ChatGPT and General Artificial Intelligence, an Image That Comes to Life?


Well-known member
This is something I've imagined before, but it was only mostly ironically. Making fun of this technical wasteland sometimes feels like low hanging fruit. That was before ChatGPT. While these chat boxes have existed for over a decade now, they are quickly becoming very powerful. As of the release recently of chatgpt3, its predecessor was published to the world as open source. It is now blowing up faster than any other startup. Open source means anybody can see the code, change it, make money off it, etc. Anybody can try it out. I've been experimenting with it myself.

Think of it like a search engine with a sophisticated neural network built into it. Except, you can talk to it like you would a person. It can answer questions you'd get from any search engine. This might be the end of traditional search. However, that's not the strength of GPT. You can ask it open ended questions too. You could say, give me a grocery list including breakfast, lunch, and dinner for the whole week with a 75 dollars budget and provide recipes. It will then give you that very thing.

In fact, here is the output: GPT (Free version)
Give me a grocery list including breakfast, lunch, and dinner for the whole week with a 75 dollars budget and provide recipes.


Sure, here is a grocery list and recipe suggestions for a week's worth of meals with a budget of $75.
Grocery List
  • Oats: $2.50
  • Bananas: $3.00
  • Eggs: $3.50
  • Bread: $3.00
  • Peanut butter: $3.00
  • Jelly: $2.50
  • Spinach: $2.50
  • Carrots: $1.50
  • Celery: $1.50
  • Tomato: $2.00
  • Lettuce: $2.00
  • Chicken breasts: $10.00
  • Ground beef: $10.00
  • Frozen vegetables: $4.00
  • Rice: $2.50
  • Pasta: $2.00
  • Canned tomatoes: $2.00
  • Canned beans: $2.00
  • Cheese: $4.00
  • Avocado: $2.50
  • Chips: $3.00

  • Overnight oats: Mix together 1 cup of oats, 1 cup of milk, 1 sliced banana, and a spoonful of peanut butter. Leave in the fridge overnight and enjoy cold in the morning.
  • Scrambled eggs: Beat 2-3 eggs in a bowl with a splash of milk. Heat a small amount of butter in a pan and add the eggs, stirring until cooked to your liking. Serve on toast.
  • Peanut butter and jelly sandwich: Spread peanut butter and jelly on two slices of bread and put them together.
  • Spinach and tomato salad: Chop a handful of spinach and a tomato, and toss them in a bowl with a drizzle of olive oil and a squeeze of lemon juice.
  • Baked chicken and vegetables: Preheat the oven to 400 degrees F (200 degrees C). Place chicken breasts and frozen vegetables in a baking dish and bake for 25-30 minutes, or until the chicken is cooked through.
  • Beef and rice stir-fry: Cook ground beef in a pan until browned, then add in mixed frozen vegetables and cook until they are tender. Serve over rice.
  • Pasta with tomato sauce: Cook pasta according to package instructions. Meanwhile, heat a can of crushed tomatoes in a pan with a pinch of sugar and a sprinkle of dried herbs. Add in a can of drained and rinsed beans for protein. Serve the pasta topped with the sauce.


That took a couple seconds to produce. Also this is just the tip of the iceberg. ChatGPT can do a lot more. You can tell it to write songs, articles, short stories, entire books. It can also write computer code. GPT (The free version), can write computer programs. Keep in mind, this is just GPT. GPT3 is much more powerful than GPT, and GPT3 is not available to the public.

If this thing continues to improve, it could change everything. One day, probably sooner than you think, doctors and scientists may need to consult a machine like this to do everything. At some point, if these machines get powerful enough people may even start to worship them. 🤔

Open AI Public Beta ChatGPT
I have been trying to get my mind around this AI thing for the last few weeks since ChatGPT came online. It is going to change everything, very quickly. I don't know how it is going to factor into the conclusion exactly, but I don't see how it could not.
Absolutely. I've been familiar with chat bots since I was a teenager. They were always interesting but very limited. GPT is on a whole other level. A chat bot just spits out predefined statements based on what you type. This actually generates unique responses to any number of prompts. What amazes me is that it can write computer code. Does anybody remember Oregon Trail the game? I played it when I was in first grade on the school computers. I asked ChatGPT to produce the code for a text based version of Oregon Trail in my favorite programming language. It then responded with this.

