JW Obituaries - Zoom funerals

My son got chest tightness and pain, brain fog as well as numbness down his arms a few weeks after his second shot. I put him on ibuprofen 400mg twice a day with Vit C (they act as blood thinners to dissolve clots) for a few weeks, then switched him over to high dose turmeric, nattokinase, and ginkgo biloba. I have him on a few other things as well to build his immune system (or perhaps salvage it). I can attest, though, that it has worked so far for him. As long as he takes them, his symptoms go away. If he leaves off for a couple days, his symptoms start reoccurring. When he restarts the protocol, his symptoms diminish again. I told him he better not take the booster!! Since I’m trying so very hard to keep him alive!😣 But yeah, those seem to work. But as always use at your own discretion and keep tabs on how your dad is reacting. Really sorry you’ve had to deal with so many in your family circle that have been affected🙏🏼
I'm so sorry about your son, it's incredibly infuriating and awful what this jab has done to so many. My mom has also blacked out and collapsed twice and now has stomach ulcers since the jab. Thanks so much for the regimen, your son is very blessed to have you looking after him. I will get this for my dad and hope his symptoms subside. I pray that your son recovers from his condition.
I'm so sorry about your son, it's incredibly infuriating and awful what this jab has done to so many. My mom has also blacked out and collapsed twice and now has stomach ulcers since the jab. Thanks so much for the regimen, your son is very blessed to have you looking after him. I will get this for my dad and hope his symptoms subside. I pray that your son recovers from his condition.
Thank you for your kind words, Jackie!❤️ I concur on how infuriating this all is, especially knowing that there are people pushing these jabs who are not ignorant of the consequences. I have also seen many in my ’sphere’ that are suffering from all sorts of things they didn’t have before. There’s a great range of reactions I’ve seen locally ranging from rashes and gastrointestinal problems to incredible cancers and of course, death😔 One brother in our congregation died shortly after the second shot having displayed adverse vaccine symptoms. It was just passed off as, ’Oh well, that’s weird but I guess these things happen.’ No connection made whatsoever. However, I was able to confirm with his inactive wife later, that he had indeed died from the vaccine! How very sad!!😓 Yet there’s so many others that tell me, ‘I’m fine so there’s nothing wrong with the jab’ just like your Dad. The question is …will they remain so after the umpteen boosters that will be required? Anyways, my prayers will also be with you and your family! Take good care, Jackie!😘
Thank you for your kind words, Jackie!❤️ I concur on how infuriating this all is, especially knowing that there are people pushing these jabs who are not ignorant of the consequences. I have also seen many in my ’sphere’ that are suffering from all sorts of things they didn’t have before. There’s a great range of reactions I’ve seen locally ranging from rashes and gastrointestinal problems to incredible cancers and of course, death😔 One brother in our congregation died shortly after the second shot having displayed adverse vaccine symptoms. It was just passed off as, ’Oh well, that’s weird but I guess these things happen.’ No connection made whatsoever. However, I was able to confirm with his inactive wife later, that he had indeed died from the vaccine! How very sad!!😓 Yet there’s so many others that tell me, ‘I’m fine so there’s nothing wrong with the jab’ just like your Dad. The question is …will they remain so after the umpteen boosters that will be required? Anyways, my prayers will also be with you and your family! Take good care, Jackie!😘
i’m sorry but are they just dumb or what?
I'm so sorry about your son, it's incredibly infuriating and awful what this jab has done to so many. My mom has also blacked out and collapsed twice and now has stomach ulcers since the jab. Thanks so much for the regimen, your son is very blessed to have you looking after him. I will get this for my dad and hope his symptoms subside. I pray that your son recovers from his condition.
My son got chest tightness and pain, brain fog as well as numbness down his arms a few weeks after his second shot. I put him on ibuprofen 400mg twice a day with Vit C (they act as blood thinners to dissolve clots) for a few weeks, then switched him over to high dose turmeric, nattokinase, and ginkgo biloba. I have him on a few other things as well to build his immune system (or perhaps salvage it). I can attest, though, that it has worked so far for him. As long as he takes them, his symptoms go away. If he leaves off for a couple days, his symptoms start reoccurring. When he restarts the protocol, his symptoms diminish again. I told him he better not take the booster!! Since I’m trying so very hard to keep him alive!😣 But yeah, those seem to work. But as always use at your own discretion and keep tabs on how your dad is reacting. Really sorry you’ve had to deal with so many in your family circle that have been affected🙏🏼
NAC and/or melatonin. but only once a week not every day.
Wow. Sorry to hear your son is having issues and I’m glad you have some natural remedies that are helping. How old is your son?
He’s 24 …right at the perfect age for myocarditis risk👍🏼 I warned him extensively and tried to get him to wait to see what kind of effects there might be down the line. I showed him the experiences of people that were having reactions. All to no avail😔 But he’s holding steady for now and he sees that it may not have been wise. However, he often vacillates thinking, ‘Well, maybe what I’m experiencing has nothing to do with the vaccine.’😑 But he does see that the Health Pass has negative implications on our rights and freedoms. I’ll take what I can get. I told him that if he takes the booster, though, I will bring him back and kill him myself Lol Do you think my fear tactics will work this time??🤣 …Of course, I’m joking (for any who may not have understood the sarcasm in print)🤣
He’s 24 …right at the perfect age for myocarditis risk👍🏼 I warned him extensively and tried to get him to wait to see what kind of effects there might be down the line. I showed him the experiences of people that were having reactions. All to no avail😔 But he’s holding steady for now and he sees that it may not have been wise. However, he often vacillates thinking, ‘Well, maybe what I’m experiencing has nothing to do with the vaccine.’😑 But he does see that the Health Pass has negative implications on our rights and freedoms. I’ll take what I can get. I told him that if he takes the booster, though, I will bring him back and kill him myself Lol Do you think my fear tactics will work this time??🤣 …Of course, I’m joking (for any who may not have understood the sarcasm in print)🤣
i get your sarcasm but i also know how frustréted you must feel right now. I hope he doesn’t take thé booster-

