2022 JW Convention

I get the impression the Org is trying to evangelize to the left leaning crowd. The thing is I have had some good experiences with people on the right when it came to Bible discussion.
People who understand ā€œdisciplineā€ can often be reasoned with because they have actual values. But undisciplined people often have no set values and that makes it more difficult to find common ground.
What Lett said is horrifying.
Best description so far. I made the comment when I watched it, "look at his little grin after he says that. It's like he's saying, 'Look how clever I am, I just shared my superior intellect with the rest of you little minions.'" He's so proud of himself. It's crazy to me, how disgusting they all seem now when just 2 years ago I was completely oblivious to how bad it really is.

It's really telling, because since I have stopped believing they "are Jehovah's channel", I've stopped glazing over everything they do and say, so now I see things without that rose colored lens, it's really remarkable.
Best description so far. I made the comment when I watched it, "look at his little grin after he says that. It's like he's saying, 'Look how clever I am, I just shared my superior intellect with the rest of you little minions.'" He's so proud of himself. It's crazy to me, how disgusting they all seem now when just 2 years ago I was completely oblivious to how bad it really is.

It's really telling, because since I have stopped believing they "are Jehovah's channel", I've stopped glazing over everything they do and say, so now I see things without that rose colored lens, it's really remarkable.
I wonder if they have gotten worse because the power they have has corrupted them. How long will it be before they replace Jehovah & Jesus.
I was discussing this with my husband and he said that weā€™re wrong in thinking that Lett is a loose canon. He says exactly what the others think. Otherwise he would get his marching orders like Ray Franz.
I agree, too. I think they speak mindlessly because 1. isolation in an ivory tower with no feedback, and 2. becoming video stars (in their own eyes) So much of Prov. 18 could apply that I couldn't just pick one ;)
Does anybody think what Lett said about enemy babies is interesting seeing Roe vs Wade was overturned. Is that just a coincidence or is he virtual signaling to the left?
I was thinking this initially but in the comments section of the video i posted earlier in this thread, someone refers to a compilation video that someone made of Lett's similar disparaging remarks about children over the years. I haven't watched it yet but if that is true it means this is a long standing mindset among the GB.
I was also watching a video of an interview from the early 80s with two EX JW's and one of them mentioned that a GB member back then made the regular statement that little rats grow into big rats. So it seems this is a long standing attitude within the top ranks. How revealing.
I remember a brother walking down the aisle with his 3 year son and a wooden spoon. My mom thought it was hilarious. So true about the jw schedule not being child friendly. Two late bedtimes until they canceled the book study, plus one or two missed naps on the weekend. Conventions were a nightmare with three under three.
I hesitate to comment on things like this, for two reasons, my wife want's to remain anonymous, and therefore I do as well...so this comment if read by someone who knows this story will know who I am ,(I guess that's one reason), anyway...my older brother basically bragged about how he'd take his son out and "spank" him, and if he made a scene he'd tell his son he'd get two spankings. In other words he'd tell him, if you disrupt the meeting, you're getting a spanking, and if you pitch a fit when I take you to the back to get a spanking, I'm spanking you twice." So he'd take him out, he'd make a scene, he'd spank him, wait for him to calm down, and then say, time for your second spanking. And he followed through.

Both his kids "left the truth", and he gives me child rearing advice. LOL.

He laments that "Satan just uses your kids against you." Yeah...whatever emoji/expression you want to insert here go ahead!

This is really hard to write because I am ashamed. I am embarrassed that this is my family. But I am not surprised, two of my brothers committed suicide. But still, I know there is good in my family. WT has twisted them so badly. My brother told his son, "In the new system your Mom and me can have new kids and maybe we'll name them blank and blank." His son and daughters names. He told me this himself. We are so broken by WT! "Tested beyond what we can bare." Tell that to my two dead brothers.

I try really hard not to judge my brother. I am convinced he means well, but he's been twisted so badly by WT. Regardless, knowing him the way I do, is a big contributing factor, why I know the WT and GB cannot possibly have God's spirit.

This is why I have no tolerance for people making excuses for the GB and or WT on this forum. If you have arrived here, you woke up, or you're a damn plant/spy/trouble maker...