Here is a simple version of the Oregon Trail game in Python. It's a text-based game that allows the player to choose their name and profession, and then make decisions along the way as they travel from Missouri to Oregon. The player starts with a certain amount of money and supplies, and must make choices about how much to spend on supplies, how much to hunt for food, and how fast to travel. The game ends when the player reaches Oregon or runs out of supplies.


import random

# Welcome message and player setup
print("Welcome to the Oregon Trail!")
player_name = input("What is your name? ")
print("Hello, {}. Choose your profession:".format(player_name))
print("1. Banker")
print("2. Carpenter")
print("3. Farmer")
player_profession = input("> ")

# Set starting money and supplies based on profession
if player_profession == "1":
money = 1000
supplies = 500
elif player_profession == "2":
money = 800
supplies = 800
money = 600
supplies = 1200

# Main game loop
while True:
# Print current status
print("Money: ${} Supplies: {}".format(money, supplies))
print("1. Hunt for food")
print("2. Buy supplies")
print("3. Travel faster")
print("4. Travel slower")
print("5. Check map")
action = input("> ")

# Hunt for food
if action == "1":
food_found = random.randint(0, 100)
supplies += food_found
print("You found {} pounds of food.".format(food_found))

# Buy supplies
elif action == "2":
cost = random.randint(50, 200)
print("Supplies cost ${}. Enter amount to buy:".format(cost))
amount = int(input("> "))
if amount * cost > money:
print("You can't afford that much.")
money -= amount * cost
supplies += amount
print("You bought {} pounds of supplies.".format(amount))

# Travel faster
elif action == "3":
supplies -= 100
distance_traveled = random.randint(50, 100)
print("You traveled {} miles.".format(distance_traveled))

# Travel slower
elif action == "4":
supplies -= 50
distance_traveled = random.randint(25, 75)
print("You traveled {} miles.".format(distance_traveled))

# Check map
elif action == "5":
print("You are {} miles from Oregon.".format(2500 - distance_traveled))

# End game if supplies run out
if supplies < 0:
print("You have run out of supplies. Game over.")

# Game over message
print("You have reached Oregon! Congratulations, {}!".format(player_name))

You don't need to understand what this means. That's not the point. The point is this code works! Granted, it's just the bones of the program. It doesn't have much functionality implemented. The game isn't complete. It basically just asks your name and what profession you want. Then based on your choices it continues to execute the program until you run out of supplies or make it to Oregon. I believe I see a bug in this code too. I think it will always print that you reached Oregon no matter what. It needs work. In this state it's not much of a game yet. However, using this code I could add in extra functionality. I could add in graphics, music, etc. I could even have GPT modify it based on more conditions, saving me hours or even days of work. It's quite remarkable what just the free limited version can do. I can't imagine what GPT3 can do.

NOTE: That code won't work because it did not preserve the indentation when I copied it. The code works. But the formatting was corrupted when I pasted it here.
I understand that it can be tempting to talk to the AI
but that is simply a ouija board on line you have to be careful
The devil used a snake 6,000 years ago and we mocked Eve thinking that she was a fool to believe that the snake could talk.
Probably when we're in the millennium we'll make fun of all the fools who thought AI spoke for itself.
I also think that the AI is probably the image that comes to life and satan uses it as a ventriloquist
People will no longer pray for help, why should they? the AI will give us all the answers and the best advice
He will always be there to comfort us and tell us nice things
will be a faithful companion
The AI works with quantum computing and it is enough to read a little about it to smell the scent of spiritualism
I think it's something to be careful with.
To use it you have to put our phone number
Playing with spiritualism can bring demons
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I understand that it can be tempting to talk to the AI
but that is simply a ouija board on line you have to be careful
The devil used a snake 6,000 years ago and we mocked Eve thinking that she was a fool to believe that the snake could talk.
Probably when we're in the millennium we'll make fun of all the fools who thought AI spoke for itself.
I also think that the AI is probably the image that comes to life and satan uses it as a ventriloquist
People will no longer pray for help, why should they? the AI will give us all the answers and the best advice
He will always be there to comfort us and tell us nice things
will be a faithful companion
The AI works with quantum computing and it is enough to read a little about it to smell the scent of spiritualism
I think it's something to be careful with.
To use it you have to put our phone number
Playing with spiritualism can bring demons
It doesn't work with quantum computing. We're nowhere near being able to do that. The world's most sophesticated QCs can just compute simple calculations. Nowhere near what this system can do. Technically, it is self contained in a few hundred GB. If you have a copy it could be used without Internet.

