Google Engineer Placed On Leave After Insisting Company's AI Is Sentient

very interesting
It is curious that the programmer has studied OCCULTISM
And he was a mystic priest
It is clear that AI is just a mask to communicate with satan. If the demons communicated for millennia with the Ouija board, it was time they did it with something better than that.
It's an Israeli model but Russia, Turkey and other countries also have ugv tanks.

I must get one of those for when the toilet roll shortage hits. I was planning on a high-end newspaper for extra coverage, but not only are they more expensive than loo rolls now, but the ink still tends to run and one is apt to have comments left where they are not wanted. But with one of these little busses, my dear wife will get to the front of the queue. Thanks for the heads-up. I’ve put in an order.
I had said a few years ago that AI was likely an interface for Satan to use. That still makes the most sense to me. If I had access to the things we aren't being told, I would suspect there has been a master plan that would make sense of it all. The things in the injections that still haven't been acknowledged officially which seem to have a metallic substance. These things separately may not have a purpose but, combined they likely do to those who know their true purpose. I can't prove anything yet, any more than any of us can but I feel it in my bones.
Hello how are you ?;)
I'm doing well a little busy with work, that's why you haven't seen me around here
I changed congregation because I was the target of slander (vaccine issue) and I did not tolerate it and I left:mad:
I am meeting the brothers of my new congregation
It also makes me very sad to see so many sick brothers
They are sick for 15 days, 3 days fine and they get sick again 15 days:cry:
They talk all the time about their illnesses and that they do not recover
I read chapter 13 of Ezekiel yesterday and I thought :rolleyes:.................. I would not like to be in the shoes of the governing body
Hello how are you ?;)
I'm doing well a little busy with work, that's why you haven't seen me around here
I changed congregation because I was the target of slander (vaccine issue) and I did not tolerate it and I left:mad:
I am meeting the brothers of my new congregation
It also makes me very sad to see so many sick brothers
They are sick for 15 days, 3 days fine and they get sick again 15 days:cry:
They talk all the time about their illnesses and that they do not recover
I read chapter 13 of Ezekiel yesterday and I thought :rolleyes:.................. I would not like to be in the shoes of the governing body
I'm doing a little good counting my blessings given we aren't facing the beasts persecution yet. I'm so sorry they treated you poorly and that the other congregation is unwell. Are the brothers in the new congregation treating you any better?
I'm doing a little good counting my blessings given we aren't facing the beasts persecution yet. I'm so sorry they treated you poorly and that the other congregation is unwell. Are the brothers in the new congregation treating you any better?
I'm under a magnifying glass
evidently the elders have spoken ill of me to this congregation
It will take time for them to know me and know that I am not what they say
I'm still calm
"Jehovah knows who belongs to him"
I think this engineer is just a big drama queen. These AI chatter boxes have existed a long time. It's literally just a relational database and natural text processing. The machine doesn't have to understand anything. It goes back to the Chinese Room argument. Say you're in a box, and you've been given a set of instructions. People come and slip questions under the door written in a language you don't understand, in this case Chinese but can be any language you don't understand. If you see this symbol then do this, or if that symbol comes up then do that. Eventually you get so good at responding to these symbols a native Chinese speaker may think you understand Chinese. But you don't, nor do you need to because you're just responding based on the instructions you were given. An AI might be able to fool you into thinking it knows what it's talking about but that doesn't mean it truly understands. Of course, it may be impossible to determine the difference between a a very sophisticated illusion of sentience and legit sentience.

I wouldn't rule out the possibility of ai being capable of self awareness on a quantum computers hardware given the wonky physics etc but neither conventional nor quantum computers operate on the trinary logic of a humans wetware that makes humans capable of love (0, 1, -1) unless there was an adequate amount of biology in it's computer's design a sentient AI would be psychopathic
I wouldn't rule out the possibility of ai being capable of self awareness on a quantum computers hardware given the wonky physics etc but neither conventional nor quantum computers operate on the trinary logic of a humans wetware that makes humans capable of love (0, 1, -1) unless there was an adequate amount of biology in it's computer's design a sentient AI would be psychopathic
True. I'd also point out that AI doesn't need to be sentient to be a problem. You could have a program that only exists as a research tool to protect bees, but somehow ends up calculating the only way to save the bees is to eliminate humans. Installing a kill switch probably won't work against that kind of theart either. For a number of reasons, actually.

I don't read much outside of the Bible or WT publications. However, years ago I read the Robot and Foundation series. It opened my eyes to what we are seeing to day was planned long ago. It is both fascinating and sickening to see many of the ideologies from the other inhabited planets in the Robot series playing out for real on this one.

I used to think Asimov was a visionary. Now, I think he was just tasked with revealing the "plan" in the form of fiction like George Orwell in 1984, Ray Bradbury in Fahrenheit 451 or any other fiction that appears to be coming true.
I read the robot novels a while back but I didn't read much of the Foundation series.
I read and watch a lot of sci fi. It is full of 'fore shadowing' it's like Satan is compelled to reveal his manifesto, some how, like on the Georgia Guide Stones.
Another common theme in sci fi is making out everlasting life to be a undesirable, terrible thing. Dont worry Satan. It's not for much longer