NWO Propaganda = Jesus's Wise Direction

I have to add that when someone claims to be directed in their decisions/actions/teachings by Jehovah and then it is proven that they were not, that is serious sin. Of course they won’t answer to me but they will answer to Jehovah and he is the one who tells us how he feels about presumptuous prophets at Deuteronomy 18:20-22: “If any prophet presumptuously speaks a word in my name that I did not command him to speak or speaks in the name of other gods, that prophet must die. However, you may say in your heart: “How will we know that Jehovah has not spoken the word?” When the prophet speaks in the name of Jehovah and the word is not fulfilled or does not come true, then Jehovah did not speak that word. The prophet spoke it presumptuously. You should not fear him.’”

I don’t know if the GB will repent but I hope they do repent. I just know that the above scripture was written so that Jehovah’s worshippers can know how Jehovah feels about presumptuousness and how we are to feel about witnessing it. Did the vaccine prove safe and effective? I think the evidence I have personally seen is an emphatic NO. So, I know that Jehovah will hold an accounting of them and that I should not fear the GB.
You bring up some good points there in your posts. And I can agree with that. Many warned them in their letters. Maybe the blindness is prophetic so that the next stage in history comes into fruition, probably setting itself up for the mark of the beast system. That's the only thing that really explains the populations mass delusion that we see going on.
The GB asked for the medical experts thoughts from within Bethel as well as prayer. And they concluded that it would be safe to take because that's the brainwashed propaganda they're taught in schools. So the GB decided it was the safest course of action and safety is always their default position. With those medical experts being pill pushers and vaccine pushers. And if something wrong happens, oh well... Time and unforseen occurrence befalls us all. They will get a resurrection anyways.
I both agree and disagree with your comment, but I do appreciate your loving and optimistic reply. Any who die without having sinned against Jehovah's Spirit will receive a resurrection of judgment. We know that those who claim to be disciples of Christ will be judged as faithful or unfaithful based on their actions right now and in the future. Jehovah reads our heart, and sees what motivates our decisions. Those who pushed the vax because they truly believed the propaganda will be judged less harshly than those who were motivated by greed or power lust. Those who knew the vax was unsafe, but decided to put Jehovah to the test, reasoning that if they die He would resurrect them... they will receive a more heavy punishment, because they put more faith in a human run organization than their Creator. We know the Temple was the last place of perceived safety just before the Romans demolished the city. Look a it's condition today.

Isn't this how it's always been though? When the kings were wicked, the majority of the people joined them. Today we see the same thing in the world, as well as Jehovah's theocratic arrangement. IMHO, the time to flee is now, but I'm in no way saying that those who remain inside the WT are doomed. I said on another post that I'm the kind of person who takes immediate action upon hearing a warning, or seeing a prophesy unfold... you don't have to warn me twice! Others take another route and stay put in order to help whoever will listen. I'm not condemning myself as a coward, or those who stay as foolish... I'm saying we're both listening to Jehovah. I listened to His warning to flee, and those who stay are acting on His command to warn. If I was inside, I'd be warning up until the day I was DF'd. I'd stand with a sign in front of the Hall if I had to. Let them judge me, but at least those who knew me would be warned. The WT has gone apostate IMHO, by knowingly pushing a deadly vaccine in order to receive money, as well as praise from the very system they claim is run by Satan. How much more evidence do Jehovah's people need?
I think I can agree with you there. Perhaps along the way their naïvite got the best of them and they became blind..or perhaps being in control of so much made them do this...but I do know one thing, this is the bad part..The Biden Admin, the US Gov..incentivized companies, "influencers", "youtubers", and you guessed it...religious institutions with money grants to push the Vax agenda. I have a horrible feeling they were just fulfilling their end of the bargain for the money. Maybe they got talked into thinking it was a good thing for the brothers...I don't know, but I did hear that money did indeed go out in order to push it further. Evil, no...blinded, yes.
i was wondering the same thing... The amount of gov/pharma funding that was paid out as incentives is criminal. Wouldn't it be more productive to public health if that money had gone to more research and outreach efforts to follow-up on any vaccine side effects?...
I both agree and disagree with your comment, but I do appreciate your loving and optimistic reply. Any who die without having sinned against Jehovah's Spirit will receive a resurrection of judgment. We know that those who claim to be disciples of Christ will be judged as faithful or unfaithful based on their actions right now and in the future. Jehovah reads our heart, and sees what motivates our decisions. Those who pushed the vax because they truly believed the propaganda will be judged less harshly than those who were motivated by greed or power lust. Those who knew the vax was unsafe, but decided to put Jehovah to the test, reasoning that if they die He would resurrect them... they will receive a more heavy punishment, because they put more faith in a human run organization than their Creator. We know the Temple was the last place of perceived safety just before the Romans demolished the city. Look a it's condition today.

