Is the two part convention video "Commit Your Way To Jehovah" preparing us for the Fema camps?

I’m with you on that. I think how incredibly arrogant for them to think they can dictate what we wear, what we say, what medicine to take, masks to cover our face and now where we live?
Just as an aside; quite a few POW camps in Britain were turned into holiday camps after the war. Perhaps watchtower has its Bankers forward thinking on witnesses willingly walking into FEMA camps, to take over the FEMA camps after the tribulation to “house the resurrected ones” and maybe sell them on to Jehovah - after all, they have sold quite a number of Jehovah’s possessions to date. Like the couple that sold their field and said they gave all to the brethren, but held some back for their own use - mirrored today by the GB selling off halls built by the brethren to further the work elsewhere, but somehow, afford a nice new lakeside marble palace for themselves.
I finally watched the 2 videos and there were quite long. As usual they mixed some good scriptural advice but twisted it to provide pressure to stick with the group and “trust those Jehovah trusts”. They kind of leave out the scriptures about putting ones to the test to make sure they are faithful, which test the org has already failed. They also used fear as a tool for manipulation. Their mentioning a “Kingdom Hall” inside the camp is also weird to me because I never felt like there was anything particularly special about the KHall and I always felt it was the people that made the congregation. Jehovah will remember his loyal ones.

These videos made me think of John the Baptizer. He preached their need for repentance and he was baptizing his disciples. The bible doesn’t explicitly say how successful John the Baptizer was except that 2 of Jesus apostles had previously been disciples of John. The scriptures also mention that he baptized many tax collectors and prostitutes but not many if any Pharisees. It appears that John was a Levite and was at the age where they usually perform priestly duties but he did not enter the priestly service and was preaching in the “wilderness of Judea”. So, in John’s case, he does not appear to have been an insider at the temple. I found that interesting. And, I cannot recall a scripture that shows our salvation will come from being part of a group, except for when we will symbolically grab hold of the robe of a “Jew”. When the Christian’s fled Jerusalem, I don’t think it was likely they did that as a group and the instructions to flee didn’t contain that admonishment to collect together as soon as possible, although I’m sure they did that once they got settled but my point is that their salvation did not depend on it.
Zechariah 4:10: “For who has despised the day of small beginnings? For they will rejoice and see the plumb line in the hand of Ze·rubʹba·bel. These seven are the eyes of Jehovah, which are roving about in all the earth.”
As I read and reread this, a thought springs to mind that reference is being made here not strictly to the 144,000 but also the rest of the great crowd...slightly off topic
That cannot possibly be true. The verse says that those who rule as kings with Christ were "executed for the witness they gave about Jesus and for speaking about God." If a person is executed they cannot survive Armageddon, not as a human anyway.
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That cannot possibly be true. The verse says that those who rule as kings with Christ were "executed for the witness they gave about Jesus and for speaking about God." If a person is executed they cannot survive Armageddon, not as a human anyway.
Touché...I meant from the group of believers that die before Armageddon, which is not the gc
4 And I saw thrones, and those who sat on them were given authority to judge. Yes, I saw the souls* of those executed* for the witness they gave about Jesus and for speaking about God, and those who had not worshipped the wild beast or its image and had not received the mark on their forehead and on their hand.+ And they came to life and ruled as kings with the Christ+ for 1,000 years.

2 And I saw what seemed to be a glassy sea+ mingled with fire, and those who come off victorious+ from the wild beast and from its image+ and from the number+ of its name standing by* the glassy sea,+ having harps+ of God.
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I, for me will not go voluntarily. The GB have proven to be notorious liars and to think only of themselves, so whoever shows up at my door telling me to go to a camp 'for my safety' will have to carry me. I will never go voluntarily!
Yes, but that's how it went with the Jews in WW2. In some cases, the German officials would go to their house and tell them they were to report to the train station at a certain time. They would tell them it was to transport them somewhere "safe". In one case, a person in the know went to a Jewish family he knew and told them not to go, under any circumstance. He told them they wouldn't be sent anywhere good. The family listened to him, hid and survived the war, as I remember. BUT, some won't be given a choice. We don't know how things will play out. So yes, go with your conscience and spiritual knowledge but some will still end up in camps, no matter what. Jehovah may want you in that camp for some reason. He may want you there to encourage others. Or he may want you there to bear witness. It won't necessarily mean you'll die. But as Paul said, best not to kick against the goads. Pray that whatever happens be God's will just like Jesus did.
Yes, but that's how it went with the Jews in WW2. In some cases, the German officials would go to their house and tell them they were to report to the train station at a certain time. They would tell them it was to transport them somewhere "safe". In one case, a person in the know went to a Jewish family he knew and told them not to go, under any circumstance. He told them they wouldn't be sent anywhere good. The family listened to him, hid and survived the war, as I remember. BUT, some won't be given a choice. We don't know how things will play out. So yes, go with your conscience and spiritual knowledge but some will still end up in camps, no matter what. Jehovah may want you in that camp for some reason. He may want you there to encourage others. Or he may want you there to bear witness. It won't necessarily mean you'll die. But as Paul said, best not to kick against the goads. Pray that whatever happens be God's will just like Jesus did.
Wouldn’t be nice to have just one simple answer? But nooo, we have to pray about it, reason on it and each situation could be different.
Jehovah may want you in that camp for some reason. He may want you there to encourage others. Or he may want you there to bear witness. It won't necessarily mean you'll die.

