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White Stone

Well-known member
Jun 27, 2022
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Came from the first generation JW family. I’ve been raised as a JW, but it was til I’m 23 that I’ve decided to be baptized on July 2019 Regional Convention.

A fellow brother in Christ. Searching for the truth since I was anointed on 2021 and at that time, searched the history of the org, and have known the origin of 1914 teaching of CT Russell, that it came from the measurements of the pyramids. Since then, the way I see on the org has changed. Wondered why they don’t change it as truth is the most important in worshipping the Father.(John 4:23,24) Either they don’t know it, or much worse, they know and doesn’t want to change it in fear of being considered as false prophets or false teachers and stumble many.

I’ve stumbled upon Robert’s video when a sister shared a link of one of his youtube videos. And glad that it was not only me who has seen it through. I felt there is a place where I can share with others what I feel and know not to be considered as an apostate.

Glad to be in this forum to learn more. I was also in another group with like minded-people—lovers of the truth.
Came from the first generation JW family. I’ve been raised as a JW, but it was til I’m 23 that I’ve decided to be baptized on July 2019 Regional Convention.

A fellow brother in Christ. Searching for the truth since I was anointed on 2021 and at that time, searched the history of the org, and have known the origin of 1914 teaching of CT Russell, that it came from the measurements of the pyramids. Since then, the way I see on the org has changed. Wondered why they don’t change it as truth is the most important in worshipping the Father.(John 4:23,24) Either they don’t know it, or much worse, they know and doesn’t want to change it in fear of being considered as false prophets or false teachers and stumble many.

I’ve stumbled upon Robert’s video when a sister shared a link of one of his youtube videos. And glad that it was not only me who has seen it through. I felt there is a place where I can share with others what I feel and know not to be considered as an apostate.

Glad to be in this forum to learn more. I was also in another group with like minded-people—lovers of the truth.
Nice to hear from you. Thank you for the intro and welcome. I look forward to reading your comments.
Came from the first generation JW family. I’ve been raised as a JW, but it was til I’m 23 that I’ve decided to be baptized on July 2019 Regional Convention.

A fellow brother in Christ. Searching for the truth since I was anointed on 2021 and at that time, searched the history of the org, and have known the origin of 1914 teaching of CT Russell, that it came from the measurements of the pyramids. Since then, the way I see on the org has changed. Wondered why they don’t change it as truth is the most important in worshipping the Father.(John 4:23,24) Either they don’t know it, or much worse, they know and doesn’t want to change it in fear of being considered as false prophets or false teachers and stumble many.

I’ve stumbled upon Robert’s video when a sister shared a link of one of his youtube videos. And glad that it was not only me who has seen it through. I felt there is a place where I can share with others what I feel and know not to be considered as an apostate.

Glad to be in this forum to learn more. I was also in another group with like minded-people—lovers of the truth.
@White Stone

Nice to have you here on the forum. Interesting introduction. Looking forward to your input too.
Helps us all to get to know one another better.

And you’re far from being an apostate…we know who the real apostates are.

Like you said, we’re…lovers of the truth.
Came from the first generation JW family. I’ve been raised as a JW, but it was til I’m 23 that I’ve decided to be baptized on July 2019 Regional Convention.

A fellow brother in Christ. Searching for the truth since I was anointed on 2021 and at that time, searched the history of the org, and have known the origin of 1914 teaching of CT Russell, that it came from the measurements of the pyramids. Since then, the way I see on the org has changed. Wondered why they don’t change it as truth is the most important in worshipping the Father.(John 4:23,24) Either they don’t know it, or much worse, they know and doesn’t want to change it in fear of being considered as false prophets or false teachers and stumble many.

I’ve stumbled upon Robert’s video when a sister shared a link of one of his youtube videos. And glad that it was not only me who has seen it through. I felt there is a place where I can share with others what I feel and know not to be considered as an apostate.

Glad to be in this forum to learn more. I was also in another group with like minded-people—lovers of the truth.
Aloha White Stone! Thank you for your intro and story! I am thrilled you found this forum and I know you will enjoy it very much. Take care and talk again soon. - Med
Wondered why they don’t change it as truth is the most important in worshipping the Father.(John 4:23,24) Either they don’t know it, or much worse, they know and doesn’t want to change it in fear of being considered as false prophets or false teachers and stumble many.
Welcome to the forum!!