Isn't this how it's always been though? When the kings were wicked, the majority of the people joined them. Today we see the same thing in the world, as well as Jehovah's theocratic arrangement. IMHO, the time to flee is now, but I'm in no way saying that those who remain inside the WT are doomed. I said on another post that I'm the kind of person who takes immediate action upon hearing a warning, or seeing a prophesy unfold... you don't have to warn me twice! Others take another route and stay put in order to help whoever will listen. I'm not condemning myself as a coward, or those who stay as foolish... I'm saying we're both listening to Jehovah. I listened to His warning to flee, and those who stay are acting on His command to warn. If I was inside, I'd be warning up until the day I was DF'd. I'd stand with a sign in front of the Hall if I had to. Let them judge me, but at least those who knew me would be warned. The WT has gone apostate IMHO, by knowingly pushing a deadly vaccine in order to receive money, as well as praise from the very system they claim is run by Satan. How much more evidence do Jehovah's people need?
I'll more than likely be heading back for a crack but I'm not looking forward to it. I'm not a combative person by nature but I hold my ground when crossed on principle.

I have been in a new congregation on Zoom but have remained anonymous. By chance I saw one of the Old Brothers down at the Supermarket so I went up and introduced myself to him. Naturally he was quite taken back as I had seen him before but not he me.

We had a friendly chat for about 20 minutes but all the way through he was short of breath and had twitching face muscles. He is 80 years of age so it could be simply part of his general health but the thought did cross my mind as to whether his Triple Jabs were playing their part.

I actually felt really sorry for him and It kind of twigged my conscience as to whether I should be making myself known and available to help these Older Ones as I fully anticipate a rise in health conditions amongst the Brothers in the next couple of years.

I mentioned to a Forum member offline that I feel like I'm treading water and not doing enough to slave for my master Christ. I guess if I return I'll soon find out whether or not the atmosphere is one I can tolerate. I'd like to think I could somehow do a work around but something tells me I'm gonna bang heads with their Covid Narrative. We shall see.
Many in Bethel fell for the propaganda and wanted to get vaccinated. Out of the false narrative of protecting their neighbors despite it causing damage to their cardiovascular system and reproductive system. These won't get reported though cause they are sensitive and private matters. Which explains the blood clots, heart attacks, inflammation, erectile dysfunction and menstrual problems and miscarriages if took during pregnancy after taking the vaccine.

The GB asked for the medical experts thoughts from within Bethel as well as prayer. And they concluded that it would be safe to take because that's the brainwashed propaganda they're taught in schools. So the GB decided it was the safest course of action and safety is always their default position. With those medical experts being pill pushers and vaccine pushers. And if something wrong happens, oh well... Time and unforseen occurrence befalls us all. They will get a resurrection anyways.
For me, this does not explain why they mandated the vaccine for full time workers nor why they coerced all congregants to get the vaccine. I personally know a full-time worker who was coerced and she did not want to get vaccinated. And, it does not explain their insistence on promoting the lie that the face masks prevent infection or provide any health benefit. Nor does it explain how they have treated those who followed their conscience in not getting vaccinated and not wearing a mask like they are rebellious and spiritually weak or showing a worldly attitude of being “fierce”. Nor does it explain why the Elders and MS were threatened to not talk about the vaccine in a “negative” light.