I, for me will not go voluntarily.... so whoever shows up at my door telling me to go to a camp 'for my safety' will have to carry me. I will never go voluntarily!

10 If anyone is meant for captivity, he will go into captivity. If anyone will kill with the sword,* he must be killed with the sword.+ This is where it calls for endurance+ and faith+ on the part of the holy ones.+

23 Woe to the pregnant women and those nursing a baby in those days!+ For there will be great distress on the land and wrath against this people. 24 And they will fall by the edge of the sword and be led captive into all the nations;+ and Jerusalem will be trampled on by the nations* until the appointed times of the nations* are fulfilled.+

3 “For look! in those days and in that time, When I bring back the captives of Judah and Jerusalem,

For those that refuse the mark, they cannot buy or sell...

16 It puts under compulsion all people—the small and the great, the rich and the poor, the free and the slaves—that these should be marked on their right hand or on their forehead,+ 17 and that nobody can buy or sell except a person having the mark, the name+ of the wild beast or the number of its name.+

Translation, no job, no money, no food, no home. Fema camps will look pretty good at that point. All those in the camps are who make up the great crowd, they are the captives that are brought back.
If God wants me not to starve he can always provide manna I'm not going to deliver myself to the guillotine squads for the offer of crickets and mealworms to eat
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Yes, but that's how it went with the Jews in WW2. In some cases, the German officials would go to their house and tell them they were to report to the train station at a certain time. They would tell them it was to transport them somewhere "safe". In one case, a person in the know went to a Jewish family he knew and told them not to go, under any circumstance. He told them they wouldn't be sent anywhere good. The family listened to him, hid and survived the war, as I remember. BUT, some won't be given a choice. We don't know how things will play out. So yes, go with your conscience and spiritual knowledge but some will still end up in camps, no matter what. Jehovah may want you in that camp for some reason. He may want you there to encourage others. Or he may want you there to bear witness. It won't necessarily mean you'll die. But as Paul said, best not to kick against the goads. Pray that whatever happens be God's will just like Jesus did.
Thank you for the reminder; I know the tragedy of the Jews and others in Amsterdam and the result.
That I will end up in a camp is not what I fear, nor death for that matter, I just will not agree to go voluntarily. once there I will see how I can help others to persevere.
10 If anyone is meant for captivity, he will go into captivity. If anyone will kill with the sword,* he must be killed with the sword.+ This is where it calls for endurance+ and faith+ on the part of the holy ones.+

23 Woe to the pregnant women and those nursing a baby in those days!+ For there will be great distress on the land and wrath against this people. 24 And they will fall by the edge of the sword and be led captive into all the nations;+ and Jerusalem will be trampled on by the nations* until the appointed times of the nations* are fulfilled.+

3 “For look! in those days and in that time, When I bring back the captives of Judah and Jerusalem,

For those that refuse the mark, they cannot buy or sell...

16 It puts under compulsion all people—the small and the great, the rich and the poor, the free and the slaves—that these should be marked on their right hand or on their forehead,+ 17 and that nobody can buy or sell except a person having the mark, the name+ of the wild beast or the number of its name.+

Translation, no job, no money, no food, no home. Fema camps will look pretty good at that point. All those in the camps are who make up the great crowd, they are the captives that are brought back.
Fine go for it
I finally watched the 2 videos and there were quite long. As usual they mixed some good scriptural advice but twisted it to provide pressure to stick with the group and “trust those Jehovah trusts”. They kind of leave out the scriptures about putting ones to the test to make sure they are faithful, which test the org has already failed. They also used fear as a tool for manipulation. Their mentioning a “Kingdom Hall” inside the camp is also weird to me because I never felt like there was anything particularly special about the KHall and I always felt it was the people that made the congregation. Jehovah will remember his loyal ones.

These videos made me think of John the Baptizer. He preached their need for repentance and he was baptizing his disciples. The bible doesn’t explicitly say how successful John the Baptizer was except that 2 of Jesus apostles had previously been disciples of John. The scriptures also mention that he baptized many tax collectors and prostitutes but not many if any Pharisees. It appears that John was a Levite and was at the age where they usually perform priestly duties but he did not enter the priestly service and was preaching in the “wilderness of Judea”. So, in John’s case, he does not appear to have been an insider at the temple. I found that interesting. And, I cannot recall a scripture that shows our salvation will come from being part of a group, except for when we will symbolically grab hold of the robe of a “Jew”. When the Christian’s fled Jerusalem, I don’t think it was likely they did that as a group and the instructions to flee didn’t contain that admonishment to collect together as soon as possible, although I’m sure they did that once they got settled but my point is that their salvation did not depend on it.
Excellent insights on John the Baptizer
This post by Robert I think clears up what JW's need to expect and do when WT falls:

According to the prophets the judgment of the sword, famine and pestilence came against those who refused to obey Jehovah and surrender to the king of Babylon. Those who did obey survived, albeit in captivity.

By shifting Jacob’s captivity to the ancient past and relegating war, famine and pestilence to the recent past, the Governing Body are prophesying lies to Jehovah’s Witnesses. The outbreak of World War Three will bring their whitewashed wall of lies crashing down. And into captivity will go Jehovah’s Witnesses!