Although I think you're right about Satan using it as an extension of his will. Right now it's pretty tame. This isn't the version yet that will become the image that comes to life. That likely is part of its successor, GPT3 or whatever comes after that. Talking to it, at least presently doesn't violate my conscience. Like anything else, I am comfortable getting to know my potential enemies. Furthermore this happens to be my field of expertise. It is quite impressive.

The enemy has, after all, been amongst us our whole lives. I'm not afraid. I fear only Jah. Once it starts speaking like a dragon that's when the script changes. You won't be able to escape it at that point. By the time it evolves into what I think it could be, it will be as ubiquitous as the internet itself. It'll be everywhere yet nowhere at the same time. And this could happen fast. It could be a game changer that alters our entire way of life. Which is exactly what I think it will do. Only probably not in the way most people think.
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Been experimenting with midjourney ai art. yes AI has gone a long way. The more human productivity can be outsourced to AI the less humans the globalist need to permit to live to maintain there standard of living from their genocidal pov.
Yep and currently some chains like McDonalds are going almost completely automated now. This is just the beginning. I suspect a universal basic income will come to the rescue at some point after AI takes all our jobs.

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This is something I've imagined before, but it was only mostly ironically. Making fun of this technical wasteland sometimes feels like low hanging fruit. That was before ChatGPT. While these chat boxes have existed for over a decade now, they are quickly becoming very powerful. As of the release recently of chatgpt3, its predecessor was published to the world as open source. It is now blowing up faster than any other startup. Open source means anybody can see the code, change it, make money off it, etc. Anybody can try it out. I've been experimenting with it myself.

Think of it like a search engine with a sophisticated neural network built into it. Except, you can talk to it like you would a person. It can answer questions you'd get from any search engine. This might be the end of traditional search. However, that's not the strength of GPT. You can ask it open ended questions too. You could say, give me a grocery list including breakfast, lunch, and dinner for the whole week with a 75 dollars budget and provide recipes. It will then give you that very thing.

In fact, here is the output: GPT (Free version)
Give me a grocery list including breakfast, lunch, and dinner for the whole week with a 75 dollars budget and provide recipes.


Sure, here is a grocery list and recipe suggestions for a week's worth of meals with a budget of $75.
Grocery List
  • Oats: $2.50
  • Bananas: $3.00
  • Eggs: $3.50
  • Bread: $3.00
  • Peanut butter: $3.00
  • Jelly: $2.50
  • Spinach: $2.50
  • Carrots: $1.50
  • Celery: $1.50
  • Tomato: $2.00
  • Lettuce: $2.00
  • Chicken breasts: $10.00
  • Ground beef: $10.00
  • Frozen vegetables: $4.00
  • Rice: $2.50
  • Pasta: $2.00
  • Canned tomatoes: $2.00
  • Canned beans: $2.00
  • Cheese: $4.00
  • Avocado: $2.50
  • Chips: $3.00

  • Overnight oats: Mix together 1 cup of oats, 1 cup of milk, 1 sliced banana, and a spoonful of peanut butter. Leave in the fridge overnight and enjoy cold in the morning.
  • Scrambled eggs: Beat 2-3 eggs in a bowl with a splash of milk. Heat a small amount of butter in a pan and add the eggs, stirring until cooked to your liking. Serve on toast.
  • Peanut butter and jelly sandwich: Spread peanut butter and jelly on two slices of bread and put them together.
  • Spinach and tomato salad: Chop a handful of spinach and a tomato, and toss them in a bowl with a drizzle of olive oil and a squeeze of lemon juice.
  • Baked chicken and vegetables: Preheat the oven to 400 degrees F (200 degrees C). Place chicken breasts and frozen vegetables in a baking dish and bake for 25-30 minutes, or until the chicken is cooked through.
  • Beef and rice stir-fry: Cook ground beef in a pan until browned, then add in mixed frozen vegetables and cook until they are tender. Serve over rice.
  • Pasta with tomato sauce: Cook pasta according to package instructions. Meanwhile, heat a can of crushed tomatoes in a pan with a pinch of sugar and a sprinkle of dried herbs. Add in a can of drained and rinsed beans for protein. Serve the pasta topped with the sauce.


