World War Three Updates

What will be the ICJ's decision upon Israel? Don't hold any breath; Previously the ICJ ruled against Russia's defense of the Russian speaking Donbas also Israel is not obliged to subject it'self to any of it's judgement.
It's no matter what judgement the Hague pronounces! Netanyahu: "No one will stop us not the Hague, not the Axis of Evil no one! The beast is not only supporting genocide in Gaza but with attacking Yemen they are forcing already too high prices for people who here in U.K depend on food banks and hand outs!
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It's no matter what judgement the Hague pronounces! Netanyahu: "No one will stop us not the Hague, not the Axis of Evil no one! The beast is not only supporting genocide in Gaza but with attacking Yemen they are forcing already too high prices for people who here in U.K depend on food banks and hand outs!
Something has changed in the ruling class in the last few years. (this includes the watchtower, ruling over the people who have taken Jehovah's Name) They have no concern to hide their tyranny. Out in the open they condemn themselves. All that is needed is a just court and they will loose their lives forever. It seems they know they have a short period of time. Christ is coming. Who will be able to stand.
Something has changed in the ruling class in the last few years. (this includes the watchtower, ruling over the people who have taken Jehovah's Name) They have no concern to hide their tyranny. Out in the open they condemn themselves. All that is needed is a just court and they will loose their lives forever. It seems they know they have a short period of time. Christ is coming. Who will be able to stand.
You are so right. They do not hide their evil agenda any more. I will forever wonder how they ever thought they were going to stand against Jehovah and win. What is a few years compared to eternity....Why?
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Something has changed in the ruling class in the last few years. (this includes the watchtower, ruling over the people who have taken Jehovah's Name) They have no concern to hide their tyranny. Out in the open they condemn themselves. All that is needed is a just court and they will loose their lives forever. It seems they know they have a short period of time. Christ is coming. Who will be able to stand.
Why would they hide?

They got complete control of the big media, which completely ignores what's going on outside of their own interests. You got a HUGE farmers protests going on in Germany and few other nations and unless you are on Twitter following some channels, it's crickets.

The big media = Ignores it
The internet = Echo chamber

They proved in 2020 that most people are baboons that completely justify scientists that believe in we evolved from mere monkeys. What's the difference? Oh wait, humans are worse. At least monkeys don't actively destroy the planet and their offspring.

To me it feels like it's not the Devil that puts the veil over them. People put the veil over their own eyes. Like Yuri said, once you get the ball rolling you don't need to put in any additional effort because the population destroys itself.
The last people you want to upset is the Indian nation, besides of course, the Russians, North Koreans, Chinese, South Americans, Germans, French, Pakistan, Vietnamese, Finns, Polish, Balkans and all of Africa, not to mention of course, California, Mississippi and Texas. But when it comes down to it, do not, whatever you do, land a missile in Ireland. Upset the Catholics and the Protestants and everything gets blown up.
The last people you want to upset is the Indian nation, besides of course, the Russians, North Koreans, Chinese, South Americans, Germans, French, Pakistan, Vietnamese, Finns, Polish, Balkans and all of Africa, not to mention of course, California, Mississippi and Texas. But when it comes down to it, do not, whatever you do, land a missile in Ireland. Upset the Catholics and the Protestants and everything gets blown up.
Why are we left out?? Not important enough :cry:
Farmers are demanding faster payment of subsidies and compensation for those affected by drought or disruptions caused by Ukrainian grain imports.
From the reading I've been doing on Twitter, I think there's a possibility they'll blame these farmers as being infiltrated as a Russian operation to block support to Ukraine. After that things are going to go bad, real fast.
Great. I’ll just keep a couple of cows. According to climate change scientists, cows produce so much methane that we can live quite warmly on two cows, and the feed is now cheaper than electricity anyway. AND ….I can double the output - not personally of course, - but simply by adding a good curry sauce to their feed. Think positively Paul !!! There must be some spare cows in Holland with all those farmers going to the wall. Get yourself fitted up and start cooking with Cows!
Great. I’ll just keep a couple of cows. According to climate change scientists, cows produce so much methane that we can live quite warmly on two cows, and the feed is now cheaper than electricity anyway. AND ….I can double the output - not personally of course, - but simply by adding a good curry sauce to their feed. Think positively Paul !!! There must be some spare cows in Holland with all those farmers going to the wall. Get yourself fitted up and start cooking with Cows!
Gas prices have exploded in the Netherlands... We pay the highest prices for gas, even though the Netherlands has the largest gas reserves in the ground. Check out these stats (country names are written in Dutch but its explanatory enough) We will own nothing and be happy... Not even a couple of cows...
United Kingdom is on the 4th place.. but still the Dutch pay 30%+more than the Brits