World War Three Updates

Just a little extra comment about that so called bishop who got stabbed in Australia yesterday...
Listen to what he said during the c-19 scamdemic! What if the GB said the same thing during their "pandemic video updates" on JW-Broadcast?
I watched some of his stuff on YouTube, I liked his passion for preaching, just a shame he believes in the trinity.
Just a little extra comment about that so called bishop who got stabbed in Australia yesterday...
Listen to what he said during the c-19 scamdemic! What if the GB said the same thing during their "pandemic video updates" on JW-Broadcast?
He called out almost everyone. Clearly he was targeted but as soon as I saw the first clip of the attack I said so. I'm probably on a few lists somewhere but I'm not alone. The time has come to be tested as to how fully we believe the things we say we do. Tested we will be.
Just a little extra comment about that so called bishop who got stabbed in Australia yesterday...
Listen to what he said during the c-19 scamdemic! What if the GB said the same thing during their "pandemic video updates" on JW-Broadcast?
After listening to what he said ( a truth bomb for sure ) , I truly believe that the elites in control of one of the secret societies , had someone sent in to stab him to death , he has a pretty big following on youtube and a lot of what he says exposes them and their satanic new world order plan.
At least he's not a coward about it, like the JW governing body.
You know you are in Jesus Christ grace when the world hates you because you expose the lies like preacher Mari Mari is doing. During Covid pandemic, the world loved Jehovah's Witnesses for staying home, stopping their outdoor preaching work, even Bill De Blasio, the former mayor in New York praised them for having a 99% of the bethel family in NY vaccinated. When that piece of garbage praises you that should be a sign that you lost Jesus Christ favor. A worldly and corrupt politician like that praising the organization as a good example. Meanwhile, those of us who didn't take it were hated by the world powers because we had faith over fear.

I can appreciate Mari Mari's courage in standing firm and actually use practical wisdom to warn people about all these frauds during that time.

I watched some of his stuff on YouTube, I liked his passion for preaching, just a shame he believes in the trinity.
I know what you mean SkinnyAndShort , but EVERY single Christian group believes a whole lot of nonsense mixed with Truth as JW'S do also, Christianity isn't just the Watchtower & JW's , they certainly don't have a corner on the Truth.
In fact they lost any credibility that they had - a long time ago.
When Jesus really returns, he will burn up all the doctrines made of grass, hay, and stubble.
And other Christians , maybe even this preacher, might make it through - to be part of the coming great crowd, but it will be as coming through the fire and be saved , but with much loss .
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You know you are in Jesus Christ grace when the world hates you because you expose the lies like preacher Mari Mari is doing. During Covid pandemic, the world loved Jehovah's Witnesses for staying home, stopping their outdoor preaching work, even Bill De Blasio, the former mayor in New York praised them for having a 99% of the bethel family in NY vaccinated. When that piece of garbage praises you that should be a sign that you lost Jesus Christ favor. A worldly and corrupt politician like that praising the organization as a good example. Meanwhile, those of us who didn't take it were hated by the world powers because we had faith over fear.

I can appreciate Mari Mari's courage in standing firm and actually use practical wisdom to warn people about all these frauds during that time.

I wonder if they claimed their free burger and fries.
🇮🇱/🇮🇷 BREAKING: The Israeli War Cabinet meeting has ended, with the final decision to strike targets inside Iran, as soon as possible – Hebrew Media
In an interview this morning, Colonel (R) Douglas, McGreggor says that Congress will listen and follow orders from Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu first before following orders from Biden… so without hesitation the US will support Israel.
i can promise you if the GB had said that during the pandemic over half of the witnesses would leave the organization. I would dare to say at least 50-60% of the sheep are liberals. The hatred for Trump ran hi in the congregations i attended. I thought witnesses were politically neutral. Yea that is the biggest misconception about Witnesses. Common sense was lost in the organization just like the rest of the world during covid.
I agree and MediTator and I witnessed the same thing. In fact, the husband of a sister, who is claiming to be anointed, was out in service and made some weird political joke about Trump’s children to a householder and it was very embarrassing. The household was very annoyed and I was in shock that in the door to door service he would say something like that.
I agree and MediTator and I witnessed the same thing. In fact, the husband of a sister, who is claiming to be anointed, was out in service and made some weird political joke about Trump’s children to a householder and it was very embarrassing. The household was very annoyed and I was in shock that in the door to door service he would say something like that.
yea thats not being politically neutral . It brings reproach on the organization when you tout and make the claim you stand neutral and out of the world affairs. My wife and i attended a congregation when Obama was elected alot of the brothers and sisters went to the inauguration. Alot of statements made negative about Trump in field service groups, etc. The society is of course on the political bandwagon when they tout the UN as the " experts" about climate change.
yea thats not being politically neutral . It brings reproach on the organization when you tout and make the claim you stand neutral and out of the world affairs. My wife and i attended a congregation when Obama was elected alot of the brothers and sisters went to the inauguration. Alot of statements made negative about Trump in field service groups, etc. The society is of course on the political bandwagon when they tout the UN as the " experts" about climate change.
Part of the reason I left Methodism was due to how they contributed to the Healthcare Act during the Obama administration. I didn't want a church that was getting involved in all that.
My in-laws were theocratic which lines up more with conservative lifestyles and while they wished for Trump to win they always knew that ultimately it doesn't matter. However it works out is how it was going to. I voted for cousin Ronnie even though I knew he wasn't a real Republican. A few years later I started studying with the local congregation and realized what I'd though all along.
It's a waste of time and thought.
Generally speaking. Those that are well informed about politics and actually research topics and don't rely on mainstream media propaganda for their only sources of information. They are more likely to favor Trump, despite lying to themselves about their political thoughts. Everyone has a bias and to claim neutrality is being intellectually dishonest with yourself and others. I favor Trump more even though I know this world is fleeting. I still want to live in a good economy. Makes it much easier to raise a family and prepare ahead of times for emergency's.

