Jw murder suicide at kingdom hall

I was just going to post that. It looks like it was a pipe bomb that exploded in the kingdom hall. 2 dead. I guess this is going to make it harder and harder to convince the Zoomers to go back to the Kingdom Hall. :(

Looks like it was a murder suicide
Just saw this statement was released:
The report states that they were "former members". I wonder if they were disfellowshiped or labeled apostates. Probably couldn't handle the shunning isolation and mental distress of having family torn apart anymore. More blood on the hands of the WT at Jehovah's house. Such a tragic situation and what a witness for the community. Who would want to join a religion that drives people to this level? Seems like a firestorm is brewing for WT.
Isn't it so surprising that 'we' become/are unstable, when you discover one lie after another? 'All legs' are sawn from under your chair one by one. You hardly have time to recover from the shock and have to take the next one already
Yes: It's like 1914 was the big earthquake and then comes all the after shocks! The psalms Robert has been highlighting show the howls and cries of our fellow brothers and sisters, those who do not see the love of the truth. How blessed we are here in receipt of Amos 3:7....... Let's pray we are found by Christ in peace and without blemish.
Yes: It's like 1914 was the big earthquake and then comes all the after shocks! The psalms Robert has been highlighting show the howls and cries of our fellow brothers and sisters, those who do not see the love of the truth. How blessed we are here in receipt of Amos 3:7....... Let's pray we are found by Christ in peace and without blemish.
President Putin, he knows where Empire is pushing him, no doubt Xi Jin Ping is not only aware but preparing conditions for change! ....what about in the heavens? Will the control structure of empire be temporarily interrupted while heavens are cleansed? Is Russia and China God's servant for chastising Egypt's arrogance?
Sounds very much as though it was a statement against watchtower. Clearly if someone goes to the hall to commit suicide it’s as good as any suicide note. I expect that when this is investigated, there will be an element of spiritual tragedy and family torn apart by shunning.
Interesting timing of this-the org is ramping up its preparation for more attacks at the halls and conventions. Wonder if they expecting an increase in angry outbursts as brothers and sisters wake up to all the corruption and realize they have been misled? Also, notice anything on Robert Hendrick's hand?

Yep, the great awakening is happening in multiple areas of existance. WT will not come out of it unscathed. I can only imagine the amount of disenfranchised JW's leaving the org right now in droves. I see it in the comments on various ex JW youtubers, etc. WT is on fire and they are in panic mode. Their empire is collapsing.

Good catch with the bling ring. Looks similar to ones worn by other GB members.
Let me translate "former." Disfellowshipped. No one is a "former JW", unless you've been DF'd!

Oh, and BTW, this topic/thread/post, is the definition of "gallows humor." It has all the hallmarks of true tragedy, with the unfortunate elements of the humorous absurdity that is WT! I couldn't help but laugh at both the "pipe bombs" being throw into the Kingdom Hall and the fact they didn't work. Both facts made more hilarious when you take into consideration the effort made in this attempt to "blow up" a Kingdom Hall. I can already see how the local Hall will be spinning this, "Jehovah protected the Kingdom Hall" because the "bombs" didn't "bomb", or did they?

While they will completely ignore their part and responsibility, in the real human tragedy that resulted in this murder/suicide. They will absolve themselves of any responsibility, because "Jehovah didn't let the pipe bombs BLOW!" That will be their confirmation that they were in the right.
And yet not one of these true PIMI's will even stop to ask themselves, "Do we bare any responsibility for pushing someone this far"... when Jesus said, "you will know my disciples if they have love among themselves." And the answer is no, because they "were former Jehovah's Witnesses", so they are no longer one of Jehovah's Witnesses, that is to say, no longer one of Jesus disciples!

This is the circular logic of JW's.

Like Robert said the other day, "With that attitude, Jesus would not have talked to the Samaritan woman at the well." The thing is, that is exactly why Jesus did that....because this is the way the "GB" were treating people back then!
I couldn't help but laugh at both the "pipe bombs" being throw into the Kingdom Hall and the fact they didn't work.
Nomex after reading your comment I can see that you've got them clocked...down pat!

BTW, pipe bombs are mostly useless except at close range. You've have to have the mother of all pipe bombs to do any significant damage to a KH by throwing it inside. This person was clearly an amateur. But they've made it so hard to get C4 that I can't really fault them. I'm not being serious...except about the part about pipe bombs being mostly useless. They are the useless idiot of the bomb world. That's why the FBI is always talking about them and "domestic terrorists" in the same breath.