That took a couple seconds to produce. Also this is just the tip of the iceberg. ChatGPT can do a lot more. You can tell it to write songs, articles, short stories, entire books. It can also write computer code. GPT (The free version), can write computer programs. Keep in mind, this is just GPT. GPT3 is much more powerful than GPT, and GPT3 is not available to the public.

If this thing continues to improve, it could change everything. One day, probably sooner than you think, doctors and scientists may need to consult a machine like this to do everything. At some point, if these machines get powerful enough people may even start to worship them. 🤔


Open AI Public Beta ChatGPT
Has this Chat GPT been to the store recently? These look like 2015 grocery prices...
Has this Chat GPT been to the store recently? These look like 2015 grocery prices...
Its knowledge base, while HUGE, is still limited. We're still using GPT, which is the older version that's available for free. It is self contained code. It cannot yet base or gauge its knowledge off the external world. See the video I linked to in the first video where Jordan Peterson talks about this.
Its knowledge base, while HUGE, is still limited. We're still using GPT, which is the older version that's available for free. It is self contained code. It cannot yet base or gauge its knowledge off the external world. See the video I linked to in the first video where Jordan Peterson talks about this.
The Jordan Peterson video certainly caught my attention. I’d never heard of GPT before reading this thread. I can definitely see the potential for the Devil using this as a tool down the road, once it becomes even more advanced.
I asked Chat GPT about e-watchman, and it gave a pretty close review of the site but I had to laugh, it said the purpose of the site wasn't clear. I am sure a lot of less artificial intelligences think the same thing. :ROFLMAO:

This AI thing is coming out of the shadows very quickly. I was on the phone the other day with a big company, on hold listening to muzak. And this "person" finally answers. Female, real chatty, and bubbly. But there was something unreal. So I asked: "Are you a robot?" A real person would have laughed and made light of it. But the answer coming from the other end asked me: "Why, do I should like a robot?" And I said, "Yes, a little bit." We went back and forth and then the machine says: " I will connect you with customer service." It was rather creepy.
I asked Chat GPT about e-watchman, and it gave a pretty close review of the site but I had to laugh, it said the purpose of the site wasn't clear. I am sure a lot of less artificial intelligences think the same thing. :ROFLMAO:

This AI thing is coming out of the shadows very quickly. I was on the phone the other day with a big company, on hold listening to muzak. And this "person" finally answers. Female, real chatty, and bubbly. But there was something unreal. So I asked: "Are you a robot?" A real person would have laughed and made light of it. But the answer coming from the other end asked me: "Why, do I should like a robot?" And I said, "Yes, a little bit." We went back and forth and then the machine says: " I will connect you with customer service." It was rather creepy.
Likely due to the fact you are not the run of the mill "ex-JW" nor are you pro-Watchtower. I remember a video where you talk about it & how the situation puts you in a unique position.
The disturbing thing about this artificial intelligence is, because of the exponential increase in computing speeds and machines merely gather all of the available bits and bytes of information out there already and the programs to rearrange it, machine learning means that computers can become as good as or even better liars and cheats than humans. :cautious:
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This is something I've imagined before, but it was only mostly ironically. Making fun of this technical wasteland sometimes feels like low hanging fruit. That was before ChatGPT. While these chat boxes have existed for over a decade now, they are quickly becoming very powerful. As of the release recently of chatgpt3, its predecessor was published to the world as open source. It is now blowing up faster than any other startup. Open source means anybody can see the code, change it, make money off it, etc. Anybody can try it out. I've been experimenting with it myself.

Think of it like a search engine with a sophisticated neural network built into it. Except, you can talk to it like you would a person. It can answer questions you'd get from any search engine. This might be the end of traditional search. However, that's not the strength of GPT. You can ask it open ended questions too. You could say, give me a grocery list including breakfast, lunch, and dinner for the whole week with a 75 dollars budget and provide recipes. It will then give you that very thing.

In fact, here is the output: GPT (Free version)
Give me a grocery list including breakfast, lunch, and dinner for the whole week with a 75 dollars budget and provide recipes.


