How would you feel about working for employers in christendom?

I drive to a town about 2.5 hours away on Monday and drive back on Friday. I live out of hotels during the week and eat at the company's expense. Some people would hate that but I kind of like it.

Yeah, that's the thing, the whole stumbling others thing. Keep it on the QT and you should be fine. If it doesn't bother your conscience...and you need to work in a very difficult economy then I can't see how you can be faulted. As long as they don't start pushing you to participate in their religion.
Unfortunately I think it would be impossible for me to keep it on the QT, especially if I start attending a new congregation (because I would have to move), and I'm sure there will be questions about not only what I do, but also for which school and the details people tend to ask. I don't know how I could work around that situation. I can't really think of a good enough vague response. So I would certainly have to probably deal with everyone knowing.

As a side note, though, currently I have achieved a successful fade as of recently. So I am deciding whether or not I want to un-fade or not. I think I would honestly like to un-fade, primarily to have a fuller ministry. But it certainly would be more convenient to stay faded, especially considering how difficult it was for me to fade in the first place, as well as the impending work situation. At least I can make a lateral move there if need-be.
Update: I had a conversation with one of the administration members last week, they asked my denomination and I told them JW. They didn't say anything that would have led me to believe that I would be automatically discounted. Nonetheless I just received an email tonight saying that I couldn't be hired due to my beliefs not aligning with the institution's. At least it narrows down my choices and I won't have to worry about certain things with that opportunity any longer.

Had another interview earlier at a Franciscan school and it seems like they are much more lax about hiring people from other denominations. I have another interview lined up Wednesday with a school affiliated with the Lutheran church. I honestly wouldn't mind the public sector but I haven't seen any postings in a while.
Update: Reached the second level of an interview at another baptist school which I will be having tomorrow afternoon, with admin this time. The supervisor didn't say anything about anything religious at all, so I think that is a good sign. Though, we'll see if the higher ups will throw anything at me tomorrow. I really need this job. We'll see.
Update: Reached the second level of an interview at another baptist school which I will be having tomorrow afternoon, with admin this time. The supervisor didn't say anything about anything religious at all, so I think that is a good sign. Though, we'll see if the higher ups will throw anything at me tomorrow. I really need this job. We'll see.
I really hope it works out for you. Keep it in your prayers. This is from a guy who was unemployed for 2.5 years. It's terrible. The savings I burned through... At least I avoided the stroke poke.
I really hope it works out for you. Keep it in your prayers. This is from a guy who was unemployed for 2.5 years. It's terrible. The savings I burned through... At least I avoided the stroke poke.
Thank you brother. I feel you there. I lost my job that I really enjoyed during the start of the pandemic and was unemployed until this past April. Began working for a big company and a different job that I ended up hating, and only lasted for a few months before quitting, and so I'm back to being unemployed again. Had to relocate all over and burned up a lot of money doing these things. Inflation is no joke. Hoping this one will work out. I hope your situation has gotten a lot better.
Thank you brother. I feel you there. I lost my job that I really enjoyed during the start of the pandemic and was unemployed until this past April. Began working for a big company and a different job that I ended up hating, and only lasted for a few months before quitting, and so I'm back to being unemployed again. Had to relocate all over and burned up a lot of money doing these things. Inflation is no joke. Hoping this one will work out. I hope your situation has gotten a lot better.
I'm working a job now as a contractor. Less pay but I don't mind the work. I get the work done and they leave me alone, mostly. They promised a handful of us a few months back that they would actually hire us, you know, with benefits, etc. I'm beginning to see they promise everyone that just to keep them working. I don't much care, as long as I can keep busy until spring and then I'll start looking elsewhere again. I'll have built up some savings by then. I think a lot of the problem is management. There are layers of management above me and, TBH, they are mostly useless. Clocking their time to make sure my work gets them a fat bonus at the end of the year. Another problem is outsourcing. I could tell you stories, quite humorous actually, but I'll avoid going off on a tangent anymore than I've already done.

It's the way companies are these days. But I've got as much love and loyalty for them as they have for me. No one's fooling me anymore.

You never know where a job will come from so don't limit your opportunities. It may not be in your chosen field but that's OK.

Not that I'm a righteous man who's prayers hold a lot of weight with the Almighty but I've prayed that you find a job. If more on here do that, I'm sure it would help. James 5:16 Jehovah knows you need to work to survive. He'll help you get something, I'm confident.
I'm working a job now as a contractor. Less pay but I don't mind the work. I get the work done and they leave me alone, mostly. They promised a handful of us a few months back that they would actually hire us, you know, with benefits, etc. I'm beginning to see they promise everyone that just to keep them working. I don't much care, as long as I can keep busy until spring and then I'll start looking elsewhere again. I'll have built up some savings by then. I think a lot of the problem is management. There are layers of management above me and, TBH, they are mostly useless. Clocking their time to make sure my work gets them a fat bonus at the end of the year. Another problem is outsourcing. I could tell you stories, quite humorous actually, but I'll avoid going off on a tangent anymore than I've already done.

It's the way companies are these days. But I've got as much love and loyalty for them as they have for me. No one's fooling me anymore.

You never know where a job will come from so don't limit your opportunities. It may not be in your chosen field but that's OK.

