Completely safe and effective

it’s disputed because, the fact still remains, that these mRNA injections are an irreversible, gene altering “therapy” that transforms every. single. person. that took it into a 24-hr, artificial sub 1 spike-protein-pathogen-creating factory. And if you think that’s not a severe side effect, sir, i would ask you, at the risk of being banned for too much outspokenness, to i) get your head examined and ii) respectfully, stop dissembling.
My 85 year old JW aunt has gotten all the shots and boosters. She is as healthy as a horse. I can't argue the point with her that by taking them she has become a toxic dump. For now she is healthy and I am a liar for saying the shots are dangerous. So, Kim you would loose this discussion with my aunt and many other jab takers.
I think this is more of a misunderstanding, than an attempt to say you're wrong for having your concerns. I don't think Robert is saying the vaccine is safe. What I'm reading is that he's surprised he hasn't seen anyone he knows have a bad side effect. I'm in the same boat. I'm convinced you're correct in saying there will be long term side effects, but in my case I haven't seen anyone I know report anything out of the ordinary. They've almost all gotten COVID, but nothing else. We're both reporting our observations, but not denying that there are side effects. It's more like wondering why we haven't seen our family & friends suffer from the shots. It's really strange to be honest.

It's like this... I'm in a dark basement and someone I trust comes down to tell me they saw a shooting star; but every time I go outside I see nothing. Then another person I trust tells me the same, but again I see nothing when I go back outside. Rinse and repeat... It's like unintentional gaslighting. lol We know the shots are causing issues, but we're not seeing any in our circle of influence which seems odd.
We also have to know what to look for when we talk about adverse reactions since they are many and varied. Keep in mind that people tend to suffer in silence as well. We dont always hear about their ailments until it reaches critical stages.
My wife accuses me of blaming every illness that our friends have on the vaccines but I'm becoming more convinced that its true. There are known toxic agents in these concoctions but the amounts vary. I also believe the symptoms are triggered or exasperated by 5G radiation interacting with the graphine oxide and other nano metallics within the solutions. If a person is not in close proximity to the radiation source the symptoms may be non existant or less severe.
We've heard complaints of unusual headaches, vision problems, body pains and numbness, etc. And most of the people that I know who have had "Covid" are among the injected. It comes down to the amount of toxins in the individuals body and their ability to deal with it. Its that simple. Detox from anything is possible. That should be the main focus of anyone trying to optimize health. Eliminate toxins, provide proper nutrients and you'll not be "sick".
Below is an excerpt of what brother king stated in his comments on the forum

In my small circle of relatives, Neighbors and acquaintances who have been jabbed, I don't know of anyone who has severe side effects.

Below is an excerpt of what RK said in the video

“My wife had a ( friend ) that she had worked with.....My wife’s niece whos ( cousin is a JW )..."

RK did not state it like he did not hear of one person die or had side effects. He did say, "In my small circle of relatives..." etc.

The wife's former colleague and the wife's niece's cousin who is a JW whom RK did not personally know does not necessarily fit in the small circle.

Could it be that your confusion comes from your assumptions and mis-interpretation of what the bro said?

Be well.

Peace out.
Ok, @DR74minus I didn’t know you were part of this conversation.
As far as I’m concerned and those involved, this conversation is over!

Peace out
Ok, @DR74minus I didn’t know you were part of this conversation.
As far as I’m concerned and those involved, this conversation is over!

Peace out
No one who is a member of this discussion forum needs to be invited or obtain permission to comment on any ongoing discussion. Furthermore, no one but me can end a discussion and I do that occasionally by locking a thread. If you do not wish to comment anymore then don't. I don't understand where this hostility is coming from.
I am sorry I caused you to become confused.
I wasn't confused Robert...LOL!
I don't understand where this hostility is coming from.
I agree I've read this whole thread and what you said has been my experience as well. I'm pretty sure the father of my daughters friend that lives in my neighborhood died of the vaccine, but I don't know for sure, I've never even met the guy since this girls parents are separated/divorced? (He was only 37 I think.) Other than that I don't know anyone who's personally had any side effect from this "gene therapy". I'm not even going to bother writing here what I think about the jab, I think it's pretty clear where I stand.

