Morris no longer on GB

Well, I hope it is not due to a health issue. I often have wondered why some of these brothers taking the lead do not take care of themselves better physically. Heck, I was dragged into the back room many years ago for trying a cigarette. Surely decades of obesity is much more harmful than a single cigarette?
Not to mention people who smoke cigarettes & vape often do so because their nerves are shot from the stresses of this rotting corpse of a world.
No comment.
IIRC that was around the time of Knorr & that there was a shift in the Org. No doubt it was due to Rutherford making a huge stink & the infiltration began in full force.
Something on my mind about all this. Perhaps, he couldn't deal with all the things going on anymore & his conscience bothered him on how things have been going. For all we know, he may have been checking out Robert's site & the information on prophesy struck his heart so to speak & wants to get it right with Jehovah & Jesus. I know this is giving the benefit of the doubt but when it comes to individuals, repentance is possible. Just some food for thought.
Good point! Shouldn’t judge bc we really don’t know and it could very well be over prophecy.
I’ve mentioned before that I’ve never been a member of any church so I’m a bit naive to processes. My first question is “who gives a shit who is a member of their board”? There doesn’t appear to be any mercy or desire to help and heal their fellow man in that denomination.

Just a guess but he may have quit because he came to his senses and realized he’s been shitting on people for decades, my hope is Jehovah helped him to finally grasp the fruitage of the spirit

Good for him, I hope he finally has peace in his life
If the GB had the true spirit of Christ they would speak about Bro Morris' departure in their next update. Even if he was forced out, is there nothing good to be said about someone who was one of the eight pillars of the WT? (I am speaking as one of JWs might view it)

I mean, come on, a man who is regarded by several million JWs as a member of the faithful and discreet slave who channels light and truth from heavenly Zion and he just goes off and posts a one-sentence announcement saying he's gone!!! What is that? What kind of an organization does that to one of its most respected members? Doesn't he even get a "thank you" acknowledgment for his many years of faithful service? And if he was removed because he was an apostate, which I highly doubt, then that needs to be explained too. Paul named two apostates by name, Hymenaeus and Alexander, and said that he handed them over to Satan. If Tony has been handed over JWs need to know. Maybe they will speak about the matter. I hope for their sake they do. But I doubt it.
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Well, I hope it is not due to a health issue. I often have wondered why some of these brothers taking the lead do not take care of themselves better physically. Heck, I was dragged into the back room many years ago for trying a cigarette. Surely decades of obesity is much more harmful than a single cigarette?
A severe health issue, maybe, but that hasn't disqualified others from special privileges, some even dying with a R&F title. Apostate, not likely, but nowadays, disagreeing with GB members or questioning them may lead to being labeled apostate. Not that he did, but discord likely is not tolerated. Just my 2 cents.
When you are disfellowshipped from the Organization of Jehovah's Witnesses, a mere single line is read from the platform to the audience: "So and So is no longer one of Jehovah's Witnesses.". Then, the bearer of such news simply walks off the stage leaving the audience aghast and speculating. I personally know, for it once happened to me. It is extremely embarrassing and humiliating, especially if you are sitting in the front row like I did. Perhaps that's why this announcement resonates w/me the same. As mentioned prior by Robert, had it been merely about health and or something not substantively serious, then likely an article of gratitude, etc., in relation to Tony's sacrifice, faithfulness, etc would have been expressed as well. It is possible that this has also been done to stir up the hornets nest of speculators and to see who immediately jumps to conclusions in a celebratory manner. Time will tell all tales. But based on the one liner, it reminisces of the same sentiment and energy that comes with those disfellowshipped and leveled with shame.