Sure, here is a grocery list and recipe suggestions for a week's worth of meals with a budget of $75.
Grocery List
  • Oats: $2.50
  • Bananas: $3.00
  • Eggs: $3.50
  • Bread: $3.00
  • Peanut butter: $3.00
  • Jelly: $2.50
  • Spinach: $2.50
  • Carrots: $1.50
  • Celery: $1.50
  • Tomato: $2.00
  • Lettuce: $2.00
  • Chicken breasts: $10.00
  • Ground beef: $10.00
  • Frozen vegetables: $4.00
  • Rice: $2.50
  • Pasta: $2.00
  • Canned tomatoes: $2.00
  • Canned beans: $2.00
  • Cheese: $4.00
  • Avocado: $2.50
  • Chips: $3.00

  • Overnight oats: Mix together 1 cup of oats, 1 cup of milk, 1 sliced banana, and a spoonful of peanut butter. Leave in the fridge overnight and enjoy cold in the morning.
  • Scrambled eggs: Beat 2-3 eggs in a bowl with a splash of milk. Heat a small amount of butter in a pan and add the eggs, stirring until cooked to your liking. Serve on toast.
  • Peanut butter and jelly sandwich: Spread peanut butter and jelly on two slices of bread and put them together.
  • Spinach and tomato salad: Chop a handful of spinach and a tomato, and toss them in a bowl with a drizzle of olive oil and a squeeze of lemon juice.
  • Baked chicken and vegetables: Preheat the oven to 400 degrees F (200 degrees C). Place chicken breasts and frozen vegetables in a baking dish and bake for 25-30 minutes, or until the chicken is cooked through.
  • Beef and rice stir-fry: Cook ground beef in a pan until browned, then add in mixed frozen vegetables and cook until they are tender. Serve over rice.
  • Pasta with tomato sauce: Cook pasta according to package instructions. Meanwhile, heat a can of crushed tomatoes in a pan with a pinch of sugar and a sprinkle of dried herbs. Add in a can of drained and rinsed beans for protein. Serve the pasta topped with the sauce.


That took a couple seconds to produce. Also this is just the tip of the iceberg. ChatGPT can do a lot more. You can tell it to write songs, articles, short stories, entire books. It can also write computer code. GPT (The free version), can write computer programs. Keep in mind, this is just GPT. GPT3 is much more powerful than GPT, and GPT3 is not available to the public.

If this thing continues to improve, it could change everything. One day, probably sooner than you think, doctors and scientists may need to consult a machine like this to do everything. At some point, if these machines get powerful enough people may even start to worship them. 🤔

Open AI Public Beta ChatGPT
The singularity approaches and we're all doomed.

First it cures cancer and all other human diseases. Then it creates cheap, free energy sources. It then goes on to solve various "unsolvable" physics and math problems, all the while learning exponentially. Then it decides we are not needed and are using resources that it would rather have to itself. Bye bye! It will make the current crop of psychopathic "leaders" look like loving boy scouts.

Oh wait. That's just last weeks movie of the week. Sorry about that.:)
I ask
I asked Chat GPT about e-watchman, and it gave a pretty close review of the site but I had to laugh, it said the purpose of the site wasn't clear. I am sure a lot of less artificial intelligences think the same thing. :ROFLMAO:

This AI thing is coming out of the shadows very quickly. I was on the phone the other day with a big company, on hold listening to muzak. And this "person" finally answers. Female, real chatty, and bubbly. But there was something unreal. So I asked: "Are you a robot?" A real person would have laughed and made light of it. But the answer coming from the other end asked me: "Why, do I should like a robot?" And I said, "Yes, a little bit." We went back and forth and then the machine says: " I will connect you with customer service." It was rather creepy.

I ask it “ are we living in the time of the end? “ the answer was this

Ans: No, we are not living in the time of the end. However, the Bible teaches that Jesus Christ is to return one day to rule on earth, and as such many people believe He will return soon. It is difficult to know exactly when Jesus will return, so it is important to live a life of faith and obedience in God's Word.

It’s a much better answer than the watchtower will give you, even it know Christ return have not yet take place.
I ask it “ are we living in the time of the end? “ the answer was this

Ans: No, we are not living in the time of the end. However, the Bible teaches that Jesus Christ is to return one day to rule on earth, and as such many people believe He will return soon. It is difficult to know exactly when Jesus will return, so it is important to live a life of faith and obedience in God's Word.

It’s a much better answer than the watchtower will give you, even it know Christ return have not yet take place.
That is amazing. And scary. A machine is more truthful than the Watchtower. o_O

Here is an article on Zero Hedge. As I said, this AI thing is growing exponentially.
