Jesus Name - Proof of the GB's Deceptive Teaching of the Faithful Slave

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The fact that the Watchtower has accomplished what Jesus said would be accomplished prior to the end is proof. Obviously, the Devil has blinded you to that. But as I said, you do not know the judgments of Jehovah. Neither does the leadership of Jehovah's organization. Christ has accomplished his work in spite of the fact that he has allowed the seed of Satan to sit in the driver's seat so to speak. You are wrong again, not that it is your personal error, but you are working off the WT's own delusion that it has God's unqualified approval. It doesn't. Christ's imminent coming will be with the fire of a refiner and a lot of people are going to feel the heat.
You still did not answer the question directly. I never said that God did not accomplish some things through individual Christians in the Watchtower. For example he used me to help many people while I was a JW. God also used Christians in Bible societies to translate the Bible into obscure languages, enduring malaria and persecution, yet it did not prove their denomination was "God's organization", which is the issue at hand.

I am not blinded to anything. I see where people have benefited in Bible knowledge is association with the Watchtower, and I see where people committed suicide due to the over-applied shunning direction. I see the good and the bad. I see Christians outside the Watchtower who have Jehovah's blessing. You put Jehovah and Jesus in a man-made sectarian box. The God of Heaven is not bound by man-made sectarian fences.

In balance, I don't believe that the Watchtower had an exclusive on "the good news." And my understanding is there was never a point, from 1879-2023 where I could see Jehovah and Jesus approving the Watchtower as his "exclusive organization." That does not make me 'blinded by the Devil' and 'not knowing the judgements of Jehovah'.
Having read this whole thread I would like to make a couple comments. @Joe MacTeeg I completely see where you are coming from. However, I think Jehovah has used WT for a number of reasons. Not the least of which is where Jesus said Jehovah would "make the rocks cry out" if he did not have people to do it. He uses whomever he chooses. And the fact that we know God's name, the truth about the Trinity, the condition of the soul, well who gets that credit? Jehovah of course, but he used WT to accomplish it. Now I think you could make the argument that WT was never excatly what it claimed to be. Would you argue that Israel was not God's people, prior to the destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans? But had they stopped having God's favor when Jesus began his ministry? And what about when Jehovah threatened to wipe out all of Israel after the Golden Calf incident.

Regardless, I think your questions are valid and should not be minimized.

@Watchman Brother you indeed come off very abrasive sometimes. I had four jerk brothers who were raised by WT and were almost always worse than anything I have seen you say on this forum, so you don't bother me in the least, and I have learned over the last 25 some odd years not to be dogmatic on anything really. I believe the most important quality any of us can have is humility! The only time I deviate from that is when I am provoked and see others unjustly treated. You could tone down your responses slightly and it would be better for everyone. However, I think it's just your personality and I don't take it personally, but I think some take it the wrong way, and as I ever commented in the past, so much of human communication is lost "in translation" over this "online" format!

Now maybe I opened myself up to criticism, indeed there is plenty to criticize, but I think this place is served better if we had less in fighting...however...that is what we are in Satan's system, imperfect humans who "can not direct his steps."
I don’t like to see my favorite people arguing. And, I really hesitate to comment on anything in this thread because I know less than nothing. And, yet sometimes I can‘t help myself.

1 Peter 2:4: “ As you come to him, a living stone rejected by mend but chosen, precious to God, you yourselves as living stones are being built up into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood, in order to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.”

It is my belief that the ”house of God” is in fact the anointed ones and most are within the Watchtower Org but not all. They are the ones who will be judged first, which likely is the separating of the wheat and the weeds. The actual corporation of the Watchtower and its KH’s are perhaps a part of the whitewashed wall that falls down with the false teachings also being a part of the whitewashed wall.
Hi Driven. Sincere question. How many "anointed" JW's do you know who did not endorse the genetic altering, fetal cell, clot shots?
Shots fired. If we had strong shepherds from the beginning of the cvd mess we may have never ended up here. Unfortunately here we are and for many of us we see WT in ashes and the GB are an embarrassing joke. Robert I’m saddened that my polite disagreement equals spiritual blindness in your opinion. That was a very GB response - shut down and discredit. Joe you have fire and I respect a good debate and hunger for truth - we should all want that. After the GB gag order to the elders last year I am fiercely opposed to any organization that will not allow questioning or disagreement and demand complete obedience.


