Friday, Feb 2nd - How will you flee from the judgment of Gehenna?


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Dec 25, 2021
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Your sins are forgiven.—Luke 7:48.

Do you need to be more forgiving of others? You might begin by reading about and meditating on Bible examples of those who freely forgave others and those who did not. Consider Jesus’ example. He willingly forgave others. (Luke 7:47) He also looked past their faults and saw their potential. By contrast, the Pharisees in Jesus’ day “considered others as nothing.” (Luke 18:9) After meditating on these examples, ask yourself: ‘What do I see in others? Which of their qualities do I choose to focus on?’ If you are struggling to forgive someone, try writing down as many of that individual’s good qualities as you can. Then ask yourself: ‘How does Jesus view this person? Would he forgive him?’ Such a study project could help to readjust our thinking. At first, we may have to work hard to forgive someone who has offended us. But if we keep working at it, in time we will become more willing to forgive. w22.04 23 ¶6
Jesus was forgiving and merciful, but not toward all. Forgiveness of sins is always based upon repentance. The notorious woman to whom Jesus said "Your sins are forgiven" wetted his feet with her tears and dried them with her hair. The Pharisees at the table were offended by the fact that Jesus allowed her to even touch him. The Gospel accounts show that Jesus' most hardened enemies were the Jewish religious leaders. Although some priests and Pharisees put faith in Jesus most did not and Christ told them straight-out that they were liable to receive the judgment of Gehenna. Being the most knowledgeable, the Pharisees should have readily accepted Jesus as the Messiah. Instead, they lied and distorted the truth and punished any Jew who did accept Jesus as the Christ and they even conspired to have the Son of God put to death.

The leaders of the Watchtower are in a similar position as the Pharisees. For as long as the Watchtower has existed it has promoted a lie, the lie that Christ has already become King. The question is, how will they respond when it becomes undeniable that 1914 is a fraud? Will they repent and accept the Son of man when he comes in the glory of his Father? Some will. And some will not.

Personally, I do not harbor ill will towards anyone. I do not judge individuals. When it comes to the Watchtower though, I do not forgive it. Neither will Christ. It has lied and stolen and murdered. As an institution, it must be destroyed. (I have never been a reformer, as some people imagine I am.) As soon it is determined that the good news of the Kingdom has been preached to God's satisfaction, then that's it for the earthly organization. It will be a "stop the presses" moment.

By the way, the Watchtower is fond of saying that Ezekiel's vision of the celestial chariot symbolizes Jehovah's invisible organization that is leading the earthly part and we have to keep pace. However, if you read the 10th chapter of Ezekiel please note that the man in linen who had the secretary's inkhorn and marked those who were sighing over the detestable things being done in Jehovah's temple was ordered to go into the flaming wheelwork of the massive chariot and gather up burning coals and toss them over the city, the city being Jerusalem, the place where Jehovah caused his name to reside.

Judas was personally chosen by Jesus to be one of the 12 apostles. And we know how that turned out. Jesus called him the son of destruction and said it would have been better for him to have never been born. In other words: Gehenna. Unfortunately, there is a Judas-like masonic cult among the leadership of Jehovah's Witnesses. This coven is similarly called the "son of destruction." There is no foregivness for them. When Christ comes they will be sentenced to everlasting death. The blackness of oblivion awaits them. "Also, they will greedily exploit you with counterfeit words. But their judgment, decided long ago, is not moving slowly, and their destruction is not sleeping." - 2 Peter 2:3

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if you read the 10th chapter of Ezekiel please note that the man in linen who had the secretary's inkhorn and marked those who were sighing over the detestable things being done in Jehovah's temple was ordered to go into the flaming wheelwork of the massive chariot and gather up burning coals and toss them over the city, the city being Jerusalem, the place where Jehovah caused his name to reside.

Judas was personally chosen by Jesus to be one of the 12 disciples. And we know how that turned out. Jesus called him the son of destruction and said it would have been better for him to have never been born. In other words: Gehenna. Unfortunately, there is a Judas-like masonic cult among the leadership of Jehovah's Witnesses. This coven is similarly called the "son of destruction." There is no foregivness for them. When Christ comes they will be sentenced to everlasting death. The blackness of oblivion awaits them. "Also, they will greedily exploit you with counterfeit words. But their judgment, decided long ago, is not moving slowly, and their destruction is not sleeping." - 2 Peter 2:3
Take note, this is NOT a "compliment", just a "statement of fact".:ROFLMAO: Don't want to offend anyone, you know.