there’s another herbal remedy out there called Shikimic acid- you can get it from dandelion greens- dried are ok- it’s available on amazon- shikimic acid prohibits the s1 spike protein from binding to the cell entry point at the ACE2 receptor. but then there’s the graphene- that can be neutralized with NAC or melatonin- but only take those once a week not every day.

I am so sorry you’re in this situation. Watchtower (the gov body) ought to be ashamed. Kim Brooks mentioned that she is in contact with a “heavy” at Bethel and he told her that the gov body accepted a substantial Covid19 federal grant. Of course nothing this system “grants” is truly free, is it.
i get your sarcasm but i also know how frustréted you must feel right now. I hope he doesn’t take thé booster-

there’s another herbal remedy out there called Shikimic acid- you can get it from dandelion greens- dried are ok- it’s available on amazon- shikimic acid prohibits the s1 spike protein from binding to the cell entry point at the ACE2 receptor. but then there’s the graphene- that can be neutralized with NAC or melatonin- but only take those once a week not every day.

I am so sorry you’re in this situation. Watchtower (the gov body) ought to be ashamed. Kim Brooks mentioned that she is in contact with a “heavy” at Bethel and he told her that the gov body accepted a substantial Covid19 federal grant. Of course nothing this system “grants” is truly free, is it.
He told me each time he was going to wait …and then Bam! He laid it on me that he took the shot. Same with the second. I just really hope he’s learned his lesson cause he may not be so ”lucky” next time considering he’s already had chest pains. So scary!!

Thank you for the suggestions! I’m always keeping an eye out for things that might work. I thought it was super interesting about what Robert Malone said about Pepcid! And he knew that from the beginning but it’s just getting out now😣 But yes, thank you!

And yes, I had heard rumblings about not only the GB but the heads of other churches as well accepting money to go along with the “program”. So not surprising!
He told me each time he was going to wait …and then Bam! He laid it on me that he took the shot. Same with the second. I just really hope he’s learned his lesson cause he may not be so ”lucky” next time considering he’s already had chest pains. So scary!!

Thank you for the suggestions! I’m always keeping an eye out for things that might work. I thought it was super interesting about what Robert Malone said about Pepcid! And he knew that from the beginning but it’s just getting out now😣 But yes, thank you!

