Has the Watchtower been infiltrated by Freemasons?

@SusanB I believe Mello is banned! Just another troll. Hopefully Mellow's lieutenant is next!

These are not sincere people. They are not truth seekers, they are trouble makers. Stupid trouble makers granted, but trouble makers none the less.

I guess the UN is handing out NGO partnership[s like candy! What morons! But like you said, in another post, they are just trolls! What never ceases to amaze me is these people have no idea how stupid they are and how stupid they look to people who are not stupid!
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they were caught and the article was posted in The Guardian in London in 2001
"They" were not caught. Once again you are playing fast and loose with the facts. Read the Guardian article over. Nowhere does it say anyone got "caught".

Okay so now who appointed The Guardian judge, jury and executioner? You still haven't seen the memo about fake news. A group of journalists from The Guardian were fired because it, like all media have become tabloid rags, unable to shine any light of truth on ANY subject. They formed their own media outlet called Off-Guardian

Well maybe that's the one we know about! LOL! Holy Moly!
Something else for you to ruminate. NGO in 1992 has morphed into a different animal present day. It has lost its luster and appeal. Back then people were hoodwinked into thinking that they actually are non governmental entities, but those of us who study god's word saw through it. We Don't get fooled again...!

Furthermore,This whole business of the wt and the UN didn't originate on this blog, but is regurgitated ad nauseam from the likes of Floyd Devons. How about having an original thought for once?
But after all is said and done I can honestly say that were it not for the diligent efforts of men and women like Robert, holding their feet to the fire, the wt would have been overrun by masons and satanist.

If it wasn't for Jehovah of armies we would have been just like Sodom

5 “Strangers will stand and shepherd your flocks,

And foreigners+ will be your farmers and your vinedressers.+ Isaiah 61:5
"They" were not caught. Once again you are playing fast and loose with the facts. Read the Guardian article over. Nowhere does it say anyone got "caught".

Okay so now who appointed The Guardian judge, jury and executioner? You still haven't seen the memo about fake news. A group of journalists from The Guardian were fired because it, like all media have become tabloid rags, unable to shine any light of truth on ANY subject. They formed their own media outlet called Off-Guardian

The Watchtower hastily dissolved its NGO partnership with the UN a few days after the Guardian article. Of course they were caught. Or if that offends you call it being outed. Personally, I prefer the term "exposed." In any case, the GB knew they were facing a backlash and they concocted a story about a library card because thousands of JWs were calling and writing demanding to know what was going on.
I might add, I don't think I have ever mentioned this before but back around 1995 when I first got online I was researching NGOs because I had read in some John Birch material that the United Nations was using various NGOs to help condition the public for global governance. The UN had a clunky website then but I clicked around and found a list of all of the NGOs that had become partnered with the UN. They were in alphabetical order and I went down the list, and there near the very bottom was the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society. Needless to say, I was stunned and perplexed. That was even before my calling. But I kept it filed in the back of my mind and as soon as the Guardian article came out by then I was armed and ready to go to war.
Ted Turner - As a philanthropist, he gave $1 billion to create the United Nations Foundation, a public charity to broaden U.S. support for the UN.

12-15-12 WT - In a selfish and nationalistic world, it is refreshing to find individuals who can and do look beyond national borders. Granted, overcoming prejudices can be difficult. The founder of the television network CNN, Ted Turner, comments about his work with a number of talented individuals from various nations: “Meeting with these people was an incredible experience. I came to see those from other countries not as ‘foreigners,’ but as fellow citizens of the planet. I began to view the word ‘foreign’ as pejorative and created a rule within CNN that the word could not be used either on air or in conversation around the office. Instead, the word ‘international’ was to be used.”
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The official site further notes that association with the UN/DPI "does not constitute their incorporation into the United Nations system, nor does it entitle associated organizations or their staff to any kind of privileges, immunities or special status."

