Dumb or Evil??

Was discussing with my wife last week.

1)Do you think the GB just followed along with CDC/MSM regarding forced vaccinations? Honestly not knowing about the poison being injected.


2)They were incented to do so and are in on it??

I vote #2
I used to think #1, but now I know it's #2.
Don't forget many of us wrote to the GB with the evidence to warn them, and received acknowledgements.
Absolutely #2

They were already invested in big pharma before 2020
They invested in PPE companies in 2019
They had prerecorded fear porn for the broadcasts - the Native American sister who lost 30 + family members in a few months. Right 🙄
They primed the flock with the whole yellow fever with the Africa branch and the vax saved the day
They had prearranged to have the Pfizer vx on hand for Bethelites and claimed it was an “answer to their prayers”

The GB and their handlers were and are 100% team plandemic. No mistakes, no accident, pure evil.

They knew they would kill off a large portion of their followers and that is why plans were already in the works for the new Netflix style WT 2.0.
So far the consensus is that the governing body is number two. In more ways that one I am sure. I didn't watch much of the GB videos but I did see David Splane splain to us that maybe the jabby jab is from Jehovah. He knew better than that. It's one thing to show spiritual concern for the congregation. It's another to get deeply involved in someone's surgery because of the blood issue but then another to use undue influence to coerce us to take an untested and unproven injection using a technology that has done nothing but kill so far.
There is a point where they crossed over into the knowledge of what they were doing and saying. I keep thinking about the pastor in Canada that was arrested for holding Sunday service. He put his faith in God. What did the GB do?
Doesn't matter if they read it properly or not. They acknowledge receipt. It may have just been a standard copy and paste, but it was signed by Lett. That makes them accountable.
All I'm saying is people write letters to the GB thinking they get the mail and read it. That stuff goes through so many hands, I doubt they even see it.

That said, yes, that makes them accountable. But remember, on paper, the GB has no legal ties to the bORG.
Was discussing with my wife last week.

1)Do you think the GB just followed along with CDC/MSM regarding forced vaccinations? Honestly not knowing about the poison being injected.


2)They were incented to do so and are in on it??

I vote #2
For my point of view, the evidence is the fact that they have not backtracked and they completely ignored what had been religous doctrine to not recommend ANY medical treatment and each person should carry their own load. Why did they do that? This doctrine is still written in books they have published and I even recently heard it in an online video they published. But it’s “crickets” when its pointed out to the Elders, Brothers and Sisters. And, until recently, they were still pushing the vaccine and even requiring it for the schools. They just recently dropped that but they have never come out to admit the vaccine killed too many brothers and sisters and maimed many, many more. Plus the scriptures say they sold the sheep. Add to that, the large “donations” and grants they are on record as having received from what is really Bill Gates and the “investments” in the trusts they benefit from and I’d say its pretty good circumstantial evidence that they received money for it and probably a bonus for getting a large percentage of the congregations vaccinated. Also, they wanted each publisher to report to them if they got COVID and so they were apparently keeping a record of it. Why? The only thing that makes sense is they collaborated with the people who were paying the ”churches” to push the vaccine and report back their data.

Zechariah 11:4-5: “This is what Jehovah my God says, ‘Shepherd the flock meant for the slaughter, whose buyers slaughter them and are not held guilty. And those who sell them say, “May Jehovah be praised, for I will become rich.” And their shepherds have no compassion for them.’”
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Was discussing with my wife last week.

1)Do you think the GB just followed along with CDC/MSM regarding forced vaccinations? Honestly not knowing about the poison being injected.


2)They were incented to do so and are in on it??

I vote #2
Just remember "judge not lest thee be judged". Not that having an opinion on 1 or 2 is judging these men, but there are many variables that we may not be privy too. It could be both 1 and 2. The weeds 2, and the wheat 1.

They aren't perfect, and I don't expect them to be. In the end, the individual members of the congregations need to think for themselves regarding these matters, but they don't. It seems like that in itself makes them just as culpable as the ones who lead.