My response:

The leadership of WT has been put on notice, not just repeatedly but also exhaustively, by the efforts and resources of e-watchman and others, that 1914 is a profoundly false prophetic exegesis. This implies that Watchtower already knows this doctrine is false. That WT attempts to rehabilitate the 1914 doctrine whenever it nears expiry, is also compelling circumstancial proof that the leadership knows it is false.

there is simply too much riding on 1914 for the org to divest itself from it at this point.

That said- the org could conceivably survive wiithout 1914, but it would have to start over, beg Jehovah for forgiveness, rebuild itself starting with basic bible truths, renounce itself as the conduit in which Jehovah delivered prophetic understanding all those decades, the Gov Body would lose its legitimacy and subsequent authority over JWs overnight, and Watchtower would probably dissolve as a media corporation. Many thousands, perhaps millions, would be stumbled out.

Many problems would arise both jointly and severally were the GB to lose its legitimacy, and its authority along with it, the biggest being the fallout from using, abusing really, its authority to compel JWs into these dangerous injections. This would create unrecoverable liability for the GB, and not just in financial terms.
Welcome to the forum!!

My response:

The leadership of WT has been put on notice, not just repeatedly but also exhaustively, by the efforts and resources of e-watchman and others, that 1914 is a profoundly false prophetic exegesis. This implies that Watchtower already knows this doctrine is false. That WT attempts to rehabilitate the 1914 doctrine whenever it nears expiry, is also compelling circumstancial proof that the leadership knows it is false.

there is simply too much riding on 1914 for the org to divest itself from it at this point.

That said- the org could conceivably survive wiithout 1914, but it would have to start over, beg Jehovah for forgiveness, rebuild itself starting with basic bible truths, renounce itself as the conduit in which Jehovah delivered prophetic understanding all those decades, the Gov Body would lose its legitimacy and subsequent authority over JWs overnight, and Watchtower would probably dissolve as a media corporation. Many thousands, perhaps millions, would be stumbled out.

Many problems would arise both jointly and severally were the GB to lose its legitimacy, and its authority along with it, the biggest being the fallout from using, abusing really, its authority to compel JWs into these dangerous injections. This would create unrecoverable liability for the GB, and not just in financial terms.
Well said!
Hi, White Stone, welcome 🤗

That said- the org could conceivably survive wiithout 1914, but it would have to start over, beg Jehovah for forgiveness, rebuild itself starting with basic bible truths, renounce itself as the conduit in which Jehovah delivered prophetic understanding all those decades, the Gov Body would lose its legitimacy and subsequent authority over JWs overnight, and Watchtower would probably dissolve as a media corporation. Many thousands, perhaps millions, would be stumbled out.

Many problems would arise both jointly and severally were the GB to lose its legitimacy, and its authority along with it, the biggest being the fallout from using, abusing really, its authority to compel JWs into these dangerous injections. This would create unrecoverable liability for the GB, and not just in financial terms.