We just listened to one of the supplemental articles, "Ezekiels's Chariot", which, again, points out how deficient our understanding of the scriptures has proven to be. "Good and obedient" Jehovah's Witnesses accept the F&D slave as Jehovah's channel of truth, without really analyzing the scriptures for oneself.
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For a repentant heart, mercy may actually come in the form of reproof.

Should the righteous one strike me, it would be a loving-kindness; And should he reprove me, it would be oil upon the head, Which my head would not want to refuse. For still there would be even my prayer during their calamities.
@ Watchtower

2 Peter3:​

9 Jehovah* is not slow respecting his promise,+ as some people consider slowness, but he is patient with YOU because he does not desire any to be destroyed but desires all to attain to repentance.*+ 10 Yet Jehovah’s* day+ will come as a thief,+ in which the heavens will pass away+ with a hissing noise,+ but the elements* being intensely hot will be dissolved,*+ and earth+ and the works in it will be discovered.*+11 Since all these things are thus to be dissolved, what sort of persons ought YOU to be in holy acts of conduct and deeds of godly devotion, 12 awaiting+ and keeping close in mind* the presence* of the day of Jehovah,*+ through which [the] heavens being on fire will be dissolved+ and [the] elements being intensely hot will melt! 13 But there are new heavens+ and a new earth+ that we are awaiting according to his promise, and in these righteousness is to dwell.+Read more>

Romans 2:4

4 Or do you despise the riches of his kindnessa and forbearanceb and long-suffering,c because you do not know that the kindly [quality] of God is trying to lead you to repentance?*d Read more>
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For a repentant heart, mercy may actually come in the form of reproof.

Should the righteous one strike me, it would be a loving-kindness; And should he reprove me, it would be oil upon the head, Which my head would not want to refuse. For still there would be even my prayer during their calamities.

Scriptures to add to your thought...​


11 The discipline of Jehovah, O my son, do not reject;+ and do not abhor his reproof,+ 12 because the one whom Jehovah loves he reproves,+ even as a father does a son in whom he finds pleasure.+ More>

"Jesus was forgiving and merciful, but not toward all. Forgiveness of sins is always based upon repentance. The notorious woman to whom Jesus said "Your sins are forgiven" wetted his feet with her tears and dried them with her hair. The Pharisees at the table were offended by the fact that Jesus allowed her to even touch him."
woman crying drying the feet of jesus with her hair vrouw droogt voeten van Jezus forgiveness...jpeg

"However, if you read the 10th chapter of Ezekiel please note that the man in linen who had the secretary's inkhorn and marked those who were sighing over the detestable things being done in Jehovah's temple was ordered to go into the flaming wheelwork of the massive chariot and gather up burning coals and toss them over the city, the city being Jerusalem, the place where Jehovah caused his name to reside."

man in white linnen with his hands filled with burning coals ezekiel  man in wit linnen kledi...jpeg

By the way, the Watchtower is fond of saying that Ezekiel's vision of the celestial chariot symbolizes Jehovah's invisible organization that is leading the earthly part and we have to keep pace. However, if you read the 10th chapter of Ezekiel please note that the man in linen who had the secretary's inkhorn and marked those who were sighing over the detestable things being done in Jehovah's temple was ordered to go into the flaming wheelwork of the massive chariot and gather up burning coals and toss them over the city, the city being Jerusalem, the place where Jehovah caused his name to reside.

Once again, I’m getting my “new light” here from Robert King! More spiritual food to process and much more filling and satisfying than anything the whitewashed wall utters.
For a repentant heart, mercy may actually come in the form of reproof.

Should the righteous one strike me, it would be a loving-kindness; And should he reprove me, it would be oil upon the head, Which my head would not want to refuse. For still there would be even my prayer during their calamities.
The idea of unconditional love and forgiving the unrepentant is a trap by Satan. You don’t forgive a criminal who is in the process of committing a crime. You stop him, first by exposing the crime and the criminal. I said this very thing years ago to an “anointed” sister in field service. She just got very quiet. I assume she didn’t agree but I know one thing. Jehovah doesn’t offer unconditional love. In a way, he does in that as long as you haven’t committed the unforgivable sin, you can repent but repentance means you must set matters straight.

Isaiah 1:18-19: “Come, now, and let us set matters straight between us,” says Jehovah. “Though your sins are like scarlet, They will be made as white as snow; Though they are as red as crimson cloth,They will become like wool. If you show willingness and listen, You will eat the good things of the land.”

Acts 3:19-20: “Repent, therefore, and turn around so as to get your sins blotted out, so that seasons of refreshing may come from Jehovah himself and he may send the Christ appointed for you, Jesus.”