Save your excuses for the brainwashed masses who are still boot-lickers!
I was thinking this initially but in the comments section of the video i posted earlier in this thread, someone refers to a compilation video that someone made of Lett's similar disparaging remarks about children over the years. I haven't watched it yet but if that is true it means this is a long standing mindset among the GB.
I was also watching a video of an interview from the early 80s with two EX JW's and one of them mentioned that a GB member back then made the regular statement that little rats grow into big rats. So it seems this is a long standing attitude within the top ranks. How revealing.
That would be me....I'll find it and post it. I meant to before anyway!
someone refers to a compilation video that someone made of Lett's similar disparaging remarks about children over the years.
Start around the 7 minute mark, but this is his Steven Lett's niece, she comments that her daughter is named Sophie before that, but also her brother was gay and committed suicide, and Lett made his infamous talked about if "your resurrected and you were gay before, you'll have to change or you'll die again."

Here's the link....

AND AT 17:20...
His nephew who killed himself was gay....(I'm not defending gay people, i think it's a mental disorder)...buyt this is so0meone who has no empathy! No empathy, for his own family, and none for you!
I hesitate to comment on things like this, for two reasons, my wife want's to remain anonymous, and therefore I do as well...so this comment if read by someone who knows this story will know who I am ,(I guess that's one reason), anyway...my older brother basically bragged about how he'd take his son out and "spank" him, and if he made a scene he'd tell his son he'd get two spankings. In other words he'd tell him, if you disrupt the meeting, you're getting a spanking, and if you pitch a fit when I take you to the back to get a spanking, I'm spanking you twice." So he'd take him out, he'd make a scene, he'd spank him, wait for him to calm down, and then say, time for your second spanking. And he followed through.

Both his kids "left the truth", and he gives me child rearing advice. LOL.

He laments that "Satan just uses your kids against you." Yeah...whatever emoji/expression you want to insert here go ahead!

This is really hard to write because I am ashamed. I am embarrassed that this is my family. But I am not surprised, two of my brothers committed suicide. But still, I know there is good in my family. WT has twisted them so badly. My brother told his son, "In the new system your Mom and me can have new kids and maybe we'll name them blank and blank." His son and daughters names. He told me this himself. We are so broken by WT! "Tested beyond what we can bare." Tell that to my two dead brothers.

I try really hard not to judge my brother. I am convinced he means well, but he's been twisted so badly by WT. Regardless, knowing him the way I do, is a big contributing factor, why I know the WT and GB cannot possibly have God's spirit.

This is why I have no tolerance for people making excuses for the GB and or WT on this forum. If you have arrived here, you woke up, or you're a damn plant/spy/trouble maker...

Save your excuses for the brainwashed masses who are still boot-lickers!
I am sorry to read this. I also have a sibling who has committed suicide and equally have a messed up growing up family. My siblings who died was messed up with the WT I wish he was still here to share this site and the info Robert King has shared with all of us, it would of made a difference.
Yes, we can share our spirituality with each other by looking at them in the privacy of our home. (Heavy sarcasm)
Badges?? I don't need no stinking badges!! (name the movie that saying came from and win a signed copy of a print out of Mr. Lett with his customary mouth opened wide and his eyes bulging. I will sign it in his stead and deliver it here in this thread via PDF LOL)
Have been sent these to print out ready for Sunday šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø
I take then, seeing that this is virtual convention, that printing these name badges out simply requires you to copy and paste to all the congregation? No paper, save a tree process? I think if I was hooked up to this convention, I would simply put a nodding avatar on screen for them. I notice that in Lettā€™s speech, he didnā€™t have a signer with him. He certainly needs one to interpret what he says. Having said that, his eyebrows are better at exSplane-ing what he is saying, than his vocabulary, and he is nigh on impossible to lip read with any accuracy. It is quite unusual that more than one of the GB shake their head side to side when using positive speech and up and down for negative. Letts eyebrows go up for questions, down for replies and negatives, along with left to right shaking of head. I actually donā€™t think any of them need a name badge. Their guilt identifies them far more loudly than their words.
Best description so far. I made the comment when I watched it, "look at his little grin after he says that. It's like he's saying, 'Look how clever I am, I just shared my superior intellect with the rest of you little minions.'" He's so proud of himself. It's crazy to me, how disgusting they all seem now when just 2 years ago I was completely oblivious to how bad it really is.

