If you claim to be Anointed. How do you know? Really How?

Hi Barnaby,
In one sense those on the earth are superior in that those heavenly ones who only exist to serve the earthly ones for a 1000years under their rule. For example overseers or elders are meant to be like restaurant ‘waiters’ serving us. Obviously most of them forget this and think the opposite. Also there would be no bride class if Adam had not sinned. The primary purpose regarding this planet was to ‘fill‘ the earth with Jehovahs earthly children. I liked your point of wanting to hear and feel Jehovah’s windy voice as did Adam and Eve in the garden. Nice one. Regards Paz.
Now I remember, in fact, the Lord Jesus said that those who thinks he is the greatest or first should serve as a minister. Thanks for this.
This site has become a sanctuary for me. It is a place where I can ponder the deep things of God without worrying about who is looking over my shoulder. I can also express my ideas and receive instant feedback to help adjust my thinking. I have only ever been spoon fed the word of God by means of WT publications. I do not know how to feed myself. It has been humbling and even humiliating at times when I completely "ruin a meal" that I thought was properly prepared. In times past I was privileged to give public talks. The instructions were to stick close to the outline. In reality, the only thing I actually prepared was my presentation of that material. The mother bird took in the deep things of God, processed them, and regurgitated a ready-to-eat talk. All I needed to do was swallow. That only works while the mother bird is there to pre-digest the food. What happens when the chick needs to forage for itself?

This idea about the anointed has been festering within me for some months now. When I think of how David dealt with Saul, how he was so convinced that Saul was the anointed of Jehovah that he would refuse to lift his hand against him. It makes me ponder if I were called to court to testify on behalf of one of the GB and they asked me point blank, "do you swear, under oath, that this man is the anointed of Jehovah?" could I, in good conscience, answer to the affirmative? David was convinced of Saul's anointing because it was a public ceremony. Had Samuel and Saul misused the holy anointing oil, Jehovah surely would have struck them both dead. As they lived, it was clear the arrangement had Jehovah's blessing. I have no such assurance with the GB and therefore could not, in good conscience, confirm their anointing.

I do believe there will be anointed ones again on the earth and that is based on Robert's article below. It has had a power influence on my view of Jesus' future presence. This statement is particularly powerful:

I believe that many of the truths locked up in Revelation will be clarified by Jehovah through these anointed ones when he pours out his spirit upon them.