Many of the friends have written letters to Bethel to warn them of following this path and they were ignored. There are many medical people and scientist who told the truth from the beginning about the vaccines and the masks, but the GB decided they were conspiracy theorists or at least that is what has been expressed. And, now, the facts are out for those willing to look at them, but they still have not acknowledged it was an error.

This is what they say they promote and yet do they teach this to themselves? Matthew 5:23-24: “If, then, you are bringing your gift to the altar and there you remember that your brother has something against you, leave your gift there in front of the altar, and go away. First make your peace with your brother, and then come back and offer your gift.

Has there been any attempt to make peace with the brothers and sisters they have wronged? Why do they still at present not follow the christian principles they are supposedly teaching? Deuteronomy 6:5-6: “You must love Jehovah your God with all your heart and all your soul and all your strength. These words that I am commanding you today must be on your heart”.

The above principles are Christianity 101 but is the GB doing these simple and basic things? Sorry but these are not mistakes, they are a wrong and purposeful course of action. I think Saul is a good example of someone who started out good but then deviated and followed a wrong course inspired by Satan and did not listen to the warnings, but persisted in wickedness to the detriment of himself and his family. Saul did not make a mistake, he choose a wicked course of sin and opposition to Jehovah. 1 Samuel 18:28-29: “Saul realized that Jehovah was with David and that his daughter Miʹchal loved him. This made Saul even more afraid of David, and Saul became an enemy of David for the rest of his life.”

You are so right, that the GB hasn’t acknowledged any of the errors they’ve made concerning this false narrative.Also. we have to consider one other very important matter…and that is, putting Jehovah to the test.

Although, the GB never acknowledged that there were risks behind taking these vaccines doesn’t take away from the fact that there were and many people knew that. How many times have we heard talks given or it stated in WT studies about not taking “risks?” But now they say, “well if I die I’ll get a resurrection anyways.”

Wasn’t it the devil who tried to get Jesus to put Jehovah to the test by expecting angels to rescue him if he were to engage in taking the risk of throwing himself off the temple? It is so disturbing to hear that many of the friends, who at first decided not to be vaccinated, were coerced by the GB and others to ’GO AHEAD, TAKE THE JAB, IF YOU DIE JEHOVAH WILL BRING YOU BACK IN THE RESURRECTION.”

Sadly, I believe that the GB knew very well what they were doing.
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. The WT has gone apostate IMHO, by knowingly pushing a deadly vaccine in order to receive money, as well as praise from the very system they claim is run by Satan. How much more evidence do Jehovah's people need?
Exactly! - and so who were they actually praying to ? - to get such horrible and incorrect answers? - and to mislead 8 million innocent ones? - to hound them, put 'gag orders' one the elders and the pubs. - ?
I know Jehovah has helped us to escape, and we are all grateful,
but I just see and feel so much pain and anger expressed. - it's so grievously sad,
May Jehovah help us all to endure and realize that the hope held out in the bible still applies to us,
even though the gb would say otherwise, - viewing us as apostates.
They are surely the real apostates!
- and the hope of salvation belongs to us! They cannot take that away!
no matter how much damage they try to inflict.!
[ I'm just thinking out loud ]
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You are so right, that the GB hasn’t acknowledged any of the errors they’ve made concerning this false narrative.Also. we have to consider one other very important matter…and that is, putting Jehovah to the test.

Although, the GB never acknowledged that there were risks behind taking these vaccines doesn’t take away from the fact that there were and many people knew that. How many times have we heard talks given or it stated in WT studies about not taking “risks?” But now they say, “well if I die I’ll get a resurrection anyways.”

