Jw murder suicide at kingdom hall

BTD this video in no way will distract me from my spiritual pursuit here. Most of us, including myself are well aware of the wicked schemes of this world, including Watchtower. Before posting the video I specifically stated what I mostly wanted to point out the fact that it seemed they already knew in advance what was going to happen, was somewhat shocking to me.
I realize that you‘ve been knowing about WT and are more familiar with their dirty deeds through the years. For me this is still all fairly new, especially as I come to learn even more about this organization. Although my dedication in March 1982 I believed was solely to Jehovah, how they somehow wove their deceitful man made ideas using Jehovah as a front I did not agree to.
I know I shouldn’t keep harping on it but despite my concerns and worries Jehovah is always there by my side to help me cope with all this madness. You need to remember that Jehovah sees us as individuals, so it’s never only one way or no way with Jehovah. As long as we love him and put our trust/ faith in him he’ll be with us.

Yes I’m eager to see the prophetic developments in WT just as many of us are here but this event taking place in no way distracts me from what’s really important. It’s just another strike against WT showing how evil they’ve become, just as Jesus said at Mark 4:22:

“For there is nothing hidden that will not be exposed; nothing is carefully concealed that will not come out in the open.”

Finally, so as to not downplay your comments which I very much appreciated and I know it’s true what you say about the interview/discussion. My only main concern was as I stated earlier. Besides too, I also thought it might be of some interest to others here since it had to do with the topic under discussion. Whether or not the symbol on the ring and his gesturing is of any significance is open for discussion under another topic (not one I’ll open up though)

IMO, the one who posted this video just threw that out there for a little lagniappe! Lol
Please do not think for one minute Ms Ladyblue that I was criticising your comment. Not in the least. I was simply offering an opinion on the validity of the reporting - you asked if anyone thought it legitimate. Any opinion thus would be objective at most or opinionated and biased at the other end. I prefer to think I was being objective! I think there are grounds to doubt what is being said on the matter, in the video you showed but if it does prove to be the case, the implications for watchtower are unthinkable. I certainly did not mean to imply that you may be distracted from things spiritual by it and l applied the counsel (such as it was) to myself, in that such events as this should not unduly concern us, tragic though they are, into spiritual exasperation. I can not speak for anyone else on this site, but frankly, I feel chained to the misery of watchtower for life, not only by my time in it, but also because my siblings all shun me. No matter how I may rile against watchtower, I know it will be with me one way or another to my grave. But as I said I will not allow that to rob me of spiritual oxygen of this site. That in a nutshell, was what I was saying in my reply - don’t let the ****** get you down. That is just concern for my fellow travellers, not a comment on their mental agility or their reasoning! So be happy. We strive together. All of us. Better to care and fail, than not to care at all. 👍
So, is there nobody here who knows what happened in that hall? To that couple? Sounds to me like sexual escapades and getting found out, and here we are. God had even a prophet marry a whore, to establish a definition between his principles and our nature. Obadiah? Maybe I'm confusing the books. I apologize. Imagine that your God firmly tells you how your life will go so that you set out a warning for your people. For all we know, she might have been a beautiful woman. Scripture doesn't say except to tell us that she was popular with the men. Imagine the humiliation and then only to spend the rest of your days explaining that God told you to continue on so as to preach by example as to what Israel really had become
Take everything I just said and compile it, then throw it into a bucket and imagine what Jehovah must feel. He created us and we have been nothing but trouble since the start, and yet He has never thrown in the towel on us. He never gave up providing a means for us to change up and hand over our sin to Him and repent. Truly, just walk away from it.
Please do not think for one minute Ms Ladyblue that I was criticising your comment. Not in the least. I was simply offering an opinion on the validity of the reporting - you asked if anyone thought it legitimate. Any opinion thus would be objective at most or opinionated and biased at the other end. I prefer to think I was being objective! I think there are grounds to doubt what is being said on the matter, in the video you showed but if it does prove to be the case, the implications for watchtower are unthinkable. I certainly did not mean to imply that you may be distracted from things spiritual by it and l applied the counsel (such as it was) to myself, in that such events as this should not unduly concern us, tragic though they are, into spiritual exasperation. I can not speak for anyone else on this site, but frankly, I feel chained to the misery of watchtower for life, not only by my time in it, but also because my siblings all shun me. No matter how I may rile against watchtower, I know it will be with me one way or another to my grave. But as I said I will not allow that to rob me of spiritual oxygen of this site. That in a nutshell, was what I was saying in my reply - don’t let the ****** get you down. That is just concern for my fellow travellers, not a comment on their mental agility or their reasoning! So be happy. We strive together. All of us. Better to care and fail, than not to care at all. 👍
BTD I think you must have misunderstood because I wasn’t being critical about your opinion of the information in the video, I was just trying to make the point that just because they put this information out there…and just because I listen to it…it would distract me from my spiritual pursuit.
I also added that I very much appreciated your comment and what you stated was true. Yes, it is possible we could hear or see certain things that will disturb us enough to distract us from spiritual things.
But let me just say that maybe I’ve been unfeeling not realizing just how much pain WT has put you through and I’m so sorry for not validating those feelings. It hurts when I see how many lives WT has destroyed, and how they’ve used Jehovah’s name as a front.
But, I guess sometimes we don’t realize or feel what each person has experienced with WT and each of us responds differently. As much as I love this forum, the one drawback is we don’t see each other face to face, there’s no voice heard…so we just post our thoughts and respond, and so there’s that something missing that may take longer for some us to realize how deeply we’ve been affected.
I consider you my friend BTD, and I hope to one day meet you as well as others here.
I really do appreciate your concern and thank you so much for being here Barnaby, I really enjoy your straightforward comments as well as your humorous comments, that I can’t help but LOL about.

