The Watchtower's Information Warfare

I appreciate your support. I wish I had some brilliant idea. :unsure: More emails and letters seem rather pointless. Better yet, I wish I had a few million dollars to work with to publicize the truth. I could make a bigger splash on the Internet. But if it were Jehovah's will I wouldn't have to worry about it. It would happen. My campaign pretty much mirrors the minimal impact the Watchtower has had over the same course. No one is interested. No one wants to hear it, including JWs

I had a dream last night. I forget the context, but in the dream, I decided to write another book. It felt exciting in the dream. Oh boy, another book! Then I woke up, and reality set in. Who am I kidding? What would be the point? Hardly anyone read the last one. I think the only way anyone will ever be receptive is when the missiles fly and the terror sets in. And then it might be too late. I don't know.
Robert, don’t underestimate yourself. You’ve accomplished more than you could imagine. I agree wholeheartedly with @Jahrule’s sentiments, as well as @J&P. I don’t know where I’d be without this forum and reading the commentaries…I had all the answers to my questions about prophecies confirmed.

Like someone said, only a few listened to Jesus, a perfect man and the Son of God. Then Jesus must’ve been downhearted at times but he kept going and accepted that very few would listen.

As to the prophets of old, remember this…

“Even all the chiefs of the priests and the people themselves committed unfaithfulness on a large scale, according to all the detestable things of the nations, so that they defiled the house of Jehovah which he had sanctified in Jerusalem. And Jehovah the God of their forefathers kept sending against them by means of his messengers, sending again and again, because he felt compassion for his people and for his dwelling. But they were continually making jest at the messengers of the [true] God and despising his words and mocking at his prophets, until the rage of Jehovah came up against his people, until there was no healing.” —2 Chronicles 36:14-16

What you’re experiencing is just another fulfillment of prophecy or history repeating itself. As was said, it’s not about numbers…not about quantity but quality. With Jehovah’s backing, you‘ve done much to help so many of us here, and I wholeheartedly thank you for that. 😊
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I could not agree more. I would be a basket case, and completely lost without Robert and this forum. I keep asking myself why Jehovah saw fit to include me in this actual truth, and insight, but all I can come up with is I am just too ornery to let people lie to me continually, and obviously, and endlessly, and finally, it was the "obvious lies" that made me say, "OK, enough is enough", and so here I am, and here we are, and all Glory goes to Jehovah! Thank you to everyone who contributes positively to this "congregation" of actual "true Christians"!!!!!
We are constantly asking each other that very question....what makes us different...why do we see it and most others don't? Maybe we're born skeptics. IDK. What we do know is that we have never prayed so hard in our life as we did when we realized that there was something majorly wrong in the organization. That's our story and we're sticking to it. We have total confidence that Jehovah's spirit directed us here.
Honestly, I just enjoy your content. It's the closest thing I have to fellowship. I love spiritual things, and I love hearing about Jehovah and his plans. It gives me strength in this wicked world.
I have trouble sleeping sometimes, and so I try to find things that will uplift me, usually I am having trouble sleeping because of things going on in this system, things that have happened in my past etc...a few nights ago, I listened to one of Roberts talks lying in bed and I was over whelmed by a feeling of brotherhood. I wish I could spend time with each of you and get to know you guys personally, but what I felt the other night...all I can say is I am so grateful. I wanted to give Robert a call to tell him how much I appreciated what he's doing and how much it means to me. I think we all feel this way to one degree or another!!!
We are constantly asking each other that very question....what makes us different...why do we see it and most others don't? Maybe we're born skeptics. IDK. What we do know is that we have never prayed so hard in our life as we did when we realized that there was something majorly wrong in the organization. That's our story and we're sticking to it. We have total confidence that Jehovah's spirit directed us here.
I felt the same way. It’s as if we were directed, not to another organization or to a leader but to what we needed at the given time as well as now. Jehovah knows his sheep and what they need. The Bible refers to those who are the scattered sheep and for now we’ve been brought here, not only to learn the truth about the truth, spiritual truths, but come together with wonderful like minded friends such as yourself, and Jehovah knows that’s what we need.
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I would have to mirror this sentiment, Robert. This information changed my life. It renewed my faith and gave me a new appreciation for prophecy. It's not always about numbers. Only a handful of people listened to Jesus. If he couldn't make the Jewish establishment of his day listen to him you hardly stand a chance of reaching the establishment of our day, but again it's not about numbers.