Funny enough, that’s IS exactly what’s going to gappen n the near future when Jesus returns. So whether they like it or not, there’s a big broom coming to do some cleaning 🧹
A fellow brother in Christ. Searching for the truth since I was anointed on 2021 and at that time, searched the history of the org, and have known the origin of 1914 teaching of CT Russell, that it came from the measurements of the pyramids.
That is not entirely true. Russell had originally adopted the Adventist's chronology tied to the seven times. The pyramid measurements were considered a second witness, which Russell referred to as a 'witness in stone.' It was reasoned that since the Hebrew slaves probably had a hand in constructing the pyramids Jehovah used them to impart some secret chronology embedded in the hidden chambers. :rolleyes:
That is not entirely true. Russell had originally adopted the Adventist's chronology tied to the seven times. The pyramid measurements were considered a second witness, which Russell referred to as a 'witness in stone.' It was reasoned that since the Hebrew slaves probably had a hand in constructing the pyramids Jehovah used them to impart some secret chronology embedded in the hidden chambers. :rolleyes:
Same here 🙄
That is not entirely true. Russell had originally adopted the Adventist's chronology tied to the seven times. The pyramid measurements were considered a second witness, which Russell referred to as a 'witness in stone.' It was reasoned that since the Hebrew slaves probably had a hand in constructing the pyramids Jehovah used them to impart some secret chronology embedded in the hidden chambers. :rolleyes:
This is the first time I’ve known about the adventist’s chronology. Need to research more about this then. Thanks Robert. Just goes to show I have more to learn😄
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This is the first time I’ve known about the adventist’s chronology. Need to research more about this then. Thanks Robert. Just goes to show I have more to learn😄
if you want a really good detailed historical account, with citations, of early Watchtower history- its link to its predecessor the Millerite movement started by one William Miller, a Freemason initiate, who created the “Great Disappointment” check out a book called Doomsday Deception: The Rise And Fall of Watchtower by Geoff Unwin. It’s a well researched historical account of Charles Russell and how his early influences and association with Freemasonry shaped his worldview, spurring him to start his Watchtower publishing company.
if you want a really good detailed historical account, with citations, of early Watchtower history- its link to its predecessor the Millerite movement started by one William Miller, a Freemason initiate, who created the “Great Disappointment” check out a book called Doomsday Deception: The Rise And Fall of Watchtower by Geoff Unwin. It’s a well researched historical account of Charles Russell and how his early influences and association with Freemasonry shaped his worldview, spurring him to start his Watchtower publishing company.
I’ve heard about Charles Russell’s connection with Freemasonry but haven’t dig deep enough. Thank you, will look at that book.
That is not entirely true. Russell had originally adopted the Adventist's chronology tied to the seven times. The pyramid measurements were considered a second witness, which Russell referred to as a 'witness in stone.' It was reasoned that since the Hebrew slaves probably had a hand in constructing the pyramids Jehovah used them to impart some secret chronology embedded in the hidden chambers. :rolleyes:
That is the one thing I would like to understand about our history and that is how the pyramids were constructed, their purpose and how on earth they could shape granite into such magnificent statues and buildings. Logic tells me they were pre-flood, because the theories promulgated post flood are nonsensical with their ramps, copper chisels and stone hammers. I ponder if the technology was inspired by understanding of creative use of the elements as there is no evidence for mechanical devices worth the consideration. One day. Hopefully.
That is the one thing I would like to understand about our history and that is how the pyramids were constructed, their purpose and how on earth they could shape granite into such magnificent statues and buildings. Logic tells me they were pre-flood, because the theories promulgated post flood are nonsensical with their ramps, copper chisels and stone hammers. I ponder if the technology was inspired by understanding of creative use of the elements as there is no evidence for mechanical devices worth the consideration. One day. Hopefully.
I have wondered if the angles had anything to do with the building.
That is the one thing I would like to understand about our history and that is how the pyramids were constructed, their purpose and how on earth they could shape granite into such magnificent statues and buildings. Logic tells me they were pre-flood, because the theories promulgated post flood are nonsensical with their ramps, copper chisels and stone hammers. I ponder if the technology was inspired by understanding of creative use of the elements as there is no evidence for mechanical devices worth the consideration. One day. Hopefully.
The precision that is seen in the three pyramids is uncanny. Numbers behind the comma are used that we in this day and age don't even calculate with. So I tend to agree that they are pre-flood and that the Nephilims sure had something to do with them. At least their fathers were involved.
I have wondered if the angles had anything to do with the building.
The angles obtained in building were certainly accurate to within less than a few millimetres. I forget how much, but certainly a system of measurement that was not equalled until laser measurement was established. Not only that but they were built on a linear system that stretched between continents. Given that, the measurements had to have been triangulated from the stars and with a similar purpose in mind. As people as late the 1500s were still being executed for stating that the sun orbited the earth, geometry had regressed since the building of the pyramids to junior school level.
Came from the first generation JW family. I’ve been raised as a JW, but it was til I’m 23 that I’ve decided to be baptized on July 2019 Regional Convention.

A fellow brother in Christ. Searching for the truth since I was anointed on 2021 and at that time, searched the history of the org, and have known the origin of 1914 teaching of CT Russell, that it came from the measurements of the pyramids. Since then, the way I see on the org has changed. Wondered why they don’t change it as truth is the most important in worshipping the Father.(John 4:23,24) Either they don’t know it, or much worse, they know and doesn’t want to change it in fear of being considered as false prophets or false teachers and stumble many.

I’ve stumbled upon Robert’s video when a sister shared a link of one of his youtube videos. And glad that it was not only me who has seen it through. I felt there is a place where I can share with others what I feel and know not to be considered as an apostate.

Glad to be in this forum to learn more. I was also in another group with like minded-people—lovers of the truth.
We hope you have lots of questions. We are pregnant with answers in birth pains' nowhere to deliver them. Our former brothers and sisters, they have rejected knowledge. Hos 4:6. Welcome!
That is the one thing I would like to understand about our history and that is how the pyramids were constructed, their purpose and how on earth they could shape granite into such magnificent statues and buildings. Logic tells me they were pre-flood, because the theories promulgated post flood are nonsensical with their ramps, copper chisels and stone hammers. I ponder if the technology was inspired by understanding of creative use of the elements as there is no evidence for mechanical devices worth the consideration. One day. Hopefully.
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