Possibly the topic is so charged with emotion, because of everything the last 2 and half years, that we are all a little "touchy" for lack of a better word.

I think it's important all of us here to realize we are all on the same side, and want the same things/outcome. It's part of our imperfect nature to have misunderstandings and or arguments, but the most important thing, and the thing lacking in the Congregations of JW's is true forgiveness and "putting up with one another."

I think it's sad when it seems that is not happening.
Is there any reasonable explanation why millions of people have apparently not experienced any ill side effects whatsoever, while others have had horrendous after effects including death? Age or health does not appear to be a factor as perfectly healthy athletes have keeled over while sickly people take the shots and do fine. The disparity is very strange.
This is WW3, the attack is mainly on Britain and the USA as the dominant world power...the aim is to destroy the economy of the USA and their military ...thus it will be as we have seen a very great opportunity for China , which is really the power behind the eventually dominate and at least for the period of the death stroke to destroy and maybe militarily invade the USA....Look how they are acting with regard to Tiawan and Japan
No one who is a member of this discussion forum needs to be invited or obtain permission to comment on any ongoing discussion. Furthermore, no one but me can end a discussion and I do that occasionally by locking a thread. If you do not wish to comment anymore then don't. I don't understand where this hostility is coming from.
I didn’t realize that I was….I’m sorry I caused you to think I was being hostile.

My point I was trying to make was that as far as it was concerned I thought this conversation was over. I guess I should be sorry that I trying to keep it from becoming hostile.

By him reiterating what you said over and over, it would seem that the subject being discussed was becoming rather redundant. But that’s only my opinion, for what that’s worth.

That being said, you’re right and I do not wish to comment any more on this. I just wish you’d try to be a little more understanding of other people’s feelings.
I didn’t realize that I was….I’m sorry I caused you to think I was being hostile.

My point I was trying to make was that as far as it was concerned I thought this conversation was over. I guess I should be sorry that I trying to keep it from becoming hostile.

By him reiterating what you said over and over, it would seem that the subject being discussed was becoming rather redundant. But that’s only my opinion, for what that’s worth.

That being said, you’re right and I do not wish to comment any more on this. I just wish you’d try to be a little more understanding of other people’s feelings.
I think he does an outstanding job of trying. We need to not be so sensitive. He hasn't said get behind me satan, yet.
I wasn't confused Robert...LOL!

I agree I've read this whole thread and what you said has been my experience as well. I'm pretty sure the father of my daughters friend that lives in my neighborhood died of the vaccine, but I don't know for sure, I've never even met the guy since this girls parents are separated/divorced? (He was only 37 I think.) Other than that I don't know anyone who's personally had any side effect from this "gene therapy". I'm not even going to bother writing here what I think about the jab, I think it's pretty clear where I stand.

Possibly the topic is so charged with emotion, because of everything the last 2 and half years, that we are all a little "touchy" for lack of a better word.

I think it's important all of us here to realize we are all on the same side, and want the same things/outcome. It's part of our imperfect nature to have misunderstandings and or arguments, but the most important thing, and the thing lacking in the Congregations of JW's is true forgiveness and "putting up with one another."

I think it's sad when it seems that is not happening.

I totally agree with you on this believe it or not. You probably know from experience that women tend to be a bit more emotional. Add to that, like you said, we’ve been through so much in the last two and a half years. Not to mention, having lost my husband and being alone adds to all of this. Added to that I’ve been in extreme pain this past week which aggravates this situation even more.

I’m not trying to solicit any sympathy here but I am also feeling very sad for so many on here that have lost loved ones. Just recently a new member on this forum lost his wife. He made a thread explaining what had happened and it really hit home for me when I read it.

Yes it is important that we all realize we are all on the same side. But at the same time try to understand other peoples feelings and don’t just write them off and put a label on them because they got a little emotional but I digress. And yes, I can be forgiving. I find that being forgiving is easier than having resentment and being unforgiving.

I really don’t have anything against anyone on this forum. I love all of you. But if I come across to others as being hostile it’s probably because I’m either trying to make my point, and I guess I’m not very good at it sometimes. So what I usually will have to do is step back and regroup. That’s when I find that whatever it was that got me so upset wasn’t as big of a deal. I hope that I’m making some sense here.

