company man to the core and he had a job to do. After the service meeting my husband, the CO, and our COBE (remember Max is too sick to join) are put in a separate Zoom room and the fun begins! I had to go outside or my mouth would have gotten us DFd on the spot! 😆
My husband begins to explain what we had been experiencing and what we’re seeing with other people in our business. The CO listens for about 90 seconds and cuts my husband off! He says “You’re wrong and I’ve got the papers to prove you’re wrong! I’ve studied the MRNA technology extensively and there is no such thing as shedding! You may be experiencing health problems but you’re wrong about where it’s coming from!“. My husband is so angry he’s shaking at this point and asks the CO what papers he’s referring to. The CO fires back “I’ve got the papers straight from the CDC website and it clearly states that shedding is not possible with these injections.” Ok talk about quoting the devil 👿 himself! Remember we trust the government now and follow their directions! My husband responded with he too had studied it and that P@zrs own data discusses shedding as a side effect. Oh CO did not like hearing that and shut him down fast! Wrong question! He said for us not to be discussing that and to “trust the faithful slave” 🤮 and that my husband was to go find a better doctor that could diagnose his strange illness! Company man did his job and shut us down with “the papers”.
We‘re sure COs have been instructed to squash any questions or opposing opinions fast. That was the end of it and they have moved on and we’ve now expecting our new CO and whatever that will bring. It’s clear to us there is no point in trying to discuss it with the elders, CO, or even writing a letter to the branch. They’re all following the borg. BTW we often wonder if we’re so sick around the v@d how in the heck are they still functioning! We’ve speculated they v may have material in it that is acting like an antenna once in someone. The closest we’ve been able to explain it is like radiation poisoning. You initially can’t feel it happening to you but the effects are real and serious. It’s even documented that cancer patients receiving radiation treatments should avoid close contact with their mates or family in the home as they are emitting low levels of radiation that could make others sick. It’s just a theory. We’re still trying to figure this mess out and we don’t know if the effects are cumulative. We just try now to limit our exposure and space out a couple of days a week with no contact.
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After reading this thread

I'm just thoroughly convinced that the call of "safe and effective" which announced this c19 v@d was the prophesied call of "peace and security" Which was beganing of distribution the of jab .... which I now think is the Mark.... Especially after looking at these images

We are at the end


Of course this is my opinion I respect other opinions

Anyone would be hard pressed to convince me otherwise

Especially if the consequences are this devastating
The cojones on those clowns!!!!! How dare they.

Sounds like the Karma fairy paid a visit. :)

I knew a CO couple like that...actually they were very vindictive and went for the throat on command. Terrible people and I'm wondering if they are the same one's we had. What's the guy's initials? TA? Anyway, he sounds like a real peach. /S

I'd drop it around them now...or you're going to get DFed. But maybe that's what you want at this point...

Those pictures you posted looks like clotting in the veins. Yikes!

Love your recounting of the experiences you've had. Thanks so much.
i know Kirmmy! In case you couldn’t tell I can basically talk to a tree stump! I have years of sales experience and I have no problem making up conversation! My husband has decades in the construction trades and is a giant emotional circle ⭕️! You gotta work pretty hard for us not to have anything to talk about 😳😳 Their initials are TO and SO.
Thank you so much, Citrine, for your continuing updates!! …in both the health and Org arenas👍🏼 You have a unique situation that we benefit so much from. What you have relayed confirms so much of what I have already suspected. It’s really hard to be absolutely sure of anything nowadays and so we often have to rely on our gut instincts (which I think do serve us well) So I’m really thankful that you’ve put your experiences and expertise out there for us all to digest. It’s invaluable!

May Jehovah continue to bless your efforts and the stand that you and your husband have taken!🙏🏼 Christian love from a fellow ‘mentally diseased’ Sister🤗😅
Thank you. I have so much more to say but it was already getting too long a post. Stay tuned!
A couple of things I forgot to mention -
The CO did the research because he had heard the same things from others in the circuit and had to be able to tell us all why we’re all wrong! Apparently we all have the same “mental disease “ now. 🙄🙄
We work closely with many other natural practitioners - acupuncture, chiropractic, etc. and many are now refusing to work with v@d clients due to the negative effects on their own health and concerns if it’s cumulative.
The last elder to hold out against the v gave in to be able to work with LDC. Since then his healthy non v wife has become serious sick with fatigue, migraines, and constant diarrhea so bad she needed an IV. She thinks she has food poisoning… for two months…😳
so, thats whats happening! I, non v, have been quite ill, with both top and bottom 'deflate'. and thougth also of foodpoisoning, but then 'vote' against it, due to the time it took me to get over it, plus my friend ate the same and was not sick. It took my body a week to function normally and eat again. Thank you for this post now I can place my illnes.;)