Do you remember the widow in the book of Mark and Luke? Jesus and his disciples were in the temple in Jerusalem, observing people giving their offerings to the treasury. Many wealthy people were making large donations, which impressed the disciples. But then a poor widow came along and gave two small copper coins, which were worth only a fraction of what the rich people had given.

Jesus later called his disciples over and told them that the widow had actually given more than all the others, because while the rich people had given out of their surplus, the widow had given everything she had to live on. Well, similarly, you've put your full heart and soul into this work. You may not have had millions of dollars, but you've certainly put enough into it to strengthen my faith. I suspect many others here will agree. You may have an impact behind the scenes you are unaware of. I will live the rest of my life with the insights you've recorded here. Even if I live to be an old man in this system, I will never forget the people I met here or the lessons I learned. I absolutely would not be opposed to another book. Honestly, I just enjoy your content. It's the closest thing I have to fellowship. I love spiritual things, and I love hearing about Jehovah and his plans. It gives me strength in this wicked world.
Tuvimos el mismo pensamiento con la viuda hoy!! 😁 Unos pocos salvos poblaron la Tierra, como en los días de Noe.☺️
what makes us different...why do we see it and most others don't? Maybe we're born skeptics.
I am reminded of something my Father said to me not long before he died. One of my brothers who'd had a lot of problems with the friends, he would cut off all association with his friends and even his family, if he even suspected anyone was critical of his wife. And my other two older brothers had similar issues. I was the second to the youngest, and I had gotten very close to my father as an adult and we talked a lot about these issues. He told me once, "You're the only one of my sons (5 sons), who make any sense." My oldest brother, he's still alive and still every bit as arrogant as ever, he never lets the opportunity go by to let you know how smart he thinks he is. We were talking about our dad, and he mentioned how our father was almost genius level;, and something to the effect "none of us got what dad had"...and then basically insinuated that he thinks he's the closest to dad's in intellect...I laugh to myself, and keep it to myself, but I think to myself, "That's not what dad jackass!!!" LOL!!!

I don't know what it is exactly, that makes us this way...but I am very glad and I KNOW we are in GOOD COMPANY. I was listening to another talk of RK's not that long ago and he said something like... "I know I am right." I have to say I agree...maybe not 100% about everything, but about what matters!!!!! So I concur, I know he's right too!!!
He said something like... "I know I am right." I have to say I agree...maybe not 100% about everything, but about what matters!!!!! So I concur, I know he's right too!!!
Guess we listened to the same talk because I remember him saying that as well.

We also agree with most everything Robert says or we wouldn't be here. It didn't take us long to make it home. We knew almost instantly we had found the "gold at the end of the rainbow" after unequivocally rejecting 100% of the other sites. Nothing else had sticking power for us simply because they threw out all the doctrines we 100% believed. So thanks to everyone for making us feel welcome. We just kinda barged our way in and never really introduced ourselves to anyone but Watchman which we did via email. We didn't realize till much later there was a forum for introductions. Sorry about that.
That's so true. I was just looking at the two billboards again and realized the top one (above) only has two images, neither of which are Watchtower copyrighted. So, had they actually tried to use the court to pull down the billboards, they would not have had any legal standing. Even so, they used the city to do their dirty work for them. Our friend in Slovakia tells me he has something else lined up, though. I think maybe Jehovah is moving some people to conduct urban guerrilla warfare
That sounds like a plan. 👍🏼
Perhaps when WW3 has officially started. Maybe everyone on the forum could send a letter to Warwick announcing The second coming.of Our Savior Jesus Christ
I like that Melinda…sounds like a good idea. After all, I remember when we wrote letters to the governments in Rwanda and Russia. This would be time better spent when that time comes. They’ll be flooded with mail.
"I would have to mirror this sentiment, Robert. This information changed my life. It renewed my faith and gave me a new appreciation for prophecy"

well put Jahrule.. i would think there are quite a few of us here who have this experience😉
Guess we listened to the same talk because I remember him saying that as well.

