The Watchtower is all onboard with the UN's phony climate crisis


Staff member
501100058_univ_lsr_lg.jpgThis week's banner headline is entitled: Can the Nations Unite to Avoid Climate Catastrophe?—What Does the Bible Say?

Although the snippet offers a biblical reason that governments cannot succeed in anything, by omission the Watchtower lends credence to the UN's climate catastrophe hoax and surreptitiously endorses the hidden agenda of population reduction.

Meanwhile, as the COP27 meeting was underway Ukraine launched a false flag attack on Poland in an effort to trick NATO into direct war with Russia - a war that every thinking person knows would quickly escalate into a nuclear conflagration. That would truly be a climate catastrophe, otherwise known as nuclear winter. Still, the seers at the Watchtower make no mention of the precarious state of world affairs. Not even a hint that Jesus foretold that we will "hear of wars and reports of wars" as a preliminary to nation rising against nation and kingdom against kingdom.

Contrary to the Watchtower's milquetoast rebuttal, Bible prophecy indicates that the king of the north will succeed and be successful all the way to the end. That means that a very large percentage of the human population, which just this past week is reported to have reached 8 billion, will be eliminated. The process is already well underway in the maniacal war against fossil fuels. Only a murderous demon would promote a scheme to destroy the carrying capacity of civilization, which is what the phony climate catastrophe is all about. Shame on Bethel for lending credence to this fraud.

If world leaders were serious about changing the climate, instead of cutting off Europe from cheap Russian energy, and spending 10's of billions of dollars to wage war with Russia in Ukraine, they would instead build dozens of nuclear power plants all around the coasts of Northern Africa. Nuclear produces zero greenhouse gases, the power generated could transform Africa and the desalination could be used to transform the vast and growing Sahara desert into a forested green belt over the course of a generation. But of course, they are not serious. It is a massive fraud promoted by King Charles.
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This week's banner headline is entitled: Can the Nations Unite to Avoid Climate Catastrophe?—What Does the Bible Say?

Although the snippet offers a biblical reason that governments cannot succeed in anything, by omission the Watchtower lends credence to the UN's climate catastrophe and endorses the hidden agenda of population reduction.
The Watchtower articles promoting the climate fraud is one of the evidences to me that they are influenced by the CIA mockingbird program or a similar current spook program intended to shape people’s perceptions with propaganda.
At first I laughed when I read this - just how it sounded. But then felt sad.

What happened to speaking boldly? It’s almost as if the WT thinks that they can suck-up to the beast in the hope of finding favor in its eyes, thereby escaping or minimizing what is coming upon them?
I'm beginning to wonder if they even believe there is a God anymore. The things they've been doing just don't make sense if they do. Vax, selling KH's, climate hooey, zoom, etc. Seems like they're much more interested in money and power and Jehovah has become a good tool to get to their goals. I hope I'm wrong about that but I don't see another explanation at the moment.
I'm beginning to wonder if they even believe there is a God anymore. The things they've been doing just don't make sense if they do. Vax, selling KH's, climate hooey, zoom, etc. Seems like they're much more interested in money and power and Jehovah has become a good tool to get to their goals. I hope I'm wrong about that but I don't see another explanation at the moment.
I doubt if they are outright atheists. Their attitude is described in Zephaniah. "At that time I will carefully search Jerusalem with lamps, and I will call to account the complacent ones, who say in their heart, ‘Jehovah will not do good, and he will not do bad.’" So, in other words, they believe in their hearts that Jehovah is a do-nothing God. He is not going to bring a new world and he is certainly not going to punish wrongdoers. Their complacency emboldens them to more and more lawlessness.
What happens to the psyche when you begin to believe you are like God? What magical thinking tells you that you can justify anything by exploiting your position as a self named exclusive channel for God himself? How about:
Narcissistic personality disorder: This condition involves a consistent pattern of perceived superiority and grandiosity, an excessive need for praise and admiration and a lack of empathy for others.
So, in other words, they believe in their hearts that Jehovah is a do-nothing God. He is not going to bring a new world and he is certainly not going to punish wrongdoers. Their complacency emboldens them to more and more lawlessness.
Could this “do nothing God”, complacent attitude be part of what’s spoken about at:

Matthew 24:48

“But if ever that evil slave says in his heart, ‘My master is delaying,’