And yes, I had heard rumblings about not only the GB but the heads of other churches as well accepting money to go along with the “program”. So not surprising!
i heard him mention pepcid too. he said that he thought he was going to die then took pepcid and recovered quickly. that was a very interesting interview!!!
It would be good to have this grant situation confirmed because to me that absolutely confirms their apostasy.
I had come across something that was from 2017, I believe. It was an article talking about a government outreach program to leaders of churches. The US government was asking for support from church leaders to encourage their flocks to go along with government directives. I honestly don’t remember the specifics on the article but a little googling (or better, dudkduckgoing) will probably yield some results for you. I had also found a more recent article saying the same thing as regards the Covid narrative. The REALLY interesting thing about that article was that it said that the churches were told to use Romans 13:1,2 to convince the sheep to submit. And guess what scripture the GB pulled on us?? That very one! It’s not clear cut evidence but it definitely makes their appeal to that scripture real fishy. And then I learned that Hitler had used the very same tactic with the churches …same scripture and everything …to garner support from the church flocks in his day. Sure makes you go hmmmm🤔 But I’m sorry that I couldn’t provide you with definite references that prove anything. But this should give you enough to go find the info yourself. I read it awhile ago and I go through so much information, it’s hard to keep track of it all. As for the specific grant that Asadour is talking about, I don’t have any specifics either. But hope this helps you nonetheless.
That is one way this vaccine is so diabolical. There are vaccinated people walking around with internal inflamation that could be causing dangerous situations and they don’t even know it. I just a video of a news reporter in Brazil on live television collapse from a heart attack. I think he died. And it was right in the middle of his television report.
Apparently he's still alive and getting better:

But for sure his condition has been irreversibly damaged by the injections and his multiple cardiac arrests.

My older sister too had a heart attack 3 weeks after her first injection. Of course, none of the doctors and paramedics who attended her made any connection with the vax. Though she seems to have recovered just fine, there is no such thing as a mild heart attack, and I'm pretty sure she must have suffered some silent damage that will show later.
Same for my neighbour, who has had ailments since the vax he never had before. He was a runner. Now he still runs, but from a doctor appointment to the next...
Of course, we had talked about the injections, they agreed with me and didn't want them. Until the social pressure started increasing...

Sorry for derailing the thread that was not intended for our stories :)
My husband and I are having similar issues with his daughter from his first marriage. She did not want to get the vaccine, but she and her husband are full time workers for Bethel in the building department. So, she caved under the pressure and she doesn’t blame the GB and she no longer wants to talk about it. So, we are wondering if she will get the booster. So far she has not suffered ill effects other than she and her husband recently have a cold that doesn’t seem to be going away after more than 2 weeks. Sorry to hear about your son, he is so young. My daughter in law is in her early 40’s.
Thank you, Driven! I was talking to my husband awhile back pondering over how much pressure to get vaccinated there would be for the ones that serve in Bethels. We were thinking that it would be intense. Imagine being the few holdouts. The psychological guilt tripping and mob mentality that would have been overwhelming. It’s bad enough in our congregations where it’s still considered supposedly a personal decision. The GB would like us reg pubs to think that there was no pressure …but I’ve seen the letter to the full-time servants. Just like the letter to the elders with the thinly veiled threat of disfellowshipping if they didn’t stop talking about the vaccine. Sometimes we forget that the majority of our brothers and sisters have no idea what‘s being perpetrated behind the scenes. I pray that your daughter-in-law also gets better soon🙏🏼
Hi TravellinRox, What I noticed about their use of Romans 13:1 & 2, they didn’t actually quote the entire scripture. They left out “relative” which is twisting scriptures.
You’re absolutely right, Driven! What they also neglected to include was the surrounding context in Chapters 12 and 14.

Rom 12:1,2 entreats us to present our bodies as “a sacrifice living, holy, acceptable to God, a sacred service with your power of reason.” And to “quit being fashioned after this system of things.” But rather to “be transformed by making your mind over”, so that you may “prove to yourselves the good and acceptable and perfect will of God.”

And then Rom chapter 14 is all about conscience matters …not judging others based on their own consciences, letting “each man be fully convinced in his own mind.” But rather, to “pursue the things making for peace and the things that are upbuilding to one another.” The illustration of the congregation being like a body in ch. 12 also fits nicely with this thought.