We also agree with most everything Robert says or we wouldn't be here. It didn't take us long to make it home. We knew almost instantly we had found the "gold at the end of the rainbow" after unequivocally rejecting 100% of the other sites. Nothing else had sticking power for us simply because they threw out all the doctrines we 100% believed. So thanks to everyone for making us feel welcome. We just kinda barged our way in and never really introduced ourselves to anyone but Watchman which we did via email. We didn't realize till much later there was a forum for introductions. Sorry about that.
No, not everyone gives an introduction, but I will say, you both need no introduction. You’re already known and loved by us. Thank you both for being here.
I have been at war with the Watchtower for a very long time. It really began when their secret 10-year political partnership with the UN came to light in 2001, and they lied about the nature of their affiliation with the United Nations. In 2004, I did a massive mailout to every Kingdom Hall in America, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and the United Kingdom, exposing their hypocrisy. Over the years since then, I have done other less extensive mailouts but started getting lots of return mail due to no receptacle on the premises. Each mailout resulted in and increase of the percentage of returns. Now it appears that only about a quarter of Kingdom Halls receive mail. Evidently, the word has quietly gone out, probably through circuit overseers, to remove mailboxes from the property so as to prevent receiving letters from me. All correspondence with the WT and utility bills and that sort of thing are directed to some elder's private home. We are talking about some serious information warfare.

Some months ago, a brother in Slovakia posted two billboards across the street from the Bethel branch in Bratislava. He sent me photos. (Below) He did so to direct interest to the e-watchman site in Slovak, which brother Joel runs. We can only imagine the stir it created among JW Bethelites and visitors who got off and on the bus next to the boards. After a few weeks, the WT contacted the advertising agency and demanded that the posters be taken down on the grounds of copyright violations. However, the brother only leased the space for three months, so the contract expired without the advertisements being removed.

The brother just contacted me to say he wanted to renew the space and use different images to avoid copyright infringement, only to find out that the two billboards had been entirely removed. Mind you, not the images, but both structures were gone! Just like the mailboxes in the US - poof!! Apparently, the Watchtower complained to the city officials, and they ordered the boards to be removed because they were a source of "disruptive information smog." :ROFLMAO: I gotta remember that one.

I have no doubt that if the Watchtower had the power, they would create huge bonfires to burn books and pamphlets that expose their wicked doings. Stuff like this, though, jacks me up and moves me to intensify my information warfare against Warwick Castle.

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At least some curious people will go to the website to read it hehe
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I was planning to try and get a hold of a literature cart, and stand by it - outside of this summer's District convention, with your book- Jehovah Himself has become King, and those really nice glossy colorful Watchmen - Annoincing Jehovah's Judgment- brochures. ( the Coming fall of the house of God , the Watchtower's Secret Partnership with the U.N. , The Day of Jehovah what will it mean for Jehovah's Witnesses, and the Second Coming of Christ what will it mean for you? ) but I only have a few of each one.
Also I was going to have one of the chapters of your audiobook playing loud on my I pod, maybe the chapter - Collapse of the Watchtower .(as I stood by my Cart) 🔊
Those glossy brochures are really beautiful and very well made, and with a hard hitting message.
But I thought they might be less expensive to make if they were made out of a much thinner cheaper paper, like the - Watchtower's & Awake's have been, and that way many more could be distributed or handed out from our own street witnessing Cart work- especially at the Conventions.

Just my two cents of some ideas to get the message out, that's been rolling around in my head.

P.S - If you ever want to do another book, put all your great answers on the Trinity - together in one small paperback book that we can carry around with us to have on hand . You have some great answers on those scriptures. ( Trinitarians heads are just as thick as most JW'S )

Those are just a few ideas I had, and thanks again brother King for all you do. 👍🖋 📖 💼
classic idea. Love it!
A billboard near Warwick that would say:

Luke 21:24
Revelation 11:2
Daniel 12:7

Bethelites would feel 'safe' to look those up.
I love this because it points to prophecies they currently don’t understand are still future and yet when they actually experience it after the Chosen Ones begin to shine, then, if Jehovah is willing, they may call these scriptures to mind.”

Psalm 37:3: “Trust in Jehovah and do what is good; Reside in the earth, and act with faithfulness.”
A billboard near Warwick that would say:

Luke 21:24
Revelation 11:2
Daniel 12:7

Bethelites would feel 'safe' to look those up.
I wanted to just quote those scriptures to make it easy for the readers to understand your message. The full impact may be felt by seeing them side by side.

Luke 21:24: “And they will fall by the edge of the sword and be led captive into all the nations; and Jerusalem will be trampled on by the nations until the appointed times of the nations are fulfilled.”

Revelation 11:2: “But as for the courtyard that is outside the temple sanctuary, leave it out and do not measure it, because it has been given to the nations, and they will trample the holy city underfoot for 42 months.”

Daniel 12:7: “Then I heard the man clothed in linen, who was up above the waters of the stream, as he raised his right hand and his left hand to the heavens and swore by the One who is alive forever: “It will be for an appointed time, appointed times, and half a time. As soon as the dashing to pieces of the power of the holy people comes to an end, all these things will come to their finish.”