With their thinking that all these end-time prophecies have already been fulfilled, and a hundred plus years passing since they were fulfilled, maybe they’ve allowed themselves to be lulled into that complacency?
For the years that the Watchtower Society was an NGO of the UN, they reflected their stand and commitment to the UN through the pages of the Awake magazine..IT stayed that way until a brother saw the for what it was NGO and knew he needed to remove that , I believe, a ten year agreement the WT made with the UN. The influence of the UN for a peaceful world didn't recede from the WT, only changed form.
IT was a little crazy to hear about our neutrality out of one side of their mouth at the KH, then read the promotional supportive of the UN articles in the Awake.
With their thinking that all these end-time prophecies have already been fulfilled, and a hundred plus years passing since they were fulfilled, maybe they’ve allowed themselves to be lulled into that complacency?
This is exactly what I thought when I read Robert's comment too. That an what @Sundial wrote about their narcissism. They have appointed themselves as Christ's brothers, and with that appointment, and the seeming delay of over a hundred years they indeed are saying "My master is delaying." When I found RK's info that was one of my first light bulb moments. They are so puffed up with pride, they cannot see their own imperfections, they have no humility, and cretainly they have to be subconsciencly wondering what the hold up is for Jehovah to bring in their salvation.
They are relying on humans rather than Jehovah to stop a 'cLiMaTe CriSis'..... this is beyond cringe. We are the problem since Jehovah applied one of many restrictions, that one being the benefits of the earth, but that's is no longer since Adam and Eve sinned. It is our own doing and trying to stop it is only going to make things worse. Electric cars, low emissions garbage, wind power that is the least energy efficient... Human solutions will NEVER work. More and more the GB loose credibility by submitting to a group that will evidently want to destroy them.
There are also two very obvious things the prophets at Warwick completely get wrong. First, the true agenda of this COP27 is population reduction. That is their real agenda and a self proclaimed "channel of God", should have the decency to do 5 minutes of actual research to know this. And second, notice how "man ruining the earth" is blamed on God's creation of the life cycle of the earth and not, on the actual damages human corporations are doing, like Monsanto, geoengineering, it's evil C02, what plants breathe and use to create oxygen!
There are also two very obvious things the prophets at Warwick completely get wrong. First, the true agenda of this COP27 is population reduction. That is their real agenda and a self proclaimed "channel of God", should have the decency to do 5 minutes of actual research to know this. And second, notice how "man ruining the earth" is blamed on God's creation of the life cycle of the earth and not, on the actual damages human corporations are doing, like Monsanto, geoengineering, it's evil C02, what plants breathe and use to create oxygen!
Notice when the Dutch government went against the farmers to clear land for a tri country EU mega city/open air prison we've never heard them or anyone bother to explain how Nitrogen which almost 80% of our atmosphere is made of is supposedly a pollutant. It's simply convenient to globalist ends to point the finger at nitrogen do to the elements prominent role in fertilizers. Are they going to just cycle through the periodic table over the next five years to assess how stupid people are?
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501100033_univ_cnt_2_md.jpgI noticed this past week there have been a few earthquakes, foremost in Indonesia and Turkey, although I do not think they are considered to be "great" quakes of devastating magnitude. I was wondering if was going to jump on the current news cycle with an article on earthquakes and sure enough. Curiously, the article is entitled Great Earthquakes—What Did the Bible Prophesy? But the browser tab says: Great Earthquakes in the Last Days--What Does the Bible... Whatever. Of course, it is presented as proof that the last days began in 1914. Under the subheading: Do Today's Earthquakes Fulfill Bible Prophecy? And, of course, the answer is: "Yes. Jesus’ prophecy, including what he said about earthquakes, matches the events we see taking place in our day. Since 1914, there have been more than 1,950 significant earthquakes, which have resulted in a combined death toll of more than two million people."