Your candid honesty is refreshing to read xrt49 (your handle sounds like a computer site - I’m sure you have a more pronounceable name!). Doubtless all will be made clear In the near future.
Hi Barnaby,
In one sense those on the earth are superior in that those heavenly ones who only exist to serve the earthly ones for a 1000years under their rule. For example overseers or elders are meant to be like restaurant ‘waiters’ serving us. Obviously most of them forget this and think the opposite. Also there would be no bride class if Adam had not sinned. The primary purpose regarding this planet was to ‘fill‘ the earth with Jehovahs earthly children. I liked your point of wanting to hear and feel Jehovah’s windy voice as did Adam and Eve in the garden. Nice one. Regards Paz.
Thanks for your reply Paz. Much appreciated.
Hi All
I have found a website by an anointed brother he has written on why he feels as anointed one and quotes from F Franz who explained his view in 1952. See ‘Are there Two hopes? https://templesanctuary.org I am not saying I am in complete agreement but his view is interesting. I agree that ‘other sheep’ were called from 36ce or thereabouts. My difference is the earthly group I believe existed amongst the brotherhood in the 1st century as they do today. Not when Rutherford claimed in 1935ce.
I found his writings enlightening . Regards, P.
Indeed. I read and also heard Franz’ views, that he considered that the hope was just there in much the same manner as we have differing aspirations in life but then I came to understand the calling as something different. In other words, that it was not inbuilt, but offered - and offered upon an understanding - in many respects, not unlike the Ethiopian’s acceptance of Phillip‘s explanation. I would very much like to understand the meaning of anointing too. I think the majority of the sheep would like to know, not to satisfy curiosity I hasten to add, but to understand more the minds of those whom Jehovah chooses. Certainly, Jehovah does not favour one above the other, but chooses those whom He wishes to do His will, or demonstrate His will, as with pharaoh and the Red Sea. That is one ‘anointing’ I would like to avoid. Thus I wonder sometimes how any of us can be found worthy. Clearly some are, yet I still feel it is not necessarily something that relies on insight, but upon the attributes as it is said that all the learning one can have, is as nothing if you do not have love. Now an understanding of the complexity of love would qualify one for ruling with Christ. It is rather a labour of love to produce this site for 20 years plus.
I apologize for the screen name. I'm PIMO and so anonymity is important. The number and letter combination is significant to me alone. At this point, I can't even introduce myself properly to everyone for fear of giving away too much information. It is disappointing. I appreciate the warm welcome all the more for it.
I thought it might be. My dog is my passport to anonymity. He types quite well with his paws. I’m mentally retired too, but not disfellowshipped just exasperated! Anyway, it’s lovely to have you here and enjoying the light.
First I will start off with I know the verses.. I was once an elder in the Org. I have heard it said well you need not ask ones who are.. But I say nonsense because there has to be something that is proof positive that you have the calling if not I see no reason why you can make such a positive claim. What was it that first makes a person know? Has anyone ever explained an experience? Did they experience something one time that told them they were called but then it stopped and they knew they had to live up to it afterward. The verses say the Spirit Keeps bearing witness to our Spirit that we are God's Children... So is there repeated signs/testimonies or reminders that God's Spirit is on a person. I find the subject fascinating. I once had an experience where I asked internally when half awake, what is it like to be anointed? Then immediately I had a presence/flash don't know how else to describe it convey to me this is what its like, then I felt a flush of positivity knowing for sure I was... I could not have thought up that experience. That's what makes me wonder.. It was an amazing experience. I did not mention to anyone prior to that about anointing. It was internal. I immediately awoken flabbergasted and in shock. I didn't want to trust that experience and make the assumption that I was anointed. The reason is because I have had demon harassment in my youth for about a year so I knew what demons are capable of. So I learned never to trust one supernatural experience. Rather to be slow to grabbing onto an emotional experience. Til this day after feeling persecuted by the org I made no attempts to embracing thoughts of anointing. I even mentioned to a C.O. at one time I felt I was being attacked/persecuted from within the Org in various ways through many strange and bizarre experiences that just seem to come my way without invitation or activities on my end.. Something just did not seem right. Something was unholy in the Org and I felt that deliberately the org was trying to control even who is anointed in a psychological way keeping things hush hush.. Although through the years I had a feeling something was up. I don't expect people in the world to define the experience. If honest hearted people are here maybe they have thoughts to share on the subject.
This is a good question. I was born in and I'm now 66yrs old. I have never even thought about whether I was being called or anointed. I developed a check list for myself long ago. It goes like this:
Do I want to have a beautiful wife and kids in paradise? Answer Yes
Do I want a 52ft sailboat to sail the worlds oceans? Answer Yes
Do I want to meet people and have a zillion friends? Answer Yes
Do I want to surf all over the world with my friends? Answer Yes
Do I want to snow ski or snowboard with my friends? Answer Yes
Do I want to drink the finest of wine with my friends? Answer YES!
Do I want to welcome back the resurrected ones? Answer Yes
Do I want to sleep in when I want to? Answer Yes
Do I want to draw closer to Jehovah and Jesus? Answer Yes
Do I want to have to have Godly wisdom on earth? Answer That would be nice for a change
Do I want to teach Noah, Moses, how to surf and ski? Answer Yes
Do I want to play with all the animals? Answer yes
Do I want to play golf with my family and friends? Answer Yes...I'm willing to cut the fairways and greens when its
my turn but I'll let the goats, that will be wandering around, take care of the rough. They love grass.