I totally agree with your ending comment….”So be happy. We strive together. All of us. Better to care and fail, than not to care at all.” ☺️
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Actually he does sound like a nut. There really is no excuse for what he did regardless of the provocation, either real or imagined.
It can seem that way, but people who are wronged and isolated can indeed sink into a different reality that is quite normal to them. After all, we view the world generally as ‘normal’ but who made this world and to whom was governorship of this world given to all those years ago - yet we view this world and our behaviours and thinking as the norm? How deceptive is that?! I’m pretty certain that I am crazy and no one has ever contradicted that thought.👍
So it’s pretty clear now that he was disfellowshipped. What a sad thing to see what desperation does to people. Something like this probably didn’t even have to happen.
I can’t open the thread you posted to read it as access is denied in this country - anything vaguely true is generally censored In England, but yes, it probably did not have to happen. I always have in mind that quotation from a secretly recorded committee hearing where one of the elders said of disfellowshipping “…it’s what we do as elders.” There is no depth to the harm people can do whom are convinced that they are doing good. And the reason is generally that in their often profound ignorance, their conscientious reasoning has been influenced by another beyond their capacity to act within their own limitations and so they act accordingly to the “truths” and understanding fed to them by others. Their conscience is no longer theirs and so they respond to the desire of pleasing their master. A crime based on the assumption of another‘s thinking to gain their favour. An act of destruction without the bother of conscience. In fact, quite the reverse - they find a distorted ‘honour’ of doing an unpleasant duty on behalf of that one. The perpetrator will not see what they have done until the truth of the matter is revealed to them when the veil is lifted. Judas was one such example.
I can’t open the thread you posted to read it as access is denied in this country - anything vaguely true is generally censored In England, but yes, it probably did not have to happen. I always have in mind that quotation from a secretly recorded committee hearing where one of the elders said of disfellowshipping “…it’s what we do as elders.” There is no depth to the harm people can do whom are convinced that they are doing good. And the reason is generally that in their often profound ignorance, their conscientious reasoning has been influenced by another beyond their capacity to act within their own limitations and so they act accordingly to the “truths” and understanding fed to them by others. Their conscience is no longer theirs and so they respond to the desire of pleasing their master. A crime based on the assumption of another‘s thinking to gain their favour. An act of destruction without the bother of conscience. In fact, quite the reverse - they find a distorted ‘honour’ of doing an unpleasant duty on behalf of that one. The perpetrator will not see what they have done until the truth of the matter is revealed to them when the veil is lifted. Judas was one such example.
This brings to my mind what 2 Peter 2:17-19 says:

“These are waterless springs and mists driven by a violent storm, and the blackest darkness has been reserved for them. 18 They make high-sounding statements that are empty. By appealing to the desires of the flesh and with acts of brazen conduct, they entice people who have just escaped from those who live in error. 19 While they are promising them freedom, they themselves are slaves of corruption; for if anyone is overcome by someone, he is his slave.”

And Romans 6:16:

“Do you not know that if you present yourselves to anyone as obedient slaves, you are slaves of the one you obey, either of sin leading to death or of obedience leading to righteousness?”
It can seem that way, but people who are wronged and isolated can indeed sink into a different reality that is quite normal to them. After all, we view the world generally as ‘normal’ but who made this world and to whom was governorship of this world given to all those years ago - yet we view this world and our behaviours and thinking as the norm? How deceptive is that?! I’m pretty certain that I am crazy and no one has ever contradicted that thought.👍
Eccl 7:7.