And they totally reject the principle highlighted in vs 23 of ch. 14: “But if he has doubts, he is already condemned if he eats, because he does not eat out of faith. Indeed, everything that is not out of faith is sin.” So if someone’s conscience will not allow them to take a vaccine (the reason for the conscience berating a person is not up for judgement by others) then that person has sinned if they ignore their conscience and take it anyways. No man, not even the GB, has the authority to steamroll a person’s conscience. That is between them and Jehovah alone. As vs 22 brings out …”the faith that you have, have it in accord with yourself in the sight of God.”

They could have kept themselves in Jehovah’s good graces if they had heeded vs 21 of ch. 12: “Do not let yourself be conquered by the evil, but keep conquering the evil with the good,” But instead, it looks as if they have allowed themselves to devolve into an evil slave.
Jackie, you can order Ivermectin online for your brother. It is not expensive. As for your father, there is an enzyme Jehovah created that happens to dissolve blood clots. It is called nattokinase. There are numerous companies that sell various formulas. I recommend Vitalzym Cardio It is expensive. Let us know if you need some help.
I’ve requested ivermectin online early today and I’m still waiting to be contacted by a medical provider. My brother is still doing really awful and is now coughing up lots of phlegm which means he has an infection. He may need antibiotics at this point as well. Does anyone know if it’s too late for ivermectin to work? He’s waited too long and is not getting any better after 7 days.
It’s not too late for Ivermectin to work. Ivermectin can help at any stage. But he probably does need antibiotics. He should be able to get that via Telemedicine, but if all else fails, you can use any super garlic pills from a vitamin store. It is not as wide ranging as antibiotics, but they call it Russian penicillin because at one time the Russian people could not get antibiotics and that is what they used. I have used it successfully for myself. You take 3 garlic pills per day for 14 days. Get the strongest garlic supplement you can find.
Thanks so much, I will certainly pass this along to him! I know garlic is a natural antibiotic but didn’t think it could kill this type of infection so that’s good to hear. I hope we hear back from someone soon. My friend’s husband has covid bad also, going on 10 days now, and he went to the hospital on day 7 and they gave him steroids which helped a bit but he said he was literally in and out in 15 min because it appears that hospitals don’t want to keep covid patients around for very long.
That is true. My Mom goes to Scripps in La Jolla and they gave her Budesonide, which I believe is a steroid that you inhale. Her cough was really bad and that helped her. My Mom is 91 years old and she recovered from COVID in December 2020 but she ended up with heart damage and now has a pacemaker.
Wow, so glad your mom was able to get better. What a tough cookie she is! But how unfortunate that it affected her heart. It sounds like covid can leave one with scars depending on how bad you get it. I’ll be praying for her and you to remain strong.
Josephine “Josie” Shoener, 71, of Mt. Carbon, passed away at home on Thursday, December 30, with her 2 daughters at her side.

She was one of Jehovah’s Witnesses and enjoyed attending meetings at the Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Pottsville with her many dear friends. She loved her God Jehovah, and she enjoyed sharing the beautiful hope from the Bible with everyone she met. During the pandemic, she enjoyed attending zoom meetings with her congregation at her daughter Jackie’s home along with her son-in-law John and her cherished grandson Jonathon.

Jackie, you can order Ivermectin online for your brother. It is not expensive. As for your father, there is an enzyme Jehovah created that happens to dissolve blood clots. It is called nattokinase. There are numerous companies that sell various formulas. I recommend Vitalzym Cardio It is expensive. Let us know if you need some help.
An NP finally got back to us last night and my mom spoke to her, she was better able to communicate everything as she’s also a nurse and we were able to get the ivermectin and 3 other meds she prescribed this morning and drop it off at my brother’s who’s still doing terrible. I really hope this does the trick or he will have to be admitted to hospital. The pharmacist had to compound it since the commercial brand is on backorder, he said he’s been filling up ivermectin all week for covid patients. My mom kept asking me if the site was really legit but after she spoke to the NP she was at ease. Mom then wanted to know how I found out about it and I said, let’s just say I have friends in high places 😂 Thank you so much for all your help, I owe you!! 🙏