So you see why Brothers and Sisters that I don't have the calling.
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This is a good question. I was born in and I'm now 66yrs old. I have never even thought about whether I was being called or anointed. I developed a check list for myself long ago. It goes like this:
Do I want to have a beautiful wife and kids in paradise? Answer Yes
Do I want a 52ft sailboat to sail the worlds oceans? Answer Yes
Do I want to meet people and have a zillion friends? Answer Yes
Do I want to surf all over the world with my friends? Answer Yes
Do I want to snow ski or snowboard with my friends? Answer Yes
Do I want to drink the finest of wine with my friends? Answer YES!
Do I want to welcome back the resurrected ones? Answer Yes
Do I want to sleep in when I want to? Answer Yes
Do I want to draw closer to Jehovah and Jesus? Answer Yes
Do I want to have to have Godly wisdom on earth? Answer That would be nice for a change
Do I want to teach Noah, Moses, how to surf and ski? Answer Yes
Do I want to play with all the animals? Answer yes

So you see why Brothers and Sisters that I don't have the calling.
Oh yes you do Brother Potato, but it’s to enjoy earth. Just plant your feet in it and see what happens. It’s obviously where your roots are and I have no doubts there will be new potatoes too. But i know my onions, so I will not let that leek out. Lettuce pray then to make hay while the sun shines and remain the apple of Jehovah’s eye and see if we cannot pear up with someone to help in the preaching, so that new seeds of faith may sprout. I have to quit now because I need a pea.
First I will start off with I know the verses.. I was once an elder in the Org. I have heard it said well you need not ask ones who are.. But I say nonsense because there has to be something that is proof positive that you have the calling if not I see no reason why you can make such a positive claim. What was it that first makes a person know? Has anyone ever explained an experience? Did they experience something one time that told them they were called but then it stopped and they knew they had to live up to it afterward. The verses say the Spirit Keeps bearing witness to our Spirit that we are God's Children... So is there repeated signs/testimonies or reminders that God's Spirit is on a person. I find the subject fascinating. I once had an experience where I asked internally when half awake, what is it like to be anointed? Then immediately I had a presence/flash don't know how else to describe it convey to me this is what its like, then I felt a flush of positivity knowing for sure I was... I could not have thought up that experience. That's what makes me wonder.. It was an amazing experience. I did not mention to anyone prior to that about anointing. It was internal. I immediately awoken flabbergasted and in shock. I didn't want to trust that experience and make the assumption that I was anointed. The reason is because I have had demon harassment in my youth for about a year so I knew what demons are capable of. So I learned never to trust one supernatural experience. Rather to be slow to grabbing onto an emotional experience. Til this day after feeling persecuted by the org I made no attempts to embracing thoughts of anointing. I even mentioned to a C.O. at one time I felt I was being attacked/persecuted from within the Org in various ways through many strange and bizarre experiences that just seem to come my way without invitation or activities on my end.. Something just did not seem right. Something was unholy in the Org and I felt that deliberately the org was trying to control even who is anointed in a psychological way keeping things hush hush.. Although through the years I had a feeling something was up. I don't expect people in the world to define the experience. If honest hearted people are here maybe they have thoughts to share on the subject.
I agree largely with your thoughts. I think it wise to revisit an experience of anointing, given that as humans, we are subject to sin and in maintaining the standards required on a daily basis. I feel that certainly the times in which we live are unique. The fabric of society is degrading as we look on and the norms of society are crumbling away on a daily basis. Everything I have read here and elsewhere as to Holy Spirit (as we understand it in our limited way) and it’s assumed revelation to man can be mimicked by the mind - I do not mean that in any derogatory way - the mind is capable of far more than we are aware of on a day to day basis and a sense of euphoria is far from uncommon. We still do not understand the formulation of our experiences as we sense them to be. It is quite simple for example, to make the mind substitute (see) one colour for another. I think you are absolutely correct in that such a gift requires an equal amount of self discipline and attention to the Word. As Lett once said at an assembly, Jehovah‘s standards do not change; it is ourselves that need to conform to His ways, not His to ours. Therefore the responsibility is upon us to meet those standards. It seems to me that anointing is a two edged sword that requires a reciprocal devotion to duty and in this time, that feels more like a call to arms for the battle to come. I sincerely hope that I can be involved in helping these ones, even if it only to knock one of their oppressors over the head with my walking stick.