Wasn’t it the devil who tried to put Jehovah to the test by expecting angels to rescue him if he were to engage in taking the risk of throwing himself off the temple? It is so disturbing to hear that many of the friends, who at first decided not to be vaccinated, were coerced by the GB and others to ’GO AHEAD, TAKE THE JAB, IF YOU DIE JEHOVAH WILL BRING YOU BACK IN THE RESURRECTION.”

Sadly, I believe that the GB knew very well what they were doing.
I agree Jgremillion83. The one thing that everyone KNEW or should have known for certain from the very beginning is that the vaccines were experimental and that there were no long term studies. That was one of several points that I made in my letter to the Elders and I said verbally when they met with me and my husband. One Elder meeting with us said that fact could not be true. He would not believe that the GB would promote an experimental vaccine, but if he had done any investigation he would have found out that it is true. He believed the GB on blind faith. Even most educated people who were pro COVID vaccine thought that even though the vaccine is still experimental and under Emergency Use Authorization, because of the so-called risk of dying from COVID that somehow made the risk of using an experimental vaccine acceptable. There was no misunderstanding of that for people who were willing to look into the facts from the beginning. How that makes sense to anyone is beyond me. That is one reason that I think the influence to get the vaccine is demon inspired. It just wasn’t logical from the beginning and it appeared that they were under some kind of delusion such as has been explained as mass formation.
Exactly! - and so who were they actually praying to ? - to get such horrible and incorrect answers? - and to mislead 8 million innocent ones? - to hound them, put 'gag orders' one the elders and the pubs. - ?
I know Jehovah has helped us to escape, and we are all grateful,
but I just see and feel so much pain and anger expressed. - it's so grievously sad,
May Jehovah help us all to endure and realize that the hope held out in the bible still applies to us,
even though the gb would say otherwise, - viewing us as apostates.
They are surely the real apostates!
- and the hope of salvation belongs to us! They cannot take that away!
no matter how much damage they try to inflict.!
[ I'm just thinking out loud ]
As Paul said at Acts 17:24: “The God who made the world and all the things in it, being, as he is, Lord of heaven and earth, does not dwell in handmade temples;” Nor does he dwell in handmade Kingdom Halls. But in fact he tells us at 2 Chronicles 16:9 that the eyes of Jehovah are roving about through all the earth to show his strength in behalf of those whose heart is complete toward him.
That is one reason that I think the influence to get the vaccine is demon inspired. It just wasn’t logical from the beginning and it appeared that they were under some kind of delusion such as has been explained as mass formation.
And, also [ demon inspired] - the decision to a literally it force on people. (over and over, again) How disappointing that jw's so called gb is in full agreement with all the kingdoms of the earth.
As Paul said at Acts 17:24: “The God who made the world and all the things in it, being, as he is, Lord of heaven and earth, does not dwell in handmade temples;” Nor does he dwell in handmade Kingdom Halls. But in fact he tells us at 2 Chronicles 16:9 that the eyes of Jehovah are roving about through all the earth to show his strength in behalf of those whose heart is complete toward him.
Wonderful scriptures! 😍 Thanks so much! I will dwell on these, and hang on to them!
There is so much wrong - we just need something to be right and positive! 🙏 Thanks to Jehovah I got that from those words!
I think I can agree with you there. Perhaps along the way their naïvite got the best of them and they became blind..or perhaps being in control of so much made them do this...but I do know one thing, this is the bad part..The Biden Admin, the US Gov..incentivized companies, "influencers", "youtubers", and you guessed it...religious institutions with money grants to push the Vax agenda. I have a horrible feeling they were just fulfilling their end of the bargain for the money. Maybe they got talked into thinking it was a good thing for the brothers...I don't know, but I did hear that money did indeed go out in order to push it further. Evil, no...blinded, yes.
You mentioning this jarred my memory, I was going to bring this out some time ago in another thread but now is a good time....at the beginning of the plandemic, the local government in this country was giving cash grants to all of the religious organizations to distribute to their members in need. I remember when they announced it, thinking "red flag! Don't do it brothers, you'll be compromised". I believe that the branch here turned down the grants because the local elders soon after began announcements asking for any in need to notify them and then asked for donations from other group.members for needy brothers.
If that same thing happened at the US branch, maybe they took the bait...you have to wonder...and if so, what were the conditions?