Those that cringe about politics and think researching anything political is a waste of time. They usually have a bias towards Democrats. As mainstream media propaganda is easily accessible to them and because they don't do the research themselves they set themselves up for falling into the propaganda. This was made most apparent during the COVID-19 pandemic. And there were many uninformed JW's that were naive. They did not think for themselves. They had 2 options. Listen to the GB and shut off their brain or pray to Jehovah to make the right decision and use Jehovah's channel for themselves instead of relying on others. I prayed about it as at the time I was troubled by it and wanted to pray to Jehovah that I was making the right decision. I felt like Jehovah answered my prayer as I felt more confident about my decision to stay unvaccinated. In your spirit, you have a calm and serene feeling that you made the right decision. If I didn't make the right decision. I would have the spirit of panic and would just follow the crowd instead of following the holy spirit provided by Jehovah's channel that most mature Christians can access. It's not mutually exclusive to the GB as they say. A spiritual baby may not have that ability to do so with the lack of applying biblical wisdom to their life, however, most of us aren't spiritual baby's anymore.
If I didn't make the right decision. I would have the spirit of panic and would just follow the crowd instead of following the holy spirit provided by Jehovah's channel that most mature Christians can access. It's not mutually exclusive to the GB as they say. A spiritual baby may not have that ability to do so with the lack of applying biblical wisdom to their life, however, most of us aren't spiritual baby's anymore.
Here is a tiny nugget that rekindled my spider sense at a time when I thought I had found the absolute truth. Being new I had questions that were sometimes uncomfortable for a seasoned JW. An elder once informed me that our magazines were well researched to prevent errors and of course, holy spirit. An Awake magazine from the mid-eighties had a short blurb in the back about a new fad called elevator surfing. The idea is that there were people in New York who would break into an elevator shaft and as a car was passing they would hop from car to car.
The sister I ended up marrying was previously married to an elevator mechanic so as a consequence, she knew a thing or two about elevators.
I showed her the magazine with the surfing bit and she casually dismissed it and said that it isn't possible because in buildings with multiple elevators they run chain link fencing all the way up the elevator shaft to prevent one elevator from affecting another if something failed.
She told me the story was fake but she didn't mention that she had just called out Watchtower for printing something false. I didn't comment. She was a lifelong JW and I was newer.
I filed it away and that was the first thing that made me rethink what I'd gotten into.

Institute for Political Economy​

Republican Speaker of the House Flushes US Constitution Down the Toilet​

April 17, 2024 | Categories: Articles & Columns | Tags: | Print This Article Print This Article

By Paul Craig Roberts
As I predicted on April 11, the police state got the Republicans to reconsider and to pass their warrantless spying and home entry. The Republican Speaker of the House Mike Johnson cast the deciding vote that nixed the warrant requirement.
This tells us all we need to know about Republicans. They are part of the problem.
Super-Patriots will say “we have to do this to protect ourselves from terrorists.” They don’t understand that without the Constitution we have no protection.
Edward Snowden reports that the situation is even more serious than I thought. A section of the FISA Act is being enlarged to require every company and person that provides any internet-related service to assist NSA surveillance.
NSA “Just Days Away From Taking Over The Internet” Warns Ed Snowden
“This bill represents one of the most dramatic and terrifying expansions of government surveillance authority in history.”