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I wasn't going to say anything but now I have to. I glanced over & it seems people are arguing about history, specific words, etc. From my personal experience when I took that approach, I almost shipwrecked my faith. The problem is most people are looking for the perfect place in this domain of existence & they fall into despair when they can't find it. Let's face it folks, this world is far from perfect & borderline FUBAR. It's to the point some people think this domain is the work of an evil Demiurge that is using this place as a means to harvest peoples chi (yes it goes even further), & to be frank I can see why. If there's no understanding on basic truth then what do you believe or do? Unfortunately, because of all the nitpicking we end up with people like Lloyd Evans, Jeffrey Daugherty (UNINDOCTRINATE With Jeffrey Daugherty on YouTube/Rokfin/Odysee), Anton LaVey, etc. This is why many are going to atheism & paganism because now people think Christianity is the work of Zionist Jews who want to take over the world & are servants of the alien race the Anunnaki. This is how bad it has gotten folks.
I wasn't going to say anything but now I have to. I glanced over & it seems people are arguing about history, specific words, etc. From my personal experience when I took that approach, I almost shipwrecked my faith. The problem is most people are looking for the perfect place in this domain of existence & they fall into despair when they can't find it. Let's face it folks, this world is far from perfect & borderline FUBAR. It's to the point some people think this domain is the work of an evil Demiurge that is using this place as a means to harvest peoples chi (yes it goes even further), & to be frank I can see why. If there's no understanding on basic truth then what do you believe or do? Unfortunately, because of all the nitpicking we end up with people like Lloyd Evans, Jeffrey Daugherty (UNINDOCTRINATE With Jeffrey Daugherty on YouTube/Rokfin/Odysee), Anton LaVey, etc. This is why many are going to atheism & paganism because now people think Christianity is the work of Zionist Jews who want to take over the world & are servants of the alien race the Anunnaki. This is how bad it has gotten folks.
Yep...down the truly crazy rabbit hole...but is it really crazy? The truth is somewhere in between. The "crazy" is believing Satan rules the world, and yet "crazy" is thinking "Satan does not rule the world!" So which is it?
Your comment was initially misleading because of it’s simplicity that “the heavenly Kingdom has not been established yet”.
The heavenly kingdom has not been established yet. Nothing misleading about that.

Yes it is a simple statement, but the truth is simple, you're just too stupid to see the truthfulness of the statement. Go ahead and tell me when the kingdom was set up in heaven? The fact that you're so easily offended is because you're stupid too. Ec 7:9 Not all is lost we can all keep on studying the bible and will see how simple the truth is.
The heavenly kingdom has not been established yet. Nothing misleading about that.

Yes it is a simple statement, but the truth is simple, you're just too stupid to see the truthfulness of the statement. Go ahead and tell me when the kingdom was set up in heaven? The fact that you're so easily offended is because you're stupid too. Ec 7:9 Not all is lost we can all keep on studying the bible and will see how simple the truth is.
WRONG! LoL There IS a heavenly kingdom, there always has been and there always will be.
The kingdom which you are referring to which has not been established YET is the kingdom of the 144,000 anointed Christians who will rule over earth FROM heaven. I’m not disagreeing with you on that.
I think if you could read and comprehend my messages, you would realize that you’re not in disagreement with me either! LoL 😂 You‘re calling me stupid, but I think you should check yourself, hypocrite.
WRONG! LoL There IS a heavenly kingdom, there always has been and there always will be.
The kingdom which you are referring to which has not been established YET is the kingdom of the 144,000 anointed Christians who will rule over earth FROM heaven. I’m not disagreeing with you on that.
I think if you could read and comprehend my messages, you would realize that you’re not in disagreement with me either! LoL 😂 You‘re calling me stupid, but I think you should check yourself, hypocrite.
What scripture would you use to confirm a heavenly kingdom has been established.
As I try to unravel so much of what needs to be unraveled I end up a lot at Rutherford.

The March 1 1925 Watchtower masthead published a statement (that was published every month for years) that a majority of the editorial committee agreed on the contents of the magazine as truth.

Years later a statement was printed that the majority did not agree with the article 'The Birth of the Nation', (which I just realize explains how the article starts) but Jesus had it published.

The Birth of the Nation article used most of Matthew 25 to justify 1914 and had two errors in the way it explained the 1,260 days (among other things) It invited the readers to get a calendar and follow along in its explanation of the 1,260 days BUT NO ONE DID, because if they had followed those instructions they would have noticed the 2 mistakes. They just accepted it.

The kr book mentions that article as giving the convincing evidence the Kingdom was now ruling. Most elders who sit in judicial positions never read the convincing evidence that set up the government they are representing.

I understand what both Robert and Joe are saying and I wish you would be softer with each other. Robert is a bit more abrasive sometimes but he gets a huge pass from me for all the years he has been doing this and all he has had to put up with.
Sometimes the labels we place on things create more weight than need be or add unnecessary confusion. There might be a bit of that going on here. After Jesus died, let's say in the year 50 or 60 for example, any new Christian with a heavenly hope would have to have some recognition of the apostles. They were the ones that traveled with Jesus, recorded the events and his words. If you were a new Christian at that time, unless you had a unique privilege of spending time with any of the original 11, likely much of your knowledge came from 3rd or 4th hand word of mouth and/or the writings circulating at the time. When circumcision became an issue and Jesus wasn't there to answer it, it fell back to the group with the best credentials to answer the question. Everyone seemed to recognize that as appropriate. There might have been a few dissenters still but they didn't make it into the Bible and memory of them has faded.