You are so right, that the GB hasn’t acknowledged any of the errors they’ve made concerning this false narrative.Also. we have to consider one other very important matter…and that is, putting Jehovah to the test.

Although, the GB never acknowledged that there were risks behind taking these vaccines doesn’t take away from the fact that there were and many people knew that. How many times have we heard talks given or it stated in WT studies about not taking “risks?” But now they say, “well if I die I’ll get a resurrection anyways.”

Wasn’t it the devil who tried to put Jehovah to the test by expecting angels to rescue him if he were to engage in taking the risk of throwing himself off the temple? It is so disturbing to hear that many of the friends, who at first decided not to be vaccinated, were coerced by the GB and others to ’GO AHEAD, TAKE THE JAB, IF YOU DIE JEHOVAH WILL BRING YOU BACK IN THE RESURRECTION.”

Sadly, I believe that the GB knew very well what they were doing.
I totally agree with you. Well stated. I can't give them a pass on this one. Ive done so many times in the past but this one is too agregious and hypocritical. Does that sound harsh? Just take a look at the direction they themselves published for “Joe publisher” to follow:

w82 6/15 p. 29

“Christian meetings and conventions are not occasions for engrossed conversation about health, nor for attempting to diagnose others or promoting treatments. Rather, these gatherings are for warm, spiritual fellowship. Elders should watch that the Kingdom Hall does not become a center for propagandizing various health treatments or views, but remains a place of unity and true worship.—Compare John 2:16, 17.”

w15 9/15 p. 9-10

Par 9 “ A Christian who is reasonable does not impose his views on others. In one European land, a married couple were zealously advocating certain food supplements and a diet. They persuaded some brothers to use the supplements, but others chose not to. In time, the results fell short of expectations, and there was widespread resentment. The couple had a right to choose for themselves whether they would follow a certain diet and take the supplements, but was it reasonable to put the unity of the congregation at risk over health care? For a time, Christians in ancient Rome had differing opinions with regard to eating certain foods and observing certain days. What advice did Paul give them? Regarding the latter, he said: “One man judges one day as above another; another judges one day the same as all others; let each one be fully convinced in his own mind.” It was important not to put a stumbling block before others.—Read Romans 14:5, 13, 15, 19, 20.”

ws15 12/15 p. 26-27

But we need to be careful. A brother might try to convince us to take a certain kind of medicine or herb or to eat or avoid certain foods. He might tell us that it helped someone in his family who had a similar problem. But this does not mean that it will help us too. We must remember that even if many people use a medicine or a treatment, it may still cause a lot of harm.—Read Proverbs 27:12.”

Did David Splain and the boys bother taking their own advise before his engaging in blatant "vaccine" propagandizing before the world wide brotherhood and general public? The hypocrisy is on display for all to see. This is beyond naive.

You are so right, that the GB hasn’t acknowledged any of the errors they’ve made concerning this false narrative.Also. we have to consider one other very important matter…and that is, putting Jehovah to the test.

Although, the GB never acknowledged that there were risks behind taking these vaccines doesn’t take away from the fact that there were and many people knew that. How many times have we heard talks given or it stated in WT studies about not taking “risks?” But now they say, “well if I die I’ll get a resurrection anyways.”

Wasn’t it the devil who tried to get Jesus to put Jehovah to the test by expecting angels to rescue him if he were to engage in taking the risk of throwing himself off the temple? It is so disturbing to hear that many of the friends, who at first decided not to be vaccinated, were coerced by the GB and others to ’GO AHEAD, TAKE THE JAB, IF YOU DIE JEHOVAH WILL BRING YOU BACK IN THE RESURRECTION.”