But seriously, I do apologize for coming across to anyone in such a negative way and will remember to think before posting.
Like you said, we need to “continue putting up with one another and forgiving one another freely.”


I totally agree with you on this believe it or not. You probably know from experience that women tend to be a bit more emotional. Add to that, like you said, we’ve been through so much in the last two and a half years. Not to mention, having lost my husband and being alone adds to all of this. Added to that I’ve been in extreme pain this past week which aggravates this situation even more.

I’m not trying to solicit any sympathy here but I am also feeling very sad for so many on here that have lost loved ones. Just recently a new member on this forum lost his wife. He made a thread explaining what had happened and it really hit home for me when I read it.

Yes it is important that we all realize we are all on the same side. But at the same time try to understand other peoples feelings and don’t just write them off and put a label on them because they got a little emotional but I digress. And yes, I can be forgiving. I find that being forgiving is easier than having resentment and being unforgiving.

I really don’t have anything against anyone on this forum. I love all of you. But if I come across to others as being hostile it’s probably because I’m either trying to make my point, and I guess I’m not very good at it sometimes. So what I usually will have to do is step back and regroup. That’s when I find that whatever it was that got me so upset wasn’t as big of a deal. I hope that I’m making some sense here.

But seriously, I do apologize for coming across to anyone in such a negative way and will remember to think before posting.
Like you said, we need to “continue putting up with one another and forgiving one another freely.”

I had read about your husband in another thread and I'm very sorry.

Remember: 1 Cor 4:9 my Sister.

Whether we like it or not we are a spectacle to the world. That means doing our best to help those coming to this site from outside or from the Org. If a first time visitor saw this thread right off the bat, what would they think? Would they stay? It looks like Carl has pulled the pin. I really hope he reconsiders.

Balance, Balance is the key. Don't get too excited about what you hear and read. Try and stay cool in the face of the madness that surrounds us.

And simply put, not everyone is going to agree with you on everything...even on this site. I've had discussions with some here that I just can't understand why they believe what they do. I try not to get heated about it. Just agree to disagree on that point and move on. It's the Christian thing to do.
I totally agree with you on this believe it or not. You probably know from experience that women tend to be a bit more emotional.
I wasn't trying to single anyone out really, just trying to mediate the situation.
I’m not trying to solicit any sympathy here but I am also feeling very sad for so many on here that have lost loved ones. Just recently a new member on this forum lost his wife. He made a thread explaining what had happened and it really hit home for me when I read it.
I feel very deeply for any loss like this, although I haven't lost my mate, I have lost two brothers and that feeling I remeber all too well, so you have my sympathy. And I saw his thread and I will be replying, but it's really hard for me too, because that pain just never really goes away, it just becomes more numb over time, but still very sensitive when the topic comes up. So it hits home for me too on a certain level. It does get easier, at least for the loss I've suffered, but just the thoughts of losing a mate brings such a feeling of overwhelming dread I don't know how you go through it. I found out a couple years ago my first wife died in her 40's and although I hadn't seen or talked to her in more than 20 years, and it was a really bad relationship, I was surprising effected and wept later on, on the day I found out. (I think I just figured out how to respond to the poor brother in the other thread.)
I love all of you.

This place is what I was missing all these years. I love you guys too!
I wasn't trying to single anyone out really, just trying to mediate the situation.

I feel very deeply for any loss like this, although I haven't lost my mate, I have lost two brothers and that feeling I remeber all too well, so you have my sympathy. And I saw his thread and I will be replying, but it's really hard for me too, because that pain just never really goes away, it just becomes more numb over time, but still very sensitive when the topic comes up. So it hits home for me too on a certain level. It does get easier, at least for the loss I've suffered, but just the thoughts of losing a mate brings such a feeling of overwhelming dread I don't know how you go through it. I found out a couple years ago my first wife died in her 40's and although I hadn't seen or talked to her in more than 20 years, and it was a really bad relationship, I was surprising effected and wept later on, on the day I found out. (I think I just figured out how to respond to the poor brother in the other thread.)

This place is what I was missing all these years. I love you guys too!
Thank you @Nomex for expressing those thoughts. I think you’re a good person and a fine brother.
I had read about your husband in another thread and I'm very sorry.