It used to be that the Watchtower was the lone voice declaring that we are living in the last days and the time of the end. But more and more people are jumping on the end times bandwagon; albeit, only JW's and Bible Students believe 1914 was the beginning. It is noteworthy that Jesus prefaced his prophecy of the conclusion and the parousia by warning his disciples not to be misled, saying: “Look out that you are not misled, for many will come on the basis of my name, saying, ‘I am he,’ and, ‘The due time is near.’ Do not go after them. Furthermore, when you hear of wars and disturbances, do not be terrified. For these things must take place first, but the end will not occur immediately.” -- Luke 21:8-9

The Watchtower has certainly fulfilled the prophecy. The organization has not only come on the basis of Jesus' name but in the name of Jehovah too. And they have certainly proclaimed the message that the due time is near. That has been the core message since the first Watchtower Magazine rolled off the press in 1878. Paul issued a similar warning to the Thessalonians not to be alarmed or shaken from their reason by authoritative proclamations that the presence has begun and the day of the Lord is here. Paul went on to reveal that Jehovah would allow an operation of Satan, which would involve all manner of lying signs and powerful demonic works to go to those who know the truth. And the Watchtower checks the box on that prophecy too. Basically, Satan has been allowed to set up a phony parousia. In other words, the operation of Satan is intended to convince Christians that the last days have begun, and that Bible prophecy is being fulfilled! Incredible. Mission accomplished!

Of note, in recent years the GB has begun referring to the apostles as the first-century governing body, implying that the Watchtower's GB shares equal status with the apostles. Interestingly, Paul said that written material proclaiming that the presence has begun would be passed off as coming from the apostles. In Jesus' letter to the Ephesians, he spoke of those who lyingly claim to be apostles.

You may be certain of one thing: When the last days begin it will not be business as usual. The Watchtower rightly points out that all the things Jesus foretold are part of a composite sign. And Jesus said, "when you see all these things occurring know that I am near at the door." The Watchtower implies that we have seen all the things Jesus foretold. That is a lie. Have we seen terrifying sights from heaven? Have men become faint with fear in anticipation of impending doom? No. And even the Watchtower says so, although they will flip and contradict themselves and claim we have seen all these things.