Nor would possessing a YMCA gym membership, for the purpose of physical fitness, incorporate me into that YMCA organization but the WT leadership would disfellowship me in a heartbeat for
taking advantage of their facilities.
What’s good for the goose is good for the gander as the saying goes.
Ted Turner - As a philanthropist, he gave $1 billion to create the United Nations Foundation, a public charity to broaden U.S. support for the UN.
That is one of the most blatantly pro-globalist comments I have ever heard from the Watchtower. They claim to be neutral but they echo the propaganda of the empire by denouncing nationalism. Of course, nationalism is a convenient tool of the empire when they deem it necessary to pit national groups against each other to further their globalist agenda. No doubt most JWs are too naive to realize what is going on, but a few are waking up.
I might add, I don't think I have ever mentioned this before but back around 1995 when I first got online I was researching NGOs because I had read in some John Birch material that the United Nations was using various NGOs to help condition the public for global governance. The UN had a clunky website then but I clicked around and found a list of all of the NGOs that had become partnered with the UN. They were in alphabetical order and I went down the list, and there near the very bottom was the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society. Needless to say, I was stunned and perplexed. That was even before my calling. But I kept it filed in the back of my mind and as soon as the Guardian article came out by then I was armed and ready to go to war.
That could have been a faith shattering moment there! Most would have had shipwrecked their faith. Plus, it's the globalists goal to get the people to lose faith in anything they hear.
The very reaction that some people are having to this thread is proof that there are some that have absolutely idolized the organization just as Robert has pointed out in his book. Interesting to watch. Either that or these are sent here by the Freemasons themselves to deflect since we're so spot on. Either way, not good.
That is one of the most blatantly pro-globalist comments I have ever heard from the Watchtower. They claim to be neutral but they echo the propaganda of the empire by denouncing nationalism. Of course, nationalism is a convenient tool of the empire when they deem it necessary to pit national groups against each other to further their globalist agenda. No doubt most JWs are too naive to realize what is going on, but a few are waking up.
Wow. What is not said in that comment is that Ted Turner also advocates for China's one-child policy for America (he's dead so I guess I should say "he did") and he also promoted population control policies in third world countries. People really need to research this stuff.
That could have been a faith shattering moment there! Most would have had shipwrecked their faith. Plus, it's the globalists goal to get the people to lose faith in anything they hear.
Wow. Where did you find that video about Obama? I'd love to see the context of that speech. Very telling indeed.
On the same vein, WT has written a glowing blub about Jonas Salk the inventor of the polio vaccine and what a wonderful guy he was

5/22/04 AWAKE!:

Triumphs Over Smallpox and Polio

At the end of October 1977, the World Health Organization (WHO) tracked down the last-known naturally occurring case of smallpox. Ali Maow Maalin, a hospital cook who lived in Somalia, did not get a severe attack of the disease, and he was well again within a few weeks. All people in contact with him were vaccinated.
For two long years, the doctors waited anxiously. A $1,000 reward was offered to anyone who could report another confirmed “active smallpox case.” Nobody successfully claimed the reward, and on May 8, 1980, WHO formally announced that “the World and all its peoples have won freedom from smallpox.” Just a decade earlier, smallpox was causing the death of about two million people a year. For the first time in history, a major infectious disease had been eliminated.
Polio, or poliomyelitis, a debilitating childhood disease, offered the prospect of similar success. In 1955, Jonas Salk produced an effective vaccine for polio, and an immunization campaign against polio began in the United States and other countries. Later an oral vaccine was developed. In 1988, WHO launched a worldwide program to eliminate polio.
“When we began the eradication effort in 1988, polio paralysed more than 1000 children each day,” reports Dr. Gro Harlem Brundtland, then director general of WHO. “In 2001, there were far fewer than 1000 cases for the entire year.” Polio is now confined to fewer than ten countries, although more funds will be needed to help these lands finally eliminate the disease.

Polio was not caused by a "virus" it was caused by spraying DDT on kids:




and using lead arsenate as a pesticide on crops. Read the book "Moth in an Iron Lung" by Forrest Maready.

Also, when the adverse neurological effects of DDT became known and it was banned, polio all but disappeared. The polio vaccine came out and was used AFTER polio had almost been eradicated. The introduction of mercury and aluminum adjuvants to vaccines in the 1930's caused similar paralytic effects in people, but doctors were forbidden to make any other polio diagnoses after the vaccine came out so they renamed it Guillain-Barre and MS and other such diseases.

The Cutter incident was when several children got polio after a bad batch of polio vaccine and some died.

Jonas Salk was a flaming Eugenicist. He wrote a book entitled "Survival of the Wisest" that sells on Amazon for $424.38. Wow, someone doesn't want you to read that book. I had to copy and paste each page into a PDF on Scribbed and it basically shows him to be a Malthusian theory supporter and believes that there's too many people and that resources will eventually not be able to support the population and it will decline and only the "wisest" will survive and that we should use mRNA vaccines to genetically edit people. I am not making this stuff up.

Could the promotion of these two men be innocent mistakes out of ignorance? Possible. But it definitely trashes their credibility.
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In a selfish and nationalistic world, it is refreshing to find individuals who can and do look beyond national borders.
This is from the same WT article linked to above. It was published over 10 years ago. How ironic, the WT was praising Ted Turner for being able to look beyond borders. Now look at what has become of borders, they hardly exist. Millions of people from all over have flooded into Europe and America. It is part of the plan to destroy national sovereignty and erase national identity. The WT is in on it. I wonder why they don't run a click bait banner: Illegal Immigration. What Does the Bible Say? Of course, they don't know what the Bible says. And even if they did they wouldn't say. Here is a little something...

Never heard of Floyd Devons,
I misspelled the name on purpose so as not to trigger the algo's that finance his sex tourism soire's. I'll give you a hint...Floyd is a welsh name. In the welsh language LL is pronounced FL