When Brother Knorr proposed Gilead some of the brothers gave him a hard time, 'have you no faith' they were reported to have said meaning if you really believe Armageddon is coming why are you getting involved in all this. Some people when they grasped the size and length of the work Gilead would begin (beyond many observer's lifetimes) concluded this is God's work, not mans. I find the lower case gb for the first century governing body and the switch to capital GB for the modern day very peculiar. Still, there are tens of thousands of congregations around the world that can trace their existence back to what Brother Knorr started. That the current GB has inherited that organization does give them some claim. Jesus is still the name that saves but they have inherited the vast delivery system regardless of if the Kingdom is officially ruling yet or not.

I was at the annual meeting for the talk that later became the article 'The Faithful Slave and its Governing Body'. This was the precursor to the talk and article confining the FDS to the responsible brothers at headquarters. (and that talk was not a change, it just used new words to describe what was already in place) I was told at the time the reason for the talk was that there were many younger anointed from democratic countries that felt they should have some say in what the organization was doing. Setting aside the issue of when the slave is found faithful and discreet, I do agree there is a negative aspect of too many cooks in the kitchen. It does not matter if we drive on the left or right side of the road, it matters that everyone drives on the same side.

Everybody thinks that the Bible does not tell us when the end comes. It tells us exactly when the end comes. When the number is filled. I do not think it had nefarious intent, but considering what was taught and believed at the time, I can thoroughly understand why the brothers thought the heavenly call closed in 1935. But if it was not true, even if reasonable for the circumstances, it was almost an anti-Christ like teaching. It might remind some people of 'you shut up the kingdom of God and prevent others from going in'. Regardless, that teaching never stopped Jehovah from anointing who he wanted and it eventually fell by the wayside. I never believed resurrected ones wouldn't marry and that teaching fell albeit a bit dysfunctionally.

I disagree with your last sentence above, history proves they are unable to mediate the new covenant, they tried to shut it up, declare it closed, even if it was done innocently and with good intent, it was unable to stand because they are not mediating it. You just agreed that the group isn't positively identified until the end so how does that really translate that someone can't be anointed without recognizing them as the faithful slave. This is where those labels get tricky. It might be more accurate to say it is not possible for someone to be anointed without much of the information they have made possible, just as in the middle first century it could not happen without the knowledge the apostles made available. Even Cornelius had to be baptized in Jesus name after receiving the Holy Spirit.

I thought it very insightful on your part to to think they should not be part of a legal corporation when they had already separated. It is very unusual for someone to be thinking about those things.
Were cool AB. You last paragraph was this - "I disagree with your last sentence above, history proves they are unable to mediate the new covenant, they tried to shut it up, declare it closed, even if it was done innocently and with good intent, it was unable to stand because they are not mediating it. You just agreed that the group isn't positively identified until the end so how does that really translate that someone can't be anointed without recognizing them as the faithful slave. This is where those labels get tricky. It might be more accurate to say it is not possible for someone to be anointed without much of the information they have made possible, just as in the middle first century it could not happen without the knowledge the apostles made available. Even Cornelius had to be baptized in Jesus name after receiving the Holy Spirit."

I think you are misunderstanding what I'm getting at. I do not think they have any authority to mediate, I'm saying that they are assuming such authority similar to the bishops of old. The PDF attachment may explain it much better. Its part of a letter I sent to NY Headquarters and happily is only a page long plus references. Maybe its my fault people got so mad at me on this topic because I assume I can post some quotes from a Watchtower and people figure out what I'm getting at. But that didn't happen here. My bad. Sorry!



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you're just too stupid to see the truthfulness of the statement.
The fact that you're so easily offended is because you're stupid too
Wow...why am I surprised?
One of the many things that "raised an eyebrow" for me growing up "one of Jehovah's Witnesses" was the complete and total lack of, "you will know my followers if they have love among themselves." DR.Minus has proven he has no love! He has proven he has a "doctorate" in ignorance and fear. "Minus" indeed!
Fear he might be wrong. The true arrogance of human beings! This is a broken human being! We should feel for him, but don't let him bring us to his level! He's like the left who insist a man can be a woman, and a woman can be a man. There is no reasoning! This is an angry and sad a little man!

His only satisfaction in life is insults to people he thinks he can bully. Well I am here to tell you he rues they day I entered the picture!
And Robert will close this thread yet again, when I beat the bully down into his place!
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