Fire from heaven

Atomic energy is real my brother.
To deny that it has been weaponized and deployable is just ignorant,
If men were to launch the totality of their fiendish weapons, Jehovah would see to it that most would never even detonate.
The detonation of just a few would be enough to plunge the world into total terror and chaos.
It only took the destruction of two buildings in New York on 9/11 to bring the world to a virtual standstill for a time.
Your saying the same thing as me That Jah would see to it they are not used.All Iam saying is that scripture say That Fire from heaven is a deception.What scriptures do you have to support your reasoning.My scripurtes are as follow Rev13:13 Fire from Heaven.Rev, chapter 11 Two witnesses Block up the fire from heaven Procliam the the Year of Peace and Security 2 Thess.I understand how hard it must be ,Christianity is all about the the strange and unusual.
I’m saying that atomic weapons will most likely be used but their use would be divinely restricted for obvious reasons.
I don’t believe that the fire being called down from the sky has any relation to the use of nuclear weapons for why would such detonations impress or deceive a world of mankind that is already familiar with their power where ,at present, any third world despot dictator can set one off.
You’d also think that at that time ,when men have personally witnessed the terrifying effects of nuclear war, the last thing they’d want to see are more mushroom clouds boiling up into the stratosphere.
The fire this global tyrant calls down on command may be more like the powerful displays of lightning and thunder that Elijah was able to call down at will on a couple different occasions.
Satan could easily give this earthly agent of his such power just as he gave the magic practicing priests of Egypt supernatural powers.
Satans goal will no doubt be to cement into the minds of Tribulation survivors that this tyrant comes onto the world scene and miraculously cuts short that event with some genius plan of reunification of the shattered nations which awes an already traumatized world which may conclude that his actions can only be God inspired.
Kingdom finally come!
The calling fire down from heaven will complete the deception for any sitting on the fence.
Just my opinion.
The two witnesses will by no means be embarking on a witnessing campaign with a theme of peace and security since their message is anything but peace and security for Satans doomed world.
Besides, the proclamation of peace and security that Paul prophesied about in 1st Thessalonians 5:3 pertains to the start of “Jehovahs day” which starts at the moment Jesus takes his heavenly throne and the events of the Great Tribulation commence.
Additionally in Revelation 11 there is no mention of the two witness class stopping any fire coming down from heaven but rather their mouths will speak fiery denunciations against Jehovahs enemies.
My two cents as always.
Peace be to you brother in our combined pursuit of truth.
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Agreed Mick!
What else could account for the death of 1/4th of mankind other than destruction of nuclear weapons and no doubt the misery of famine and pestilence which follows?
Going off subject: Each time I see 'Stone Henge' I think a simple rearangement and you could make Jah's name in Hebrew you know the tetragrammaton? Put this on the agenda once Zion is up and running...Chortle.....that old Public school hymn will come true.."When we build Jerusalem on England's green and pleasant land"...Thoughts with you and your wife Ken?
Going off subject: Each time I see 'Stone Henge' I think a simple rearangement and you could make Jah's name in Hebrew you know the tetragrammaton? Put this on the agenda once Zion is up and running...Chortle.....that old Public school hymn will come true.."When we build Jerusalem on England's green and pleasant land"...Thoughts with you and your wife Ken?
Thanks for your kind thoughts Mick
Always appreciated Brother.
Can definitely see where you’d come to that conclusion on Stonehenge.
Christianity, is a believe in strange things..Example Jesus walked on water.Mary was a Virgin.Jah stopped the sun. Got it all strange deeds.Jah will not do a single thing without revealing it to his Prophets.No dout Jah word will be don't in a strange and spectacular way.Those that perish will be those that don't heed the message of the Two witnesses.How will the great crowd be gather.They will drawn in by the message of Peace and Security.Dont forget the Peace sign is the number Two (it stands for the two witnesses Lol)
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Hananiah was a prophet who said that Jah will save the Israelites from Babylonian.Just like what people are saying here, That Jah will never allow the uses of nuclear weapons.He will snap his finger and stop a nuclear destruction.But Jeremiah saided that Jah was going to do something strange and usually.Destroy his Temple .When the Devil is cast down he will have great anger.He will be saying I will destroy this world by WMD.But the 2 Witnesses have a strange and usually message.That message is that the fire from heaven is a deception.They don't exist.Is there scripture to support the idea that Jah is just going to slap his finger and make them(neaucler weapons) all go away. I've looked and can't find any.We are told not to Despire Prophecy for a reason.Yes Jah is going to do something strange and usually.
Hananiah was a prophet who said that Jah will save the Israelites from Babylonian.Just like what people are saying here, That Jah will never allow the uses of nuclear weapons.He will snap his finger and stop a nuclear destruction.But Jeremiah saided that Jah was going to do something strange and usually.Destroy his Temple .When the Devil is cast down he will have great anger.He will be saying I will destroy this world by WMD.But the 2 Witnesses have a strange and usually message.That message is that the fire from heaven is a deception.They don't exist.Is there scripture to support the idea that Jah is just going to slap his finger and make them(neaucler weapons) all go away. I've looked and can't find any.We are told not to Despire Prophecy for a reason.Yes Jah is going to do something strange and usually.
Didn't Jah nuke Sodom?