If these are not the last days where do we stand now in relation to the fulfillment of Jesus' prophecy? For starters, Jesus said before all these things first the good news has to be preached in all the earth. Jehovah's Witnesses have done that. And the Watchtower has been falsely claiming that the due time has arrived for over a century. Could it be that the present proxy war between NATO and Russia in Ukraine is part of the wars and disturbances that are preliminary to world war? It certainly seems so. And you don't have to be a tinfoil hatter to believe that. As stated already, Russia is taking the gloves off, so to speak, and is readying to deliver the knockout blow to Ukraine and all the NATO mercenaries that have flooded into the country. A few more weeks and the ground will be frozen and then the big tanks will roll. NATO and Russia, which possess most of the nuclear weapons in the world, will then be in a hot war. "See that you are not terrified" seems like sound advice.
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Truly an amazing eye opening video thanks!
Almost everyone in the world is deceived by these lying scum and can’t grasp the idea that control by a few over the rest of us is the end game.
This “save the planet hysteria” has become the worlds new idolatrous religion.
Truly a case of worshipping the creation rather than the Creator.
That the WT goes along with the UN’s BS agenda is incomprehensible and is further ongoing evidence of its ingrained apostate nonstop whoring heart condition.
They truly are the modern antitype of ancient Jerusalem aka the Oholibah whore Ezekiel wrote about.
I anger people daily. I moved back East and people speak about God and Jesus quite a lot more than I am used to hearing however, it is lip service. Lip service because the world is still corrupt and vile. I am not in a position to boast as to the Lord but I keep delivering his message and slapping the world upside the head with his condemnation. I irritate people with Jehovah's message and that is satisfying for me. If they knew what is coming they would thank me but that won't happen just yet. Soon enough though I will hear the response change to a more of a begging and pleading. Preach God's word, even if it is foul season. Preach and let them know that they are dying where they stand.
“I irritate people with Jehovah's message and that is satisfying for me.”
Love it!!!
I have been preaching the slightly hidden message of their population control mission for quite some time now. People still laugh at me or get that screwed up look on their face as if to doubt what I preach. I was given awareness. It is not my place to doubt nor question the message I was given. I preach destruction and nothing else now. If that feels uncomfortable then repent while you can. I don't know if I will see any of you in God's paradise but I pray that you are all there in the first meeting after the destruction. There will be a crossover period where you will still smell the death. Our God will not allow us to ever forget the price that was paid in stupidity. The cost of rebellion is blood and that is why blood is holy to Him. It could have been any other component of our bodies but Jehovah God settled on blood. On the day of Jehovah's reconciliation the blood will cover the ground and the stench of it will permeate your senses. Since I have been on this site I have written some things which I deleted later because I felt stupid after having written them. I won't be deleting this. God's hand is near. I feel it. I pray for it and the righteous presents it will bring. I am sick from this world and I need relief.
I think I’m a lot like you Bill. I often wonder what right do I have making it to that new system with all my sins and shortcomings.
But then I think about how it was in the days of ancient Israel how wickedness was so prevalent that Jehovah was seeking to find just one person who at least thought about Him and tried to do what’s right.
The Lord says, “Walk the streets of Jerusalem. Look around and think about these things. Search the public squares of the city. See if you can find one good person, one who does honest things and who searches for the truth. If you find one good person, I will forgive Jerusalem.
Jeremiah 5:1
Think about that.
Jehovah would’ve pardoned the whole wicked city on account of just one right intentioned person.
While I have lots of shortcomings, I would say I have good intentions also.
Spend lots of time just thinking about Jehovah and yearning for a better world.
I guess it’s love of righteousness that sends me over the edge when I see all the unrighteousness going on. Unfortunately there’s a part of my heart that’s really black.
I hope Jehovah never replays those tapes in open court.
Also I have this tendency to forget just how valuable and precious a right thinking and intentioned person really is to Him.
I’ll bet this is Satan’s favorite tactic to separate us from the reality of Jehovahs unfathomable love.
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I have tried to understand Satan's hatred for our God while at the same time remembering that Jehovah is his God as well. I only wished to grasp what it was that turned him. The thing that made him turn against God. For the life of me I cannot grasp this and I hope that is a good thing and that I'm not just stupid. What is it that made Satan so hateful so as to want to corrupt his other creations, namely us, and keep moving forward into that hate? If Jehovah is love then what went wrong with Satan, Lucifer? Jehovah gave him ability and power beyond our understanding and he spurned it. Hate originates with God's enemy so I know that my feelings toward the world are tentative. Righteous indignation at those who reject our Creator. I am losing my patience with this world and it's evil. Beg Jehovah God for deliverance by the hour. We are overdue and I don't mean that as any reflection toward his patience. Jehovah, please forgive my lack of patience toward this evil world. You have every right to be offended whereas I am just along for the ride.
I suppose what was given Satan just wasn’t enough for him.
Same with the likes of billionaires like gates and other elites.
When money ain’t enough they then want total control.
Maybe that’s the point Jesus tried to drill into his students heads about being content with what you have because if you aren’t, you never will be.
I think I’m a lot like you Bill. I often wonder what right do I have making it to that new system with all my sins and shortcomings.
But then I think about how it was in the days of ancient Israel how wickedness was so prevalent that Jehovah was seeking to find just one person who at least thought about Him and tried to do what’s right.
The Lord says, “Walk the streets of Jerusalem. Look around and think about these things. Search the public squares of the city. See if you can find one good person, one who does honest things and who searches for the truth. If you find one good person, I will forgive Jerusalem.
Jeremiah 5:1
Think about that.
Jehovah would’ve pardoned the whole wicked city on account of just one right intentioned person.
While I have lots of shortcomings, I would say I have good intentions also.
Spend lots of time just thinking about Jehovah and yearning for a better world.
I guess it’s love of righteousness that sends me over the edge when I see all the unrighteousness going on. Unfortunately there’s a part of my heart that’s really black.
I hope Jehovah never replays those tapes in open court.
Also I have this tendency to underestimate just how valuable and precious a right thinking and intentioned person really is to Him.
I’ll bet this is Satan’s favorite tactic to separate us from the reality of Jehovahs unfathomable love.
After learning the Truth 40 years ago...20 of those years I was a faithful good Witness....then I fell away until March of this year. You hear the term physically in mentally out....I was the opposite physically out and mentally in. Jehovah was never far from my thoughts. Now as I look back over these past 40 years .... Imagine a puzzle called the puzzle of Life....that has 100 pieces....I only had 45 pieces of this this puzzle....the border and few pieces in the middle...not enough to see the full picture but those pieces were unmovable. With events that have transpired over the past 3 years...going down rabbit hole after rabbit hole...I found this forum.... I now feel I have added 45 more pieces to the puzzle of life....All I can say is...WOW the picture is becoming so clear. I truly believe their are millions just like me...that walked away for what ever reason... but never forgot those 45 pieces of the puzzle of life.