Sadly, I believe that the GB knew very well what they were doing.
Many in Bethel fell for the propaganda and wanted to get vaccinated. Out of the false narrative of protecting their neighbors despite it causing damage to their cardiovascular system and reproductive system. These won't get reported though cause they are sensitive and private matters. Which explains the blood clots, heart attacks, inflammation, erectile dysfunction and menstrual problems and miscarriages if took during pregnancy after taking the vaccine.

The GB asked for the medical experts thoughts from within Bethel as well as prayer. And they concluded that it would be safe to take because that's the brainwashed propaganda they're taught in schools. So the GB decided it was the safest course of action and safety is always their default position. With those medical experts being pill pushers and vaccine pushers. And if something wrong happens, oh well... Time and unforseen occurrence befalls us all. They will get a resurrection anyways.
Well put. What a sad state of affairs.
For me, this does not explain why they mandated the vaccine for full time workers nor why they coerced all congregants to get the vaccine. I personally know a full-time worker who was coerced and she did not want to get vaccinated. And, it does not explain their insistence on promoting the lie that the face masks prevent infection or provide any health benefit. Nor does it explain how they have treated those who followed their conscience in not getting vaccinated and not wearing a mask like they are rebellious and spiritually weak or showing a worldly attitude of being “fierce”. Nor does it explain why the Elders and MS were threatened to not talk about the vaccine in a “negative” light.

Many of the friends have written letters to Bethel to warn them of following this path and they were ignored. There are many medical people and scientist who told the truth from the beginning about the vaccines and the masks, but the GB decided they were conspiracy theorists or at least that is what has been expressed. And, now, the facts are out for those willing to look at them, but they still have not acknowledged it was an error.

This is what they say they promote and yet do they teach this to themselves? Matthew 5:23-24: “If, then, you are bringing your gift to the altar and there you remember that your brother has something against you, leave your gift there in front of the altar, and go away. First make your peace with your brother, and then come back and offer your gift.

Has there been any attempt to make peace with the brothers and sisters they have wronged? Why do they still at present not follow the christian principles they are supposedly teaching? Deuteronomy 6:5-6: “You must love Jehovah your God with all your heart and all your soul and all your strength. These words that I am commanding you today must be on your heart”.

The above principles are Christianity 101 but is the GB doing these simple and basic things? Sorry but these are not mistakes, they are a wrong and purposeful course of action. I think Saul is a good example of someone who started out good but then deviated and followed a wrong course inspired by Satan and did not listen to the warnings, but persisted in wickedness to the detriment of himself and his family. Saul did not make a mistake, he choose a wicked course of sin and opposition to Jehovah. 1 Samuel 18:28-29: “Saul realized that Jehovah was with David and that his daughter Miʹchal loved him. This made Saul even more afraid of David, and Saul became an enemy of David for the rest of his life.”
Very important post
had a friendly chat for about 20 minutes but all the way through he was short of breath and had twitching face muscles. He is 80 years of age so it could be simply part of his general health but the thought did cross my mind as to whether his Triple Jabs were playing their part.

I actually felt really sorry for him and It kind of twigged my conscience as to whether I should be making myself known and available to help these Older Ones as I fully anticipate a rise in health conditions amongst the Brothers in the next couple of years.
Just found out today a friend of myself and my husband, the same age as both of us ( born approx 1990) has been diagnosed with stage 4 leukemia basically out of the blue. I won't lie. The thought also crossed my mind....is this because of the jabs?? This friend is not the only person I personally know that has gotten some sudden very serious health problem in the last year. Can't help but feel sorry for the friends that the whole time they were tearing their hair out in fear over covid (and still are), Cancer, Heart disease, heart failure and vein problems and tons of other things were lying in wait.
Just found out today a friend of myself and my husband, the same age as both of us ( born approx 1990) has been diagnosed with stage 4 leukemia basically out of the blue. I won't lie. The thought also crossed my mind....is this because of the jabs?? This friend is not the only person I personally know that has gotten some sudden very serious health problem in the last year. Can't help but feel sorry for the friends that the whole time they were tearing their hair out in fear over covid (and still are), Cancer, Heart disease, heart failure and vein problems and tons of other things were lying in wait.
I am hearing about all kinds of disease happening right now in the local congregation. And, of course the 4 deaths that I have mentioned previously. It is happening and we did try to warn them. But it is still sad to see it and they are still in denial.
I totally agree with you. Well stated. I can't give them a pass on this one. Ive done so many times in the past but this one is too agregious and hypocritical. Does that sound harsh? Just take a look at the direction they themselves published for “Joe publisher” to follow:

