World War Three Updates

Never had a high regard for Roosevelt in the past but beginning to have a lot more "respect" for him after reading some of the articles posted on the forum.
Thanks for the article, Mick. Very interesting.
Roosevelt after not attending the 1933's banking convention in London's attempt to take over the world's finances he narrowly avoided being assasinated in Chicago, an onlooker pulled on the arm of the assassin and inadvertently caused the death of the Mayor! General Smedley Butler also at that time prevented a government take over by fascists complicit in devising the attempt on Roosevelt's life or else it would have been all over for America's chances of getting out of the cabal induced depression. smedley butlers speech#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:6ca0e84d,vid:74wrX8rKtzw,st:0 P.s Yes, Roosevelt did some terrible things; yet is that not the requisite for the seat of power? God bless the Internet.
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The difference between the US attack
On the Nord stream pipeline and the US attack on Crocus Massacre is the following. Putin never did come out and publicly confirm the US destroyed the pipeline… if he had he would have had to do something in retaliation . The Crocus Massacreis is different because Putin has publicly confirmed NATO US is behind the attack. Now he will have to respond. The Russian media said we are in the same situation as the Cuban missile crisis....of course our media is on purpose asleep at the wheel
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General Smedley Butler also at that time prevented a government take over by fascists complicit in devising the attempt on Roosevelt's life or else it would have been all over for America's chances of getting out of the cabal induced depression. P.s Yes, Roosevelt did some terrible things; yet is that not the requisite for the seat of power? God bless the Internet.
Never, in a million years, would we have foreseen a time when taking an "oath to protect the constitution of the United States" would be a bad thing in the eyes of any American.
They must want Jehovah's day as much as we do! Hee hee. They better have those caves ready to crawl into!
They have bunkers... They must be saying in their heads: we don't care if those disgusting beasts die of famine, war, and pestilence. We have a refuge here... But they will join all those who will say: “Fall over us and hide us from the face of the One seated on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb, because the great day of their wrath has come, and who is able to stand?"
No one will escape Jehovah's wrath.
They have bunkers... They must be saying in their heads: we don't care if those disgusting beasts die of famine, war, and pestilence. We have a refuge here... But they will join all those who will say: “Fall over us and hide us from the face of the One seated on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb, because the great day of their wrath has come, and who is able to stand?"
No one will escape Jehovah's wrath.
It seems that at some point, what they have planned will get out of their hands, and that's why they will say that.
AngloAmerican's 150,000 millitary serving on numerous bases to China's three! The U.S daily provokes China by parading it's ships in the Taiwan straight, China's back yard! If China was to have bases in the Gulf of Mexico the Global Cabal would be furious. They are blaming China for election interfering accusing them of undermining the freedoms of democracy......Look at what U.S and Great Britain did to China for a hundred years or more in two Opium wars subjecting the Chinese to addiction and complete take over! The hypocrisy is overwhelming! Jehovah's day will sort them!
FWIW the Chinese are interfering in elections in the Western world. Just ask Trudeau in Kanada. I'm sure he made out like a bandit.

FWIW the Chinese are interfering in elections in the Western world. Just ask Trudeau in Kanada. I'm sure he made out like a bandit.

Thanks Kirmmy: The thing is they don't need foreign interference to scupper the outcomes they do their own interfering by saluting a Nazi infront of the world! They have got away with it for so long they think they are immune to public scrutiny.
BREAKING: Iran calls for all Islamic countries to unite against Israel.

BREAKING: Israel's Air Force declares state of maximum alert following Iranian threats.

🇮🇷🇮🇱⚡- The CIA allegedly informed Israel that Iran would attack within the next 48 hours – Story circulated in Russian media.