Remember: 1 Cor 4:9 my Sister.

Whether we like it or not we are a spectacle to the world. That means doing our best to help those coming to this site from outside or from the Org. If a first time visitor saw this thread right off the bat, what would they think? Would they stay? It looks like Carl has pulled the pin. I really hope he reconsiders.

Balance, Balance is the key. Don't get too excited about what you hear and read. Try and stay cool in the face of the madness that surrounds us.

And simply put, not everyone is going to agree with you on everything...even on this site. I've had discussions with some here that I just can't understand why they believe what they do. I try not to get heated about it. Just agree to disagree on that point and move on. It's the Christian thing to do.
@kirmmy thank you for expressing your sympathy. I appreciate that.

And I totally agree with you on all points. I thought about others that may come on here and seeing this negative talk would give them a bad impression. But at the same time we have to remember to cultivate that genuine love for our brothers and sisters rather than make it appear that we love them. That’s where we need to be….like you said, balance is the key.

We can’t be one sided when it comes to trying to understand what each other is going through and how it may contribute to emotional reactions. We’ve learned how balanced Jehovah and Jesus are when we read his word. Like husbands are to be with wives but at the same time how wives need to be toward their husbands. Same with parents with children and how children are to be toward their parents. And because of our imperfect nature we naturally fall short at times. This is where humility comes in and being forgiving.

Yes, I learned a long time ago that not everyone is going to agree on everything. That’s why I sometimes like to settle the matter and state that the conversation is over…for me that is. Then just move on. It’s too stressful to get all bogged down in discussions that you end up seeing are going nowhere. I can agree to disagree too.

I didn’t mean to go on and on but I meant it. Being able to type this post is keeping my mind off this extreme pain I’m going through now till I get to my Chiropractor appointment later this afternoon. Lol 😁
this whole problem is Robert’s fault. He sets the tone. He is the forum moderator, or should be. A moderator normally takes a neutral position (even though he may have strong opinions) and then he moderates when things get heated. Robert own this entire ugly thread. That’s my opinion.

This topic is full of controversy- the things he said were full of controversy- then when called out he equivocated, dissembled and prevaricated. He should keep to what he knows best- bible prophecy. This man thinks he’s an expert on everything from geo-politics to central bank economics. you cannot disagree with him.

This situation is a scenario where “Tom” jumps out of the window on floor 101, and the person on floor 100 reports that he saw nothing untoward happening to him, in fact Tom seemed quite cheerful and exhilarated as he flew by, and this impression was confirmed by all 99 people from the successive floors below - so what could possibly go wrong?

I agrée with carl, this place is messed up.

I’m never coming back here either. Bye to the EVERYONE. it was nice meeting you all. I truly mean that.

Edited for typos. My eye sight is failing me.
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this whole problem is Robert’s fault. He sets the tone. He’s is the moderator.

This topic is full of controversy- the things he said were full of controversy- then when called out he equivocated, dissembled and prevaricated. He should keep to what he knows best- bible prophecy. This man thinks he’s an expert on everything from geo-politics to central bank economics. you cannot disagree with him.

This situation is a scenario where “Tom” jumps out of the window on floor 101, and the person on floor 100 reports that he saw nothing untoward happening to him, in fact Tom seemed quite cheerful and exhilarated as he flew by, and this impression was confirmed by all 99 people from the successive floors below - so what could possibly go wrong?

I agrée with carl, this place is messed up.

I’m never coming back here either. Bye to the EVERYONE. it was nice meeting you all. I truly mean that.
Why don't you just take a break for a while. There's no need to get upset over something like this. Calm down, reflect and take it prayerfully to Jehovah. We all have to go through good times and bad times but it's what we do with the bad times that count. It can refine us...or we can let it crush us. Psalm 66:10-12

10 For you have examined us, O God;+As silver is refined, so you have refined us. 11 You brought us into a hunting net;You put a crushing burden upon us.* 12 You allowed mortal man to ride over us;*We came through fire and through water;Then you brought us to a place of relief.

Pain is transitory.
having lost my husband and being alone adds

I have a suspicion that I made a unique comment to you about this? However I'm just guessing? Just because of the user/names, mine at least, and maybe yours? have changed. Anyway I love you sis.

Take it easy.

Peace out.