w82 6/15 p. 29

“Christian meetings and conventions are not occasions for engrossed conversation about health, nor for attempting to diagnose others or promoting treatments. Rather, these gatherings are for warm, spiritual fellowship. Elders should watch that the Kingdom Hall does not become a center for propagandizing various health treatments or views, but remains a place of unity and true worship.—Compare John 2:16, 17.”

w15 9/15 p. 9-10

Par 9 “ A Christian who is reasonable does not impose his views on others. In one European land, a married couple were zealously advocating certain food supplements and a diet. They persuaded some brothers to use the supplements, but others chose not to. In time, the results fell short of expectations, and there was widespread resentment. The couple had a right to choose for themselves whether they would follow a certain diet and take the supplements, but was it reasonable to put the unity of the congregation at risk over health care? For a time, Christians in ancient Rome had differing opinions with regard to eating certain foods and observing certain days. What advice did Paul give them? Regarding the latter, he said: “One man judges one day as above another; another judges one day the same as all others; let each one be fully convinced in his own mind.” It was important not to put a stumbling block before others.—Read Romans 14:5, 13, 15, 19, 20.”

ws15 12/15 p. 26-27

But we need to be careful. A brother might try to convince us to take a certain kind of medicine or herb or to eat or avoid certain foods. He might tell us that it helped someone in his family who had a similar problem. But this does not mean that it will help us too. We must remember that even if many people use a medicine or a treatment, it may still cause a lot of harm.—Read Proverbs 27:12.”

Did David Splain and the boys bother taking their own advise before his engaging in blatant "vaccine" propagandizing before the world wide brotherhood and general public? The hypocrisy is on display for all to see. This is beyond naive.
I think I am more on your side when it us all said and done. I think brothers and sisters are just deep down, loving people that want to look for the best, even in their abusers. I find it very difficult also to give the GB free pass on this issue. My one consolation: The blood guilt is theirs to bear.
I am hearing about all kinds of disease happening right now in the local congregation. And, of course the 4 deaths that I have mentioned previously. It is happening and we did try to warn them. But it is still sad to see it and they are still in denial.
That's what your post got me thinking. It's very important to remember that brothers WERE writing in and trying to warn the GB and they were IGNORED! The GB boasts in the article I posted originally for this thread basically said that even though others were unsure of what to do the GB had Jesus loving guidance...THEY DID THE SAME THING AS EVERYONE ELSE! Lockdowns, social(ist) distancing, masks, vaxxing..The poor brothers hang onto their every word and the GB knows it. They abused their power and lost my trust, and many others I'm sure.
I think I am more on your side when it us all said and done. I think brothers and sisters are just deep down, loving people that want to look for the best, even in their abusers. I find it very difficult also to give the GB free pass on this issue. My one consolation: The blood guilt is theirs to bear.
I agree with you SpicySpice, however, they will need to repent because they were taught the truth and they discarded those same teachings to follow commands of men. They were not only taught the truth but they became teachers of it. So, even though I am sure that they want to look for the best in people, as they should, they should also stick to what is actually written in God’s word and they should correct wrong doers and take a stand for what is right and what is true. Many even most did not do that. But even for those who may be blood-guilty, they will have the opportunity to repent. I pray they repent.
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