A side point I would like to express. This announcement to me highlights the lack of foundation for their to exist a legitimate Governing Body today anyhow. Shouldnt it be a life time appointment? Even if a GB member had to turn away certain duties and stay in his room daily due to health concerns, etc... wouldnt he still be a GB member? For instance Fred Franz, I used to visit him often whilst in Bethel for about a year before he died. He was blind, hardly could hear and chair bound. Yet, remained a GB member to death. All of them did whilst I was there: Franz, Shroeder, Genghis, Barry, Klein, Booth, Swingle, etc. Its a lifetime appointment, so it would seem. Because in the 1st century, if there truly was a Governing Body back in the 1st century made up of Apostles, etc and equivalent to the same rank and stature as the GB are today, would an Apostle ever stopped being an Apostle? Would an Apostle of the older men in the 1st century one day just stop being an Apostle? Only way, is if sinful conduct became manifest. Thats my opinion anyhow. Tony Morris does not strike me as a humble, discreet man per say. I have watched/listened to him over the years and there are numerous nuances to his mannerisms, speech, language, humor, etc that does not lead me to think he would have the humility to step away from such a powerful position that comes with such notoriety...willingly.
But based on the one liner, it reminisces of the same sentiment and energy that comes with those disfellowshipped and leveled with shame.
So much of what you wrote agree with, it sure sounds an aweful lot like a disfellowshipping annocement, with the except like Driven pointed out mediator observed that they called him "brother Morris."
Tony Morris does not strike me as a humble, discreet man per say. I have watched/listened to him over the years and there are numerous nuances to his mannerisms, speech, language, humor, etc that does not lead me to think he would have the humility to step away from such a powerful position that comes with such notoriety...willingly.
Completely agree with this statement. I've never liked him, he strikes me as very arrogant, and claiming he knew this system could last until 2020 back in the 70's is a "bald faced lie" to quote who I think might be next on the chopping block.
And the other observations, does this mean he's no longer part of the "faithful slave"...lots of unanswered questions here. I don't think it bodes well for the org at all.
That would depend on why he no longer serves. There are many anointed brothers and sisters who are not members of the G/B.
I know, that's why i used /sarc tag, which upon re-reading it I feel is in bad taste... But on the other hand, as GB proclaimed themselves to be the FDS, this surely means he is no longer counted in the FDS.
What I find interesting is that they are already scrubbing pics. For example here is the new, updated page for GB:
and here is the the archive link:
If the GB had the true spirit of Christ they would speak about Bro Morris' departure in their next update. Even if he was forced out, is there nothing good to be said about someone who was one of the eight pillars of the WT? (I am speaking as one of JWs might view it)

I mean, come on, a man who is regarded by several million JWs as a member of the faithful and discreet slave who channels light and truth from heavenly Zion and he just goes off and posts a one-sentence announcement saying he's gone!!! What is that? What kind of an organization does that to one of its most respected members? Doesn't he even get a "thank you" acknowledgment for his many years of faithful service? And if he was removed because he was an apostate, which I highly doubt, then that needs to be explained too. Paul named two apostates by name, Hymenaeus and Alexander, and said that he handed them over to Satan. If Tony has been handed over JWs need to know. Maybe they will speak about the matter. I hope for their sake they do. But I doubt it.

A few years ago, I recall an elder being removed from his position, even though he served as city overseer, and a number of other positions over the years, even heard him give talks at the assembly..I heard through the grape vine, that he wasn't pulling his weight .. I think there was more to it than that, I later found out there was an internal shakeup.. At this point we can only guess about T.Morris, maybe, the Governing body members were arguing over a bigger slice of the watchtower pie.
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In 1972, a crack commando scotch lover was sent to the GB
by a military court for a crime he didn't commit.
This man promptly escaped from a maximum security Bethel
to the New York underground.
Today, still wanted by the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society, he survives as a soldier of fortune.
If you have a problem, if no one else can help, and if you can find him...
maybe you can hire The Tight-Pants Tony

Da dada, da da da.

Wouldn't it be something if brother Morris had a vaccine injury and because of that, refused to get booster shots. And he's stepping down cause of that. Entirely, speculation but that would be my guess. I don't think consuming alcohol would disqualify him. I know bethelites that would love to go out and drink. They got an Angry Orchard place for alcoholic apple cider. I went there on my trip to bethel since it's only about 2 miles away from bethel. My bethel friends told me they know some bethelites that go over there sometimes if they ever have the time to. And I see nothing wrong with that. Enjoying a drink out should be no big problem even if they are anointed. We often hold them to different standards, when we shouldn't. They are just like us until they become the 144,000 in heaven.

Anyways, I always felt like brother Morris had a certain advantage with him being in the military. He saw the worst of humanity. And he can decipher the evil intentions moreso than the other GB could. He saw that the government doesn't care about the lives of soldiers because those wars was to feed the beast like system, the military industrial complex. The same with these shots. We were told we were heroes for getting vaxxed, same propaganda they use in enlisting soldiers. That they would be heroes, when many have killed innocent children and mothers from higher up orders, and they can't bare to live with themselves anymore. The guilt of killing innocent people have gave them PTSD. It's possible that Brother Morris realized the evil intentions of this mass vaccination propaganda when the other members haven't realized it. So because they want unity, they have to "out" brother Morris.
I think they were preparing for this. It's why they have 2 new GB members. I think another GB is going to drop out soon too.
Maybe the GB is in damage control and is trying to clean up their act, Tony was always a free radical. Anyway good riddance he was an absolute menace and shouldn't of been offering any form of counseling or advice to any sane person. Hmmm does that apply to all the GB?
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