It's really telling, because since I have stopped believing they "are Jehovah's channel", I've stopped glazing over everything they do and say, so now I see things without that rose colored lens, it's really remarkable.
I have come to view my past life as a JW as job I had been given that had to be endured rather than enjoyed. Baptism was a sort of qualifying credential for entry and the long service award was to be an elder, with a pay rise half way through as a ministerial servant. The system seems to break down when you get the sack for doing a good job. Itā€™s difficult to understand really.
I left a convention once because of one of the breezeway stasi nazi guards. Some of these brothers take their jobs a little too seriously. This was at the old Charger stadium. I couldn't stay awake and oh, don't some brothers get super-righteous if you nod off during their part onstage. Sue me. For all I know I've got narcolepsy or some other thing. With all the crap in the food and water I wouldn't be surprised. Anyway, conventions have always been snoozefests for me because of the droning way they speak. I needed to stand up and get blood flowing but I couldn't very well stay standing in the seats and block the view of those behind me. I went up to concourse of whatever they call them.
Brother High and Mighty told me I couldn't be there. I tried to explain it but he waved me off. Wouldn't even let me speak.
He was enough of <insert dirty name here> that I went back and grabbed my books and as I walked past him, I let him know that I was leaving Jehovah's meeting because of him and I said it loudly.
I know I have to forgive him and people like him. Done deal but I don't want to know people like that. At the time it made me wonder if Elders sat around in meetings discussing how much of an ass they could be to the rest of us.
I am so sorry that happened to you.
Watching that segment of clips from Lett, it makes a lot of things clear. This man hates children and projects his disgust onto them. He really sees them as enemies of God, they are born sinners. By stating that kids grab hold of thing and say ā€œmine, mine, mineā€ he projects imperfection on them, he sees their natural behaviour of taking something and maybe putting it in their mouth to learn as behaviour from Satan.

My husband stated that he wouldnā€™t be surprised that Lett (and the rest of the GB) blame the child if they get abused. Just like a pretty woman has to cover herself not to seduce men in the congregation. It never occurs to them that the perpetrator should keep his hands to himself, just like a married man should have made a covenant with his eyes to not show improper attention to a woman other than his wife (Job 31:1)

I donā€™t have children and Iā€™m hardly ever around kids, but when I am I treat them with respect. I hardly ever see my nephew and nieces but when I do, I talk to them. Ask them how they are coping at school. We saw this cute little black girl at the ice cream parlour the other week, she was in a stroller. She wanted the pink ice cream and she kept repeating it over and over. I asked her if she liked the pink one and she went all shy and said yes. That was so cute. How can you blame children for acting like children? There has to be something mentally wrong with you.

Speaking offā€¦. I worked with a lot of gay men. With most itā€™s not a phase, itā€™s not in their heads. My brother had this classmate who always played with the girls instead of the boys (this was in the 70s and it wasnā€™t spoken about like it is today). He wore pink. His whole demeanour was feminine. When we found out later that he was gay and a hairdresser we werenā€™t surprised at all. I know upbringing has a lot to do with it, but being gay is not a choice for everyone. I look at it as something like Down Syndrome, the wires just got mixed up somewhere along the line.
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When he was inspired to write about "remaining single", and offered the advice he did, he obviously did so from a vantage point of having already tasted the marital arrangement and maybe family?
Inspired? Not according to Paul's own words:

(1 Corinthians 7:25)
Now concerning virgins, I have no command from the Lord, but I give my opinion as one who had mercy shown him by the Lord to be faithful.

(1 Corinthians 7:38-40) So also, whoever marries does well, but whoever does not marry will do better. 39 A wife is bound as long as her husband is alive. But if her husband should fall asleep in death, she is free to be married to whomever she wants, only in the Lord. 40 But in my opinion, she is happier if she remains as she is; and I certainly think I also have Godā€™s spirit.

God's opinion on the matter:

(Genesis 2:18)
It is not good for the man to continue to be alone. I am going to make a helper for him, as a complement of him.