NWO Propaganda = Jesus's Wise Direction

I agree with you SpicySpice, however, they will need to repent because they were taught the truth and they discarded those same teachings to follow commands of men. They were not only taught the turth but they became teachers of it. So, even though I am sure that they want to look for the best in people, as they should, they should also stick to what is actually written in God’s word and they should correct wrong doers and take a stand for what is right and what is true. Many even most did not do that. But even for those who may be blood-guilty, they will have the opportunity to repent. I pray they repent.
Well said. I pray they repent as well. Driven, you really do have wonderful insight. 🙂
Exactly! - and so who were they actually praying to ? - to get such horrible and incorrect answers? - and to mislead 8 million innocent ones? - to hound them, put 'gag orders' one the elders and the pubs. - ?
I know Jehovah has helped us to escape, and we are all grateful,
but I just see and feel so much pain and anger expressed. - it's so grievously sad,
May Jehovah help us all to endure and realize that the hope held out in the bible still applies to us,
even though the gb would say otherwise, - viewing us as apostates.
They are surely the real apostates!
- and the hope of salvation belongs to us! They cannot take that away!
no matter how much damage they try to inflict.!
[ I'm just thinking out loud ]
I think you're saying what we've all thought or are still thinking. It's very frustrating!
You mentioning this jarred my memory, I was going to bring this out some time ago in another thread but now is a good time....at the beginning of the plandemic, the local government in this country was giving cash grants to all of the religious organizations to distribute to their members in need. I remember when they announced it, thinking "red flag! Don't do it brothers, you'll be compromised". I believe that the branch here turned down the grants because the local elders soon after began announcements asking for any in need to notify them and then asked for donations from other group.members for needy brothers.
If that same thing happened at the US branch, maybe they took the bait...you have to wonder...and if so, what were the conditions?
totally crossed my mind. Lots of grant and promotion/ vaccine "education" money floating around. Could also explain the abrupt pivot in the GB updates, too...
I totally agree with you. Well stated. I can't give them a pass on this one. Ive done so many times in the past but this one is too agregious and hypocritical. Does that sound harsh? Just take a look at the direction they themselves published for “Joe publisher” to follow:

w82 6/15 p. 29

“Christian meetings and conventions are not occasions for engrossed conversation about health, nor for attempting to diagnose others or promoting treatments. Rather, these gatherings are for warm, spiritual fellowship. Elders should watch that the Kingdom Hall does not become a center for propagandizing various health treatments or views, but remains a place of unity and true worship.—Compare John 2:16, 17.”

w15 9/15 p. 9-10

Par 9 “ A Christian who is reasonable does not impose his views on others. In one European land, a married couple were zealously advocating certain food supplements and a diet. They persuaded some brothers to use the supplements, but others chose not to. In time, the results fell short of expectations, and there was widespread resentment. The couple had a right to choose for themselves whether they would follow a certain diet and take the supplements, but was it reasonable to put the unity of the congregation at risk over health care? For a time, Christians in ancient Rome had differing opinions with regard to eating certain foods and observing certain days. What advice did Paul give them? Regarding the latter, he said: “One man judges one day as above another; another judges one day the same as all others; let each one be fully convinced in his own mind.” It was important not to put a stumbling block before others.—Read Romans 14:5, 13, 15, 19, 20.”

ws15 12/15 p. 26-27

But we need to be careful. A brother might try to convince us to take a certain kind of medicine or herb or to eat or avoid certain foods. He might tell us that it helped someone in his family who had a similar problem. But this does not mean that it will help us too. We must remember that even if many people use a medicine or a treatment, it may still cause a lot of harm.—Read Proverbs 27:12.”

Did David Splain and the boys bother taking their own advise before his engaging in blatant "vaccine" propagandizing before the world wide brotherhood and general public? The hypocrisy is on display for all to see. This is beyond naive.
Wow!!! These quotes are so eye-opening. I remember studying them in the past, but the contrast to recent events when summarized this way is unbelievable. Thanks for highlighting
Wow!!! These quotes are so eye-opening. I remember studying them in the past, but the contrast to recent events when summarized this way is unbelievable. Thanks for highlighting
Yes, I remembered getting this direction time and again over the years. At the beginning of the plandemic, I had suggested to a brother that I work with that they should consider HCQ or Quercetin and zinc when his father in law contracted the "virus" early on.
I was met with an emphatic chastisement "its a personal choice bro! "
He soon had to comfort his wife as they grieved due to their "personal choice".
Anyhoo, that caused me to go and look up these articles when the GB began showing leanings toward the jabs of death. I find them to be irrefutable evidence of blatant hypocrisy. Do as we say, not as we do. Ironic that Jesus told his disciples to do the same in regards to the hypocrites in his day. Do as they say not as they do.