Not that I'm a righteous man who's prayers hold a lot of weight with the Almighty but I've prayed that you find a job. If more on here do that, I'm sure it would help. James 5:16 Jehovah knows you need to work to survive. He'll help you get something, I'm confident.
Thank you so much brother, that's very kind of you. I appreciate the insight. Honestly I don't care about how much I make, just that it's enough, and that it's something tolerable, that's all. I didn't make much at all on my past job, but I really enjoyed it and I also really liked where I lived. Even the cong there was pretty decent, as decent as they can be these days anyhow. I was considering firefighting at one point, but I realize my health would probably suffer badly from the schedule, sleeping in a strange place with strangers and waking up at 2am to go on calls. I just don't think that's something sustainable for me, and I'm not very young either, it would be different if that's what I went into right after high school. But yeah then I was working for a big corp and just like you said, they dangle the carrot in front of you and throw out false promises just to keep things going. At the bottom of the totem, we as individuals did a job that multiple other departments and higher ups were responsible for. It was salary too and that got abused by making us work over the clock constantly, and screwing people on overtime when they switched days within a week. Terrible scheduling, lack of communication, and just failed in the basic fundamentals. They make so much money though that they aren't concerned about improving or being more efficient. Everyone at the bottom just accepts it and so the malpractice continues. Heard some egregious stories about the corruption and cover ups within the business. Just something I couldn't handle being around any longer. Hopefully the next opportunity is a smaller org or at least has a clear structure. Throughout all this, it's just amazing to see how dysfunctional and inefficient human beings are at governing ourselves.
Update: Reached the second level of an interview at another baptist school which I will be having tomorrow afternoon, with admin this time. The supervisor didn't say anything about anything religious at all, so I think that is a good sign. Though, we'll see if the higher ups will throw anything at me tomorrow. I really need this job. We'll see.
I too hope this works out for you.

I've got quite a few interviews, all the time. Hear back from only a few. I can get a job teaching bio at a public school where there are criminals. I might have to take it if nothing else comes through this month. That one is in Florida. Pay is decent though.

Another is a job I never heard back from, from a few moths ago, and they just reached out to me out of the blue yesterday. I haven't got a response back from the message that I sent back yesterday, though. Weird. But that one is a coaching job at a college in Kentucky which has a loose ties to United Methodist. Pay is not great but it is doable.

Lastly, I heard back today from a coaching job at a somewhat prestigious public university. Catch is that the pay is low since it is a live-in position on-campus, and the head coach says that it will transition into a full-time role next school year, supposedly. It's also in Minnesota, which I don't think I'd be too fond of, but it might be the best step for my career, plus I could save a bit of money since I won't be paying rent. Might be the best choice for now though honestly. Wouldn't cost much to relocate and then I can at least save up. If I don't get re-hired for next school year, by then I should have enough saved up to relocate if I need to. Would look the best on a coaching resume going into the future, too.

Other than that, I'm waiting to hear back from a few other places but nothing else too promising.
I've got quite a few interviews, all the time. Hear back from only a few. I can get a job teaching bio at a public school where there are criminals. I might have to take it if nothing else comes through this month. That one is in Florida. Pay is decent though.
I'm a bit sad to hear you didn't find anything yet. Keep it in your prayers always.

Florida would be a great place to live...well they won't try and force a needle into your arm any time soon, anyway. If I had a choice as a Kanadian I'd move to either Florida or Texas...or a very underpopulated State like Wyoming or Montana.

But as your example shows companies can take a long time getting back to you. You never know, sometimes you'll get a call for a job you interviewed for many months prior. I found that in my case and it's super strange. I understand that's because of various factors including a lazy HR department, a lazy/procrastinating boss or internal shuffling. Companies today are hot messes.
This morning I spoke with the one college with housing and a stipend, thing that sucks is the housing is done in 4 pods so apparently you share a main area, kitchen mostly I think, with 3 other people. That's a bit disconcerting to me. I'm thinking I'm no longer going to pursue this one.

Tonight I just got off the phone with the one college that has been pretty erratic, and they offered me the position. I told them I would need about a week. They run a pretty successful program though and have a decent amount of talent. The other team isn't very competitive but they have a bigger name attached to them.

Other than that I'm still considering teaching science at the delinquent school. Pay is the best, it's a very stable career, and it's in Florida. Going to be a difficult decision with the various pros and cons to these last two options.
A story A man is strained on a island.He prays to God for help.The next day a ship arrives but it had a different religious flag on it .He doesn't get on it.This happen two more times.He refuses both times.Now he dies and goes to heaven.He asks God why he didn't answer his prayers.God said I did,I sent Three ship.
A story A man is strained on a island.He prays to God for help.The next day a ship arrives but it had a different religious flag on it .He doesn't get on it.This happen two more times.He refuses both times.Now he dies and goes to heaven.He asks God why he didn't answer his prayers.God said I did,I sent Three ship.
Good one lol
the I have two opportunities at the moment. I can go be a high lo teacher in Florida, pay is pretty good. Or I can coach at a small college in Kentucky. Pay much less but cost of living is much lower too. Prayerfully considering these things.
I loved living in Florida would go back in a heart beat if I could make it work. I was looking at Fort White to relocate.. the northern part is less likely to be wiped out by a hurricane. The middle of the state is cheaper, but the underwater caves are making some places sink..Florida is a great place to dive and explore a part of Jehovah's amazing creation. .I hate shoveling snow and not seeing the sun for days. Kentucky is pretty. cost of living is less than Florida, but when the GT hits, what does it matter? Choose to go where you can live in peace, I lived in Key West for 12 years , and the water is dangerous, polluted. The fish are full of narcotics that have been dumped in the ocean.( The Blue Paper has that story).
I loved Florida but it has to be on Prayer that I will return there one day..Hope you find some peace with your decision.

Just found out that the assistant principal at one school lied to me about the person who left the last job. As it turns out, the previous teacher got into an altercation at the school with a student. I will be passing on this one now. It's funny because I really was about to call him tomorrow and take the job. For whatever reason I happened to come across the news story just in time.

I still have an opportunity to teach in Jacksonville, and it seems it would be easier to find a place to live there. Might be a better school.

I passed on the coaching gig in Kentucky last week. But the head coach told me to let him know if anything changes. The job was re-posted.

Going to have to decide between these two.